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1951 |
The Senior Class of ’59 was invited to a picnic in the park at St. Marys Friday evening to celebrate Ginger Shannon’s 17th birthday which was June 21. Due to cold weather, the swimming pool was closed, so they had a line party to the show, “High School Confidential” in Topeka.
The girls then returned to Ginger’s for a slumber party. Those invited to the slumber party were Janice Brown, Patty Coffey, Connie Johnson, Geraldine Masters, Marilene Pendleton, Sharon Rosencutter, Helen Stadler, Linda Ungeheuer, Judy Vanderblomen, Sue Viergever, and Ginger.
Saturday night Annette Biswell, Laura Stiles, Diane Swenson, and Ginger Shannon went to Topeka to the show “God’s Little Acre”. Then they went to Ginger’s for a slumber party to celebrate her birthday.
1952 |
 | Birthday- Sicking, Vera 80th Birthday for Vera DeGraff Sicking
Vera DeGraff Sicking, formerly of the Rossville community, will be honored with an open house from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, January 23, at the Briarwood Condominium Clubhouse, 2318 Briarwood Plaza, Topeka 66611. Mrs. Sicking will be 80 years old. Friends and relatives unable to attend may send cards. |
1953 |
 | Birthday- Simecka, John Simecka celebrates 85th birthday
John Simecka, St. Marys, will celebrate his 85th birthday, Friday, October 7. John owned and operated the Hy-Klas food store in St. Marys from 1959 to 1982. He has five children, 11 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren.
Birthday cards may be sent to John at 606 N. 5th Street, Apartment 8, St. Marys, KS 66536. |
1954 |
 | Birthday- Simecka, Linda Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wehner and children were Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Simecka, the occasion being Linda Jean's fourth birthday anniversary. |
1955 |
 | Birthday- Skidmore, Albert A surprise party was held at the home of A.M. Skidmore in honor of his 70th birthday anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Skidmore and Polly, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Skidmore and sons; Mrs. Lura Jackson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin and family. The refreshments were cake, pello, cookies, coffee and candy. Someone asked Mr. Skidmore if he felt 70 years old and he said, as the old saying is, "you are just as old as you feel." |
1956 |
 | Birthday- Skidmore, Gertrude 90th Birthday For Gertie Stiles Skidmore
Gertie Stiles Skidmore, Rossville, will celebrate her 90th birthday February 28, 2005. She was born February 28, 1915, at Guide Rock, NE. She has lived most of her adult life in the Rossville area where she is a homemaker. She also had been a telephone operator for William’s Telephone Company and retired from St. Francis Hospital as a nurse’s aide.
Gertie was married to Howard Stiles for 24 years prior to his death, on August 8, 1964. She married J.B. “Buck” Skidmore in 1981. He died in 1987.
Her children are Laura R. Miller, Las Vegas, NV; Marie Owens, Jean Schneider, and Howard Dale Stiles, Rossville. Her stepchildren are Monte Lee Stiles, Topeka, and Polly Skidmore Stoner, San Angelo, TX.
Mrs. Skidmore has four grand-sons, five great-grandchildren, six step grandchildren, five step great-grandchildren, and three step great-great-grandchildren.
1957 |
 | Birthday- Smatla, Henry Henry "HanK” Smatla, Meriden, will celebrate his 83rd birthday as guest oi honor at a reception from 2 to 4 p.m. June 1 at the United Methodist Church in Meriden.
Hosts will be his children and spouses, Larry and Linda Smatla, Oskaloosa; Marcia and Ron Reiter, Topeka; grandchildren Laura and Jim Turner, Luke Smatla and Travis Reiter; and greatgrandchild Garrett Turner.
Mr. Smatla was born June 6, 1920, in Maple Hill. He is a retired farmer.
He married Alice Hillix on Oct. 19, 1949. Mrs. Smatla died April 12, 1995.
Cards may be sent to Mr. Smatla at 10719 Meriden Road, Meriden, 66512. He requests no gifts.
1958 |
 | Birthday- Smatla, Marie Mrs. Smatla celebrates 83rd birthday
Wednesday afternoon, February 28th, a group of friends from the Rossville Presbyterian Church gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smatla to help Mrs. Smatla celebrate her 83rd birthday anniversary.
The following were present: Rev. and Mrs. Dwight Seneker, Mr. and Mrs. John Kratina, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Emial Kovar, Mrs. Stella Lacock, Mrs. James Rezac, Mrs. Henry Badura, Mrs. John Kratina, Jr., Mrs. Edd Smatla and William Smatla.
A birthday cake and cookie bars were enjoyed by all. |
1959 |
 | Birthday- Smith, Jeanette Jeanette Smith entertained 11 children at a birthday party given in her honor on July 24. Present were Anna, Margaret, Janice and Billy Sullivan, Carolyn and Catherine Gresser, Christine and Robin McBurney, Annie Jones, Vickie McClain and Billy Smith. Jackie Adams was not able to be present because of illness. They all enjoyed games after which they were served refreshments. |
1960 |
 | Birthday- Spears, Edna 1 Open House
Edna Spears
on her
90th Birthday
Sun., Aug. 16 3 to 5
Rossville United Methodist Church |
1961 |
 | Birthday- Spears, Edna 2 A Remarkable Lady Celebrates Her 90th Birthday
by Dorothy N. Hoobler
Remember the time when celebrating a 90th birthday was a rare and exceptional event? Well, it is still a very special occasion, but it’s no longer rare. Have you noticed how many 90th birthday observances have occurred in St. Marys and the surrounding communities recently? To each and every one of those celebrants, we say “Congratulations” and extend our very best wishes.
Many of our readers will already know Mrs. Edna Vilven Spears of Rossville. This remarkable, active, and very alert lady will observe her 90th birthday on August 11, 1998. The “Star,” on several occasions over the years, has published a journal of the fascinating trips she and her well-known husband, the late LaVerne H. Spears, made to all parts of the world. We followed his work during the ten years he served in the Kansas State House of Representatives. Thanks are due, too, for his 34 years as an active member of the Cross Creek Watershed District #42 Board. Because those dams were built for flood control, Cross Creek hasn’t flooded Rossville for a number of years.
But, this is Edna’s story. She will be honored with an open house on Sunday afternoon, August 16, from 3 until 5 p.m. at the Rossville United Methodist Church. You are all invited.
Edna is the daughter of the late Arthur and Gertrude Vilven, who had a truck garden near Wamego until the 1903 flood. Eventually, they bought 160 acres of land northeast of Rossville. For ten years they had a peach and apple orchard. There, at Harmony Gardens, customers bought delicious fresh fruits and cider until the year that a terrible hail storm destroyed the trees.
LaVerne had also grown up in the Wamego area. He and Edna were married on December 3, 1927, and their daughters were born in 1929 and 1931. The Spears family felt the Depression years like everyone else, so he went to Kansas State, where he earned his degree in Business Administration in 1936, taking some classes by correspondence course. He began to use what he had learned at K-State in a variety of enterprises — a Piggely Wiggely store in Abilene, an implement store in Valley Falls, a Gambles business in Wamego, a partnership in the Rossville Implement Agency, agency manager for the Shawnee County Farm Bureau, and the farm north of Rossville where they raised livestock and grain. In all of these ventures, Edna was his bookkeeper, his partner, and his support.
They moved to the city of Rossville in 1952, and built their present home on Parkway, across from the city park. Rossville, like so many other small, rural communities, was sadly run down, both in the business and residential areas. So, in 1954, camera in hand, La Verne traversed the town, photographing the piles of trash, the unkempt park, the unpainted business fronts, and the backyard outhouses. When Spears showed his home movies to the newly organized Rossville Community Improvement Association two weeks later, everyone realized the town needed a face lift.
The people all pitched in. One thousand dollars were raised through a street dance, Bingo games, a pancake feed, and a ball game. Editor Bill Murray of the “Rossville Reporter,” wrote, “Elbow grease was the main ingredient of our success.” The Lions Club led the town’s other organizations in an excellent example of teamwork and cooperation, and the town got is new look. The next year, Spears got out his camera again to show all the improvements; then he spliced them together for “before and after” pictures.
Edna remarked that this old film was shown recently at the Senior Center by their son-in-law, Bill Larson. Many remembered the old days, and certainly appreciated all the improvements that Rossville and its citizens have continued to make over the past 44 years. Incidentally, LaVerne was elected mayor in 1955, and served for ten years.
Because LaVerne loved to travel, and Edna does, too, they went on many fabulous trips through the Farmer-to-Farmer tours organized by the California Farm Bureau. Edna like the tour to New Zealand best; the country was so beautiful and, besides, she laughed, “Everyone spoke English!” She like China, too, and South America, and South Africa, and Europe, and Australia, and Russia, and also Alaska and Hawaii. “I like them all,” she admitted.
Another valued phase of her life was all the time LaVerne spent in the Kansas House of Representatives. She had so many interesting experiences, even working as a clerk preparing document booklets (with copies of bills, and other legal papers) for her husband and four other legislators. There were social events with other wives, too. She had a term as president of the Legislative Wives Association and the Kansas Native Sons and Daughters.
Mrs. Spears has been very active in the Rossville United Methodist Church, serving as treasurer for 19 years. She transferred to Rossville from the Wamego congregation 60 years ago, and is probably the oldest member of the church. The Spears were both active and long-time members of the Order of the Eastern Star. In 1970, they established the LaVerne and Edna Spears Scholarship at K.S.U. for students with an O.E.S. background. To date, 60 junior and senior students have benefited from the Spears’ generosity. In 1983, they established the Willowbrook Methodist Church Foundation in Sun City, Ariz., which awards scholarships to students attending seminary.
In 1977, they bought a home in Sun City and spent the winter months there until La Verne’s death on December 15, 1991, after 64 years of marriage. Edna still spends her winters there. Her daughter, Helen, and husband, Bob Miller, live just four blocks away. Their daughter, Ruth, and her husband, Bill Larson, live in Rossville. There are four grandsons, one granddaughter, eight great-grandchildren, two stepgreat-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren. Most will be present for Edna’s birthday celebration on August 16.
As exciting as Edna’s life has been, I was most fascinated by her description of her weekly letter writing activities. Several years ago, she began writing diary-like letters to her grandchildren and old friends. Response was so positive, she expanded the mailing list to include 32 people — shut-ins, old classmates, and neighbors (in Sun City in the summer, and Rossville in the winter). She also includes a joke or two, usually ones she has shared at lunch time at the Rossville Senior Center.
She has been a member of the bridge club for 60 years, and still plays every two weeks. She loves to read. “If you are feeling low, you can always bury yourself in a book,” she advises.
Edna was careful to point out that the town of Rossville was originally named Edna, and the street in town by that designation is named for the original town, not for her. Considering all the contributions that Edna and LaVerne Spears have made to the Rossville community, perhaps it should have been named in her honor.
Happy Birthday, Edna, and many, many more!
1962 |
 | Birthday- Stach, August A surprise birthday part was given for August Stach on his 88th birthday Wednesday evening, August 16, at his home.
Those present were August Stach, Frank and Winnie Stach, Ben and Arlis Stach, Dr. Robert and Jill Stach, Ryan, Justin and Christopher, Raymore, Mo.; Tom and Virginia Meyer, Gretchen and Blake, Urban and Marilyn Schmitz, Nathan and Matthew, Silver Lake; Vernon and Sherri Gannon and Nicole, Manhattan; and Lydia Stach.
Delicious home made ice cream and cake was served. A nice time was had by everyone. |
1963 |
 | Birthday- Stach, Frances A surprise party was given for Mrs. Stach, Tuesday night celebrating her 62nd birthday anniversary. Sixty-two candles decorated her birthday cake. The night was spent playing games and serving refreshments. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Emial Hladky and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cerny, Mr. Sedlacek and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martinek and Blanch, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kozak and Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kovar and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hromada and son Albert, Mrs. Henrietta Cerny and son Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Badura and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Badura, Mr. and Geo. Olejnik and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matyak, Mr. and Mrs. Ignac Horak and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kovar, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kovar, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smatla and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stach and sons. |
1964 |
 | Birthday- Stadler, Thora Thora Stadler
Stadler celebrates 90th birthday
Thora Stadler, Wamego, celebrated her 90th birthday, Wednesday, Dec. 31. She was born Dec. 31, 1918.
Birthday cards can be sent to 1211 Chrysler Drive, Wamego, KS 66547. |
1965 |
 | Birthday- Stanley, Amy 1 Grandma Stanley celebrated her 93rd birthday yesterday. |
1966 |
 | Birthday- Stanley, Amy 2 Post Card Shower
Grandma Stanley was made very happy Monday when she received 41 post cards from her friends wishing her greetings. The occasion was her 91st birthday. Mrs. Stanley has the distinction of being the oldest person in Rossville township and probably in the county. Just at present she is sick in bed but her many friends hope she will soon be up again and enjoy her usual health. |
1967 |
 | Birthday- Stanley, Amy 3 Grandma Stanley, who is nearing her 93rd birthday, cut her head Monday in a fall but suffered no other ill effects. |
1968 |
 | Birthday- Stanley, Amy 4 Grandma Stanley passed her 94th birthday last Friday, January 5th, and her friends delighted her as usual with a shower of postcards as tokens of congratulations. One of the remembrances was a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers from the Methodist ladies. Mrs. Stanley is the oldest person in Shawnee county and at present is enjoying her usual health, having recovered from a recent fall which later developed erysipelas. |
1969 |
 | Birthday- Stanley, Reid and Ruth Mrs. Stanley entertained about twenty-five of the little friends of Ruth and Reid last Thursday evening at 4 o'clock in honor of their ninth birthday. Dainty refreshments were served. |
1970 |
 | Birthday- Starkey, Jesse Tomorrow, (Friday) Jesse Starkey will celebrate his 79th birthday. He will have as a guest for the day, an old comrade of the 48th Indiana Inf., Thomas Busby and wife of Oakland. |
1971 |
 | Birthday- Starkey, Katherine Second Grader to Celebrate Second Birthday
Puzzled?.....So is Katherine Starkey, a second grade student who will celebrate her second birthday on February 29. Katherine was born on this date in 1952 and is the only student in Rossville Grade School to celebrate a birthday on February 29. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Starkey of Rural Rossville. Katherine and her eight-year-old classmates have a special reason to learn of this extra day. Reporter Photo. |
1972 |
 | Birthday- Startup, Albert Misses Della Startup and Ruth Stanley gave a birthday surprise party Monday evening at the Stanley home complimentary to the former's father, Mr. Ab Startup who celebrated his 76th anniversary. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. M.S. McElvain, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oldfield, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Young, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman James, Mr. J.C. Startup; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cleland, Mr. and Mrs. George Sumpter, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Park, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Startup and son Merwin, Mr. Guy Startup, all of Topeka. |
1973 |
 | Birthday- Startup, Albert 2 Mr. Ab Startup celebrated his 86th birthday anniversary Sunday. He received a box of delicious apples from his grandson, Earl Startup of Ellensburg, Wash. |
1974 |
 | Birthday- Startup, Cecil Monday was "Moody" Startup's birthday. He admits he's past 39. This was his 73rd. |
1975 |
 | Birthday- Steele, Willa Happy Birthday
Willa Maurine Steele
June 20, 1913
There will be a birthday reception on Saturday, June 24, 2000, from 2-4 p.m. for Willa Steele's 87th birthday celebration.
The event will be held at Hammond Hall
St. Marys United Methodist Church
7th and Alma St.
St. Marys
Please come and celebrate this special day with Duane, Bonnie, Kay, and their Families
No gifts please |
1976 |
 | Birthday- Steffee, George Frank A surprise get-to-gether was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steffee Sunday honoring his 84th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Franklin Meade baked a lovely three tiered cake with 84 candles, and little Miss Galya Ann Meade, sang "Happy Birthday." Those present included: Jessie Parr, Etta Richardson, Mrs. Florence Parr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meade and Charles Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Meade, Gayla Ann, Robert and Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Meade and Kenneth Olson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Atchison, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Parr, Marlin, Darrel and Sandra. |
1977 |
 | Birthday- Stiles, Mae You are invited to Mae’s 100th birthday party
by Dorothy N. Hoobler
Mrs. Mae Stiles, a resident of Rossville Valley Manor, who will observe her 100th birthday on July 22, 1996, protested mildly when I first began my interview with her. “I didn’t know I’d live to an interesting age,” she quipped. As she shared stories and memories, it was quite obvious that her 100 years had indeed been interesting ones. A broken hip may have slowed her physical abilities, but it certainly hasn’t affected her sharp wit and wonderful memory.
She was born in the summer of 1896 at Larkinburg, just east of Holton. Mae remembers the big orchard which yielded so many apples and plenty of cherries for pies. She reminisced about butchering day, and how her mother made her own soap. They used the ice from her father’s ice house to make delicious ice cream.
One of Mae’s treasured pictures was taken about 1901. It shows a pretty little five-year-old with long curls, posed under a big cottonwood tree. Mae pointed with delight to a parasol she carried; it was pink, trimmed with ecru lace. She spoke of the locket she wore and the large fan she carried, and the ruffles on her petticoat which peeked out from beneath her skirt.
When she was 10, her father, Charles Humphrey, moved the family to Denison, where he was president of the bank. Mae was a member of the first graduating class from Denison High School. After her graduation from Kansas State College in Manhattan in 1924, she came to Rossville High School in the fall to teach. Her main assignment was home economics, but “I also taught history, science, physiology — anything nobody else wanted to teach. I loved to teach!” she exclaimed. She is also sad that so few of her former Rossville students are still living or are in the area.
Mae has always loved to sew, knit, and crochet. The very first project for the home economics girls was to make an apron to wear in the cooking class. Miss Humphrey taught four years at Rossville. Then, on January 27, 1928, she married a local young farmer, David Stiles, and left the classroom.
The Kaw Valley, even then, was known for its fine crops, and potatoes were one of its best products. “Dave was going to get rich on potatoes,” Mae recalled. “He planted 90 acres, and that was the year the bottom dropped out of the potato market.” The Rossville school district asked Mae to come back to teach (her successor had resigned unexpectedly). “I was glad to have a job,” she added. She taught another three and one-half years in the “old” building.
Dave wasn’t one to stay put. He liked to try new things and meet new people. When he heard of an unusual job or of some exciting or unique place, Dave and Mae climbed into their house trailer and off they’d go. One adventure was working on an archeology dig in the mid-’50s in the San Juan River Valley of Utah. “We’ve been all over the country,” she said, “and I have lots of favorite places.”
Eventually, they settled down in Urbana, Mo., and went into the antique business, buying and selling furniture for 20 years. After Dave’s heart bypass surgery about 10 years ago, they came “home” to Rossville. Dave passed away in August 1994. They had celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary in January of that year. “I got to take care of Dave all his married life,” she added with satisfaction.
Mae came to live at Rossville Valley Manor a year ago. She thoroughly enjoys visiting with the other residents, and reminiscing with old friends who are now residents, too. She particularly likes outing in the Manor van, driving past the homes where old families like the Bonds and Howertons lived, and getting out for meetings with dear friends in the Birthday Club. When young Lewis Kelley takes her and others out for ice cream or pie, that is a very special treat. “How wonderful it is to be able to go out,” she said thankfully. Mae will probably ride on the float again during the Tall Com Festival parade.
Although Mae and Dave had no children of their own, they have many nieces and nephews who are truly “family.” They will be hosting a birthday party and reception for her on Sunday afternoon, July 21, from 2:00 until 4:00 at Rossville Valley Manor. Her bulletin board is already beginning to fill with cards from relatives, old friends, and former neighbors.
What advice does this delightful centenarian have to offer? “Stay active.” Then with a grin, she added, “Do whatever you want! Dave and I used to eat five pounds of bacon a week, and now they say you should not even eat it!”
Reminiscing about the close family ties and love she shares with both die Humphrey and Stiles relatives, she concluded, ‘There’s no reason for families to have big disgruntles!”
Wise words from a very special lady!
1978 |
 | Birthday- Stockman, Martha Surprise Party for Martha Stockman
Mrs. Francis “Bud" Stockman, Sandy Hook, had a surprise birthday dinner party at the Mainstreeter Restaurant, Rossville, on Saturday evening, April 22. The party was planned by Bud and their children, and approximately 45 family members and friends attended.
Seven of their nine children were present, along with their spouses and families: sons Bob, Maple Hill; Joe and Phil, Topeka; Don, Rossville; Leo, Emmett; Henry and Tom, St. Marys; and daughters Betty Hazard, Ozawkie, and Pat Banks, Wamego. Unable to join the festivities were Fred, Bakersfield, Calif., and Fran Carlson, Minnesota.
Martha received many lovely gifts, and she treasures the happy memory of a party that was really a complete surprise.
1979 |
 | Birthday- Strimple, Mary Mrs. Mary Strimple was given a surprise birthday dinner Sunday by her children, honoring her 76th anniversary which occurred July 17. |
1980 |
 | Birthday- Stum, Agnes A crowd of young people gathered at the home of Miss Agnes Stum Tuesday evening and spent the evening with her, the occasion being her eighteenth birthday. |
1981 |
 | Birthday- Stum, Lottie 1 80th Birthday for Lottie
The children and grandchildren of Lottie Stum helped her celebrate her birthday Thursday evening, August, by bringing homemade ice cream and cake. Present were: Bennie and Sara Horak, and Don, Janice, Terry, Brian and Kelly Horak, Delia; Robert and Agnes Cox, Manhattahn; Wilbur, Sally, Charles and Tina Stum, and Tim, Juanita, Holly and Jason Hanna, Rossville. |
1982 |
 | Birthday- Stum, Lottie 2 Birthday Dinner for Mrs. Stum
Mrs. Lottie Stum was honored Sunday, August 6, for her birthday with a family picnic in the Rossville shelter house. Present were Mrs. Stum, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stum, Wilbur Jr., Charles and Tina, Coy Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hanna and Holly, all of Rossville; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox and Ron, Manhattan; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Workman and Tammy, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Horak, Mr. and Mrs. Don Horak, Terry and Brian, all of Delia. |
1983 |
 | Birthday- Stumbaugh, Samuel F. Mrs. S.F. Stumbaugh served a family dinner today complimentary to her husband, who was celebrating his 68th birthday anniversary. The guests, beside the immediate family, were Dr. and Mrs. L.G. Collier of Halstead, Kansas. |
1984 |
 | Birthday- Sullivan, George The family of
George Sullivan
invites you to help celebrate
his 80th birthday, belatedly
with food, fun and dancing to a live band.
Join us Saturday, July 2, 2005
at the American Legion Hall, Rossville
7:00-11:00 p.m.
We ask for your attendance only, no gifts please. |
1985 |
 | Birthday- Sumner, Naomi Happy Birthday, Naomi!
Every child should have a mom or Grandma like mine,
One that's caring and loving and always takes the time,
To listen, to help, to comfort, to advise,
What a gift you are, what a blessing to our lives!
Naomi (Keller) Sumner
Happy Birthday Mom/Grandma!
Leslie, Teri Leigh and families
Naomi Keller Sumner
Naomi Keller Sumner will celebrate her 80th birthday on Tuesday, Feb. 21. Naomi's four children are requesting a card shower for her.
Naomi has live in Rossville and Delia communities all of her life. She moved to Topeka in August 2002.
Her present address is Naomi Sumner, Atria Hearthstone, 3515 SW 6th Ave., W., Apt. 311, Topeka, KS 66606. |
1986 |
 | Birthday- Swenson, Diane Mrs. W.H. Swenson entertained with a birthday party Sunday afternoon for her 8-year-old daughter, Diane. The little girls invited were all from her 3rd grade class. The afternoon was spent in playing games and singing, then refreshments were served. Diane received many lovely gifts. Those present were, Carol Rafferty, Judith Marks, Janet Harth, Rosie Schmidt, Uvonna Weeks, Sharon Davis, Laura Rose Stiles, Sharon Reser, Anne Smith and Duane, JoAnn and Joyce Swenson. |
1987 |
 | Birthday- Swenson, Joyce Mrs. W.H. Swenson gave a party Friday afternoon for Joyce's (6th) sixth birthday. The afternoon was spent in playing games and records. After Joyce opened her lovely gifts, refreshments were served. Mrs. Swenson was assisted by JoAnn and Mrs. Mildred Smith of Topeka. The invited guests were: Pam Berkey, Carla Rasch, David and Amy Jones, Bruce and Ginger Shannon, Ann Boyd, Jean and Marie Stiles, Michael Gresser, Linda Kelsey, Sharon Irwin [sic], Kathy Hamilton, Marsha and Charlotte Babicki, Myrna Perry, Stephen Pardee, Anne Smith and JoAnn, Diane and Joyce Swenson. |
1988 |
 | Birthday- Tarbutton, Donna Donna Tarbutton
Tarbutton to celebrate 80th birthday
Donna Dee Tarbutton will celebrate her 80th birthday, Nov. 10, 2001, with a family gathering. She would enjoy receiving cards at P.O. Box 144, Maple Hill, KS 66507.
Donna is the wife of Joe Tarbutton, Maple Hill. They have three children: Vanessa Tarbutton Paine, Kim Tarbutton Wild and Joe Dee Tarbutton. There are seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Donna worked for many years at the St. Marys Manor as Director of Nursing and Administrator. |
1989 |
 | Birthday- Teske, Lawrence Teske Celebrates 75th
A family picnic was enjoyed at the Lawrence Teske home in Delia, Sunday, in honor of Lawrence Teske, who celebrated his 75th birthday on July 29.
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown, Angela, David, and Michael, and Gerald Wieters, Lee’s Summit, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Young and Jeff, Olathe; Mrs. Edna Wieters, Abilene; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Edwards, Council Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teske, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Teske and Melody, Onaga; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Magnett, Wamego; Kirk Teske and Jamie, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Freel, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Freel and Donny, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Teske, Deana and Lynn, St. Marys; and Mr. and Mrs. Teske.
Lawrence received a call from Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Teske, Daytona Beach, Fla., wishing him a happy birthday.
1990 |
 | Birthday- Tholl, Elizabeth Tholl to celebrate 90th birthday
Elizabeth Tholl will celebrate her 90th birthday with a family dinner at Puffy's Steakhouse on Sunday, Jan. 28.
Elizabeth was born Jan. 25, 1917, at Delia. She married Eugene Tholl on Nov. 21, 1935. He died May 12, 1972. They had two daughters, Mary Moylan, Council Grove, and Betty Marney, Rossville.
She has eight grandchildren and several great and great-great-grandchildren.
Cards may be sent to her at 11948 NW 62nd, Rossville, KS 66533. |
1991 |
 | Birthday- Thompson, Eleanor It's Eleanor Thompson's 90th Birthday!
Eleanor would enjoy hearing from her friends. There is a card shower -- please send a card to:
Eleanor Thompson
Rossville Valley Manor
600 E. Perry
Rossville, KS 66533-0787
Born January 12, 1907, at Delia |
1992 |
 | Birthday- Thompson, Maude 1 Maude Thompson is a Young One Hundred Years of Age
by Dorothy N. Hoobler
"Things are different now, but I can’t say they're always better," centenarian Mrs. Maude Thompson observed philosophically. She's seen lots of changes in those 100 years, of course.
By 1889, for instance, George Eastman perfected the box camera and roll film, and began the manufacture of Kodak number one. The first electric automobile, a tricycle driven by storage batteries, was demonstrated in Boston. A "safety" bicycle with two wheels of even size was being built. Cycling was such a popular activity it created severe parking and traffic problems.
The official opening of the Oklahoma Territory in 1889 drew thousands of people to the border, ready with teams and wagons or on horseback for the famous land rush. And in November, North and South Dakota, Montana, and Washington were admitted to the Union.
Now, 100 years after her birth in Rock Port, Mo., Maude will be honored with a reception from 2 to 4:30 on Sunday afternoon, May 7, at the Delia community building.
Raised on a farm by her father and grandmother, Maude attended a one- or two-room school when possible. Farm children in those days seldom had an opportunity for many years of education, but, "You can learn lots at home if you want to," Maude commented. She was "good" at spelling, figuring, reading, and math.
She doesn't remember too much about her childhood experiences. "It was a long time ago," she reminded me. She did hang up a Christmas stocking, and remembers the rare treat of the candy she found in it. "What would kids do today, if they only got candy once a year?" she wondered.
Mrs. Thompson still has a delightful sense of humor. When I asked if she'd learned to swim, since they lived fairly close to the Missouri River, she laughed and exclaimed, "Oh, no!" Then she quoted this old rhyme, "Mother, may I go out to swim?" "Yes, my darling daughter. Hang your clothes on a hickory limb, but don't go near the water."
Maude Fleming and Christopher E. Thompson were married by the Probate Judge at Holton on June 28, 1911. She remembers how surprised she was to have guests at their courthouse wedding. It was the week of Teacher's Institute, and since several friends were at the county seat for the required training session, the teachers decided to attend the wedding. "It was a beautiful, moonlight night," she continued, "and we drove back home to the farm in a one-horse buggy."
Mr. Thompson, known as Chris, was born in 1881 at Maysville, Mo. His family moved to the Delia area when he was a boy. The couple celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary with a reception at Delia
1993 |
 | Birthday- Thompson, Maude 2 High School. Chris died in April, 1967.
The Thompsons always farmed. "There were cows to milk, chickens to feed, hogs to take care of, and a big garden, too. We raised all we had. When we butchered meat, it had to be canned." (No freezers or locker plants, then.) "Some meat we put down in salt," she continued, "but you always had to soak the salt out before you could fry the meat." Mrs. Thompson still prefers home-canned vegetables, especially tomatoes.
Her eyesight may be dim now, but her eyes really sparkled when she talked about her favorite pastime — quilting. For years, the Delia Presbyterian Church ladies met at the Thompson home on Mondays for an all-day quilting bee. "If we had a good crowd, ten or so, we could get a quilt almost half done in a day," she said. They took time out for a delicious covered dish dinner.
"We had the best dinners. There were hardly ever two dishes alike. How I did enjoy those days!" she reminisced. "It wasn't a chore; it was a pleasure." Maude didn't try to name her quilting companions from all those years. "I'd probably leave someone out, and I don’t want to do that." "The Delia Church women still quilt," she added.
It was a sad day when Maude Thompson had to give up quilting. "My fingers gave out before my eyes did," she explained. She doesn’t have a favorite quilt pattern, but the Log Cabin was always popular. Maude sewed her share of carpet rags, too.
Mrs. Thompson moved from her farm home to Rossville Valley Manor on March 16. "I get along real well with my walker," she said.
Chris and Maude had two children. A seven-year-old daughter, Bessie Marie, died in 1924 from scarlet fever. It was a deadly disease in those years. Their son, Christopher Donald, died in May, 1986.
The birthday celebration will be hosted by Maude's daughter-in-law, Vena Mae Thompson; grandchildren Donald Ray Thompson and Mrs. Jane Sue Mulanax; and great-grandchildren Jeannette Quiett, Brian Thompson, Chris Mulanax, and Gary Mulanax, who is serving in the U.S. Navy.
Mrs. Thompson is looking forward to this very special birthday celebration. "I think I'll see a lot of people I haven't seen for a long time. I hope it's a nice day," she said.
If you aren't able to attend Maude's reception, perhaps you can remember her with a card in care of Rossville Valley Manor. Happy birthday, Mrs. Thompson.
1994 |
 | Birthday- Thompson, Maude 3 Last Monday Mrs. Donald Thompson entertained the ladies of the Presbyterian Church and community at the birthday dinner in honor of Mrs. Maude Thompson's 94th birthday. Those present were Cecile Zlatnik, Pauline Miller, Mary McLin, Lottie Stum, Elizabeth Houck, Esther Kruger, Bertha Eakin, Viola Kovar and Bertha Martinek. All enjoyed a lovely dinner and Maude received some nice gifts to remember that day by. |
1995 |
 | Birthday- Thompson, Maude 4 93rd Birthday Celebration For Maude
The home of Donald and Vena Mae Thompson was the location chosen for the birthday celebrations for his mother, Maude Thompson, born May 17, 1889.
Present for the Sunday dinner were the formerly mentioned and Maude’s granddaughter Janet (Mrs. Irvan Mulanax), her two sons and a daughter, Maude’s grandson, Donald Ray, and his son could not be present.
On Monday, Vena prepared a deer steak dinner for a group of ladies who
meet each week in Mrs. Thompson's home. Those present were: Lottie Stum, Rossville; Mary McLin, Silver Lake; Esther Kruger, Bertha Eakin, Pauline Miller, Muriel Huggins and Cecile Zlatnik, all from Delia.
Maude was born in Rockfort, Mo. In 1911, she married Christopher Thompson. He lived until 1967.
Following their marriage they moved to Alma, Ark., for a short time. Maude remembers traveling in a covered wagon, the worst part of which was the packing and unpacking of the dishes each time they stopped to prepare a meal enroute. Most of their married life was spent in the Delia area. They lost one daughter when she was quite young.
Maude has a remarkable memory. She has been "hospitalized only four times. She continues to read and keeps an interest in local and world affairs. She has retired from quilting, but watches and listens to baseball games, keeping close tabs on the Kansas City Royals.
Congratulations and God bless you, Maude! We hope you live to enjoy many more happy birthdays!
1996 |
 | Birthday- Thompson, Vena Vena Mae Thompson
Happy 80th Birthday, Grandma!
Grandkids and Great-Grandkids |
1997 |
 | Birthday- Trezise, Henry A birthday party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Treziese [sic Trezise], Sunday in honor of Mr. Treziese's eighty-fifth birthday. |
1998 |
 | Birthday- Tuller, Florence 1 Tuller to celebrate 95th birthday
Florence Tuller, of Rossville, will be celebrating her 95th birthday, Nov. 6.
She was born in Delia in 1912, and has lived all her life in this area. She has six children, six grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
On Saturday, Nov. 3, the family will honor her with a family dinner. A reception for friends will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Rossville Senior Center.
Anyone wishing to send a card may do so at 203 E. Perry, Box 11, Rossville, KS 66533. |
1999 |
 | Birthday- Tuller, Florence 2 Happy 90th Birthday
On November 6, 1912, a wonderful thing happened! Our mother, Florence Macha Tuller, was born in Delia, KS. To celebrate her 90th birthday we invite everyone to join us for party at the Rossville Senior Center, 429 Pearl Street, Rossville, Saturday, November 9, from 2 to 4 p.m. No gifts please, but cards would be appreciated.
Lorraine Tuller VandeVelde, Ed Tuller, Carol Tuller VandeVelde, Donna Tuller Klotz, Bonnie Tuller Meyer, Dennis Tuller. |
2000 |
 | Birthday- Tuller, Florence 3 Florence Tuller, Rossville, will celebrate her 90th birthday as guest of honor at an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Rossville Senior Center at 429 Pearl in Rossville.
Hosts will be her children, Lorraine Tuller VandeVelde, Ed Tuller, Carol Tuller VandeVelde, Donna Tuller Klotz, Bonnie Tuller Meyer and Dennis Tuller.
Florence Macha was born Nov. 6, 1912, in Delia.
She married Oliver Tuller in 1933. They lived in Wisconsin a few years before returning to the Delia-Rossville area in 1951. Mr. Tuller died in 1976.
She requests no gifts, but cards would be welcomed. Those unable to attend may send cards to her at 203 E. Perry, Box 11, Rossville, 66533. |