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2101 |
 | Bridal Shower- Ullrich, Barbara Mrs. Bob Berry and Mrs. Leo Berry entertained with a coffee Tuesday morning at the Bob Berry home complimenting Miss Barbara Ullrich who will be married April 11 to Mr. Melvin Ketter. The wedding will take place at 9 a.m. in the St. Stanislaus church at Rossville. Miss Ullrich arrived here in December from Germany.
Refreshments of coffee and rolls were served to those present, including Barbara Ullrich, Irene Ketter, Mary Lou Debacker, Ila Pelfrey, Delores Hesse, Liz Hesse, Helen Queen, Lynn Reid, Lena Reding, Phyllis Keller, Betsy Hurley, Mildred Page, Nona Halton, Joyce Brennan, Kay French, Genevieve Jacobson, Winnie McClain, Joan Siegert, Pauline Conley, Marie Sullivan, Penny Preble, Diane Dick, Betty Dick, Jackie Strimple, Irene Parr and Beverly Gentry.
2102 |
 | Bridal Shower- Viergever, Rose West Union Ladies Aid honored Rose Marie Viergever, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Viergever, who was married recently to Mr. Joe Anderson, Topeka, with a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. Ralph Miller on November 6. After playing several games, the bride opened her lovely gifts. Those present were Mrs. Joe Anderson, Mrs. Andy Viergever and Kathy Ann, Helen Viergever, Mrs. Hattie Grant, Mrs. Rebecca Fouts, Mrs. Opal Sheets, Mrs. Kate Stevens, Mrs. Eunice Crow, Mrs. Violet Miller, and Mrs. Irene Miller. |
2103 |
 | Bridal Shower- Viergever, Sharon Bride-to-be Honored at Shower
Sharon Viergever was honored with a miscellaenous bridal shower at the home of Charlene Perry Tuesday, November 26. Hostesses were Charlene Perry, Lois Lacock, Marie Stiles and Janet Richards.
Invited guests were Mrs. Chris Viergever, Mrs. Ray Mitchell, Sally Nadeau, Jane Zickefoose, Linda Kelsey, Sue Viergever, Linda Rafferty, Pat Berkey, Cheryl Ent, Carol Tuller, Donna Reser, and Rosemary Jacobson.
Honored at Shower
A miscellaneous bridal shower in honor of Sharon Viergever was given Sunday at the Rossville Christian Church. Hostesses were Janet Dodge, Josephine Mesmer and Phyllis Stadler. |
2104 |
 | Bridal Shower- Wehner, Debbie Debbie Wehner Honored with Bridal Shower
Miss Debbie Wehner was honored with a bridal shower the evening of Friday, April 28, in the home of Mrs. Janet Dodge in Rossville.
After a lively project of all those present compiling a scrapbook of Debbie’s “future
life,” Debbie opened her many lovely gifts.
Invited guests were Debbie, Esther Wehner, Mrs. John J. Wehner, Katie Rezac, Sherri Rezac, Peggy Perry, Nina Wehner and Karen, Florence Simecka and Denise, Paulette Simecka, Linda Tuller, Shirley Bowers, Rita Wehner, June Burgett, Helen Weybrew, Linda Wehner, Mary C. Wehner and girls, Myra Hagedorn, Sophia Dayton, Susie Harrison, Carrie Kovar, Remonia Colson, Elizabeth Tholl, Lela Fidler, Donic Parr, Connie Trimble, Ina Wapp, Emily Dodge, Janet Dodge, Peg Wehner, Jolyne Wehner, Sara Horak, Janice Horak, and Peggy Workman.
2105 |
 | Bridal Shower- Wilt, Clara 1 Miss Clara Wilt, whose marriage to Mr. Ebbert Flory takes place the latter part of June, was complimented with a luncheon today by Mrs. Horace Adams, Jr. at her home in Maple Hill. Places were laid for:
Miss Wilt, Miss Ruby Wilt, Miss Arline Wilt, Miss Mary Adams, Mrs. George Eversole, Mrs. Floyd Flannagan, of Topeka, Mrs. Lance Jamieson, Mrs. Lowell Hook, Mrs. Adams. |
2106 |
 | Bridal Shower- Wilt, Clara 2 Miss Arline Wilt and Miss Gladys Hopkins entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the former's home Wednesday afternoon complimentary to Miss Clara Wilt, whose engagement to Mr. Ebbert Flory, of Topeka, has recently been announced. The invited guests included: Misses Clara Wilt, Ruth VanOrsdol, Clara Hopkins, Ruth Rogers, Nora Stamp, Mildred James, Fern Towles, Winifred McCollough, Sara McCollough; Mesdames Gladys Hook, Mabel Eversole, Clara Counts, Vina McCoid, Ivalue Jamieson and Doris McAdams of Maple Hill. |
2107 |
 | Bridal Shower- Wilt, Lynda 1 KITCHEN SHOWER HONORS
Miss Jane Rogers was hostess at her home for a kitchen shower on the evening of June 19 in honor of Mrs. Lynda Ann Wood.
The theme for the shower was a narrated story, “This Is Your Life” written and presented by Jane as Lynda sat beside the beautifully decorated gifts. A red and white checked apron was first presented for Lynda to wear, and as the “past, present and future” were told, hostess gifts of scrub brush, ice pick, can opener, mouse trap, mud pie tin, Zest soap, rolling pin, and many other articles were present¬ed representing parts of Lynda’s life story. An evening of laughter and fun was enjoyed by all.
After the gifts were opened, delicious refreshments of angel cake, ice cream covered with strawberries and ice tea were served. The clever nut cups were red checked and decorated with tiny rolling pins and frypans made by the hostess.
Guests present included Lynda Ann Wood, Dianne Gideon, Linda Hurley, Irene Campbell, Janey Lou Campbell, Helen Wilt, Betty Tholl, Jean Nadeau, Linda McCoy, JoAnn Swenson, Phyllis Parker, Bess Conley, Mary K. Dolezilek, and hostess Jane Rogers. Invited guests who were unable to attend were Lucille Porter, Diane Diehl, Betty Miller, Ellen Kay Miller, Karen, Pressgrove, Janice McClelland, and Lois Coleman.
A reception to honor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wood was given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilt, at their home Sunday, June 22. Friends who have not seen the beautiful array of gifts are invited to call.
Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Harley McCoid who cut the cake, Jane Rogers, JoAnn Swenson, Betty Tholl, Betty Jeffries, Robert Wilt, and Linda Rezac, who attended the guest book.
Mr. James Maddox, who celebrated his 96th birthday on June 22, was a guest at the Roy Wilt home during the evening. He is Mrs. Wood’s great grandfather.
2108 |
 | Bridal Shower- Wilt, Lynda 2 LYNDA WILT HONORED
Miss Lynda Ann Wilt was honored at a miscellaneous bridal shower Thursday evening, June 12, at the lovely country home of Mrs. Harley McCoid. Hostesses were Mrs. McCoid, Mrs. Joe Campbell, Mrs. Bill Hesse, and Mrs. Jim Conley.
The very appropriate decoration to catch the shower was a huge rain barrel beautifully decorated with ruffled white tissue paper and dainty flowers and ribbons. A rain spout, also decorated with white tissue paper, was hung above the barrel. From the spout came shower gifts dripping in pretense; into the rain barrel which was also overflowing with gifts. The gifts from the rain spout were won by the lucky Bingo players and presented to the bride-to-be.
Refreshments of rose decorated cake, bride and groom ice cream molds and ice tea were served on linen covered bridge tables decorated with flowers and nut cups. Many of the beautiful flowers used for decoration were from Mr. Ed James’ yard in Rossville.
Invited guests were: Mary Jane Berkey, Wanda Parr, Katherine and Marlene Maddox, Mary Smith. Faye and Greta Kelsey, Irene Davis, Edna Spears, Evelyn Rezac, Betsy Hurley, Alice Farley, Inez Richardson, Bernice French, Winnie McClain, Velda Pardee, Lyda Zickefoose, Christina Zickefoose, Anna Wilt, Maxine Trimble, Fern Rogers, Lyda Berkey, Flo Emert, Clara Flory, Elsie Rasch, Marguerite Williams, Vivian Parr, Jean Jeffries, Betty Jeffries, Betty Murray, Ruth Page, Adadelle Breit, Ora Pelfrey, Mrs. I. Jeffries, Helen Wilt, Polly Swenson, Juanita Cormack, Irene Parr, Virginia Gentry. Elsie Houck, Arlene Reid, Ethel Kerr, Bernie Pelfrey, Delores Hesse, Esther Parr, Lena Reding, Erma Hoobler, Phyllis Keller. Ruth Larson, Mrs. Thelma Whittan, and Mrs. Grace Davis.
Miss Jane Rogers was present to assist Miss Wilt with the shower gifts. Mr. Ed James presented Miss Wilt with a beautiful wedding gift during the shower.
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Miss Jane Rogers will honor Mrs. Richard Wood with a kitchen shower Thursday evening, June 19, at her home.
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A reception will be given Sun day, June 22, at the home of the bride’s parents in the afternoon.
2109 |
 | Engagement- Adkins, Holly-Dunn, Charles Adkins-Dunn
Holly Cecile Adkins and Charles Thomas Dunn announce their engagement and plans for a July 26 wedding.
Parents of the couple are Clarence and Janet Adkins, Berryton, and Melvin and Bertha Dunn, Rossville.
Miss Adkins is a graduate of Shawnee Heights High School and attends Washburn University. She is employed by U.S.D. 450. Mr. Dunn is a graduate of Rossville High School and Washburn University with a degree in mathematics and computer science. He attends the University of Kansas majoring in physics and is employed by Southwest Publishing.
2110 |
 | Engagement- Allen, Patricia-Teske, Larry Announce engagement
The engagement of Miss Patricia Allen to Mr. Larry Teske is announced by her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Hanrahan of Delia. Mr. Teske is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Teske of Delia.
Miss Allen, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Allen, Topeka, is a graduate of Delia High School and is employed at Hallmark’s in Topeka.
Mr. Teske was graduated from Delia High School and is employed by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. He will report for duty in the Navy on July 26.
2111 |
 | Engagement- Allen, Suzy-Thompson, Stan Allen-Thompson Couple Announce Engagement
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Allen, Valencia, announce the engagement of their daughter, Suzy Kay, to Stan Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson, Rossville.
Suzy is a 1980 graduate of Rossville High School and is attending Kansas State majoring in education. Stan is a 1978 graduate of Rossville High School and is farming north of Rossville.
The couple plans to married August 2, 1981. |
2112 |
 | Engagement- Anderson, Darci-Rickson, James Anderson-Rickson Couple to Wed in March
Claudia J. and Michael E. Nadeau, Silver Lake, and James G. Anderson, Big Lake, MN, announce the engagement of their daughter, Darci Alison Anderson, to James Earl Rickson, son of Jack and Linda Rickson, Silver Lake.
The bride-to-be is a graduate of Silver Lake High School and studied psychology at Fort Hays State University. She received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Washburn University, Topeka. She is employed as a project administrative assistant by Kansas Building Systems, Inc., Topeka.
The groom-to-be is a graduate of Silver Lake High School and attended Kansas State University. He is employed as a carpenter by Dennis Sumner Construction Company, Rossville.
The couple has set the wedding date for March 27, 1999.
2113 |
 | Engagement- Anderson, Tammy-Zlatnik, Alan Anderson-Zlatnik
Mr. and Mrs. C. Duane Anderson, Silver Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Tammy Lee, to Alan L. Zlatnik, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Laverne Zlatnik, Delia.
Miss Anderson, a graduate of Silver Lake High School, is employed as a medical assistant by Dr. Richard D. Nabours. Mr. Zlatnik, a graduate of Rossville High School, is a history major at Washburn University.
A July wedding is planned. |
2114 |
 | Engagement- Andrick, Genevieve-Jacobson, Donald Andrick-Jacobson Troth Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andrick of Rossville announce the engagement of their daughter, Genevieve Neoma, to Mr. Donald Jacobson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson of Rossville.
Miss Andrick is a graduate of Rossville High School and is now employed by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. Mr. Jacobson is also a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by Santa Fe.
No wedding date has been set. |
2115 |
 | Engagement- Anspaugh, Yvette-Macy, Norman Norman Macy and Yvette Anspaugh
Macy/Anspaugh Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anspaugh, Rossville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Yvette, to Norman Macy, son of Mr. Charles Macy, Idaho Springs, Colo., and Ms. Donna Pena, College Station, Tex.
The couple is planning a February 14, 1987 wedding. |
2116 |
 | Engagement- Atherton, Jean-Hartzell, Richard Atherton-Hartzell
Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Atherton, of Marceline, Mo., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Jean to Apprentice Seaman Richard L. Hartzell, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Hartzell of Rossville. Miss Atherton, a sophomore at the University of Kansas, is majoring in Home Economics. She is a member of Kappi Phi the Methodist sorority.
Seaman Hartzell, a V-12 trainee at the university, is finishing his senior year in electrical engineering. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Tau, honorary engineering fraternities. |
2117 |
 | Engagement- Backerman, Carolyn-Winterholler, Albert Backerman-Winterholler Engagement Announced
Carolyn Backerman, Rossville, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Richard Cantillon of Rossville, and Staff Sgt. Albert Dale Winterholler, Sunnyside, Wash., son of Albert Winterholler and Mrs. Inez Wickham, Sunnyside, Wash., announce their engagement.
A July 16th wedding will take place at the Rossville Presbyterian Church. |
2118 |
 | Engagement- Badura, Cathy-Hammer, Scott Cathy Badura and Scott Hammer
Badura/Hammer Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Badura, Rossville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Cathy Jo, to Scott M. Hammer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hammer, Rossville.
Cathy, a 1988 graduate of Rossville High School, is attending Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School, studying to be a medical secretary.
Scott is a 1988 graduate of Rossville High School and is attending Washburn University. He is employed by Southeastern-Public Service Company.
A September 23, 1989 wedding is planned. |
2119 |
 | Engagement- Bahner, Christina-Zickefoose, Samuel Note: Christina's engagement photo. |
2120 |
 | Engagement- Bailey, Carol-Ronnebaum, Terry Bailey-Ronnebaum
Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Bailey of Delia wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol, to Terry Ronnebaum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Ronnebaum, Delia.
Carol was graduated from Royal Valley high school, Hoyt, and is now employed at Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
Terry was graduated from Rossville high and Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School and is now employed by Don Lake Construction, Rossville.
The couple plan an April 8 wedding to be held at the Delia Catholic church. |
2121 |
 | Engagement- Baker, Betsy-French, Howard Douglas Baker-French Couple To Be Married
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baker, Topeka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Betsy, to Mr. Howard D. French, son of Mrs. Berniece French, Rossville.
Betsy received her Master's degree in speech pathology from Kansas State University in 1978, and is employed by the Silver Lake School District. Doug is engaged in farming near Rossville and is also employed by the Farmers Union Co-op, St. Marys, as an irrigation engineer.
The couple is planning a summer wedding. |
2122 |
 | Engagement- Barker, Julie-Dick, Kevin Barker-Dick
The engagement of Julie Marie Barker to Kevin Lee Dick is announced by Miss Barker’s parents, Judy M. Griffith, Silver Lake, and Larry J. Barker, Topeka.
Mr. Dick is the son of Wayne and Dianne Dick, Rossville.
The bride-to-be is a graduate of Silver Lake High School and Kansas State University with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in special education. She is an interrelated resource room teacher in Rossville.
Mr. Dick is a graduate of Rossville High School and attended Cloud County Community College, Concordia, and Kansas State University. He is engaged in farming with his father and brother at Rossville.
A May 25, 1996, wedding is planned.
2123 |
 | Engagement- Barnes, Sarah-Daniels, Willis Sarah Ann Barnes
The engagement of Sarah Ann Barnes to Willis Gregory Daniels is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Pickens, Jr. Mr. Daniels is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Daniels.
Miss Barnes is a graduate of Shawnee Heights High School and is employed by American Book Bindery.
Mr. Daniels, a graduate of Highland Park High School, is attending Washburn University and is employed as night supervisor by American Paperback Service.
The couple is planning an early spring wedding. |
2124 |
 | Engagement- Bayless, Barbara-Albright, Scott Bayless-Albright
Gary and Linda Bayless, Auburn, announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Jean, to Scott Hamilton Albright, son of Corky and Jeri Albright, Delia.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Washburn Rural High School and Kansas State University with a degree in accounting. She is accounting services coordinator at Heartland Park Topeka.
Mr. Albright is a graduate of Royal Valley High School, Hoyt, and Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in animal science and industry. He owns Dutch Creek Farms at Delia.
A Nov. 16, 1996, wedding is being planned.
2125 |
 | Engagement- Becker, Patty-McQueen, Lee Patty Becker Engaged
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Becker, Rossville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Patty, to Lee McQueen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McQueen of Delia.
No wedding date has been set. |
2126 |
 | Engagement- Bennett, Mary-Homan, John Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bennett of Rossville announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Geraldine, to Mr. John C. Homan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Homan, St. Marys. The wedding will be May 24, at the Immaculate Conception Church in St. Marys. |
2127 |
 | Engagement- Besta, Cynthia-Kelley, Karl Besta-Kelley Couple Engaged
The engagement of Cynthia Marie Besta to Karl James Kelly is announced by Miss Besta’s parents, Bennie Besta, Rossville, and Cookie Besta, Topeka. Mr. Kelley is the son of Bill and Darlene Kelley, Topeka.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Rossville High School. She is working on her Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice with Highland Community College and is employed with Sloan, Listrom, Eisenbarth, Sloan and Glassman Law Firm, Topeka. The future groom is a graduate of Topeka West High School. He is a self-employed framing contractor.
A May 14, 1994, wedding is planned.
2128 |
 | Engagement- Besta, Patti-Wichman, Todd Patti Besta and Todd Wichman Will Marry June 11
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Besta, Rossville, and Ms. Leona Besta, Tecumseh, announce the engagement of their daughter, Patti Ann, to Todd B. Wichman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Wichman, Emmett.
The bride-elect graduated from Rossville High School and attends Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School. She is employed by Berlin-Wheeler. Mr. Wichman graduates from St. Marys High School and attended Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School. He is employed by L&L Automotive.
A June 11 wedding is planned.
2129 |
 | Engagement- Birchby, Virginia-Foster, Charles Birchby-Foster Engagement
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Birchby, Sheridan, Wyoming, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Virginia Lee Birchby, to Charles E. Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foster of Rossville.
Miss Birchby is a student at St. Mary's College in Xavier, Kansas. Mr. Foster has served with the U.S. Army in Germany and is presently employed at the Santa Fe Shops in Topeka.
No date has been set for the wedding. |
2130 |
 | Engagement- Bishop, Shari-Gentry, James Bishop-Gentry Engagement
The engagement of Shari Lee Bishop and James Lee Gentry is announced by her parents, Glen and Sharon Bishop, Emmett. Mr. Gentry is the son of Bob and Linda Gentry and John Blackard, Rossville.
Miss Bishop is a graduate of St. Marys High School. She is employed by KP&L.
Mr. Gentry is a graduate of Rossville High School. He is self-employed in farming.
The couple is planning a July 31, 1993 wedding. |
2131 |
 | Engagement- Bixby, Betty-Hinterweger, Eric Miss Betty Mae Bixby
Betty Bixby engaged to Eric Hinterweger
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bixby announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Mae, to Eric Hinterweger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omar [sic Omer] Van Vleck.
Miss Bixby is a 1958 graduate of Rossville High School. She is employed at Hallmark Cards Inc. in Topeka.
Mr. Hinterweger is a 1956 graduate of Public High School in Ulmerfeld, Austria. He is employed at Van Vleck Oil Co. in Rossville. Mr. Hinterweger came to the United States in June of 1958.
No date has been set for the wedding. |
2132 |
 | Engagement- Bixby, Teresa-Miller, Lloyd Bixby-Miller Engagement
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bixby of Rossville announce the engagement of their daughter, Teresa Charlotte, to Mr. Floyd [sic Lloyd] L. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller of Delia. |
2133 |
 | Engagement- Boelling, Melissa-Dannefer, Eric Boelling-Dannefer
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Boelling of Corvallis, Mont., formerly of Silver Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Melissa Jean, to Eric Michael Dannefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Dannefer of Rossville.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Silver Lake High School and is a junior at Manhattan Christian College and Kansas State University pursuing a degree in early childhood education.
The future groom is a graduate of Rossville High School and is a junior at Manhattan Christian College majoring in family ministry.
A May 1999 wedding at Rossville Christian Church is planned. |
2134 |
 | Engagement- Bowers, Christine-Kuestersteffen, Michael Bowers/Kuestersteffen Couple Plan July Wedding
Larry and Marla Bowers, Delia, announce the engagement of their daughter, Christine Marie, to Michael Kuestersteffen, son of Robert and Inez Kuestersteffen, Attica.
The future bride, a graduate of Rossville High School, received a Bachelor's degree in elementary education from Emporia State University. She teaches first graders at Lebo Grade School.
Mr. Kuestersteffen served four years in the U.S. Air Force after graduating from Yates Center High School. He will graduate in May from Emporia State University with a degree in computer science.
The couple will be married July 8, 1989, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Emporia.
2135 |
 | Engagement- Bowers, Katherine-Budden, Frederick Bowers/Budden Couple Will Marry January 11
Mrs. Lawrence A. Bowers, Delia, announces the engagement of her daughter, Katherine Diane, to Frederick Richard Budden, St. Marys, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Budden, Tecumseh.
Miss Bowers is a graduate of Holton High School and holds a bachelor of education degree from Washburn University. She is a first grade teacher in Hoyt, U.S.D. 337.
Mr. Budden is a graduate of Shawnee Heights High School, and holds bachelor of music education and master of music degrees from Kansas State University. He teaches vocal music at St. Marys Grade School and St. Marys High School, U.S.D. 321.
A January 11, 1986 wedding will be celebrated at Sacred Heart Church, Delia.
2136 |
 | Engagement- Bowser, Julie-McGinnis, Monte Monte McGinnis and Julie Bowser
Bowser-McGinnis Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Bowser, Oskaloosa, and Mr. and Mrs. C. N. McGinnis, Rossville, announce the engagement of their children, Julie Ann and Monte Brant.
Miss Bowser is a 1980 graduate of Oskaloosa High School and is currently a junior at Kansas State University majoring in finance. She is employed part-time at the First National Bank of Manhattan.
Mr. McGinnis, a 1980 graduate of Rossville High School, is also a junior at Kansas State University majoring in secondary physical education.
An August 1983 wedding is planned by the couple.
2137 |
 | Engagement- Brady, Anna-Gates, Glen BRADY-GATES WEDDING PLANS
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Brady have issued invitations for the wedding of their daughter, Anna Marie, to Mr. Glen O. Gates, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Gates, of Ottawa.
The nuptials will take place at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon Dec. 11, at the First Presbyterian Church. Dr. Orlo Choguill will officiate.
Miss Bernadine Bonjour will attend the bride as maid of honor and Mrs. George Hursig and Mrs. Jack Kramer as bridesmatrons. Miss Norma Mal¬lory and Miss Janice Pfeffer will light the candles. Mr. Jim Overholt will be best man and the ushers will be Mr. Francis Brady, brother of the bride, and Mr. Phil Wilson, Jr. A reception in the church parlors will follow the ceremony.
The bride-to-be is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brady of Rossville.
2138 |
 | Engagement- Brazzle, Jan-Keller, Mick Brazzle-Keller Engagement Announced
A May 30 wedding is planned by Jan Brazzle and Mick Keller, whose engagement is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Brazzle, Jr., Wamego. Mr. Keller is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Keller, Rossville.
Miss Brazzle is a graduate of Wamego High School and is employed by Bit-O-Gold Cheese, Inc., Wamego. Mr. Keller is a graduate of Emporia State University and is teaching and coaching at Rossville High School.
2139 |
 | Engagement- Brennan, Colleen-Catron, Keith Brennan-Catron
Engagement Announced
The engagement of Miss Colleen Brennan to Mr. Keith Catron is announced by the bride-elect’s mother, Mrs. Joyce Brennan.
Miss Brennan, daughter of the late R. W. Brennan, was graduated from Rossville High School and is employed as a medical secretary at the Orthopedic Clinic in Topeka. Mr. Catron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Catron, also was graduated from Rossville High School and is employed by Rossville Truck and Tractor.
An April wedding is planned.
2140 |
 | Engagement- Brennan, Lisa-Kerwin, Michael Brennan-Kerwin Engagement Announced
The engagement of Lisa A. Brennan to Michael A. Kerwin is announced by her mother, Mrs. Joyce Brennan, Rossville.
Miss Brennan, daughter of the late R. W. Brennan, graduated this spring from Kansas State University with a degree in accounting. She is employed by the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging as their fiscal manager.
Mr. Kerwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kerwin, Delia, graduated from St. Marys High School and is a self-employed farmer.
No date has been set for the wedding.
2141 |
 | Engagement- Bridges, Brenda-Faulk, Dale Bridges-Faulk Engagement Announced
The engagement of Brenda Lea Bridges and Dale Elsworth Faulk is announced by her mother, Charlotte Bridges, Topeka, and the late Tommy Bridges. Mr. Faulk is the son of Delbert and Leona Faulk, Rossville.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Seaman High School and attended Calvary Bible College, Kansas City, Mo. She received a degree in nursing from Washburn University and is employed in the medical unit at Aldersgate Village. Mr. Faulk is a graduate of Rossville High School and attended Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School. He is employed by Tower Metal Works, Maple Hill.
The couple is planning a June 1, 1991 wedding.
2142 |
 | Engagement- Broadus, Elizabeth-Hudson, Gregory Broadus-Hudson
The engagement of Elizabeth Marie Broadus to Gregory Scott Hudson is announced by Miss Broadus's mother, Shirley Broadus of Topeka.
Miss Broadus also is the daughter of the late Frank Broadus Jr.
Mr. Hudson is the son of Larry and Linda Hudson, Rossville.
The future bride is a graduate of Hayden High School and Saint Mary College at Leavenworth with a bachelor's degree. She is a programmer/analyst for the Kansas Department of Transportation in Topeka.
The future groom is a graduate of Rossville High School and Emporia State University. He is a loan officer at Mercantile Bank in Topeka.
Aug. 9, 1997, is their wedding date.
2143 |
 | Engagement- Brock, Sheila-Stueve, Alan Announce engagement
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Brock, Delia, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sheila, to Mr. Alan A. Stueve, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stueve, Axtell.
Miss Brock is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by the State Department of Revenue.
Mr. Stueve was graduated from Axtell High School and is employed by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. He is attending Washburn University.
2144 |
 | Engagement- Brooks, Marla-Bowers, Larry Engagement is announced
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey P. Brooks of Great Falls, Montana, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marla, to Larry Bowers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Bowers, Delia.
Miss Brooks, a graduate of Central Catholic High School, Great Falls, is a senior student nurse at Columbus School of Nursing.
Mr. Bowers is a graduate of Delia High school and is employed by the Montana State Highway Department. He is a member of the Marine Corps Reserve. |
2145 |
 | Engagement- Brown, Dorothy-Bahner, Darrell Brown-Bahner Nuptials June 18
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Brown announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Lurine, to Darrel Dwayne Bahner, son of Mrs. Jack Mitchell, Delia.
The wedding will take place at 7:30 p.m. June 18 in the Silver Lake Methodist Church. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.
Miss Brown is employed by the Topeka Morris Plan Co. Mr. Bahner is a student at Washburn University and is employed by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Both are graduates of Silver Lake High School.
2146 |
 | Engagement- Brown, Georgia-Flood, Scott Georgia Brown and Scott Flood
Brown-Flood Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Brown, Rossville, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Georgia Nelsene Brown, Wichita, to Scott Flood, McPherson, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Flood.
Georgia graduated from Chaparral High School in Anthony, Hutchinson Junior College and Emporia State University. She teaches first grade at the Abilene Elementary School, Valley Center.
Scott is a 1978 graduate of McPherson High School and attended Emporia State University. He is employed by the City of Wichita, Water Department.
The wedding will be held July 30th at the Free Methodist Church in McPherson.
2147 |
 | Engagement- Buchanan, Barbara-Holcomb, Donald Buchanan-Holcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Buchanan announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara A. to Donald O. Holcomb, son of Mrs. Arlene Holcomb, Denver.
Miss Buchanan is a graduate of Topeka West High School and attended Washburn University. She is employed by King's Food Host.
Mr. Holcomb, a graduate of Rossville High School, is employed by Essex International.
A summer wedding is planned. |
2148 |
 | Engagement- Burdett, Stephanie-Stiles, Howard Miss Stephanie Burdett
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burdett, Rossville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Stephanie Kay, to Howard Dale Stiles, son of Mrs. Gertrude Stiles.
Miss Burdett will graduate from Rossville High School in May. She is presently employed at the State Office Building Canteen. Mr. Stiles is employed by Allis-Chalmers.
The couple will be married August 16, 1974, at the Rossville United Methodist Church. |
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 | Engagement- Burrow, Angela-Sage, Scott Scott Sage and Angela Burrow
Burrow-Sage Couple Are Engaged
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Burrow, Neodesha, announce the engagement of their daughter, Angela Joan, to Scott Sage, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sage, Topeka.
Miss Burrow is employed at the Fashion Company, Topeka, and Mr. Sage is employed by Blue Cross-Blue Shield.
No date has been set for the wedding. |
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 | Engagement- Bush, Brandi-Bergkvist, Anders Bush-Bergkvist Couple Engaged
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bush, Jr., Rossville, and Mr. Lars-Georg Bergkvist and Ms. Karin Eklind, Sodertalje, Sweden, announce the engagement of their children, Brandi Jo Bush and Anders Johan Bergkvist. An August wedding is planned.
Ms. Bush is a graduate of The George Washington University and is a Public Administration Fellow with the District of Columbia Government in Washington, DC. Mr. Bergkvist is also a graduate of The George Washington University and is the Assistant Director of Tennis at Columbia Country Club in Chevy Chase, MD. |