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1151 |
 | Birth- Kirby, Neil Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirby of Delia announce the birth of a son on February 13 to whom they have given the name Neil Miller. Mrs. Kirby [sic] before her marriage was Miss Vera Miller of Rossville. |
1152 |
 | Birth- Kirkpatrick, James A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kirkpatrick July 22. |
1153 |
 | Birth- Kistner, Daryl and Dale The twin sons born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kistner have been named Daryl Allen and Dale Lynn. |
1154 |
 | Birth- Klingenberg, Terri Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Klingenberg are the parents of a daughter, Terri Lea, born Sunday, February 23. |
1155 |
 | Birth- Kokenge, Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kokenge announce the birth of a son, Christopher Wayne, born Saturday, May 13. He weighed nine pounds, eight ounces. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMillan of Montrose, Colorado, and Mrs. Lawrence Kokenge of Seneca. |
1156 |
 | Birth- Kokenge, Deanna Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kokenge announce the birth of a daughter, Diana [sic Deanna] Lynn born Friday, November 29, weighing 8 lbs and 10 ozs. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMillen [sic] of Mont Rose, Colorado and Mrs. Lawrence Kokenge of Seneca. |
1157 |
 | Birth- Koontz, Cheryl Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Koontz of Topeka are the proud parents of a baby girl born Saturday, April 24. They have named her Cheryl Kay. grandparents are Mrs. Frances Koontz of Topeka and Mr. and Mrs. George Olejnik Sr. of Rossville. |
1158 |
 | Birth- Koontz, William Mr. and Mrs. William H. Koontz of Topeka are the parents of a son, William Dean, born on Christmas Day at St. Francis hospital. The baby has two sisters, Cheryl Kay, thirty-two months, and Marilyn Sue, fourteen months. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Olejnik Sr. of Delia and Mrs. Frances Koontz of Topeka. |
1159 |
 | Birth- Kovar, Aaron Mr. and Mrs. Oren D. Kovar, Rossville, announce the birth of their son, Aaron Dean, on Wednesday, May 21, 1980, at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center. Aaron weighed seven pounds, four ounces. He has a four-year-old sister, Katie.
Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Dayton, Rossville. Mrs. Ella E. Kovar, Rossville, is his paternal grandmother, and Mrs. Frances Elsik, Temple, Tex., is his paternal great-grandmother. |
1160 |
 | Birth- Kovar, Agnes Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kovar report the birth of a daughter, Thursday, April 6. The name Agnes Anne was given. |
1161 |
 | Birth- Kovar, Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. George Kovar, living near Emmett, are the parents of a son born Sunday, November 9th. They have given him the name Gilbert George. Mrs. Kovar was formerly Miss Vivian Zickefoose, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Zickefoose. |
1162 |
 | Birth- Kovar, Kimberly Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kovar of Junction City announce the birth of a daughter, Kimberly Ann, Friday June 23. She weighed eight pounds, 10 ounces. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shepherd of Junction City and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kovar of Delia. |
1163 |
 | Birth- Kovar, Nancy Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kovar are the parents of a 9 1/2 pound daughter, born Tuesday, August 7. They have given her the name Nancy Marie. |
1164 |
 | Birth- Kovar, Ray Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kovar of Delia announce the birth of a son on October 31. |
1165 |
 | Birth- Kratina III, Ernest Dr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Kratina, Jr., Delia, announce the birth of their son, Ernest L. Kratina III, on Wednesday, July 23, 1980. He weighed eight pounds, one ounce. The Kratinas have a nine-year-old daughter, Michelle Salsbery.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Kratina, Sr., all of Topeka. |
1166 |
 | Birth- Kratina, Nadine A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kratina of route 13, Thursday, November 20. |
1167 |
 | Birth- Krische, Robert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krische of Columbus, Nebraska, are the parents of a son born September 25. He has been named Robert Mathew. The Krisches have three other children, Tom, Linda, and Dan. Mrs. Krische is the former Donna Wehmeier. |
1168 |
 | Birth- Kuhn, Ailie Mr. and Mrs. Randy Kuhn, Overland Park, announce the birth of a daughter on May 31, 1974. She has been given the name Ailie Dawn, and has one sister, Amy.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pearl, St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kuhn, Salina.
Great grandparents are Richard Seitz, St. Marys and Mrs. Kuhn, Salina. |
1169 |
 | Birth- Kuhn, Amy Mr. and Mrs. Randy Kuhn of Pittsburg announce the birth of a daughter, Amy Eileen, on June 20. Amy weighed eight pounds, six ounces at birth.
Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Pearl of St. Marys. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kuhn of Salina.
Maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seitz, St. Marys. The paternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kuhn of Salina.
Mrs. Kuhn is the former Pat Pearl. |
1170 |
 | Birth- Lacock, Katy Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lacock of Sandy, Oregon, are the parents of a daughter born December 13. She weighed 6 lbs., 3 1/2 oz. and was named Katy Lynn. The grandparents are Mr. Rolly Lamar of Wamego, and Mrs. Stella Lacock of St. Marys. |
1171 |
 | Birth- Lacock, Kerry Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lacock, Rossville, announce the birth of a son, Kerry Stephen [sic Stephan?], born October 5 at St. Francis Hospital. He weighed 8 lb., 10 oz. Kerry has 2 sisters, Ranae and Lana Jean, at home to welcome him.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCoy and Mrs. Stella Lacock are the grandparents. Mrs. Mabel McNay is his great grandmother. |
1172 |
 | Birth- Lacock, Lana Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lacock of Rossville announce the birth of a daughter, Lana Jean, July 9 in Stormont-Vail Hospital, Topeka. The little miss weighed seven pounds, 13 ounces.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCoy, and Mrs. Stella Lacock, Rossville.
The great-grandmother is Mrs. Mabel McNay.
Lana has a sister, Renae, at home to welcome her. |
1173 |
 | Birth- Lambert, Maudie A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lambert this morning. |
1174 |
 | Birth- Lambotte, John A nine pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lambotte, Saturday December 29, to whom they have given the name of John. |
1175 |
 | Birth- Landis, Marcheta Mr. and Mrs. Ray Landis of Topeka announce the birth of a daughter on May 8th to whom they have given the name Marcheta Ione. |
1176 |
 | Birth- Lane, Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lane, Emporia, announce the birth of their son, Dennis Edward Tatsuya on Tuesday, June 12, 1990, at Newman Memorial Hospital. He weighed eight pounds, 14 ounces.
Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Shoji Ozaki, Daito Cho, Japan.
Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lane, St. Marys. |
1177 |
 | Birth- Lane, Shawn Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Lane, Silver Lake, announce the birth of their son, Shawn Gregory, on Monday, March 31, 1980, at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Topeka. Shawn weighed 11 pounds, one ounce, and was 24" long.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Copeland, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lane, St. Marys. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martinek, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. Millard Copeland, Fyffe, Ala. |
1178 |
 | Birth- Langworthy, Amanda Mr. and Mrs. Richard Langworthy, Rossville, announce the birth of their daughter, Amanda Beth, on Saturday, June 6, 1981. She weighed eight pounds, nine ounces. Amanda has two brothers at home -- Shawn, seven, and Travis, three.
Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lambert, Delia. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Langworthy, Silver Lake.
Her great-grandparents are Mrs. Gertrude Lambert, Boise, Ida., and Mrs. Rhoda Stansel, Nortonville, Ks.
Amanda's great-great-grandmother is Mrs. Mary Droegemeier, Lyndon. |
1179 |
 | Birth- Lanier, Alton II Mr. and Mrs. Alton D. Lanier, Maple Hill, North Carolina, are the parents of a son, Alton Decator Lanier, II, born August 2. Mrs. Lanier is the former Pat Barney of Silver Lake. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barney of Silver Lake and Mr. and Mrs. B.R. Lanier of Maple Hill, North Carolina. |
1180 |
 | Birth- Larson, Garrett Bob and Mary Larson, Rossville, announce the birth of their son, Garrett Marshall, on Monday, December 22, 1986. Garrett weighed nine pounds, nine ounces and was 22 1/2 inches long. He has a sister Charlotte.
Maternal grandparents are Jim and Margie Reuter, St. Marys. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Germaine Meyer, St. Marys.
Paternal grandparents are Bill and Ruth Larson, Rossville. Paternal great-grandparents are LaVerne and Edna Spears, Rossville. |
1181 |
 | Birth- Larson, Robert and Larson, James Twins Born
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Larson are the proud parents of twin sons James LaVerne. Robert weighed 4 lbs. 11 oz. at birth and James weighed 4 lbs. 2 oz. Mrs. Larson is the former Ruth Spears.
The editors got so excited last week in printing the birth announcement of the new twins born to Bill and Ruth Larson that they really goofed it up. The birth announcement was supposed to have read like this:
Twins Born
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Larson are the proud parents of twin sons born January 24. They have been named Robert Gordon and James LaVerne. Robert weighed 4 lbs. 11 oz. at birth and James weighed 4 lbs. 2 oz. Mrs. Larson is the former Ruth Spears.
Mrs. Larson returned home from the hospital Saturday but the twins will remain there in their incubators until they have reached the necessary 5 1/4 lbs. weight. |
1182 |
 | Birth- Larson, Robert and Larson, James 2 A baby shower was given Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Luther McClain in honor of Mrs. Bill and her baby sons, Bobby and Jimmy. Hostesses for the party were Mrs. McClain, Mrs. Donald Queen, and Mrs. Clifford Cormack.
Appropriate games were enjoyed by the guests, after which refreshments were served.
Invited guests included Mrs. Larson, and Mesdames Edna Spears, Delores Hesse, Betty Dick, Phyllis Keller, Erma Hoobler, Margie Hoobler, Myrtle Lillard, Betty Lambotte, Winifred Stach, Lena Reding, Ann Hayes, Betty Murray, Hallie Queen, Irene Davis, Evelyn Rezac, Lorene Harth, Mary Decker, Pauline Swenson, Eleanor Jones, Elsie Rasch, Greta Kelsey, Wanda Parr, Anna Lemon, Betty Ann Wade, Margie Starkey, Halcia Cerny, Inez Richardson, Helen Martinek, Georgia Vilven and Marguerite Klingenberg.
Another shower was given Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Howard French. Mrs. French was assisted by Mrs. William Farley.
Invited guests were: Mrs. Larson and Mesdames Irene Parr, Kay French, Ruth Page, Arlene Reid, Helen Queen, Mary Jane Berkey, Vina McCoid, Edna Spears, Lorena Dick, Christina Zickefoose, Fern Rogers, Helen Wilt, Velda Pardee, Irene Campbell, Ruth Hesse, Melba Gentry, Virginia Gentry, Georgia Vilven, and Mrs. Taylor from Wamego and Mrs. Rudy Kidd of Topeka. |
1183 |
 | Birth- Lawrence, Dean Dean Robert is the name given the son born to Mrs. Mildred Lawrence last Thursday, October 17th. |
1184 |
 | Birth- Lawrence, James Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Lawrence announce the birth of a son, Sunday, January 26th, to whom they have given the name James Reese. Mrs. Lawrence was formerly Miss Ruby McConnell. |
1185 |
 | Birth- Lawrence, Kathryn Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Lawrence of Topeka announce the birth of a daughter November 21. |
1186 |
 | Birth- Ledeboer, Rebecca Bill and Debra Ledeboer, Maple Hill, announce the birth of their daughter, Rebecca Ann, on Friday, December 12, 1997. She weighed eight pounds, eight ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Rebecca has a brother, Bill, six, and a sister, Beth, four.
Maternal grandparents are George and Marcella Lundin, Delia. Maternal great-grandfather is George Seele, St. Marys.
Paternal grandparents are Bill and Molly Ledeboer, Belvue. |
1187 |
 | Birth- Leeper, Lukas Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leeper, Rossville, announce the birth of their son, Lukas Gene, born Monday, March 27, 1989. He weighed seven pounds, fourteen ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long. Luke has two sisters, Micah, age 13, and Misty, age 12.
Grandparents are Ruth Ritt, Naomi Sumner, and Linn Keller, all of Rossville. |
1188 |
 | Birth- Leeper, Micah Micah Dawn Leeper was the first 1976 baby to arrive in the immediate area served by the St. Marys Star - Valley Ho!, but the paper was not notified until last week. She was born January 6, 1976 to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leeper of Rossville, and weighed 6 lbs. 10 ozs.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sumner and Mrs. Ruth Kitt, Rossville. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Keller, Rossville, and Mrs. Walter Sumner, Holton. |
1189 |
 | Birth- Leeper, Misty Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leeper, Rossville, announce the birth of their second daughter, Misty Ruth, on Monday, January 10, 1977. She weighed 6 lbs. 11 ozs. Misty has a sister, Micha [sic Micah] Dawn.
Maternal grandmother is Mrs. Naomi Sumner, Rossville; paternal grandmother is Mrs. Ruth Kitt, Rossville.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Keller, Rossville, are the baby's maternal great-grandparents. |
1190 |
 | Birth- Leeper, Sarah Mick and Barbara Leeper, Rossville, announce the birth of their daughter, Sarah Elizabeth. She was born Wednesday, June 4, 1980, and weighed eight pounds, two ounces. Sarah has a brother, Justin, at home to welcome her.
Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kolde; great-grandmother is Mrs. Lena Kolde, all of St. Marys.
Paternal grandmother is Ruth Kitt, Rossville. |
1191 |
 | Birth- Leeper, Voneita Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leeper of Emmett formerly of Stach community are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl. |
1192 |
 | Birth- Lewis, Andrew Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lewis of Silver Lake announce the birth of a son, Andrew Kelly, born December 3. He weighed eight pounds, ten ounces. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Lewis and W.H. Griffiths of Topeka. Mrs. Agnes Ward of Atchison is the great grandmother. |
1193 |
 | Birth- Lewis, David D. Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Lewis, Willard, son Nov. 4, David Duane. |
1194 |
 | Birth- Lillard, Lois Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lillard May 15, a daughter.
[From 20 May 1908 paper] |
1195 |
 | Birth- Lillard, Mary To Mr. and Mrs. Rufe Lillard, Feb. 2, a daughter. |
1196 |
 | Birth- Link, Eunice A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Link Monday, February 11, to whom they have given the name Eunice Dorine [Dorene].
[Note handwritten 1928, but online records indicate DOB year was 1929.] |
1197 |
 | Birth- Lister, Suzanne Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lister of Oklahoma City announce the adoption of a baby girl, born Wednesday, October 27. They have named her Suzanne Jean. She weighed six pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrs. Darwin Banta of Rossville and Mr. and Mrs. Thearon Lister of Topeka. Mrs. Jerry Lister is the former Jeanette Nadeau of Rossville. |
1198 |
 | Birth- Little, Randall A son was born March 18 at Genn Hospital in Wamego to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Little of Silver Lake. He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and has been named Randall Kent. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Little, Silver Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Preston of Ridgeway, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Little also have a daughter. |
1199 |
 | Birth- Lloyd, Kelley 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lloyd are the parents of a 7 lb and 7 oz daughter, Kelley Renee, born Saturday, March 23. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Fourmont of Topeka and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lloyd of Willard. |
1200 |
 | Birth- Lloyd, Kelley 2 Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lloyd are the parents of a baby daughter born Saturday, March 23 at St. Francis Hospital weighing 7 lbs and 2 ozs. |