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2851 |
 | Marriage- Green, Karen-Hilworth, Scott Wedding Vows Exchanged In June Ceremony
Karen Sue Green became the bride of Scott T. Hilworth on Saturday, June 17,1995, at Victory Hills Baptist Church, Kansas City, Ks. Pastor Ted Sandberg officiated the 2 p.m. ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of the late Herbert Green, Jr. and Sandra Green Hoferer. Parents of the groom are Mike and Charlotte Hilworth, Overland Park.
Grandparents of the bride are Ella May Green, Kansas City; Ks., and Ed and Mary Macha, Delia. The groom’s grandparents are Jerry Hilworth and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coker, Olathe.
Rebecca Hoferer, Topeka, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Best man was Aaron Martin, Leawood.
Mrs. Hilworth is a graduate of St. Marys High School and Kansas City Kansas Community College. She attended the University of Kansas and the University of Wichita. She is employed by Hilworth Marketing.
Mr. Hilworth is a graduate of Blue Valley High School, Overland Park. He attended Johnson County Community College and Kansas City Vo- Tech. He is employed by Hilworth Marketing.
The couple resides in Kansas City, Ks.
2852 |
 | Marriage- Green, Margaret-Berry, Emmett The marriage of Miss Margaret Green of Silver Lake and Mr. Emmett Berry, Jr., was solemnized August 22. |
2853 |
 | Marriage- Green, Sandra-Hoferer, Robert GREEN-HOFERER VOWS
The marriage of Sandra Macha Green and Robert B. Hoferer, Jr. was solemized May 6 at 2:00 p.m. in St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Rossville, Kan. The Reverend Al Rockers officiated at the ceremony.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Macha, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoferer, Sr., St. Marys.
The bride wore a floor-length nile green chiffon over taffeta gown with an empire waistline accented by floral braid, shirred skirt, stand-up collar, and cuffed lantern sleeves. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses, miniature carnations and white daises.
Mrs. Dan Braum, Manhattan, was matron of honor. Best man was Frank DeDonder, St. Marys. Ushers were Bill Macha and Chuck Macha, brothers of the bride.
A reception at the Rossville Community Center followed the ceremony.
After a wedding trip to the southwest states, the couple is at home in St. Marys.
Mrs. Hoferer was graduated from Rossville High School and Providence Hospital School of Nursing and was recently employed by the Community Blood Center of Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Hoferer is a graduate of St. Marys High School and served in the U.S. Marine Corps. He is employed by McCall Pattern Co., Manhattan.
2854 |
 | Marriage- Gresser, Catherine-Murphree, Brent Couple Wed In Rossville
Catherine Elizabeth Gresser and Brent Taylor Murphree exchanged marriage vows at 7 p.m. Aug. 14 in Rossville United Methodist Church with the Rev. Paul Mitchell officiating.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Gresser, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Murphree, Overland Park.
The couple’s attendants were Ellen Protherol, Reading, and Tom Murphree, Overland Park, brother of the bridegroom. A reception at the home of the bride’s parents followed the ceremony.
The bride attended Kansas State Teachers College in Emporia and is employed by Peoples State Bank, Rossville. Mr. Murphree is a graduate of Kansas State Teachers College and is employed by Santa Fe Railway Co.
The couple is at home in Rossville.
2855 |
 | Marriage- Gresser, Josephine-Lacey, Joe A marriage license was granted Wednesday to Joe Lacey, Effingham, 25, and Josephine Gresser, Rossville, 19. Miss Gresser is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gresser. |
2856 |
 | Marriage- Grimmett, Judi-Shafstall, Chad Judi Grimmett
Chad Shafstall
The marriage of Judi L. Grimmett and Chad E. Shafstall took place at 4 p.m. April 25 at the American Legion Hall, Perry. The Rev. Larry Wright officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Harold M. Grimmett and Linda S. Courtner, both of Topeka. Parents of the groom are Glenn A. and Alene E. Shafstall, Delia.
Attending the bride were Danielle Hutchens and Jennifer Hutchens. Topeka. Attending the groom were John Robb and Rick Robb, Delia.
The bride is a graduate of Shawnee Heights High School. The groom is a graduate of Rossville High School and is engaged in farming in Delia.
2857 |
 | Marriage- Griswold, Lucille-Lyon, Wayne GRISWOLD—LYON
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Griswold announce the marriage of their daughter, Lucille, to Mr. Wayne Lyon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lyon, of Admire, Kansas. The wedding took place May 28, at 11 a. m. at Lebo, Kansas.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. Emory Dains, former pastor at Admire, in the presence of the immediate families. Before the ceremony Miss Leona Griswold and Miss Ione Lyon sang “At Dawning” and “I Love You Truly.”
The bride wore a navy blue marquisette dress with natural linen accessories. Her corsage was of Talisman roses and sweet peas.
Mrs. Lyon took most of her college work at Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia. She has been teaching for the past year at Newton, Kansas. Mr. Lyon is a graduate of Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia and has been teaching at [missing rest]
2858 |
 | Marriage- Griswold, Mary-Braxton, Robert Griswold - Braxton
marriage announced
Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Mary Ann Griswold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin B. Griswold of Newton, Kansas, to Mr. Robert D. Braxton, son of Mrs. Rachel Braxton of Joplin, Mo., Friday, March 7, at the Westport Presbyterian Church. Kansas City, Missouri.
A graduate of Kansas State College and Kansas University Medical Center where she received a B.S. Degree in nursing, the bride is employed at doctors’ offices on the Plaza. The bridegroom is employed as an assistant buyer at Macy’s in Kansas City, Mo. He attended Joplin Junior College and Kansas State Teachers College in Pittsburg, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Braxton will reside at 318 East 48th Street in Kansas City, Missouri.
Mrs. Braxton is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Griswold of Rossville.
2859 |
 | Marriage- Guindon, Denise-French, Howard Guindon-French
Denise L. Guindon and Howard Douglas French exchanged marriage vows Feb. 12, 1994, at Rossville United Methodist Church. The Rev. Ken Rogers officiated.
Parents of the bride are Lois and Donald E. Peterson, Topeka. Mr. French is the son of Berniece French. Rossville, and the late Howard R. French.
The bride’s maid of honor was her daughter, Megan Guindon, and the bridegroom's best man was his son. Tanner French.
Craig Peterson, Topeka, brother of the bride, was the soloist.
The couple honeymooned in Antigua, the West Indies. They live in Rossville.
Marriage licenses
Howard D. French. Rossville 43
Denise L. Guindon. Rossville 33
2860 |
 | Marriage- Gustin, Helen-Romig, Kenneth Miss Helen Gustin and Kenneth Romig were married at Lyndon, Kansas, June 1, by Probate Judge Frank Farrar. |
2861 |
 | Marriage- Gustin, Ilga-Glogau, Otto Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Gustin of Maple Hill announce the marriage of their daughter, Ilga Beryl to Otto C. Glogan [sic Otto E. Glogau] Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glogan [sic] are going to housekeeping about June 1st at Maple Hill. |
2862 |
 | Marriage- Gustin, Mary-Colter, E. Reed Gustin-Colter
Miss Mary A. Gustin, of this community, and Mr. E. Reed Colter, of Silver Lake, were united in marriage Wednesday, January 30, at Lyndon, Kansas. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Colter will spend their honeymoon in a visit with relatives and friends at Wichita and Arlington, Kansas, El Reno and other points in Oklahoma, before returning home.
Mrs. Colter is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gustin of route 14. She is a splendid young lady whose many friends in the community wish for her a happy wedded life. Mr. Colter is also well known here and has many friends thru his work here for several seasons as star pitcher on the local ball team. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Colter of Silver Lake, well-to-do farmer folk living east of the lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Colter will make their home at Silver Lake where they conduct a cafe and soft drink establishment.
[From 7 Feb 1924] |
2863 |
 | Marriage- Gutshall, Mildred-Finney, Charles 1 A marriage license was issued Tuesday, at Lincoln, Neb., to Miss Mildred Gutshall, 25, and Mr. Chas. Finney, 24, of Manhattan. |
2864 |
 | Marriage- Gutshall, Mildred-Finney, Charles 2 Gutshall-Finney
The marriage of Miss Mildred Gutshall, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gutshall, to Mr. Charles Finney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finney of Ogden, Kansas, took place Tuesday, Oct. 24, at the home of his sister, in Lincoln, Nebr.
The news of the marriage came as a complete surprise to her relatives and friends. Mrs. Finney attended Rossville schools and was a graduate of the Rossville High school. After completing high school she spent four years as bookkeeper in Coffman's Furniture store in Manhattan. Mr. Finney is a prosperous young farmer. After a short wedding trip they will be at home on a farm near Ogden, Kansas. |
2865 |
 | Marriage- Hagedorn, Donna-Lasswell, Rodney Hagedorn-Lasswell Marriage Solemnized
The marriage of Donna Kaye Hagedorn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hagedorn, Rossville, and Rodney J. Lasswell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lasswell, Emmett, was solemnized at 7:30 p.m. June 3 in Rossville Methodist Church.
The Rev. Clyde Noyce officiated. candles were lighted by Anna Copeland and Sheila Copeland.
A gown of imported linen was the bride’s choice for her wedding. Re-embriodered Alencon lace formed the short sleeves, and wide bands of the lace encircled the hem and bordered the chapel train. Her bouffant veil was caught to a Caesar’s Crown of pearls. She carried her grandmother’s German Bible and a cascade of gardenias and stephanotis with ivy.
The bride was attended by Suzan Zeferjahn, Topeka, maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Susan Kelly, Topeka, Mr. Lasswell’s sisters, Glenda Lasswell and Debra Lasswell, Emmett. Flower girl was Annette Wrosch, Holton and Steven Copeland, Rossville, served as ring bearer.
Roy Darting, Emmett, was best man. Groomsmen were Gary Dick, Rossville, Lemoine Boling, Emmett; and the bride’s brother, James Hagedorn, Rossville. Homer Panchot, Topeka, ushered.
A reception in the church followed the wedding.
After a trip to Lake of the Ozarks, the couple is at home in Emmett.
The bride is a sophomore at Washburn University majoring in elementary education. She is employed as a swimming instructor during the summer.
Mr. Lasswell, also a sophomore at Washburn, is majoring in business administration. He is engaged in farming with his father near Emmett.
Mrs. Bob Copeland and Mrs. Bill Larson of Rossville entertained with a miscellaneous shower at the Larson home Friday evening, May 5. The guest of honor was Donna Kaye Hagedorn, whose marriage to Rodney Lasswell will take place June 3.
Invited guests were Mrs. Don Hagedorn, Mrs. Marion Lass- well of Emmett, Mrs. Robert Marshall, Miss Glenda Marshall, Miss Debbie Marshall, Miss Virginia Stach, Mrs. Frank Stach, Miss Diana Cowan, Mrs. Kenneth Cowan, Mrs. Helen Weybrew, Mrs. Clarence Wehner, Mrs. Tony Zemek, Mrs. Fred McCollough, Miss Marilyn Truby, Mrs. Walt Truby, Mrs. JohnWehner, Mrs. Harold Enochs, Mrs. Forest Kidney, Miss Connie Bahner, Mrs. Milt Bahner, Mrs. Luther McClain, Mrs. Thornton McClain, Mrs. Tom Heges, Mrs. U.R. Zeller, Miss Becky Zeller, Miss Alice Zeller, Mrs. Bill Hesse, Mrs. Laverne Spears, Mrs. Burns Hesse, Miss Sandy Macha, Mrs. Ed Macha, Mrs. Henry Martinek, Miss Jean Stiles, and Mrs. Vance Crawford.
2866 |
 | Marriage- Hahn, Virginia-Daniels, Glen Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hahn announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Virginia Hahn, to Mr. Glen Daniels, on May 16. |
2867 |
 | Marriage- Haight, Susan-Lambert, Terry Mrs. Terry Lambert
(Susan Haight)
Susan C. Haight became the bride of Terry W. Lambert at 4 p.m. Sept. 6 in the Meade Park Gardens. The Rev. Richard D. Lewis officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haight and the bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Lambert, Delia.
Attending the bride were Mrs. Maxine Oberer and Patti Haight, both of Topeka, and Mrs. Cindy Langworthy, Delia.
The bridegroom was attended by Ray Sigman, Don Dachenhausen, and Carl Corona.
Mrs. Lambert is a junior at Washburn University and is employed by Galleri, White Lakes.
Mr. Lambert is a graduate of Washburn University and is employed by K-Mart.
2868 |
 | Marriage- Hale, Alice-Aubert, Joseph Married
Wednesday at the priest's office in St. Marys, Miss Alice Hale of this city and Mr. J. Aubert of St. Marys were united in marriage.
They came to Rossville and spent the night at the home of C.M. Smith and wife south of town where they were charivaried in noisy style.
Miss Hale is one of Rossville's most estimable young ladies and the Reporter joins in wishing her abundant prosperity and happiness.
They will make their home near St. Marys. |
2869 |
 | Marriage- Hale, Nellie-Scritchfield, Hiram The wedding of two of Rossville's young people occurred at the probate judges office in Topeka Wednesday morning when Miss Nellie V. Hale and Mr. Hiram Scritchfield were married. |
2870 |
 | Marriage- Hall, Ida-Smith, George Hall-Smith
Ida M. Hall and George Nelvin Smith were united in marriage at 1 p.m. Jan. 11 at Shawnee Heights United Methodist Church. The Rev. Kent Melcher and the Rev. Donald D. Hines officiated.
The bride is the daughter of the late Claude and Elsie Anno. The groom is the son of Blanche Smith and the late Nelson Smith.
Attending the bride and groom were Marilynn and Frank Decker, Ushers were Mike Feldhausen, Rossville, and Toby Harris, Wamego, sons-in-iaw of the groom. Candle- lighters were Erin and Megan Barker, Lecompton, granddaughters of the bride.
The bride is a graduate of Highland Park High School and is retired from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. The groom also is a graduate of Highland Park High School and is employed as business manager for Local 3 of the Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International Union of America.
The bride will retain her name.
2871 |
 | Marriage- Halloran, Mary-Heiland, Kenneth Mary Ann Halloran Weds Kenneth Heiland
The marriage of Mary Ann Halloran to Kenneth L. Heiland was solemnized in a double-ring ceremony at 10 a.m. June 8 at Immaculate Conception Church in St. Marys with the Rev. Edward Thro officiating. Nuptial music was provided by Mrs. George Verschelden Jr. and Noreen Wano.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Thomas Halloran of St. Marys and the late Mr. Halloran. Mr. Heiland is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Heiland of Rossville.
THE BRIDE’S street-length gown of Chantilly-type lace featured a basque bodice with a scalloped V-neckline, dotted with sequins, and long bridal point sleeves. The bouffant skirt of lace petals over tulle ruffles also was outlined with sequins. Her blush veil of imported illusion was held by a halo of seed pearls and she carried a cascade of pink roses and stephanotis.
Kathleen Halloran of St. Marys, attended her sister as maid of honor. She wore a street-length dress of silk organza over taffeta in pastel pink. A scalloped abbreviated jacket was worn over a shirred bodice with a round neckline and brief sleeves. The modified bell skirt was formed by scissor pleats and accented by a self-bow at the waistline in front.
Miss Halloran carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses. Her veil was of four-tiered bouffant pink illusion held with a taffeta bow in front.
* * *
MR. HEILAND was served by Wendell Mohler of Silver Lake as best man. Robert Rooney of Topeka and William Colson of Rossville were ushers.
A reception at the Centennial Building in St. Marys followed the ceremony. Assisting were Mrs. Ted Schraeder, Marcia Grieshaber, Judy Woody and Mary Jean Pope, all of St. Marys: Sandra Heiland of Rossville and Donna Scheutz of Topeka.
Mrs. Heiland, a graduate of St. Marys High School, is employed by the State Department of Revenue. Mr. Heiland, a graduate of Rossville High, School, attended Kansas State. University. He is employed by
the Fleming Co.
The couple is at home at 1118 Kansas. |
2872 |
 | Marriage- Hanrahan, Diana-Hibbert, Daniel Hanrahan-Hibbert
Diana Lynn Hanrahan and Daniel Lee Hibbert were married at 6 p.m. Feb. 23 in Assumption Catholic Church with the Rev. Leonard Moran officiating.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bernard Hanrahan and Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hibbert.
Attending the bride were Denise Hanrahan, Kari Hanrahan, Kathy Artzer, Lisa Dennis and Gina Leathers. The bridegroom’s attendants were David J. Hibbert, Russ Whitehead, Kenny Roberts, Gary Abbott and Mike Leo.
Mrs. Hibbert is a graduate of Hayden High School and is employed by Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Mr. Hibbert was graduated from Seaman High School and is employed by Res-Com Painting Co.
The couple is living at 2414 1/2 Illinois.
2873 |
 | Marriage- Hanrahan, Zita-Allen, Raymond A beautiful wedding was solemnized Thanksgiving Day at the Sacred Heart church at Delia, when Miss Zita Hanrahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Hanrahan became the bride of Mr. Raymond Allen of St. Marys. |
2874 |
 | Marriage- Hanson, Helga-Martin, John Martin-Hanson - At the home of the bride's parents in Topeka, Monday, December 22, 1902, John Preston Martin and Miss Helga Eleanor Hanson plighted their troth as man and wife. The Rev. Heranus, pastor of the Lutheran Church performed the ceremony in the presence of a few invited relatives and friends. The bride is one of Topeka's fair daughters, an enthusiastic church worker and a favorite in social circles. Mr. Martin is the gentlemanly barber who presides at the "OK" barber shop in this city. The happy couple arrived in Rossville on the evening "plug" and were met at the depot by an admiring and well-wishing crowd who deluged the bride and groom with rice and happy congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Martin were the recipients of numerous and valuable presents by their many Topeka friends as a token of the high regard and esteem in which they were held. The NEWS joins their Rossville friends in extending congratulations and welcoming them to a home in our midst.
[From Dec 1902] |
2875 |
 | Marriage- Harden, Joyce-Abernathy, Thomas Harden-Abernathy Wedding Held in Gage Park
Joyce Harden and Thomas Abernathy exchanged marriage vows on Saturday, May 26, 1979 in the Rose Garden, Gage Park at Topeka, Kansas.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Harden, Rossville. The groom is the son of Jessie Abernathy, Topeka.
Wearing an originally-designed gown of bridal satin and chiffon edged in ornamental lace, the bride was given in marriage by her father. She carried a cascade bouquet of peach colored roses, white daisies and baby’s breath.
Andrea Harden, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmatron was Michelle Crisler, sister of the bride. They wore peach floral print gowns and carried peach nosegays.
The groom wore a beige tuxedo with a rose boutonniere. Darrell Abernathy, brother of the groom, was best man. Groomsman was Neil Foster. The men wore beige colored tuxedos.
The bride’s mother wore a cerise chiffon dress with matching corsage.
Ruth Newsham and John Kratina were the vocalists and accompanist. The selections were: “Annie’s Song,” “Brian’s Song,” “If,” and “You Light Up My Life.” Attending the guest book was Debbie Richardson.
A reception followed the ceremony in the Harden home at Rossville.
Mrs. Abernathy is employed by Stormont-Vail Regional Medical Center of Topeka. Mr. Abernathy is employed by Sentry Lumber of Topeka.
The couple is at home in the rural Rossville area.
2876 |
 | Marriage- Harden, Loretta-Murray, Frank Hardin [sic Harden]-Murray
A surprise announcement was made this week of the marriage of Miss Loretta Hardin [sic], daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Hardin [sic], and Frank Marray [sic Murray] Jr., youngest son of Mr. Frank Murray. The marriage took place at Alma, Kansas, sometime in March.
At present Mr. and Mrs. Hardin [sic] are located at Willard. |
2877 |
 | Marriage- Harding, Flora-Peterson, John Two marriage licenses were issued this morning by W.F. Schoch, probate judge. John H. Peterson, aged 20 years, and Flora May Harding, aged 21 years; were in the building when court opened anxious to secure a license decorated with the Red Cross Christmas seals. Mr. Peterson said his home was in Emmett, while the bride's parents live in Rossville. [rest does not apply] |
2878 |
 | Marriage- Harth, Janet-Dodge, James Harth-Dodge Vows Exchanged June 3
[Photo caption: Mr. and Mrs. James Dodge]
The marriage of Janet Sue Harth to James Leonard Dodge was solemnized June 3 in the Rossville Christian Church. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Marlin L. Harth, Overbrook, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dodge, Delia.
The Rev. Sam Nickols officiated at the 3 p.m. double-ring ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Duerfeldt, Manhattan, provided the nuptial music.
The bride's floor-length gown of Chantilace over taffeta was styled with an elongated bodice and scalloped neckline. Her fingertip-length veil of silk illusion was hand rolled and caught to an orange blossom and pearl crown. She carried a crescent-shaped bouquet of yellow sweetheart roses and white stephanotis.
The bride was attended by Sue Viergever, Rossville, as maid of honor. Joanne Dodge, Delia, sister of the bridegroom, and Helen Stadler, Topeka, were candlelighters. Flower girl was Debbie Wehner, Rossville.
The aqua dacron dresses worn by the bride's attendants were styled with scoop necklines, satin bows in the back, and loosely pleated skirts. The girls wore matching satin crowns on net veils. A yellow carnation bouquet was carried by the maid of honor.
Charles Lee Harth, Overbrook, brother of the bride, was best man. Ushers were Johnny Wehner, Rossville, and Donnie Horak, Delia.
Assisting at the reception in the Rossville Community Center were: Mrs. Charles Boddy, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. John Wehner, Mrs. George Stadler, and Diane Swenson, Rossville; Mrs. Benny Horak, Delia; Sharon Davis, Phoenix, Arizona; Charlotte Skaggs, Overbrook; Mrs. Francis Martin and Mrs. Zora Nicodemus, Topeka.
Following a wedding trip to Mount Rushmore, the Badlands, and Yellowstone National Park, the couple is at home at 1426 Byron, Topeka.
A graduate of Rossville Rural High School, the bride attended Clarks School of Business, and is employed by Hussey Insurance Agency.
Mr. Dodge was graduated from Delia Rural High School and is employed by the Kansas Sheet Metal Co.
[From 1962] |
2879 |
 | Marriage- Hartzell, Mary-Bailey, Estle Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Hartzell announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Ann, to Mr. Estle R. Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Bailey of Silver Lake. The wedding was quietly solemnized Sunday morning at the home of the bride's parents with the Rev. Wright Horton officiating. |
2880 |
 | Marriage- Hasenbank, Rhonda-Womack, Brian Hasenbank-Womack
Rhonda Lucille Hasenbank and Brian Wesley Womack exchanged marriage vows at 2 p.m. April 29, 1995, at the United Methodist Church in Rossville. The Rev. Ken Rogers officiated.
Parents of the couple are Forrest and Anna Lu Hasenbank, St. George, and Jerry Womack, Topeka, and the late Peggy Womack.
Matron of honor was Dixie Hoover, St. George, a sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Crystal Womack and Debbie Womack, Topeka, sisters of the groom, and Lynette Renfro, Silver Lake.
Best man was Brad Womack, Topeka, brother of the groom. Groomsmen were Rodney Hasenbank, Marysville, and Reggie Hasenbank, Manhattan, brothers of the bride; and Kevin Renfro, Silver Lake.
Flower girl was Bridgette Hoover, St. George. Ring bearer was David Womack, Topeka.
Ushers were Russell Hasenbank, Liberal, and. Randy Hasenbank; Benton, brothers of the bride, and Rob Runyan, Silver Lake.
Candlelighter and cameraman was Rod Hoover, St. George, brother-in-law of the bride. Omer VanVleck, Rossville, an uncle of the groom, also was a cameraman.
Guest book attendant was Stefanie Hasenbank, Liberal, sister-in-law of the bride. Gift attendant was Lennis Hasenbank, Liberal, sister-in-law of the bride. Cake and punch attendants were Deana Womack, sister of the groom, Topeka, and Denis Toy, Manhattan.
The bride’s veil and flowers were made by Rod Hoover, brother-in-law of the bride, St. George.
The bride was graduated from St. George High School and received an associate's degree as a legal secretary from Cloud County Community College, Concordia. She is employed by Blue Cross Blue Shield.
The groom is a graduate of Silver Lake High School and is employed by Payless ShoeSource.
2881 |
 | Marriage- Haun, JoDonna-Sieh, Jeffrey Haun-Sieh
JoDonna “Jodi” Kay Haun and Jeffrey Wayne Sieh were united in marriage Dec. 16, 1995, at Longview Christian Church, Longview, Texas.
The Rev. Kevin Klein officiated.
The couple’s parents are Donald and Sandra Haun, Larned, and Robert and Vickie Sieh, Rossville.
The bride’s attendants were Leigh Ann Veale, St. Joseph, Mo.; Tari Holtorf, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Nancy Smith, Wichita; Angie Taylor, Manhattan; and Maury Jo Hundley, Hallsville, Texas.
Robert Sieh stood with his son as best man. The groomsmen were Harold Pittman, Tonganoxie; Darren Key, Louisville, Ky.; Kevin Dulin, Evansville, Ind.; and Troy Bayne, Longview.
Candles were lighted by Devin Haun, Hays, and Karin and Kalissa Klein and Rachel McGinness, all of Longview. Hali Haun, Hays, was the flower girl, and Bryant Pittman, Tonganoxie, was the ring bearer.
The ushers were David Haun, Hays, and Darren Haun, Kansas City, Mo., brothers of the bride, and Barton Hundley, Hallsville. Music was provided by keyboardist Melanie Klein of Longview, and soloist Sheri Smith, Nashville, Tenn.
A reception and buffet followed at LeTourneau University Student Center in Longview. The reception hosts were the bride’s aunts, Shirley Smith, Great Bend, and Linda Slavik, Pawnee Rock; and the bride’s uncle and aunt, Winston and Connie Haun, San Marcos, Texas. Cake was served by Lisa Haun, Hays, sister-in-law of the bride, and Julie Dulin, Evansville, sister of the groom.
The bride is a graduate of Larned High School, Kansas State University and Manhattan Christian College. She is employed in several areas of Christian ministry in Longview.
The bridegroom is a graduate of Rossville High School and attended Manhattan Christian College. He attends LeTourneau University and plans to pursue a career in specialized Christian ministry.
After a honeymoon trip to Florida, they are at home in Longview.
2882 |
 | Marriage- Hawkins, Pam-Martinek, Dennis Mrs. Dennis Martinek
(Pam Hawkins)
Pam Hawkins became the bride of Dennis Martinek during a ceremony read by the Rev. Dr. E. Merris Brady at 2 p.m. Nov. 18 in the chapel of First United Methodist Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hawkins are parents of the bride, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Martinek, Rossville.
Attending the bride were Nancy Young and Sarah Henderson, Topeka; Niki Carlson, Dodge City; and Sharon Williams, Bedford, Tex. The bridegroom's attendants were Duane Ma¬tinek and Mick Keller, Rossville; Steve DeBacker, Delia; and Bob Olejnik.
Mrs. Martinek is a graduate of Lawrence D. Bell High School, Bedford, Tex., and Washburn University. She is employed by USD 501 at Highland Park Junior High School.
Mr. Martinek was graduated from Rossville High School and Washburn University. He is employed by USD 321, Delia Elementary School.
They are living in Topeka.
2883 |
 | Marriage- Hayes, Audrey-Gilsinger, Joe HAYES - GILSINGER
Mr. and Mrs. Bert D. Hayes announce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Audrey Lea, to Joe J. Gilsinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albiner J. Gelsinger of Jericho Springs, Mo., on July 11, at the Armour Heights Baptist church in Kansas City, Mo. Dr. Ross, minister of that church officiated.
The reception for a large number of the relatives and friends was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Drago. Mrs. Drago is a sister of the groom.
The bride wore a light blue chiffon street length dress with a white orchid and white accessories and her sister, Le Ora, acting as brides maid wore a champaigne colored dress with white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Mr. James Ricketts attended the groom.
After a short honeymoon in South ern Missouri and Arkansas, they are at home at 1904 East 34th Street, Kansas City, Mo.
Audrey, being part owner of the Dordel Photograph Studio in Kansas City, Kansas, will continue her work there, and Mr. Galsinger is employed as an investigator for a Gas Company in Kansas City, Missouri.
2884 |
 | Marriage- Hayes, Emma-Henderson, Earl Mr. and Mrs. B.D. Hayes announced the marriage of their daughter, Emma Pauline, to Mr. Earl R. Henderson on October 28. |
2885 |
 | Marriage- Hayes, LeOra-Wyker, Charles HAYES - WYKER
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hayes announce the marriage of their daughter, Le Ora Mae to Mr. Chester Wyker of St. Marys, Kansas, on May 27th at the Christian Church at 8:00 o’clock in the evening. Fred W. Paxton of the Oakland Christian Church of Topeka officiated.
Mrs. Audrey Gelsinger of Kansas City, sister of the bride, acted as matron of honor and her husband, J. J. Gelsinger, attended the groom. A few friends and close relatives were in attendance.
The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a light blue, street length dress with white accessories. Her flowers were pink carnations.
A reception was held in the church Sunday School room after the ceremony. Miss Nellie Countryman and Mrs. Gelsinger served the wedding cake and a fruit punch.
2886 |
 | Marriage- Hecker, Jean-McGinnis, Peter Jean Angeline Hecker
Peter Sean McGinnis Hecker-McGinnis
Jean Angeline Hecker became the bride of Peter Sean McGinnis in a 7 p.m. ceremony April 8, 1994, at St. Matthew’s Church in Topeka. The Rev. Tom Hesse officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Jacob and Rose Hecker, Topeka. Mr. McGinnis is the son of Mary McGinnis, Topeka, and the late Clair McGinnis.
The bride’s attendants were Suzanne Ukena, Ruth Browne and Dawn Hecker, all of Topeka, and Carol Lewis, Burlingame.
The bridegroom’s attendants were Brad Wood and Chris Kokenge, both of Rossville; Stan Sexton. Silver Lake; and Mark Hecker, Topeka.
Stephanie Hecker, Topeka, was the flower girl, and Justin Ukena, Topeka, was the ring bearer. Kyle Ukena, Topeka, carried the Bible. Candles were lighted by Erin Ukena and Jessica Savely, both of Topeka.
The bride is a graduate of Shawnee Heights High School. She is employed by Sam’s Club in Topeka.
Mr. McGinnis is a graduate of Rossville High School. He is employed by Shawnee County.
2887 |
 | Marriage- Heiland, Jennie-DeGraff, Leroy Mr. Leroy DeGraff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed DeGraff and Miss Jennie Heiland, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heiland, were married December 20 in Topeka. |
2888 |
 | Marriage- Heiland, Sandra-Dekat, Steven Heiland-Dekat
Sandra Kay Heiland became the bride of Steven A. Dekat June 13 in St. Bernard's Catholic Church, Wamego, with the Rev. Leo Cooper officiating at the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. Dale Soelter was organist.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Harley Heiland, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dekat, Wamego.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white Chantilly lace, caught up in back with a bow. The bodice was styled with a scalloped neckline trimmed with sequins and pearls and short sleeves. Her fingertip-length veil was held by a rhinestone crown. She carried a bouquet of red roses.
Mrs. Bernard Dekat was matron of honor and Mrs. Kenneth Dekat was bridesmatron. Their street-length, two-piece dresses of pale aqua lace over satin were styled with elbow-length sleeves. They carried bouquets of white carnations.
Robin Dekat, flower girl, wore a pale aqua lace dress trimmed with scallops on the hemline. Edward Molher carried the rings.
Bernard Dekat served as best man and groomsman was [missing part] of the bridegroom. Ushers were Jimmy Stevens, St. Marys, and Mike Dekat, Wamego.
A reception followed the ceremony and the bride's parents entertained later with a dinner at Country Lanes, Wamego. Assisting at the reception were: Sharon Mohler and Charlotte Mohler, Silver Lake; Norma Jean Roney, Topeka, and Carolyn Cantillon.
The couple is temporarily at home in Wamego.
The bride attended Rossville High School. Mr. Dekat, a graduate of Wamego High School, has been employed by Dekat's Garage, St. Marys.
[Photo caption: Mrs. Steve A. Dekat (Sandra Kay Heiland)]
[1964] |
2889 |
 | Marriage- Hejtmanek, Rosa-Olejnik, George Miss Rosa Hejtmanek and Mr. Geo. Olejnik, young people from the Bohemian neighborhood, were married by the probate judge at his office in Topeka Tuesday. The customary celebration of the event will be held at the Olejnik home tomorrow. |
2890 |
 | Marriage- Henningson, Irene-Parr, Rolland Henningson-Parr
The Enns Lutheran Church near Herndon, Kansas, was the scene of a very impressive ceremony, November 13, at 2 p.m., when Miss Irene Henningson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henningson of Herndon, and Rolland D. Parr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parr of Rossville, were united in marriage.
Rev. Carl A.A. Larson read the double ring service before an altar banked with greenery and gold and bronze mums. On each side of the altar were two seven-branch candelabra holding gold tapers. Clusters of mums, tied with bronze and gold ribbon marked each pew.
Mr. Sidney Morrish played the traditional nuptial music preceding the ceremony, and accompanied Mrs. Sidney Morrish as she sang "Oh, Promise Me," and "Always." As the couple knelt in prayer at the altar Mrs. Morrish sang "The Lord's Prayer."
Misses Pauline and Marjorie Cederberg lighted the gold tapers. They were dressed in identical floor-length dresses of pastel green taffeta. They wore headdresses of bronze mums and matching wristlets.
The lovely bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a ballerina-length lace gown worn with white satin redingote, which was fashioned with a portrait collar, and long sleeves tapering to points over the hands. The fitted bodice gracefully flowed into a long aisle wide train. She wore a fingertip veil, held in place by a satin crown. Her colonial bouquet was of white roses tied with green ribbon.
Miss Frances Henningson, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Her gown was of gold taffeta and lace with matching mitts, corresponding tiara. She carried a nosegay of bronze mums with coronation green streamers.
Miss Virginia Parr, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Phil Woodward, bridesmaids, were dressed in coronation gowns and wore matching mitts and tiaras styled on those of the maid of honor. They carried nosegays of bronze mums from which flowed gold streamers.
Grant Glad, 4-year-old cousin of the bride, carried the rings on a pillow of white satin. He was dressed in a dark suit.
The bridegroom and Mr. Kenneth Crittman, serving as best man, and ushers for the bridal party, Richard Mason and Billy Hesse, were all formally attired. Robert Henningson, John Cederberg and Arlie Rydquist were ushers for the wedding guests. They wore conventional dark suits. All wore boutonnieres of white carnations.
Mrs. Henningston chose for her daughter's wedding a dress of dubonnet crepe with which she wore a pink hat. Her corsage was of gardenias, Mrs. Parr wore a taupe crepe dress with black accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of red roses.
A reception was held following the ceremony in the church parlors for the one hundred fifty guests. The table was covered with a white linen table cover which was a gift of the bride's mother on her wedding day. The beautiful four-tired wedding cake was decorated with clusters of gold and green flowers and leaves. Double candelabra flanked each side of the cake, in which were gold tapers. The tapers were tied with bronze ribbon, and large multi-colored leaves were attractively arranged on the table.
Mrs. Ivan Lippold and Mrs. Robert Young poured, and Miss Phyllis Landau served the punch. Mrs. Iran Cederberg, assisted by Pauline Cederberg, cut and served the wedding cake. Mrs. Dennis Rydquist, Mrs. Darlene Pope and Marjorie Cederberg assisted as hostesses for the reception table.
Miss Virginia Geeltl was in charge of the guest book.
For her wedding trip to the southwestern states, the bride wore a green and brown checked suit with dark brown accessories. Her corsage was a bronze orchid.
The bride is a graduate of Decatur Community High School and Kansas State College. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega. The groom is a graduate of Rossville High School and of Kansas State College and a member of Delta Tau Delta. He is a veteran of World War II.
After their wedding trip of two weeks to the West Coast the couple will be at home southwest of Rossville where the groom is engaged in farming.
Out-of-town guests in attendance at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parr and Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Harth, Mr. and Mrs. George Stadler, Mr. and Mrs. William Hesse, Mr. Billy Hesse, Mr. Burns Hesse, Mr. Joe Conley, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rogers, Jane and Don, all of Rossville, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Martin, Jr., of Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grittman of Great Bend; Mr. Richard Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Woodward, and Miss Marjorie Landau, of Manhattan; Mrs. B.S. Bowman of Norton; Mrs. Robert Young and Patricia of Denver; Miss Pauline Cederberg, of Sylvia; Marjorie Cederberg of Lindsborg, and Mary Lou Woodward of Lawrence.
[23 Nov 1950]
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parr, Virginia Parr, Richard Mason and Billy Hesse drove to Oberlin, Kansas, Friday where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henningson. They attended a dinner for the wedding party Friday evening and the wedding Saturday of Miss Irene Henningson and Mr. Rolland Parr a the Enns Lutheran Church near Herndon, Kansas.
[16 Nov 1950]
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Harth, Mr. and Mrs. George Stadler, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Martin, Jr., drove to Attwood, Kansas, Friday and were overnight guests of Mr. Harth's grandmother. On Saturday they attended the Henningson-Parr wedding near Herndon, Kansas, returning home Saturday night.
[16 Nov 1950]
Mr. and Mrs. William Hesse, and Burns; Joe Conley, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rogers, Jane and Don drove to McCook, Neb., Friday. Saturday wedding near Herndon, Kan., returning home Sunday.
[16 Nov 1950] |
2891 |
 | Marriage- Herrick, Ila-Whitlock, Robert Mrs. Frank Herrick of Eskridge announces the marriage of her daughter, Ila, to Mr. Robert Whitlock, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Whitlock of Maple Hill. |
2892 |
 | Marriage- Hesse, Rhonda-Burgess, Edward Hesse-Burgess
Rhonda L. Hesse and Edward Burgess were married at 7 p.m. Nov. 3 in Lowman United Methodist Church. The Rev. Donald Hines officiated.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hesse, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burgess, Fredonia.
The bride’s attendants were Mrs. Ron Hesse and Mrs. Randy Dick, both of Rossville. Attending the bridegroom were Gary Hunter and Larry Burgess.
Mrs. Burgess is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by Stormont-Vail Regional Medical Center. Mr. Burgess was graduated from Topeka High School and is employed by Hamm Asphalt, Inc.
They are living at 745 Webster.
2893 |
 | Marriage- Higbee, Amy-Trimble, Curtis Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Higbee of Willard announce the marriage of their daughter, Amy Louise, to Mr. Curtis A. Trimble of Silver Lake. The marriage took place on December 2 at Lyndon, Kansas. |
2894 |
 | Marriage- Hildebrand, Sheri-Wehner, Larry Hildebrand-Wehner
Sheri Lea Hildebrand and Larry Dean Wehner were married at 6:30 p.m. June 6 in St. Stanislaus Church, Rossville.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Don Hildebrand. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wehner, Rossville.
Attending the bride were Mechelle Oathoat, Silver Lake; Cindy Guetzlaff, Manhattan; and Paula Wehner, Rossville. Attending the bridegroom were Jeff Wehner and Chad Gentry, Rossville; and Jim Preble.
Mrs. Wehner graduated from Seaman High School and Raw Area Voocational-Technical School where she studied to be a medical secretary. She attended Washburn University and is employed by Mainline Printing. Mr. Wehner graduated from Rossville High School and Raw Area Vocational-Technical School where he studied electricity. He is employed by O R. Johnson Electric.
2895 |
 | Marriage- Hinkle, Carolyn-Lynde, Loren Hinkle-Lynde Wedding
Miss Carolyn Hinkle and Mr. Loren Lynde were united in marriage at a nuptial mass at ten o'clcok July 20 in St. John's Catholic Church in Folsom, California.
Mr. Bernard Rodenbaugh of St. Marys, Kansas, and Denver, Colorado, was Loren's best man. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lynde of Rossville.
The couple will be at home after August 15 in San Francisco, California where Loren will enter medical college in September. |
2896 |
 | Marriage- Hinterweger, Betty-Cummings, Leonard Hinterweger-Cummings Couple Wed
Betty Hinterweger and Leonard Cummings were united in marriage Saturday, October 21,2000, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Topeka. Father John Erickson officiated the 2 p.m. nuptial mass.
The bride is the daughter of the late Oscar and Charlotte Bixby. The groom’s parents are the late John and Viola Cummings.
Jim Hinterweger escorted his mother to the altar. Her daughter, Cindy Priddy, was matron of honor. Courtney Priddy was the flower girl.
Best man for the groom was his brother, Anthony Cummings. Ashley Armstrong was the ringbearer. Ushers were Mike Hinterweger and Bob Cummings.
Music for the ceremony was provided by June Burgett and Peggy Verschelden. Alice Seitz read the scriptures.
Bryan Hinterweger, Ryan Cummings, Shawn Cummings and Damian Cummings presented the gifts for the mass. Kyle Hinterweger and Heidi Hinterweger were the servers.
Crystal Hinterweger attended the guest book.
Mrs. Cummings has four children and eight grandchildren. Mr. Cummings has six children and seven grandchildren.
Following the mass, a reception and dinner were held at the Moose Lodge in Topeka.
The couple took a honeymoon trip to Hawaii and are now at home in St. Marys.
2897 |
 | Marriage- Hinterweger, Cynthia-Priddy, Kasey Cynthia Hinterweger
Kasey Priddy
The marriage of Cynthia Ann Hinterweger and Kasey Dean Priddy took place at 2 p.m. June 1 in St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Rossville. The Rev. Carl Dekat officiated.
Parents of the bride are Eric and Betty Hinterweger, Rossville. The bridegroom is the son of Thomas Priddy and Cheryl Priddy, both of Topeka.
The bride's attendants were Tammy Swaim, Silver Lake; Joe McLain, Rossville; Marie Conner, Manhattan, and Brandi Priddy, Topeka. Attendants for the bridegroom were Dusty Swain and Kelly Priddy, Topeka, and Mike Wichman and Kerry Priddy, Silver Lake. Flower girl and ring bearer were Heidi Hinterweger and Kyle Hinterweger. Guestbooks attendants were Chad Hinterweger and Bryan Hinterweger. Ushers were Danny Hinterweger and Tracey Trammel.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by Security Benefit Group. The bridegroom is a graduate of Silver Lake High School and is employed by Priddy Painting and Wallcovering.
[From 1991] |
2898 |
 | Marriage- Hladky, Jada-Baker, Timothy Jada Lea Hladky
Timothy Charles Baker
Jada Lea Hladky and Timothy Charles Baker were united in marriage at 3 p.m. Aug. 20, 1994, at St. Dominic’s Catholic Church in Holton. The Rev. Ron Cornish officiated.
Parents of the couple are Bailey and Rose Hladky, Soldier, and Duane and Millie Baker, Topeka.
Sherri Hladky, Holton, was her sister’s maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Mr. Baker’s sisters, Vicki Bowman, Soldier, and Cheryl Baker, Topeka; the bride’s sister, Kathy Essary, Alta Vista; and Lois Daz, Emporia.
Steven Haag, Topeka, was best man. The groomsmen were Jeff Welsh, Daryl Hiebsch, Dennis Gibson and Rex Abbott, all of Topeka.
The flower girls were Brandy Hladky, Soldier, and Amanda Keehn, Holton. Isaac Kraushaar, Hutchinson, was the ring bearer.
The ushers were Larry Hladky, Soldier, and Ron Essary, Alta Vista, brother and brother-in-law of the bride; and Kent Miller, Soldier.
The acolytes were Meagan Bowman, Soldier, and Mark Kraushaar, Hutchinson. The bride’s personal attendant was Janet Campmire, Topeka. Sharman Hladky, Holton, was guest book attendant. The honorary bridesmaid was Bailey Baker, Holton, daughter of the couple.
The gift attendants were Misty Bailey and Eric Williams of Holton; Meagan Bowman; and Alisa and Dmitri Miller, Soldier.
Reception attendants Were Teresa Curran, Holton; Angela Welsh and Tammy Tafanelli of Topeka; and the bride’s sister, Lisa Keehn, Holton.
The bride is a graduate of Holton High School and Baker University with a bachelor’s degree in biology. She is employed by St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Topeka.
The bridegroom is a graduate of Hayden High School. He is employed by Holton Country Mart Bakery.
2899 |
 | Marriage- Hladky, Juanita-Wymore, Kenneth Mrs. Kenneth Wymore
(Juanita Hladky)
Juanita Hladky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hladky, and Kenneth T. Wymore, son of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wymore Jr., were married at 10 a.m. May 21 in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.
The Rev. Vincent Krische officiated.
Attending the couple were Janice Curnes, Mary Hladky, Tom Prescott and Don Hladky Jr.
Mrs. Wymore is a graduate of Hayden High School and Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School. She is employed by St. Francis Hospital.
Mr. Wymore was graduated from Highland Park High School and Washburn University. He is employed as a construction accountant at the Jeffery Energy Center by Kansas Power and Light Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Wymore will make their home at 4620 NE Kincaid.
2900 |
 | Marriage- Hladky, Maxine-Grimes, Benjamin Hladky-Grimes Vows At Assumption Rectory
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hladky, of Delia, announce the marriage of their daughter, Maxine Delores, to Pfc. Benjamin E. Grimes, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. B. Rew, of Portsmouth, Va.
The wedding took place at Assumption Rectory in Topeka on April 19, with the Rev. A. R. Knot officiating.
The bride wore a white tailored suit with matching accessories and a corsage of orchids.
She was attended by her sister, Miss Betty Jane Hladky, who wore a pale blue tailored suit with brown accessories and a gardenia and Talisman rose corsage.
The groom was attended by Pfc. Henry E. Pickett.
Mrs. Grimes joined the nursing staff at Christ’s Hospital after being graduated from the school of nursing there. Private Grimes is stationed at the Topeka Army Air Field