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1851 |
 | Birthday- Kesler, John A surprise party was given for Mr. John Kesler Wednesday evening, July 30, the occasion being his 65th birthday anniversary. The evening was spent with music and games. Ice cream and cake was served. Those present were: Mrs. Leo Allen of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. John Kesler, Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Fauerbach, and children of Maple Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kesler and son, Leo, Mr. and Mrs. Bood Reser, Mrs. William Aye, Mr. S.H. Stroup, Mr. Will Kesler, Otis and Nathan Stroup, Misses Florence Daniels, Jennie Kesler and Lillie Reser. |
1852 |
 | Birthday- Kidney, Anna Anna Kidney Enjoys Birthday With Son and Family
Anna Kidney, Rossville Valley Manor and former resident of Holton, celebrated her 80th birthday on Sunday, July 10, at the home of Forrest and Dawn Kidney in St. Marys. It was a very enjoyable afternoon filled with her family, cake and homemade ice cream, presents and many, many cards.
All of her children were there to help her celebrate from their homes from coast to coast. Those in attendance in addition to Anna, Forrest and Dawn were Milton and Lucy Kidney, Loomis, Calif.; Joe and Ruth Kidney, San Jose, Calif.; Pam, Janice and Tara, Blue Springs, Mo.; Mr. Emmett Kidney, Tampa, Fla.; Mrs. Mary Ann Whalen and Donna, Topeka; Jim and Lisa Kidney, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Premo, Mt. Dora, Fla.; Mr. Darrell Premo, Lincoln, Nebr.; Mike and Bryan Kidney, Rossville; Mrs. Al Herbers, Kelley and Erica, Holton; and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Musick, Topeka.
1853 |
 | Birthday- Koci, D. Eugene D. Eugene Koci, Topeka, will celebrate his 75th birthday as guest of honor at a family dinner and with a card shower.
Mr. Koci retired in 1985 from the U.S. Postal Service in Topeka.
He was born Feb. 12, 1927, in Topeka to Dewey and Mildred Koci.
He and Josephine Lysek were married July 2, 1950.
Their four children and their spouses are Galen and Marggie Koci, Topeka; Denise and Larry Figgs, Topeka; Victor Koci, Osage City; and Milton and Carole Koci, Topeka. Mr. Koci has nine grandchildren.
Birthday greetings may be sent to him at 10133 S.W. 61st, Topeka,
1854 |
 | Birthday- Koci, Josephine 1 Josephine Is 75!
Josephine Lysek-Koci, Topeka, will celebrate her 75th birthday as guest of honor at a family dinner hosted by her children and grandchildren.
She was born February 7, 1929, and on July 2, 1950, she married D. Eugene Koci.
The Kocis are parents of Galen and Marggie Koci and Milton and Carole Koci, Topeka; Denise and Larry Figgs, Auburn; and Victor Koci, Osage City. Their son, Delmar Koci, is deceased. Josephine and Eugene have 10 grandchildren.
Mrs. Koci worked several years at Topeka Escrow Service.
Cards may be sent to her at 10133 SW 61st Street, Topeka 66610. |
1855 |
 | Birthday- Koci, Josephine 2 Josephine Marie (Lysek) Koci
Josephine Koci will celebrate her 80th birthday on Feb. 7.
Josephine's husband (Dewey) Eugene, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will host a family dinner at the Hotel Josephine to honor the blessing she is to our family.
Josephine grew up in Delia and is the daughter of Valen and Lizzie Lysek. She worked for many years at the Pomeroy and Pomeroy law offices.
If you would like to share a special memory, photo or card, please mail them to 10133 SW 61st, Topeka, KS 66610. |
1856 |
 | Birthday- Kolde, Leola Happy 80th Birthday, Leola Kolde
We are celebrating 80 years with a Reception on Sunday, July 6, 2-4 p.m., at St. Marys State Bank.
No gifts please - just your presence requested.
Hosted by your 7 children, 16 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. |
1857 |
 | Birthday- Kovar, Charley 1 Charlie [sic] Kovar of Milford will be guest of honor at a reception and card shower in celebration of his 90th birthday from 1 to 3 p.m. Dec. 17 at the home of his son, Phil Kovar, 8316 Younkin Drive in Milford.
Hosts will be his children, Doreen Stone, Topeka; Bertha Dunn, Rossville; Grace Turenne, St. Paul, Minn.; Phil Kovar, Milford; and Peggy Spencer, Blair, Okla. Also attending will be seven of his 12 grandchildren and 10 of his 17 great-grandchildren.
Friends may send cards to him at 8316 Younkin Drive, Milford, Kan., 66514.
Mr. Kovar was born Dec. 17, 1905, in the Delia area, where he lived until he moved to Milford in 1987. |
1858 |
 | Birthday- Kovar, Charley 2 Charley Kovar Celebrated 99 on Dec. 17
December 17, 2004, marked a great milestone for Rossville Valley Manor resident Charley Kovar who turned 99 years of age. Three things that will forever spark interest in Charley is family, farming and lodge, to which he dedicated his life.
He was born in the nearby community of Delia, where he lived most of his life, except for a few years when his parents moved to Texas. The family returned to the Delia community where they purchased farm ground east of Delia on Soldier Creek. Charley continued to farm and live on that property with his wife, Viola (Keller) until selling in 1987, and moving to Milford with their son in hopes of getting in a lot of fishing time on Milford Lake.
On April 6, 1927, at the age of 21, Charley became a Master Mason with membership in the Delia, KS Lodge #419, where he remains a member, even today. Charley held several offices from 1929 to 1995. He was Most Worshipful Master five times — in 1935, 1940, 1941, 1945 and 1959. Charley was also a member of the York Rite in Holton. Charley made every effort to attend Masonic District School meetings during the years between 1929 through 1994. Of the 77 District Schools held, Charley attended 65 of those meetings, missing only 12, a record of which he and his family are very proud, as any Master Mason would be.
When Charley was asked what he would like to have for this very special birthday, he responded, “I just would like to see as many of my family as possible.” So, with that in mind, his family planned a birthday dinner that was brought in for him. Eighteen members of his family, spanning four generations, were able to help him celebrate. Those attending were daughters Doreen Stone and her husband Jim, Topeka, Bertha Dunn Topeka, Peggy Spencer and her husband Jim, Blair, OK, and son Philip Kovar and his wife Peggy, Milford.
Grandchildren attending were:
Lynn Sheridan, Onania, MN, Rich Turenne, St. Paul, MN, Alan Kovar, Kansas City, MO, Kim Kovar, Milford, and Kevin Kovar and his wife Shelly, Topeka.
Great-grandchildren attending were Tricia Dehn and her husband Corey, Topeka, and Hannah Kovar, Kansas City, MO.
Great-great-grandchildren attending were Katie and Reagan Dehn, Topeka.
Rich and Lynn’s uncle, Ted Turenne, St. Paul, MN, was also present.
In order to agree to have his picture taken and his story printed, Charley drove a hard bargain. He extracted a promise from the Director of Social Services, Nina Perry to play Six Point Pitch with him. The last time Nina agreed to play pitch with him, she won the first game but Charley beat her the next three games and was looking forward to this game in exchange for the story. The card game was a battle down to the last hand. Charley won the first game and Nina came back to win the second match. The third match was close but Nina slipped by with a narrow victory.
All in all, it was a great day for this man who will tell you he has one more goal in his life and that is to celebrate his 100th birthday.
1859 |
 | Birthday- Kovar, Charley 3 Charley Kovar
Charley Kovar will celebrate his 100th birthday at a reception from 3 to 5 p.m. Dec. 17 at the Rossville Senior Center at 429 Pearl in Rossville. Hosts will be his five children. Family and friends are invited.
Cards may be sent to him at Rossville Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, 600 E. Perry, Rossville, 66533.
Charley Kovar will celebrate his 100th birthday December 17
His five children will host a reception from 3-5 pm, December 17 at the Rossville Senior Center, 429 Pearl St., Rossville, KS.
Family and friends are invited. Cards may be sent to him at Rossville Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, 600 East Perry St., Rossville, KS 66533. |
1860 |
 | Birthday- Kovar, Dorothy Mrs. Emil [sic] Kovar entertained at her home Thursday afternoon with a party in honor of her daughter Dorothy's tenth birthday. The guests were Alice Smatla, Martha Jane Wood, Edith Marie Cerny, Marcia Joy Cerny, Phyllis Lillard and their mothers, Mrs. Lillard, Mrs. Cerny, Mrs. Smatla, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Tom Cerny and Mrs. Kovar. The afternoon was spent playing games. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. |
1861 |
 | Birthday- Kovar, Emial Happy 90th Birthday, Emial!
by Dorothy N. Hoobler
The soil in the flower bed in Front of Emial Kovar’s neat little house at 637 Main Street, Rossville, has already been readied for planting the usual colorful display of cannas, cockscomb, and zinnias. This spring, however, he’s also planting something new — bluebonnet seeds which he got in Texas.
“The Czech people have always been proud of their flower and vegetable gardens,” ob¬served his granddaughter, Carolyn Sage. Mr. Kovar is no ex¬ception. His home is filled with healthy house plants, and he has always had a big garden.
He admits he may concentrate more on flowers this year — they are less work.
You really can’t fault Emial for slowing down a little. After all, he will be celebrating his 90th birthday on April 4, with a reception at the Rossville Senior Citizen Center.
Emial’s grandparents were among the emigrants from Czechoslovakia who joined the John Stach family who had settled! a few years earlier along Cross Creek. Paul and Veruna Svetlik Kovar and their three children, Paul, Jr., Anna, and John, left the Czech province of Moravia, spent 21 days crossing the Atlantic, and arrived at Cross Creek on January 25, 1874. Although the Kovars and other neighbors settled in Kansas, there was another large Czech settlement around Caldwell, Texas, northeast of Austin. It is still a thriving community Where the Moravian customs are kept alive.
Emial’s father, Paul, Jr., was just eight years old when they emigrated. He married Texan Frances Kovarek — no relation, despite the spelling similarity. One of ten children, Emial was born April 4, 1903, in Jackson County, on the east side of Cross Creek. As in most ethnic communities, the native language was spoken at home, until the children learned to speak English at school.
Mr. Kovar started school at Twin Rose, two-room country school between Rossville and Delia. There were about 30 stu-dents in each room. The family moved to Texas for a year, then returned to Delia. It was once a thriving community with three grocery stores, a bank, a hardware store, two implement dealers, and the post office.
He reminisced about growing up in the Czech community. Classes at T win Rose included geography, physiology, grammar, Kansas history and, of course, learning the English language. Church services were held at the Hejtmanek home, with George as leader. The minister came monthly to conduct the worship service.
Emial also recalled Christmas and Easter celebrations, and the big community Fourth of July picnics and horse races at Graham’s Grove. The ZCBJ Moravian Lodge, which was so important in the lives of the Czechs, still exists.
The history of the Kovar and Svetlik families is included in a genealogy compiled by Viola Kovar Gideon in 1967. “And just look at all the sheets of information we’ve added since then,” Emial marveled. His immediate family, however, is unusual, since there are so few descendants, he commented.
Kovar and his wife, Carrie Cerny, were married August 1, 1926, in a home wedding. Their daughter, Dorothy, married Stanley Davis. Their daughters are Carolyn Sage; Who lives north of Topeka, and Beverly Martinek, who now lives in Texas. Tom and Carolyn have two children, Ryan, 14, and Tracy, 11. Beverly and Dwight Martinek’s son, Dustin, 21, frequently spends college break with his grandfather.
Like his ancestors; Emial farmed, with horses of course. He remembers his first tractor, a Samson bought front a Delia dealer, and his father’s first car, a Buick, probably purchased from Jack-Pott Motors at Emmett. Emial’s first car was a 1924 Model T Ford.
Kovar farmed until 1947, when they moved to Rossville, and he helped with the city’s waterworks system. He then worked as a meat cutter at Wehner’s until he finally retired.
The Kovars were members of the Delia Presbyterian Church, then transferred to the church at Rossville where he is still an active “never-miss-a-Sunday” member. He attends the PSB Rollers activities, participates in the Rossville Senior Citizen program, and particularly enjoys their craft sessions. He also likes woodworking. Carolyn especially treasures keepsakes made from cedar cut from the Cerny farm.
Not all of Emial’s memories are of days gone by. He took his first airplane ride at age 85, flying with the Sages to Mission, Tex. They visited in Mexico and picked up sea shells on Padre Island. Not as much fun was a collision with a train in Rossville in 1985, when he crawled out the back window with only a bloody nose and a couple of cracked ribs. “God was watching over me,” he added gratefully.
Happy 90th birthday, Emial, and may He continue to keep you in His care.
1862 |
 | Birthday- Krasny, Marie and Krasny, Mary Mrs. Rudolph Krasny entertained, Sunday, with a birthday dinner party for her little daughters, Mary Jane and Marie Jean, celebrating their fifth birthday anniversaries. The little guests were Patricia Ann Bennett, Norma Jean Bennett, Marcia Joy Cerny, Edith Marie Cerny, Betty Kovar, Phillis Lillard, Mary Alice Zlatnik, Marie Jean and Mary Jane Krasny. |
1863 |
 | Birthday- Kratina, Frank Frank Kratina, Topeka, formerly of the Rossville-Delia community, celebrated his 84th birthday September 3, 1976. He was honored with a surprise party and dinner given by his children and grandchildren. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitchell, DeLaine and Denise, Delia; Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Bahner, Dawn, Derek and Darwin, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dean, Derron and Danelle, Silver Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kratina, Sharon, Cindy and Bradley, Dr. and Mrs. Larry Harris, Donna and Amy, and Dr. Ernest Kratina, all of Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. John Mitcha and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trumbo, Overland Park; and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mitcha, Jennifer, Heather and Ryan, Ponca City, Okla. |
1864 |
 | Birthday- Lambert, Robert Mrs. Ed Lambert entertained with a birthday party for her son Robert on his 10th birthday anniversary, Sept. 7. Guests included: Robert Lambert, David Stadler, Lewis Weeks, Laird French, LeRoy Dick, Vince Martinek, Darrell Rezac, Kenneth Marney, Frank Woods, Jerry Perry, Leonard Mesmer, and Terry Lambert. Mrs. Elmer Lambert and Mrs. Ernest Rezac assisted the hostess. |
1865 |
 | Birthday- Lambotte, Alfred Mr. Alfred Lambotte celebrated his 87th birthday on November 17. |
1866 |
 | Birthday- Landis, Ethel She's Starting the New Year at 102
Ethel Rice Landis, who until August of 1987 lived in Silver Lake, celebrated her 102nd birthday on December 2. Twelve years ago, Dorothy N. Hoobler wrote a story after Ethel's 90th birthday, extending birthday greetings and wishes for a happy new year.
Her grandparents help found the Silver Lake United Methodist Church of which Mrs. Landis is a life-long member. Although now living in Topeka, she enjoys hearing from her church people and keeping up with the church. Mrs. Landis commented on the changes taking place in the Silver Lake community twelve years ago, saying some she like but some she wondered about. She and her sister, Jessie Van Orsdol, attended the two-room school. This must be quite different from schools students now attend. For 23 years, Ethel was a teller at the Silver Lake State Bank.
Dorothy Matyak, a niece, hosted a birthday party for Ethel early in December at Fairlawn Heights Nursing Center, 5400 West 7th, Room 17, Topeka, Ks. 66604, where she has resided since she moved from Silver Lake in 1987. Some of her "old" neighbors attended. Ethel received lots of cards and gifts and thoroughly enjoys hearing from her friends in the church and in the community. Her jolly outlook on life is contagious.
Happy birthday, Dear Ethel, and may your new year be blessed.
1867 |
 | Birthday- Landis, Evelyn Mrs. Dan Landis entertained a number of little girls. Tuesday afternoon, in honor of her daughter Evelyn's 9th birthday anniversary. The guests included: Maxine Miller, Bernita Hayes, Lulu Rachel Dannefer, Geraldine Fawl, Audrey Hayes, Helen Gager, Leora Hayes, Pauline Hayes, Mrs. Josephine Syring. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. |
1868 |
 | Birthday- Lauck, Virginia Mrs. I.S. Lauck of Willard entertained Saturday afternoon a group of fifteen girls complimenting her daughter Virginia on her fourteenth birthday. Mrs. Lauck was assisted by Mrs. R.L. Pitts. |
1869 |
 | Birthday- Lemon, Alverta and Boyles, Etta Miss Alverta Lemon and Mrs. Etta Boyles shared birthday honors at a party at the home of Mrs. Boyles on December 30. |
1870 |
 | Birthday- Lemon, Anna A birthday gathering was held Sunday at the Community Center in honor of Mrs. Anna Lemon's birthday. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. John Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lee and family, all of Vermillion, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Art Lee and family, Salina; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lee, Kansas City, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lemon and David, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. August Vandevelde and family, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Rezac and family, Emmett; Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie VandeVelde and family, Delia; Mr. and Mrs. August VandeVelde Jr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Farley, Carl Farley, Carolyn Farley, and Susan Mitchell, all of Rossville. |
1871 |
 | Birthday- Lemon, Harold A surprise party was given for Harold Lemon at his home Friday on the occasion of his 15th birthday. |
1872 |
 | Birthday- Leonhardt, Ellen Mrs. Ellen Leonhardt celebrated her 97th birthday at St. Marys Manor on March 20. Mrs. Leonhardt is St. Marys oldest "almost" native born resident. Born outside the city limits on March 20, 1883, she moved into town with her parents when she was just a few weeks old. Her beautiful carnation corsage was a gift from Cheryl's Plantation in St. Marys. |
1873 |
 | Birthday- Lillard, Mary (Dollie) 1 Mrs. Dollie Lillard
Dollie Looks Forward to 95th Birthday
READING HER BIBLE, mending and visiting with her friends and neighbors occupy the days of "Dollie" Lillard of Rossville who will observe her 95th birthday Thursday.
Dollie was born January 6, 1882, in Rossville ... just one block from where she now lives. Her brother, John Martin, is living in the "family home." Although she was christened "Mary," everyone calls her "Dollie." Her twin brother "Dutch" died several years ago.
Dollie was married to John Lillard who was also born in Rossville. He was a carpenter. He died January 7, 1929. Her sister, Faye Harder, has lived with her tor the past eight years. Another sister, Nellie Lillard, also lives in Rossville. Nellie and Dollie married brothers, so shared the same last name during their childhood and also shared the same last name after their marriages. Dollie's son, John Lillard, lives in Rossville.
Friends and neighbors plan to visit Dollie Thursday afternoon and share in her birthday celebration with cake and ice cream.
1874 |
 | Birthday- Lillard, Mary (Dollie) 2 Happy Birthday to a Doll!
Dollie Lillard celebrated her 99th birthday January 6, with a birthday party at the Rossville Valley Manor. She is the oldest living native of Rossville, Ks.
In 1882, Dollie was born in Rossville in Louis and Mary Martin. She has lived her whole life in this community. She attended Rossville schools.
Dollie was the wife of John Lillard and mother to John Lillard Jr.
One of Dollie's great loves is flowers and her garden was the envy of the neighborhood.
Dollie now resides at Rossville Valley Manor and is always happy to have family and friends come visit her.
Rossville would like to wish Dollie a Happy 99th Birthday! |
1875 |
 | Birthday- Lillard, Mary (Dollie) 3 Rossville's oldest citizen, Mrs. Dolly Lillard, celebrated her 98th birthday Sunday, January 6, with a party in her honor at Rossville Valley Manor. Pictured with Aunt Dolly are nieces, great-nieces, and a great-great-niece who all have birthdays in January and February. Front row, L-R -- Cabrina Heslop, a great-great-niece whose birthday is January 12; Aunt Dolly; Lisa DeVader, a great-niece whose birthday is February 22. Back row -- Loretta Devader, a great-niece, has a birthday on January 12; Edna DeVader, a niece, has a birthday on January 8; Catherine Devader, a niece, has a birthday on January 10; and Betty Gibson, a niece, has a birthday on January 6. |
1876 |
 | Birthday- Lillard, Mary (Dollie) 4 Mrs. Dolly Lillard
Dollie Lillard Honored On 91st Birthday
A birthday dinner was given Sunday for Dollie Lillard who was 91 years old on Saturday, January 6. The dinner was planned and served by her sister, Mrs. Faye Harder. The following relatives were present: Mrs. Nell Lillard and family, John Martin and son Donald, Johnnie Lillard and Faye Harder. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graves and son, Corey, and Edna Devader of Holton. |
1877 |
 | Birthday- Love, Mary Wanda Happy Birthday
Please join Wanda Love in celebration of her 65th birthday
Saturday, Feb. 21 7 p.m.
Rossville American Legion
Karaoke with Steve Brunin
starting at 9 p.m.
Everyone is invited!
1878 |
 | Birthday- Lutz, Ethel Ethel Lutz
Lutz to celebrate 90th birthday
Ethel Sumner Lutz will celebrate her 90th birthday on Oct. 8.
Ethel was born in Jackson County and has continued to live there most of her life. She was married to Chester Lutz for 62 years until his death in 1997.
Her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as, her brothers and their spouses will help her celebrate at a family brunch to be held at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Topeka. The brunch will be hosted by her children and their spouses; Ronald and Joyce Lutz, Topeka; Larry and Katie Lutz, Topeka; and Jerry and Jana Lutz, Holton. In addition to her three sons, she has 10 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.
Her family invites you to make Ethel's birthday extra special by showering her with cards at her home in Holton. |
1879 |
 | Birthday- Macha, Chris Chris...Happy 40th!
We Love Ya!
Don, Tara, Brandon, Mom, Dick, Jane, and Cindy |
1880 |
 | Birthday- Markham, Jane Mrs. Jane Markham was given a big surprise last Saturday when thirty-three friends and neighbors gathered, with filled baskets at the noon hour, to help her celebrate her 81st anniversary with a birthday dinner. Mrs. Markham was presented with a lovely rocker and the day was spent socially. The following were present: Mrs. Markham, Mrs. Bert Hayes, Mrs. William Howerton, Mrs. Bertha James, Miss Della Startup, Mrs. Arvilla Sebring, Mrs. Matilda Hartzell, Mrs. C.E. Cless, Mrs. Gussie Ishmael, Mrs. Sherman James, Mrs. J.E. White, Mrs. M.E. Powers, Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs. Myrtle Koons, Mrs. Margaret Kane, Miss Bert Hayes and Audrey, Mrs. Joe Parr Sr., Mrs. Robert Cottle, Mrs. Wm. Hawks, Mrs. Frank Zook, Mrs. Ky Prater, Mrs. Sam Cottle, Miss Grace White, Donis Cottle, Mrs. Jessie Parr, and Mrs. Hattie Miller. Callers during the afternoon included, Mrs. John Shenk, Mrs. Dennie Davis, and Eva, Mrs. Clara May Farley, Mrs. Fern DeGraff and Ethel May, Mrs. John Maus and Mary Louise. |
1881 |
 | Birthday- Marney, William B. A surprise party was given for Mr. Wm. Marney Sunday it being his 66th birthday. |
1882 |
 | Birthday- Martin, Edith Mrs. Edith Martin
Dinner Honors Mother
The birthday and Mother’s Day dinner in honor of Mrs. Edith Martin was held at the Rossville Community Center, Sunday, May 13th. Mrs. Martin will be 84 years old on May 27.
Children present for the event were Mrs. Nellie Martin, Lawrence; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Devader and family, Holton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Magee and Karla, Emmett; Mr. and Mrs. Reid Martin, Agnes Martin and step-sister, Mrs. Betty Gibson and Denise, all of Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Devader and family, Delia.
Also present for the dinner were Mrs. Rudolph Krasny, Rossville; Mrs. Marie Devader and Ray, Emmett; Mrs. Ines Devader, Holton; and Mrs. Blanche Carpenter, Rossville.
Visiting in the afternoon were Miss Edith Devader, Baker University; Mrs. Fay Harder, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin, Rossville; Mrs. Bonnie VandeVelde, Kansas City; and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Devader and Kurt.
1883 |
 | Birthday- Martin, Mary Mrs. Mary Martin was the guest of honor Sunday at a surprise birthday anniversary dinner given at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rufus Lillard. Mrs. Martin celebrated her 87th anniversary. |
1884 |
 | Birthday- Martinek, Agnes Mrs. Agnes Martinek was pleasantly surprised Sunday afternoon when the following children came in and helped her celebrate her 74th birthday anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Macha and sons, of Council Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Vinc Martinek and Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. William Martinek and family of Silver Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kovar and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Martinek and sons, and Emial Martinek. Mrs. Martinek is enjoying fairly good health.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Martinek entertained their club from Delia Thursday evening at their home. Refreshments were served to these guests: Mr. and Mrs. John Wehner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muller, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matyak, Mr. and Mrs. John Lane. |
1885 |
 | Birthday- Martinek, Agnes 2 Mrs. Agnes Martinek was pleasantly surprised when a number of friends and relatives dropped in to help her celebrate her 80th birthday anniversary. She is convalescing from a fractured rib but was happy to see them all. Besides the honored guest, others present were: Emil Martinek, Ray Martinek, Paul Martinek, Frank Simecka of Delia; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martinek, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martinek, Louise, Bobbie and Orville of Silver Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kovar, Agnes Betty and Evelyn; Dr. and Mrs. A.J. Brown, Jeannine and Janette of Kansas City, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Norman of Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Martinek, Douglas and Dwight, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Macha, Richard and Bennie of Council Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martinek Jr., Mr. and Mrs. [Earl] Kovar, Earl and Yvonne, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Pittle of Topeka. |
1886 |
 | Birthday- Martinek, Albert and Martinek, Emil Brothers Celebrate Birthdays
Albert and Emil Martinek celebrate their birthdays this week. Albert, 92, at home in Rossville, celebrates on February 22, and Emil, 88, at 515 S.W. Horne, Topeka, KS 66606, will celebrate on February 26. |
1887 |
 | Birthday- Martinek, Bertha Birthday Luncheon Surprise for Bertha Martinek
Mrs. Bertha Martinek, Delia, was surprised Thursday, November 2, with a birthday luncheon served in her honor. The noon event was planned and hosted by Mrs. Mary Macha, Delia, Mrs. Sandy Hoferer and Becky, St. Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hoover, St. Joseph, Mo. Other guests attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Dick Macha, Council Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Martinek and Mrs. Lydia Stach, Rossville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kovar, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Macha, Michelle and Doug, Mrs. Bemadine Teske, Mrs. Eudora McQueen, Mrs. Pauline Miller, Mrs. Eleanor Thompson and Mrs. Letha Olejnik, all of Delia.
Following the noon meal, the honored birthday guest enjoyed opening the many gifts presented to her and visiting with her friends.
1888 |
 | Birthday- Mason, Gerald Mrs. Clay Mason entertained a group of boys Saturday afternoon in honor of her son Jerry's tenth birthday anniversary. The guests included Burns Hesse, James McCoid, Wayne Sebring, Thane Parr, Wilbur Hardin and Kenneth Bennett. |
1889 |
 | Birthday- Mason, Richard Mr. and Mrs. Clay Mason entertained a group of boys Sunday in honor of their son Richard's 18th birthday anniversary. Covers were laid for Rolland Parr, Elmer Lambert, Dick Keller and Bob Harden. |
1890 |
 | Birthday- Matyak, Paul Happy Birthday!
Paul F. Matyak
Paul F. Matyak, Delia, will celebrate his 90th birthday on March 18 with his family. Paul owned and operated the Matyak's Garage in Delia for over 45 years. Cards may be sent to him at 1139 SW Frazier, Topeka, KS 66604.
Happy Birthday, Dad
We love you,
Ed, Dorothy, Roxie, Rick, Monica, and families
Paul F. Matyak
Paul F. Maytak of Delia will celebrate his 90th birthday March 18, 2009, with his family.
Paul owned and operated Matyak's Garage in Delia for more than 45 years.
Cards may be sent to him at 1139 SW Frazier, Topeka, KS 66604.
Happy birthday, dad. We love you. -Ed, Dorothy, Roxie, Rick, Monica and families. |
1891 |
 | Birthday- Mauck, Nellie Nellie Mauck celebrated her 90th birthday as guest of honor at a family dinner on Sunday, April 25. Hosting the event were her children and their families - Jan and Doug Mauck, Topeka; Stephanie and Steve Mauck, Lyons; Sue and Larry Wichman, Emmett; and Mike Mauck, Kansas City. She has eight grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Mauck was born April 29, 1914. She was married to David H. Mauck for 51 years until his death in 1988. They lived in the Grove and Silver Lake communities many years.
Nellie Mauck
Nellie Mauck will celebrate her 95th birthday at a reception from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, April 26, 2009, at Thornton Place. Cards may be sent to her at 2902 SW Armstrong Ave., Apt. 203, Topeka, KS 66614.
She was born April 29, 1914. |
1892 |
 | Birthday- McCollough, Elizabeth Tuesday January 20, being the seventy-second birthday of Mrs. McCollough, her neighbors and friends took their well filled baskets and spent the day on the farm which Mrs. McCollough has owned and lived on for forty five years. The guests all had an enjoyable time and wish their hostess many happy returns of the day. Those present were: Mrs. McCollough, Fred McCollough and wife, Hudson McCollough, Mr. Immenschuh and wife, W.V. Hook and wife, Frank Zook and wife, Rev. Pontius and wife, Austin Sebring and wife, M.E. Myers and wife, Bert Heslet and wife, Den Wood and wife, Mr. Horten wife and daughter, L.F. Page and wife, W.H. Wilshire and wife, J.E. Taylor and wife, F.M. Graham and wife, J.M. Franklin, and wife, Marion Lasswell and wife, Crit Startup and wife, Mrs. Hallie Startup, Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. Arvilla Sebring and Mrs. R.D. James. |
1893 |
 | Birthday- McCollough, Fred P. F.P. McCollough Has 90th Birthday
F.P. McCollough, who was 90 years old December 16th, was honored with a birthday dinner Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ruben [sic Reuben] McCoid, near Hoyt. On Monday, his daughters, Mrs. John C. Lewis and Mrs. Claude Sneller and Mr. Sneller of Topeka had dinner with Mr. McCollough and Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt at Rossville. |
1894 |
 | Birthday- McCoy, Richard Oldest resident of Delia nears 94th birthday
Mr. Richard McCoy, oldest resident of Delia will be 94 years old the eleventh of April. He began his career as a blacksmith in St. Marys and then moved to Rossville where he had his own blacksmith shop. He came to Delia 56 years ago and started a business in the first building to be constructed in Delia. This building was later moved across the street from the Post Office and then was moved to its present site back of the Bryant building.
Mr. McCoy married Bertie May Hoyt, March 20, 1892. They had five children. Three of them are living: May Hanrahan of Delia and Helen Buckles and Veronica Bunting of Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. McCoy celebrated their sixty-sixth wedding anniversary Thursday, March 20.—BULLDOG BLAZER, MARCH 27.
1895 |
 | Birthday- McElvain, Josephine In a letter from Mrs. Pearl Cless, of Denver, this week, she says her mother, Mrs. M.S. McElvain, long-time resident of this community, celebrated her 90th birthday anniversary December 22nd. Her son Alfred McElvain of Wamego, and her two daughters, Mrs. Cless and Mrs. Ethel Kuelper and a number of callers were present. Mrs. McElvain received sixty cards and fifteen pretty handkerchiefs from friends and relatives. Around a dozen cards came from Rossville. Her only brother, James H. Heslet, now at Silver Springs, Maryland, wrote his sister of living her over four score or sunset years - being God's gift for her to live on and on. Mrs. McElvain isn't too well, and is under the doctor's care.
Mrs. McElvain makes her home with her two daughters. Mrs. Cless's daughter Alma and her husband, live in Denver and are employed; he works in the post office. Mrs. Kuelper's oldest son is a city detective, and the youngest boy, Don, is an accountant with a business firm in Charles City, Iowa. |
1896 |
 | Birthday- McElvain, Melville M.S. McElvain was given a birthday dinner, Saturday, honoring his 86th anniversary. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. M.S. McElvain, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McElvain of St. Marys, and Mrs. Ethel Kuelper, of Denver. |
1897 |
 | Birthday- McGrath, Eldora Eldora McGrath
To celebrate 90th birthday
Eldora McGrath will celebrate her 90th birthday, Thursday, June 19.
A card shower is planned. Please send cards to Eldora McGrath, St. Marys Manor, 206 Grand Avenue, St. Marys, KS 66536.
80th Birthday Card Shower for Eldora McGrath
Friday, June 19
Please mail cards to Eldora at:
P.O. Box 63
Emmett, KS 66422 |
1898 |
 | Birthday- McKenzie, Vesta
VESTA McKENZIE, Rossville, will celebrate her 90th birthday with a card shower and family dinner.
Mrs. McKenzie, a homemaker, was born June 9, 1913. She married Oscar McKenzie November 15, 1933. He died February 27, 1997.
Mrs. McKenzie is active in community affairs, having served on the Shawnee County Election Board for 45 years, the Shawnee County Extension Council and school board member for Lone Tree and Willard Grade Schools and Rossville High School. She currently does volunteer work for the Willard Community Baptist Church, Rossville Senior Citizens, and Rossville Grade School.
She is a 54-year member of the Order of the Eastern Star, where she is a Past Worthy Matron, and has served as Chaplain for 24 years.
Mrs. McKenzie's family and their spouses are: Clyde and Ann McKenzie, Marietta, GA; Neil and Nancy McKenzie, Willard; and stepson Ray and Donna McKenzie. Tallahassee, FL.
Cards may be sent to Vesta at 203 Perry, Apt. 2, Rossville 66533.
Vesta McKenzie, Rossville, will celebrate her 90th birthday with a family dinner and a card shower.
Mrs. McKenzie, a homemaker, was born June 9, 1913.
She served on the Shawnee County Election Board for 45 years, the Shawnee County Extension Council, and as a school board member for Lone Tree Grade School, Willard Grade
Rossville Senior and Rossville Grade School.
She is a 54-year member of Order of the Eastern Star. She is a past worthy matron and has served as chaplain for 24 years.
Vesta McKenzie
Vesta McKenzie, Rossville, will celebrate her 90th birthday with a card shower and a family dinner.
Mrs. McKenzie, a homemaker, was bon lune 9, 1913. She married Oscar McKenzie on Nov. 15, 1933. He died Feb. 27, 1997.
Mrs. McKenzie is active in community affairs, having served on the Shawnee County Election Board for45 years, the Shawnee County Extension Council and school board member for Lone Tree and Willard grade schools and Rossville High School. She currently volunteers for the Willard Community Baptist Church, the Rossville Senior Citizens and the Rossville Grade School.
Mrs. McKenzie is a 54-year member of the Order of the Eastern Star. She is a past worthy matron and has served as chaplain for 24 years.
Mrs. McKenzie’s family and their spouses are: sons, Clyde and Ann McKenzie, Marietta, Ga., Neil and Nancy McKenzie, Willard, and stepson Ray and Donna McKenzie, Tallahassee, Fla.
Cards may be sent to her at 203 Perry, Apt. 2, Rossville, KS 66533.
1899 |
 | Birthday- McNeive, Katie Katie McNeive
Will Celebrate Centennial Year
Katie McNeive, 1255 Wayne, Topeka, Ks. 66604, will celebrate her 100th birthday on March 12. She will be honored at the 4 p.m. Mass at Most Pure Heart of Mary Church, 17th and Stone. There will be a reception preceding the Mass at the Church center in O’Connor Hall at 2:30 p.m. Friends and relatives are invited. Request no gifts, please.
Hosts for the reception are her children — Mrs. Rosemary Mahoney, Burlington, Vt.; Mrs. Virginia McDonough, Rouses Point, N.Y.; Robert McNeive, Freeport, Ill.; William McNeive and Mrs. Dorothy Kuhlengel, Topeka.
1900 |
 | Birthday- McQueen, Harold Harold L. McQueen
Harold L. McQueen of Delia will celebrate his 80th birthday as guest of honor at an open house and light lunch from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, at Delia Community Center.
He was born Aug. 22, 1927.
Friends and relatives are invited. No gifts, please. |