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3201 |
 | Marriage- Murray, June-Harper, Ray Murray-Harper Vows Exchanged
The marriage of Miss June Murray to Airman First Class Ray Harper was solemnized at 8 p.m. Saturday May 4 in the Community Church of the Rockier in Estes Park, Colo. The Rev. Ned Linegar officiated at the double ring ceremony. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Bill F. Murray of Estes Park. Airman Harper is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Harper of Topeka, Kans.
Wedding vows were exchanged at a candlelight service in the presence of the immediate families. Mrs. Dwight Chapman was organist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street length dress of white lace over satin. The princess-style gown was designed with a tiny stand-up collar and full lace sleeves. A lace bow held her short veil of illusion. She carried a nose gay of white carnations centered with pink rosebuds. Serving as attendant to the bride was her great-grandmother, Mrs. Myrtle Betebenner of Gibbon, Nebraska, Mr. Wilford Harper was his son's attendant. A reception was given in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bergquist following the ceremony. The bride and groom are graduates of Rossville High School, Rossville, Kansas.
Mrs. Harper attended Washburn University in Topeka, Ks., and was recently employed by Adams Business Forms Inc. of Topeka. Mr. Harper was employed by Dinner Construction Company of Topeka before entering the U.S. Air Force in 1967.
Following a short wedding trip to Colorado Springs the couple will reside in Omaha, Nebraska.
[From Thursday, 6 Jun 1968] |
3202 |
 | Marriage- Murray, Mary-Eichman, Joseph August Ceremony Unites Mary
Murray and Joe Eichman
The marriage of Mary Catherine Murray and Joseph Stephen Eichman was solemnized at a nuptial mass Saturday, August 4, at noon.
Parents of the couple are Mrs. Gerald H. Murray, Garden City, and Mrs. Loren Miller, Topeka, and the late A. J. “Bud” Eichman.
The double-ring vows were recited in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in St. Marys. Candelabra decorated with pink and white carnations, baby’s breath, greenery and white bows flanked the altar. Pink bows and white bells marked the pews. Father Tom Hasenkamp officiated. John Smithson was the lector.
Organist for the ceremony was Ginny McNieve, Emmett. Soloist was Mrs. George Verschelden, St. Marys. She sang “More”, and “One Hand, One Heart” while the bride and groom lighted the memory candle.
The bride was escorted by her brother, Robert A. Murray, Topeka. As they approached the altar, she stopped and gave her mother a pink rose. She gave one to the groom’s mother at the close of the ceremony.
The bride chose an eyelet embroidered silk organza gown. The gown was trimmed with lace and accented with pink. It featured full bouffant sleeves. The skirt flowed into a full chapel-length train.
Her headpiece was of matching eyelet embroidered organza with cascades of pink roses. She carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses and baby’s breath.
Maid of honor was Ruth Klepac, Prairie Village. Peggy Sullivan, St. Marys, was the bridesmaid.
The attendants wore floor-length gowns of sheer pink voile with white flocked flowers. They were styled with short puff sleeves and scoop necks. Each girl wore a pink picture hat and carried a single pink rose.
James Keating, St. Marys, was the best man, and James Chaney, Emporia, was the groomsman.
Ushers for the ceremony were Robert A. Murray, Topeka, brother of the bride, John Dixon, Marysville, cousin of the groom, and John Smithson, St. Marys.
The bride’s mother was attired in a gold nylon and polyester floor-length shirtwaist dress. She wore a corsage of tea roses. Mother of the groom wore a floor-length gown of polyester, featuring a white skirt with a navy and green bodice. Her corsage was of pink roses.
The reception table was centered with a three-tiered cake decorated with pink roses and topped with a miniature bride and groom which were used at the bride’s parents wedding.
Those assisting with the reception were Pam and Sandy Eichman, sisters of the groom, Mrs. Albert Wells, Hutchinson, and Nancy Staab and Linda Staab, cousins of the bride. Mrs. Michael Redding, Emporia, sister of the groom, attended the guest book.
The bride attended Garden City Community Junior College and is a graduate of Kansas State University, Manhattan. She is a kindergarten teacher.
The groom, who attended Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, is employed by Keating Electric in St. Marys.
The couple took a wedding trip to Kansas City. They are at home in St. Marys.
3203 |
 | Marriage- Murren, Debra-Barnes, Terry Murren-Barnes Vows Exchanged in Silver Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Murren, Silver Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barnes, Delia, announce the marriage of their children, Debra Dee Murren and Terry W. Barnes. The marriage vows were solemnized in a double ring ceremony on Friday, October 6, 1978, at 7 p.m. at the Silver Lake United Methodist Church. The Reverend Paul Mitchell officiated.
The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Douglas Rodecap, and Mrs. Richard Gardner. The groom's attendants were his brothers, Ray and Jack Barnes. Georgie Anderson served as a candlelighter. Ushers were Randy Barnes and Mike Malloy. Becky Kelsey and Debra Phelps provided the music for the ceremony.
After a wedding trip to Florida the couple is at home in Topeka. |
3204 |
 | Marriage- Myers, Brenda-Immenschuh, Russell [Caption: Brenda and Russ Immenschuh]
Myers-Immenschuh Couple Married May 16
Brenda Lee Myers and Russell Scott Immenschuh were married in a double-ring ceremony at 1 p.m., Saturday, May 16, 1987 in the Rossville Christian Church by Pastor Bob Sieh.
Brenda is the daughter of Bill and Linda Myers, Route 8, Topeka. Her grandparents are Dave and Ruby Thompson and Ruth (Myers) Owens and Daymond Owens, all of Topeka. Brenda is a 1983 graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by Peoples Heritage Federal Savings and Loan, Topeka.
Russell is the son of Bob and Ruth Immenschuh, Rossville. He is a 1981 graduate of Rossville High School and attended Kaw Area Vocational Technical School. Russell is employed by Anderson Upholstery, Rossville.
Attending the bride as maid of honor was Leisa Lysaught, Topeka, Barbara Myers, Topeka, was candlelighter and junior attendant.
Jay Viergever, Topeka, was best man and Brandon Lundin, Meriden, was candle lighter and junior attendant.
[From 2 Jun 1987] |
3205 |
 | Marriage- Myers, Grace-White, Arthur Judge Schoch Ties Knot.
Probate Judge Schoch served as a priest of Hymen this morning in binding together in wedlock Arthur E. White, aged 32 and Miss Grace Evelyn Myers, aged 20, of Rossville, Kan. The marriage ceremony was performed in the judge's office at 11 o'clock this morning and the couple left the court house with happiness beaming from their countenances as they embarked upon the more or less uncertain matrimonial sea. |
3206 |
 | Marriage- Myers, Sharon-Preble, Chris Sharon Marcene
Myers Marries
Chris W. Preble
Sharon Marcene Myers and Chris W. Preble were married a 7:30 p.m. August 20, 1974, in the South Park Rose Garden at Lawrence, Ks. The Rev. Freddie Marks officiated at the double ring ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Myers, Lawrence, and Mr. Preble is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Preble, Rossville.
Organ music was played by Mrs. Carol Taul, Baldwin. Misses Stacy Martin, Phoenix, Ariz., cousin of the bride and Karen Preble, Rossville, sister of the groom were flower girls. Jim Preble, Rossville, brother of the groom carried the rings. Acting as ushers were Larry Myers and Randy Myers, Lawrence, brothers of the bride, and Larry McClain, Rossville.
The bride’s attendants were Susan Sigler and Mrs. Rex Tedrow, both of Lawrence. Attending the bridegroom were Jim Burkett and Mark Preble, both of Rossville.
Mrs. Preble is a graduate of Lawrence High School and Clark’s School of Business in Topeka. Mr. Preble was graduated from Rossville High School and served with the U.S. Navy. He is presently attending the Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School in Topeka.
The couple is residing at 3332 Brendan in Topeka.
3207 |
 | Marriage- Nadeau, Jeanette-Lister, Gerald [Caption: Mrs. Gerald Lee Lister]
Nadeau-Lister Vows in Rossville
The marriage of Jeanette Elaine Nadeau, Rossville, to Gerald Lee Lister, Topeka, was solemnized at 3 p.m. Sunday, August 31, in the Rossville Methodist Church. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Paul E. Nadeau and the late Paul E. Nadeau, Rossville, and the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thearon Lister, Topeka.
The Rev. Don Jones officiated. Music was provided by Mrs. Joe Campbell, pianist, and Mrs. Don Berkey, soloist.
The bride, given in marriage by her uncle Arch Nadeau, wore a floor-length gown of embroidered tulle. The tight fitting bodice was accented with a scoop neckline outlined in small self-material medallions studded with iridescent sequins. The very full skirt was designed with a cascade of scalloped flounces accenting the fullness of the sweep-trained skirt. The fingertip length veil was edged in lace and fell from a heart-shaped tiara of pleated lace tipped with seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of red Happiness roses.
The bride's sisters, Jean and Sally Nadeau, were maid of honor and bridesmaid. Mrs. Bryce Dudney and Mrs. Jerry Moylan were brides matrons. All wore taffeta dresses, ballerina-length with wide skirts and fitted bodices. Jean Nadeau wore rust and the others emerald green. Their heart-shaped tiaras and their cascade bouquets were of bronze chrysanthemums and oak leaves.
Susan and Michael Nadeau, sister and brother of the bride, were candle-lighters. Sondra Burleson, niece of the groom, and David Nadeau, brother of the bride, were flower girl and ring bearer. The girls wore gold taffeta dresses styled like the maid of honor's, and haloes of bronze chrysanthemums and oak leaves. The candlelighter's candle was based in a bouquet. Rose petals filled the flower girl's white lace basket.
Best man was Bryce Dudney and groomsman was Audrey Eldridge. Clyde McKenzie and Neil McKenzie ushered.
The reception was given in the Rossville Community Center. Assisting were Mrs. Robert Netson, Mrs. Wayne Clark, Mrs. Emmett Burleson, Mrs. Allen Ross, Mrs. William Olejnik, Mrs. Audrey Eldridge, Geri Gleason, Barbara Jones and Janice McClelland.
After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Lister are at home at 619 West 9th.
The bride is employed by the Topeka Board of Education. The bridegroom, a senior at Washburn University, is employed by the Snyder Jewelry Company.
[From The Topeka Capital-Journal, Sunday, September 7, 1958] |
3208 |
 | Marriage- Nadeau, Marjorie-Holzmeister, Richard The marriage of Marjorie Jean Nadeau and Richard James Holzmeister was solemnized with a nuptial mass at 9 a.m. Saturday in Assumption Church.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Eugene F. Vallely officiated at the double ring ceremony and music was provided by John Dale, organist, and Franklin Houdek, vocalist.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Paul E. Nadeau and the late Mr. Nadeau of Rossville and Mr. Holzmeister's parents are Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Holzmeister.
The bride, given in marriage by her cousin, Wayne Clark, wore a floor-length gown of embroidered tulle. The fitted bodice had a scooped neckline outlined with embroidered medallions and trimmed with iridescent sequins.
A crown of seed pearls held her fingertip-length veil and she carried a bouquet of stephanotis centered with a white orchid.
Matron of honor was the bride's sister, Mrs. Gerald Lister. Mrs. Neal Truster was bridesmatron and bridesmaids were Sally Nadeau, sister of the bride, and Janice McClelland. Susan Nadeau, the bride's sister, was junior bridesmaid and Julie Johnson was flower girl.
The attendants wore street-length organza fashioned with scoop necklines, elbow-length sleeves and full skirts. Their sashes and head clips were of deep purple satin and they carried cascade bouquets of purple and white chrysanthemums.
Charles Williams was best man and groomsmen were John Johnson, Richard Hess and Charles Hughes. Ushers were Gerald Lister and Duane Nightengale.
Assisting at the reception at the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority house following the ceremony were: Mrs. Wayne Clark, Mrs. Clifford Cormack, Janet Gladfelter, Jennet Grossman, Sharon Milberger, Loma Carlson and Mary Rigdon.
The bride attended Washburn University and is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha social sorority. She is employed as secretary in the adjunctive therapy department of Menninger Foundation.
Mr. Holzmeister, a graduate of Washburn University, is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon social fraternity. He is employed by the L.F. Garlinghouse Co.
The couple will be at home at 3329 Westwood Drive after Oct. 17.
[Photo Caption: Mrs. Richard J. Holzmeister]
[From 3 Nov 1960] |
3209 |
 | Marriage- Navarre, Edna-Jenkins, John Edna Navarre Married
Miss Edna Navarre, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Navarre, of Topeka, was married Tuesday to John H. Jenkins of Belvue. Miss Navarre was born in Rossville and until the last few years was raised in this vicinity. |
3210 |
 | Marriage- Navarre, Joyce-Brennan, Roderick Navarre-Brennan Vows Solemnized at St. Marys Catholic Church
Miss Joyce Navarre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Navarre of Rossville became the bride of Mr. Roderick W. Brennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Brennan, St. Marys, Saturday morning, January 16, at the Immaculate Conception Church at St. Marys.
The Rev. Gerald VanAckeren, S.J. officiated at the double ring ceremony and read the nuptial mass before an altar decorated with pink gladioli.
Miss Jeannine Mock, Sabetha, Kansas, played the wedding music and accompanied Miss Mary Alice Passman of Topeka, who sang Shubert's "Ave Maria", "Pan Angelicus", "Mother, At Thy Feet I'm Kneeling".
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white lace and tulle over satin, with hooped skirt. The bolero jacket was fashioned with long sleeves tapered at the hands. The veil of nylon net was held in place by a cloche of matching lace edged in pearls and rhinestones. She wore a single strand of pearls, gift from the groom and carried a colonial bouquet of white roses.
Mrs. Joe Plantamura, cousin of the bride, was matron of honor and wore a ballerina length dress of seafoam green pure silk and net, fashioned with fitted bodice, full skirt and matching net stole and coronet. She carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses.
Dr. James Brennan, brother of the groom, served as best man. The ushers were the grooms brother, Edward Brennan, and cousin, Robert McNieve of Topeka.
A reception was held after the wed- [error in article] at the bride's home. The table was covered with lace cloth and centered with a three tiered wedding cake surrounded with pink carnations and greenery. Crystal candelabra held pink tapers. Mrs. Glenn Groves of Long Beach, California, Miss Mary Alice Passman and Mrs. John Olson, Topeka, assisted with the serving. Miss Jeannine Mock, Sabetha, had charge of the guest book.
Mrs. Brennan graduated from Rossville High School and St. Mary College, Xavier, where she received a Bachelor of Music Education Degree. Mr. Brennan graduated from Immaculate Conception High School at St. Marys and attended Creighton University and Rockhurst College.
The couple left Saturday afternoon on a short wedding trip after which Mr. Brennan, who is a Yeoman First Class in the U.S. Coast Guard, returned to Juneau, Alaska. Mrs. Brennan will join him later.
[From Thursday, January 28, 1954] |
3211 |
 | Marriage- Navarre, Peggy-Plantamura, Joseph Navarre-Plantamura Wedding
Baskets of gladioli and garden flowers decorated the altar of the St. Mary's Chapel at Fort Riley, Kansas, to form a lovely setting for the wedding of Miss Peggy Janette Navarre, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Navarre of Rossville, Kansas, to Joseph A. Plantamura, Major, United States Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Plantamura of Lawrence, Mass. Chaplain John C. Brucker read the vows in a double-ring ceremony at 11 o'clock Saturday morning, May 12. Miss Marilyn Thompson, soloist, sang "Ave Maria." She was accompanied by Mrs. Raymond McDermott, organist.
The bride escorted to the altar by her father, was lovely in a gown of white Chantilly lace over satin fashioned with a fitted bodice buttoned down the front and a high neckline. The long sleeves came to points over her hands, and the flowing skirt formed into an aisle-wide train. She wore a finger-tip veil fastened with a crown of seed pearls and carried an arm bouquet of white roses.
Miss Joyce Marie Navarre, cousin of the bride, as maid of honor, was attired in a ballerina-length gown of white net over aqua taffeta with a matching headband.
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Navarre chose a two-piece navy blue dress with navy accessories, and she wore a corsage of pink carnations.
The groom chose his brother, Achille J. Plantamura, of Lawrence, Mass., to serve as his best man.
Major Jerome A. McDavitt, Major Arthur L. Travis, Captain John R. Langford, Captain William L. Devitt, Captain Robert DesJardins and WOJG Richard W. Peck, all of Fort Riley, seated the guests.
The same officers served as the guard of honor with drawn sabers forming an archway for the bridal party to leave the church.
A reception followed the ceremony at the Fort Riley Officer's Club.
A long table, beautifully decorated with a light blue velvet spread and centered with a three-tiered wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom on each side of which were lighted tapers and baskets of gladioli was a feature of the reception.
The cake was cut by the bride and groom with a sabre, and served by those assisting at the reception: Miss Rose Plantamura, sister of the groom, Miss Barbara Rooney, Mrs. Pylils Tory, and Mrs. Williamette Thomas sister of the bride.
The bride was graduated from the Rossville High School with the class of 1946, attended Phillips University two years at Enid, Okla., where she was affiliated with Zonta Club and Zolloes Literary Club; and attended Kansas State College one year. For the past 21 months she has been a civil service employee at Fort Riley Kansas, in the office of the assistant chief of staff.
The groom was graduated from Lawrence High School, at Lawrence, Mass, and military academy. He served 23 months in the Pacific theatre during World War II, and with the occupational forces in Europe for 44 months.
The couple left Saturday evening on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and the New England States.
For going away Mrs. Plantamura wore a light brown suit with wheat-color accessories. They will be at home to their friends at 410 South 17th Street, Manhattan, Kansas, after June 1.
Guests from out of town attending the wedding were Rose Plantamura and Achille Plantamura, of Lawrence, Mass.; Bill McColough, Washington, D.C.; Prof. and Mrs. C.K. Thomas of Enid, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Navarre, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pardee, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. Henry B. Miller, all of Rossville; Miss Joyce Webb, Kansas City Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris, of Goff, Kansas.
-Courtesy Junction City Union
[From 17 May 1951] |
3212 |
 | Marriage- Navarre, Violet-Keeton, Jess Violet Navarre of Topeka, a daughter of Chas. Navarre and Jess Ray Keeton, also of Topeka, were granted a license and wedded by Probate Judge Hugh MacFarland yesterday. |
3213 |
 | Marriage- Naylor, Emma-Jamieson, Stant Miss Emma Naylor of this city and Mr. Stant Jamieson of LaCrosse, Minn., were united in marriage Tuesday of this week. |
3214 |
 | Marriage- Nickelson, Janice-McPherson, Clark Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Nickelson announce the marriage of their daughter, Janice, to Mr. Clark H. McPherson. |
3215 |
 | Marriage- Nideffer, Wanda-Brooks, Carl Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Brooks of Willard announce the marriage of their eldest son, Carl, to Miss Wanda Nideffer, both of Oklahoma City. The marriage took place recently at Chandler, Okla. Mrs. Brooks is the daughter of Mrs. Edna Stewart Shoults [sic Shultz], and a granddaughter of Mrs. Lillian Stewart of Topeka, formerly of this community. |
3216 |
 | Marriage- Nider, Lisa-Horak, Brian Nider-Horak
Lisa Annette Nider and Brian Keith Horak were united in marriage July 29, 1995, at Immaculate Conception Church in St. Marys. The Rev. John Erickson officiated at the 2 p.m. ceremony.
Parents of the bride are Larry and Penny Nider, Rossville. Parents of the groom are Don and Becky Horak, St. Marys, and George and Jan Brown, Willard.
Maid of honor was Kaye Harden, Berryton, sister of the bride. Other bridal attendants were Wendi Horak, Rossville, sister-in-law of the groom; Kelly Horak, Willard, sister of the groom; Angie Carlson, St. Marys; and Jill Tomson, Rossville.
Best man was the groom’s brother, Terry Horak, Rossville. Other groomsmen were Matt Taliaferro, Hays; Matt Foster, Lawrence; Eric Alvord, Tampa, Fla.; and Brian Thompson, Rossville.
The couple’s daughter, Kelcy Brooke Horak, was junior bride.
Ushers were Darrel Harden, Berryton, brother-in-law of the groom; and Lance Gorden, Rossville.
Chelsea Trimble, Delia, niece of the groom, passed out the programs.
Ring bearer was Brock Harden, Berryton. Flower girl was Haylee Harden, Berryton.
Amy Brey, Willard, and Holly Wehner, Rossville, attended the guest book.
Lynette Renfro, Silver Lake, and Stacy Besta, Rossville, served the cake.
Annette Scheuremann, Topeka, was the gift attendant.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and is owner and director at Castle Square Day Care in Topeka.
The groom is a graduate of Rossville High School. He was graduated from Allen County Community Col¬lege at Iola with a degree in engineering and is a student in construction science and management at Kansas State University. He is employed by Ronnebaum Construction in Rossville and K-State.
After a honeymoon at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, the couple are at home in Rossville.
3217 |
 | Marriage- Nixon, Myrtle-Nadeau, Isadore Mr. Isadore Nadeau and Miss Myrtle Nixen [sic Nixon] were married on Wednesday at 3 o'clock, p.m. at the home of Mrs. Madeline [sic Madaline] Nadeau on Green street, by Rev. Father DeSmedt of St. Marys. |
3218 |
 | Marriage- Nordstrom, Mary-Foster, Frederick
The Rev. Gerald Sheeds was assisted by the Rev. Richard Lewis at the wedding of Mary Nordstrom and Frederick James Foster. The couple was married at 2 p.m. Sept. 6 in Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church. Altar boys were Tony Esfeld, Great Bend, Joe Konrade, Steve Swalwell and Tom Sommers.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Nordstrom, and Mr. Foster is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Foster. Rossville.
The bride’s formal length gown of silk organza featured a wide lace panel extending from neckline to hem. The wedding ring collar and cuffs of the bishop sleeves were of lace, and lace daisies edged her train- length Juliet veil. She wore her paternal grandmother’s wedding ring on her right hand and carried Orange Delight roses on a Bible.
Mrs. Randy Hearrell was her sister’s macron of honor and bridesmaids were Sharon McMurray, Jeanine Sohl and Diana Dougan. Flower girl and ring bearer were Anita Foster and York Hearrell.
Charles Foster, Delia, was best man for his brother and
groomsmen were Steve Jacobson, Rossville, Steve Barnes and the bride’s brother, Marl Nordstrom. Ushering were Randy Hearrell and the bridegroom’s brother, Robert Foster.
A reception in University United Methodist Church followed the ceremony.
The bride, is a graduate of Topeka High School and attended Washburn University. She is employed by Taco Tico. Mr. Foster was graduated from Rossville High School and will be employed as a herdsman at Fleming Fairvalley Farm until Nov. 11 when he will report for duty in the U.S. Navy at San Diego, Calif.
The couple is living in Rossville.
3219 |
 | Marriage- Norris, Margarett-Anschutz, Jeffrey Norris-Anschutz
Jeffrey M. Anschutz and Margarett L. Norris were united in marriage in a candlelight ceremony at 1 p.m. July 18 at the First United Methodist church in Stafford. Rev. Monroe Vaughan officiated.
Parents of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Anschutz of Stafford. The bride’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fairbanks of Rossville.
The bride was escorted to the altar by Charles Schirmer of Holton, friend of the couple. Best man was Randy Vonada of Sylvan Grove, the groom’s cousin. Diana Dolezilek of Holton was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Erin Duncan, Circleville, and Susan Noble, Topeka. Groomsmen were Stewart Duncan, Circleville, and Gaston Suarez, Holton.
Robert Dolezilek and Shawn Riley, both of Holton, served as ushers. The tapers were lit by Eddie Moore and Mickey Baum of Holton. Shawn Dolezilek was the ring bearer, and Shelley Norris Anschutz, daughter of the bride, was the flower girl.
The groom sang, “Annie’s Song,” accompanied by pianist Erin Duncan. Jane Vonada, vocalist, sang “The Wedding Song” and ‘‘The Lord’s Prayer,” accompanied by organist Ethyl Warnock.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Riley of Holton hosted a reception for the couple at the, church following the ceremony. Diana Wise, Becky Keil and Ele Moore served at the reception. Opening the gifts were Mickey Baum and Eddie Moore.
Special guests at the wedding were Jeff’s grandmother, Alberta Shull, and aunt, Cordelia Shull.
Mrs. Anschutz graduated from Artesia high school in California, and is a student at Gene Blake’s School of Cosmetology in Topeka.
Mr. Anschutz is a graduate of Clearwater high school. He received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Kansas State University and teaches and coaches at Holton middle school.
3220 |
 | Marriage- O'Donnell, Ann-Dolezilek, Stanislaus The marriage of Miss Ann O'Donnell and Stanislaus J. Dolezilek occurred Monday, September 5, at the St. Michaels church at Kimeo, Kansas. |
3221 |
 | Marriage- O'Donnell, Emma-Van Vleck, F.H. Van Vleck-O'Donnell
The marriage of F.H. Van Vleck and Miss Emma O'Donnell was announced in the Alma papers last week, Judge Little of Alma officiating. |
3222 |
 | Marriage- O'Donnell, Margert-Oldfield, John A pleasant surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oldfield Wednesday evening at their home north of town by a party of Rossvillians, in honor of their newly married son, John Oldfield and wife. The surprise party was under the leadership of our genial grain merchant, W.M. Mitchner. The evening was spent in social conversation and music. |
3223 |
 | Marriage- Oldfield, Nellie-Davidson, Garnet Miss Nellie Oldfield and Mr. Garnet Davidson of Mayetta were married January 5. |
3224 |
 | Marriage- Olejnik, Anna-Slansky, Frank Married by probate Judge Fagan at Topeka December 10, were Mr. Frank Slanky [sic Slansky] of Trego county and Miss Anna Olejnik, who resides with her brother-in-law, Thomas Cerney [sic Cerny], north of Rossville. |
3225 |
 | Marriage- Olejnik, Charlotte-Moreland, Alfred 1 [Caption: Mrs. George Moreland]
Marriage Vows Are Solemnized
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olejnik announce the marriage of their daughter, Charlotte, to Airman 1..C George Moreland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moreland, Rolla, Mo.
The ceremony took place at 2 p.m., Aug. 31, in the Rossville United Methodist Church. The Rev. Max Barnes officiated at the ceremony.
The bride chose a candlelight gown of peau de soie. Its bodice featured a scoop neckline and bows over the shoulders. Wide bands of re-embroidered Chantilly lace edged the short sleeves and accented the Empire waist and the A-line skirt.
A band of lace and a self fabric bow trimmed the Watteau train which was fastened at the waist. She wore a bouffant veil held by a headpiece of organza petals trimmed with lace. She carried a cascade of white glamellias centered with orange tea roses.
Susan Nadeau, Kansas City, Mo., was maid of honor and Diana Mitchell, Kansas City, was bridesmaid. Donnie Lewis, Rolla, Mo., served as best man and Jim Brown was groomsman. Ushers were Bob Olejnik, Rossville, and Mike Nadeau, Delia.
A reception in the church followed the ceremony.
Mrs. Moreland was graduated from the Rossville High School and is now employed by Security Benefit Life Insurance Co. Airman Moreland attended Rolla High School and is now serving in the U.S. Air Force.
The couple is now living at R.R. 1, Topeka, following a short wedding trip.
[From 21 Sep 1968] |
3226 |
 | Marriage- Olejnik, Charlotte-Moreland, Alfred 2 The marriage of Charlotte Lynn Olejnik of Rossville to Alfred Moreland of Rolla, Mo. was solemnized at 2:00 p.m. Saturday at Rossville Methodist Church. The Rev. Max Barnes read the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olejnik of Rossville. Mr. Moreland's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moreland of Rolla, Mo.
The brides formal gown of candlelight peau de soie with a scoop neckline and bows over the shoulder, wide bands of reembroidered Chantilly lace edged the short sleeves. The lace accented the empire waist and the A-line skirt. A band of lace and a self fabric bow trimmed the removable chapel train which fastened at the waist. The Bouffant veil held by a headpiece of organza petals trimmed with re-embroidered lace. She carried a bouquet of Cascade of white Glamellias centered with orange tea roses.
Susan Nadeau of Kansas City was maid of honor and Diana Mitchell of Kansas City was bridesmaid. They were cousins of the bride. Judy Olejnik of Holton, and Lila Olejnik of Rossville were rice girls. Don Lewis of Rolla was best man and groomsman were Jim Brown of Topeka. Mrs. Jerry Lister of Topeka, cut the cake. Mrs. Ed Olejnik of Holton, was at the punch bowl, assisted by Miss Linda Olejnik of Holton. Carolyn Davis of Manhattan had Bonnie Fuller were at the Gift table. Mrs. Joe Campbell was at the organ. Ushers were Bobby Olejnik, Rossville, and Mike Nadeau of Delia. Reception at the church followed the ceremony. The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by Security Benefit Life Ins. of Topeka. Mr. Moreland attended high school at Rolla and is now in the U.S. Air Force and will leave soon for Thailand.
[From Shawnee County Reporter 5 Sep 1968] |
3227 |
 | Marriage- Olejnik, Josephine-Pressgrove, Leroy OLEJINEK—PRESSGROVE
Mr. and Mrs. George Olejinek [sic Olejnik] announce the marriage of their daughter, Josephine, to Mr. Leroy Press grove, son of Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Pressgrove of Grove, on Thursday, January 31. The marriage was solemnized in Topeka.
Mrs. Pressgrove was raised in the Delia neighborhood and attended the Delia schools. She is an unusually attractive, brown-eyed, blond, well known in Rossville, Delia and Silver Lake communities.
Mr. Pressgrove attended the Silver Lake schools and has many friends who wish he and his bride much happiness.
They will be at home after March 1st on a farm one and one-fourth miles east of Walnut Hill.
3228 |
 | Marriage- Olejnik, Lila-Miller, Bill Olejnik-Miller Vows Exchanged in Rossville
The Rossville United Methodist Church was the setting for the exchange of marriage vows by Lila Olejnik and Bill Miller on Friday, April 23, 1976 at 7 p.m. The Rev. Bill Hurtig heard the nuptial vows.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. William Olejnik, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller, Silver Lake.
The flowers on the altar were yellow mums and white poms. Greenery with white bows decorated the candelabras. Calvin Queen, Silver Lake, was the organist. Debbie Little, Delia, provided the wedding music. Sherri Stach, Rossville, attended the guest book.
The bride's dress was a floor length empire-style created in acetate and nylon lace, acetate satin ribbon bow trim, split stand-up collar, long billowing sleeves with deep cuffs edged in ruffles, ruffled lace and sheer back-in-front yoke. The full A-line skirt had double lace ruffle trim at the hem. She wore a chapel length nylon tulle veil edged in lace, held by a lace cap with pearls. She carried a bouquet of stephanotis, yellow sweetheart roses and yellow carnations with white ribbon streamers.
Attending the bride were Judy Olejnik, Holton, cousin of the bride as matron of honor; and Kathy Willingham, Rossville, as bridesmaid. The girls wore floor-length yellow sheer gauze-like woven polyester cotten [sic] with a crinkle texture, trimmed in lace. They carried nosegays of yellow daisies and baby's breath with yellow ribbon and streamers. Lisa Olejnik, sister of the bride, was candlelighter. She wore a floor-length yellow crinkle-texture dress styled after the bridal attendant's gowns, and flower girl, Christina Moore of Topeka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moore, wore a floor-length dress styled after the attendant's gowns.
Attending the groom were Jim Whitehead, Silver Lake, as best man, and Robert Miller, Lansing, Mich., brother of the groom, as groomsman. Ringbearer was Mark Gerard, Colorado, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gerard. Bob Olejnik, Rossville, brother of the bride, Rick Davis, Steve Moore and Mike Bates, all of Topeka, were ushers.
A reception in the church basement followed the ceremony. A wedding dance was held that evening in the Moravan Hall. Bob Blecha's Polka Band of Nebraska provided the music.
The bride, a graduate of Rossville High School, is attending K.A.V.T.S. in Topeka and working part-time for the City of Topeka.
Bill is a graduate of Silver Lake High School and attended Washburn University. He is employed by Richard's Distributors of Topeka.
The couple is at home in Silver Lake.
[Photo Caption: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller]
[From 1976] |
3229 |
 | Marriage- Olejnik, Lisa-Pinney, James
Olejnik/Pinney Couple Married November 21
Lisa K. Olejnik and James E. Pinney were united in marriage at 7 p.m. Saturday, November 21, 1987, at the Rossville United Methodist Church. The Rev. Otis Beach officiated the double ring ceremony.
The bride’s parents are Bill and Tina Olejnik, Rossville. Parents of the groom are Ron and Jean Pinney, Wood Lake, Nebr.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, carried a cascade bouquet of roses and baby’s breath. She wore a gown of satin lace with a Queen Anne neckline of lace applique, simulated pearls and sequins. The appliqued bodice was heavily beaded. Strings of pearls followed the V neckline in back. The sleeves were of appliqued lace and strings of simulated pearls and sequins over lace. A full skirt and chapel length train edged with scallops and seed pearls completed her ensemble.
Matron of honor was the bride’s sister, Lila Quinn. Bridesmaids were Kathy Olejnik, Sandy Crawford, and Ronna Pinney.
The groom’s attendants were Dan Walter, Bob Olejnik, Ron Klobnak and Nathan Klobnak. Ushers were Tom Quinn and Chuck Lyon.
Candlelighters were Laura Smatla and Emily Fangman. Special music was by Rick Kyser. Kasey Olejnik was flower girl and Neil Olejnik was the ring bearer. Shannon Moreland attended the guest book. Wheat bags were distributed at the reception by Natalie Moreland and Luke Smatla.
Assisting at the reception were Betty Aubert, Linda Smatla and Sheryl Koontz. A dance was held at the Morovan Hall.
The bride graduated from Rossville High School and Washburn University with a degree in physical therapy. The groom graduated from high school at Valentine, Nebr., and attended Kansas State University. He is a branch manager for Electrolux in Bartlesville, Okla.
Following a wedding trip, the couple is at home in Bartlesville.
3230 |
 | Marriage- Olejnik, Patricia-Tomson, John Olejnik - Tomson vows exchanged
The marriage of Patricia Letha Olejnik and John Lloyd Tom was solemnized Saturday, August 22, at 9:00 o’clock a.m., at Sacred Heart Church in Delia. The double ring ceremony was read by the Rev. George Seuferling.
For her wedding, the bride chose a two-piece, street length dress of white lace over taffeta. She carried a single red rose.
Attending the couple were Joyce Olejnik, sister of the bride, and Gary Tomson, brother of the groom
A reception was held for the immediate family at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Olejnik Jr. The wedding dinner was held at Hart’s Cafe in Topeka for the wedding party.
Both the bride and groom are graduates of Delia High School. She is employed at Security Benefit Life Insurance Company in Topeka. Mr. Tomson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Tomson of Delia, is employed by Martin Tractor Company in Topeka.
Following a short wedding trip to the Lake of the Ozarks, the couple is at home in Topeka.
3231 |
 | Marriage- Olsen, Carrie-Saia, Shanon Olsen-Saia
Carrie Lynn Olsen and Shanon Dee Saia exchanged wedding vows on April 27, 1991 at 5 p.m. in Evangel United Methodist Church, Holton. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Lee Olsen, Mayetta, and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Saia, Silver Lake.
The bride's gown was made of bridal satin with sequins and a chapel train. The bride carried a cascade bouquet of white roses, blue delphinium, pink wax flower and baby's breath.
Attending the bride as matron of honor was Cathy Cashier, Marysville. Bridesmaids were Carla Olsen, Mayetta; Kelly Eck, Mayetta; Lisa Eppinger, Topeka; and Celia Alrich, Wichita.
Flower girls were Johnnie Holker, Topeka, and Lynne Moore, Lenexa.
Attending the groom as best man was Brett Dinner, Holton. Groomsmen were Shane Saia, Sheldon Saia, Silver Lake; Shaun Saia, Topeka; and Wayne Micheal, Topeka.
G.F. Holker, Overland Park; Bruce Ferguson, Topeka; Bobby Pfannensteil and Kerry Priddy, Silver Lake, were ushers.
A reception was held at the Evangel church fellowship hall, followed by a buffet and dance at the Heritage Hall, Topeka.
The bride is a graduate of Holton High School and Washburn University, with a bachelor's degree in nursing. She is currently employed by St. Francis Hospital. The groom is a graduate of Silver Lake High School and Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in arts and science. He is currently employed by Shawnee County Soil Conservation Service.
After a honeymoon trip to Key West, Fla., they are residing at Rt. #1, Delia.
[From 27 May 1991] |
3232 |
 | Marriage- Olsen, Mary-Smatla, Thomas OLSEN—SMATLA
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smatla of Willard, announce the marriage of their son, Rev. Thomas F. Smatla, to Miss Mary Jean Olsen, on Sunday afternoon, August 4, at the First Presbyterian church at Peoria, Ill.
The Reverend Smatla was graduated from schools in ’his native town and is an alumnus of the University of Dubuque, in Iowa. He completed his training in theology at McCormick Seminary in Chicago and the Presbyterian church in Farmington was his first pastorate. Since last October he has been assistant to the Rev. William Atkinson, Young of the First Presbyterian church, Peoria, Ill.
He and his bride will return from a northern wedding trip in about two weeks and will make their home at Peoria, Ill.
3233 |
 | Marriage- Olson, Ruth-Immenschuh, Robert Olson-Immenschuh
An impressive wedding ceremony was performed at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16, at the Christian church for Miss Ruth Olson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Olson and Mr. Robert Immenschuh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Immenschuh of Rossville.
Mrs. Maxine Trimble played a prelude of nuptial music as the guests were being seated by the ushers Mr. Herbert Trimble and Mr. Bert Hayes.
Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Lorraine Harth sang, "Because" accompanied by Mrs. Trimble who played the processional, Lohengrins wedding march as the minister, groom and best man, James Dick, entered the chancel from the right. Miss Darlene Allen as brides maid, came down the aisle followed by the bride on the arm of her father, Delbert Olson, who gave her in marriage. Douglas Donavan performed the single ring ceremony.
The bride was attired in Fushia satin frock made along simple lines, trimmed in white. She wore a black velvet hat and black suede shoes. Her corsage was of blue and white carnations. The brides maid was attired in saphire [sic] blue satin with black accessories and a pink and white carnation corsage.
The groom wore a blue business suit and the best man wore grey.
The groom's mother, Mrs. Immenschuh wore a heather gray crepe, and a corsage of American Beauty Roses. The brides mother chose an Emerald green dress, and each wore a corsage of American Beauty roses and both wore black accessories.
The altar and the front of the church was beautifully decorated with ferns, potted plants and fall flowers.
Mrs. Douglas Donovan had charge of the gift table.
A reception was held at the Community Center at 4:30 p.m. for the newlyweds. The bride and groom cut the first slice of wedding cake. Mrs. Dora Immenschuh then cut and served the cake. The 2-tier wedding cake was topped with a miniature bride and groom. Refreshments of sandwiches, potato salad, fruit salad with whipped cream, wedding cake and coffee were served to the following guests Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schraeder and three daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Rickstatter of St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Schutter and Ronie Alan, Sharon Kay and Allana of Alma; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Immenschuh and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Immenschuh, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Donovan and Patsy, of Manhattan; Mr. and Mrs. Willis Decker, Sharon and Wanda, Miss Darlene Allen, Mr. James Dick, Miss Grace Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Olson.
The bride and groom opened their many lovely and useful gifts before the luncheon.
Miss Grace Dick took many pictures of the wedding party at the ceremony and the reception.
[From 20 Sep 1951] |
3234 |
 | Marriage- Olson, Sadie-Gutshall, Carol Carrol [sic Carol] (Happy) Gutschall [sic Gutshall], son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gutschall of this community and Miss Sadie Olson, a young lady from White City, were receiving the congratulations from Rossville friends Saturday on their marriage, which took place Friday in Topeka. |
3235 |
 | Marriage- Otto, Brenna-Lincoln, Larry Otto-Lincoln
Brenna Nicole Otto and Larry Duane Lincoln Jr. were united in marriage at 7 p.m. April 25, 1998, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Topeka, with the Rev. John Erickson officiating.
The couple’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Otto of Rossville and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lincoln Sr. of Tecumseh.
Michelle Otto, Rossville, was her sister’s maid of honor. Kathy Johnson, Wakarusa, was the bridesmaid.
Lance Lincoln, Tecumseh, brother of the groom, was best man. The groomsman was Tom Johnson Jr., Wakarusa.
Mallory Appelhanz, Topeka, was the flower girl, and Dustan Boleski, Topeka, was ring bearer. The can- dlelighters were Jessica Appelhanz and Sarah Boleski, both of Topeka. The ushers were Brent Otto, Rossville, brother of the bride, and Brad Mosbrucker, Topeka.
Dr. Steven Puderbaugh, Topeka, was the pianist. The bride’s personal attendant was Kristi Mosbrucker, Topeka. Misty Gleason, Topeka, was at the guest book, and Lisa Otto, Topeka, was in charge of gifts. Programs were given to the guests by Tammy Gleason, Topeka.
A reception and dance followed at the church. The wedding cake was made by Joyce Blanka, Wamego, and was served by Kim Wells, Wichita, and Jennifer McKinnon, Topeka.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and Washburn University with a bachelor’s degree in business administration with emphasis in marketing and finance. She is an accountant for Dodge/Carroll Electronics.
The groom is a graduate of Shawnee Heights High School and attended Washburn University. He works for TLC Securities as a security technician.
They honeymooned in Cancun, Mexico. They reside in Topeka.
3236 |
 | Marriage- Overmyer, Mary-Simecka, Benjamin Mary Lou Overmyer
Benjamin Simecka
Mary Lou Overmyer and Benjamin G. Simecka were married at 7 p.m. Nov. 11 in First United Methodist Church, Lawrence. The Rev. Nick Willems officiated.
The bride’s parents are Margaret Overmyer, Lawrence; and David C. and Beverly Overmyer. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Simecka, Delia.
Attending the bride were Anna Wallace, Dallas; Jody Howard, Mission; Vickie Weibel, Estes Park, Colo.; and Tanya Simecka, St. Marys. Attending the bridegroom were Bruce Kallmeyer, Kansas City, Kan.; Joseph G. Simecka, Silver Lake; David Simecka, Delia; and Mark Simecka, St. Marys. Flower girls were Elizabeth Overmyer and Amanda Overmyer, Rossville. Ring bearer was Joseph J. Simecka, Silver Lake. Ushers were Jeffrey Overmyer, Rossville; David J. Overmyer, Lawrence; and Thomas Overmyer, Chicago.
The bride graduated from the University of Kansas and is employed by Trammell Crow and Co., Mission. The bridegroom, also a graduate of the University of Kansas, is employed by Hall-Kimbrell Environmental Services, Lawrence.
The couple is at home in Mission.
3237 |
 | Marriage- Overmyer, Nancy-Coe, William
Overmyer-Coe Vows Exchanged May 24
Nancy Kay Overmyer and William David Coe were married Saturday, May 24, 1980, at 8 o’clock in the morning at Gage Park in Topeka. Dr. Paul Eppinger officiated.
Parents of the couple are Margaret Overmyer and David Overmyer, Topeka, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coe, Rossville.
Attending the couple were Mary Overmyer and Ray Barnes, both of Topeka.
The couple was graduated from Rossville High School. Nancy graduated from Manhattan Area Vocational-Technical School and is employed by Martin Tractor Company in Topeka. She is a student at Washburn University majoring in English and Psychology. David is a student at Washburn University majoring in art and Spanish and is employed by the Steel Fixture Manufacturing Company in Topeka.
The couple is at home at 2107 SW 71st Street, Topeka.
3238 |
 | Marriage- Page, Bessie-Hayes, Bert Bert Hayes and Miss Bessie Page were united in marriage at the home of Mrs. Josie Allen Wednesday September 16, 1t 9 a.m. Rev. Walker performed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends and relatives. The happy couple left on a wedding tour in Oklahoma on the morning train. The groom is the youngest son of W.J. Hayes and wife of a popular young farmer. The bride has spent most of her time in the past few years as compositor on the Record, as central girl and as assistant postmaster.
[from Concordia Empire, Thursday, September 24, 1908] |
3239 |
 | Marriage- Page, Phyllis-Keller, Charles Page-Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Page announce the marriage of their daughter, Phyllis Jane, to Mr. Charles Keller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Keller of Rossville.
The marriage took place at 2:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon, March 12, in the Rossville Methodist church. The double ring ceremony was read by Rev. Don Jone [sic Jones], pastor of the church.
The alter was decorated with baskets of yellow gladioli and snap dragons, palms, ferns and two floor candelbra holding white tapers.
Mrs. Irene Campbell played the traditional wedding marches and accompanied Miss Betty Tripp who sang "Because" and "There's No Tomorrow," preceding the ceremony and "The Lord's Prayer," for the benediction.
Miss Delores Young and Miss Edith Cerny lighted the candles. They wore blue gowns and yellow net head pieces.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in her wedding gown of white satin. Her dress was fashioned with a yoke of lace, long tapering sleeves and fitted bodice fastened down the back with tiny satin covered buttons. The gored skirt fell into a pointed train. A beaded crown held her fingertip veil. She carried an arm bouquet of red and white roses.
Miss Thelma Smith, maid of honor, wore a blue taffeta gown styled like that of the bride. She wore matching mitts and a headpiece of yellow roses and double sweet peas.
Miss Betty Gentry and Miss Ruth Spears, bridesmaids, wore identical gowns of yellow taffeta with matching mitts and blue net headpieces. Their bouquets were of yellow roses and double sweet peas.
Dean Page, brother of the bride, served as best man. Ushers were Duane Hudson and Junior Dick.
Little Jane Woofter was flower girl. She wore a blue taffeta gown with fitted bodice and full skirt and had a halo of pink carnations. She scattered rose petals from a basket trimmed with blue ribbon.
Sandra Parr and Ricky Keller, niece and nephew of the groom, were ring bearers. Sandra wore a blue taffeta gown like that of the flower girl and had a halo of pink carnations. Ricky was dressed in a yellow suit and wore a white boutonier. The rings were carried on white satin heartshaped pillows.
Miss Mildred Foster had charge of the guest book and Mrs. Earl Kovar had charge of the gift table.
A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, following the ceremony. The table was decorated with white tapers and the three tiered wedding cake.
The cake was cut by Mrs. Rolland Hackler and Mrs. Roy Taber assisted with serving the punch.
For her going-away costume the bride choose a light tan suit, with green accessories and a corsage of yellow roses.
Mrs. Page choose for her daughter's wedding a navy crepe dress with matching accessories, and a corsage of red roses. The mother of the groom wore a navy print, navy accessories, and a corsage of red roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Keller are both graduates of Rossville High school. Mr. Keller is now employed at the Santa Fe in Topeka.
After a short honeymoon the couple will be at home on South Main street in Rossville.
[From 16 Mar 1950] |
3240 |
 | Marriage- Page, Sandra-Lister, Melvin Mrs. Melvin Lister
(Sandra Page)
The Rossville United Methodist Church was the setting for the marriage of Sandra Page and Melvin Lister at 2 p.m. May 1. The Rev. William Hurtig officiated.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Dean Page and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lister, all of Rossville.
Attendants for the bride were Ginger Simecka, Chanute; Mrs. Daryl Rutschmann, Maple Hill; Patti Parr, Rossville; and Anna Piland, Abilene.
The bridegroom’s attendants were Marvin Hoffman Jr., Topeka; Ron Lister, Galen Lister and Fred Brown, all of Rossville.
Mr. and Mrs. Lister are graduates of Rossville High School. She is employed by Char’s Flowers and he is employed by Kansas Sheet Metal Co.
The couple is living in Rossville.
3241 |
 | Marriage- Parks, Ethel-Johnson, John At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Frank Kahl, in Topeka, Miss Ethel Parks and Mr. John Johnson were united in marriage. |
3242 |
 | Marriage- Parr, Catherine-Linn, Donald Parr-Linn Wedding Held Oct. 13
Dr. Catherine L. Parr and Donald H. Linn were married Saturday, October 13, 1979, in the Rossville United Methodist Church. Their attendants were Susan Shahan and David T. Linn, both of Shawnee Mission.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Rolland D. Parr, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. James H. Linn, Overland Park. |
3243 |
 | Marriage- Parr, Diane-Nash, Louie Parr-Nash Vows Heard
August 2 in Topeka
Wedding vows were exchanged by Janice Diane Parr and Louie W. Nash, Jr. in a ceremony at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, August 2, 1975, in the Central United Presbyterian Church in Topeka, Ks. The Rev. Robert Neill officiated. He was assisted by the Rev. Dwight Seneker of Rossville.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Leroy C. Parr, Delia, and Mr. and Mrs. Louie Winford Nash, Sr., Montgomery, Ala.
The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Keller, Rossville, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Parr, Rossville. The bridegroom is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Nash, Sr., Norcross, Ga., and of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Herman Keever, Sr., Lilburn, Ga.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a gown of white organza and Chantilly lace. An all-lace cape adorned the scoop neckline and empire bodice. More Chantilly lace surrounded the deep flounced hem that flowed to a chapel train. Lace motifs adorned the skirt and bodice. She carried a prayer book, given by her great-grandmother to her Grandmother Parr, and a nosegay of apricot Woburn Abbey roses and white Cattleya orchids.
The altar was decorated with a large basket of apricot gladioli and bronze mums, and candelabras adorned with greenery and baby’s breath.
Cindy Lee Keller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay R. Keller, Rossville, was flower girl. Jane Parr, Overland Park, attended her sister as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Shawn McKenna, Overland Park; Linda Van Loenen, Topeka; and Mrs. Roger Warren, Vermillion.
The groom’s father, Louie W. Nash, Sr., was best man. Graham Champion, Montgomery Ala.; Kent Zernickow, Abilene; and Sheldon Fox, Manhattan; were groomsmen.
Ushers were Lee Nash, Montgomery, Ala., brother of the groom; KelLee Parr, Delia, brother of the bride; Doug Veith, Topeka, and Dave Noll, Chesterfield, Mo.
Organist was Mrs. Ross Miller, Topeka. Soloist was Kim Collins, also of Topeka. Attending the guest book was Patty Parr, Rossville.
A reception in the church parlor followed the ceremony. Assisting with the reception were Mrs. Lindsay Keller, Mrs. Roger Bush, Mrs. Duane Parr and Patti Parr, all of Rossville. Helping with the gifts were Mrs. Randy DeBacker, Rossville, and Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks, Delia. Diana Petro, Topeka, and Mike Bush, Rossville, distributed rice bags.
Following the reception, a dinner was held at the home of the bride’s parents.
After a honeymoon in Florida, the couple is at. home at 5202 Bangor, Lubbock, Tex.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School in Rossville. She received a master’s degree in speech pathology from Kansas State University in July and is employed as a speech therapist in the Lubbock Independent School District in Lubbock, Tex.
Mr. Nash is a graduate of Sidney Lanier High School, Montgomery, Ala. He has a degree in bakery science from Kansas State University. He was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha social fraternity at KSU. Mr. Nash is employed by Rainbo Baking Company in Lubbock, Tex.
3244 |
 | Marriage- Parr, Hazel-Mansfield, Roy Announcements have been received by relatives of the marriage of Mrs. Hazel James Parr of Pasadena, Calif., to Mr. Roy Mansfield which occurred June 19. After a honeymoon spent in Canada, the couple will make their home in Pasadena. |
3245 |
 | Marriage- Parr, Linda-Rafferty, Raymond Parr-Rafferty
The marriage of Linda Parr to Raymond Rafferty was solemnized at 9 a.m. Saturday in Sacred Heart Church, Delia.
The Rev. George Seuferling celebrated the nuptial mass, and music was provided by Mrs. Rita Kerwin and Linda Roth.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. William Parr, Rossville, and Mr. Rafferty is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rafferty, St. Marys.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of bouquet taffeta. The moulded bodice featured bracelet-length sleeves and a scoop neckline. The full gathered skirt was styled with a polanaise drape back that descended into an aisle-wide chapel train. The gown was enhanced by pearl accented embroidery trim. Her illusion veil fell from a pearl tiara, and she carried white roses arranged in the shape of a cross.
Mrs. Douglas Martinek, who was her sister's matron of honor and Mrs. Keith Rafferty, bridesmatron, wore aqua silk dresses. They were styled with scoop necklines and bell-shaped skirts accented with a bow at the waistline. They carried bouquets of peach gladioli.
Jeanette Flerlage, St. Marys, was flower girl, and Edie Joe Besta, Topeka, was ring bearer.
Best man was the bridegroom's brother, Keith Rafferty, Emmett, and Douglas Martinek, Lawrence, was groomsman. Ushers were William Parr, Richard Rafferty, and Robert Rafferty, all of Rossville.
Following the ceremony a reception was held in the Rossville Community Center. Those assisting were: Mrs. Richard Rafferty, Mrs. Robert Rafferty, Charlene Perry, Sharon Viergever, all of Rossville; Mrs. Edward Besta, Topeka, and Janice Parr, Washington, D.C.
The bride, a graduate of Rossville High School, is employed by Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.
Mr. Rafferty, also a graduate of Rossville High School, is employed by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
After a short honeymoon trip the couple will be at home at 2845 Kentucky, Topeka.
[Photo caption: Mrs. Raymond Rafferty]
[From 1963] |
3246 |
 | Marriage- Parr, Lois-Miller, Wayne Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Lois Parr, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Parr, and Mr. Wayne Miller son of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Miller of Valencia. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G.G. Horne at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Horne of Oakland avenue, Monday afternoon. The young couple were attended by Miss Helen Mason and Mr. Nathaniel Parr, also of Rossville. |
3247 |
 | Marriage- Parr, Maxine-Stadler, Joe Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Parr announce the marriage of their daughter, Maxine, to Mr. Joe Stadler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Stadler March 11 at Falls City, Nebraska. |
3248 |
 | Marriage- Parr, Mildred-Laurence, Tom PARR-LAURENCE
Miss Mildred Parr, youngest daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Parr, and Mr. Tom Laurence, of Leavenworth, Kan, were united in marriage Saturday forenoon, September 22, at Topeka. The wedding took place at the Potwin Presbyterian Manse, the Rev. H. L. Nelson, officiating. Miss Bertha Shideler, of Silver Lake, a niece of the bride, was the only attendant.
Mrs. Laurence has grown to womanhood in this community and has the esteem of a large circle of acquaintances. She received her education in the Rossville schools, graduating with the class of 1925.
Mr. Laurance is a brother of Mrs. J. W. Nuhn. He has been a resident of Rossville the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence will be at home for the present on the Parr farm west of Rossville. The Reporter joins their friends in extending congratulations.
3249 |
 | Marriage- Parr, Nancy-Besta, George Edward Parr-Besta marriage at Topeka Lutheran Church
Nancy Louise Parr and Edward Besta, both of Rossville, exchanged wedding vows in a double-ring ceremony at the First Lutheran church in Topeka December 23.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Parr. Parents or the groom are Mrs. Winifred Ker vin and the late George Besta.
Dr. Ernest Tonsing read the service and music was furnished by Mrs. Max Slankard, organist, and Harold Felsburg, soloist.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin and Chantilly lace. The bod ice was fashioned with a scalloped neckline, close-fitting sleeves, and a drop waistline. The floor-length skirt of lace over satin was accented by a front panel of satin. Her illusion veil fell from a cap of lace trimmed with sted pearls and sequins. She carried an orchid on a white Bible.
Patricia Ann Parr, the bride’s sister, was maid of honor. She wore a ballerina-length gown of turquoise taffeta and lace with a matching halo trimmed with pearls holding a short illusion veil. Her bouquet was a cascade of pink carnations.
Linda Parr and Mary Besta, sisters of the couple, lighted the candles. They wore dresses of rust satin featuring Empire waistlines accented with dark brown ribbon, and their wrist corsages were yellow mums.
Attending the bridegroom were Kenseth Houck, best man, and William S. Parr, Douglas Martinek and Clifford VanVleck, ushers.
The ceremony was followed by a reception in the church parlor. Mrs. Robert Marney, Janice Parr and Mrs. Alvin Bell assisted.
After a short honeymoon trip, the couple is at home in Tecumseh. The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by Hallmark Cards, Inc. The groom is a Delia High School graduate and is employed in the Santa Fe offices.
3250 |
 | Marriage- Parr, Patricia-Martinek, Douglas 1 Parr-Martinek
The marriage of Patricia
Parr to Douglas Martinek was solemnized at 10 a.m. Saturday in Sacred Heart Church in Delia.
The Rev. George Seuferling celebrated the nuptial mass and music was provided by Mrs. Rita Kerwin and Linda Roth.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Parr, and Mr. Martinek is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Martinek, all of Rossville.
GIVEN in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white taffeta designed with scoop neckline, bridal point sleeves and chapel train. The lace embroidered motif on the bodice was repeated on the train.
Her illusion veil fell from a satin rose, and she carried white orchids arranged in the shape of a cross.
Linda Parr, who was her
sister’s maid of honor, wore a red velveteen dress styled with scoop neckline and bell-shaped skirt.
BRIDESMATRONS were Mrs. G. E. Besta, Topeka, another sister of the bride, and Mrs. Wayne Rasch, Wichita. Shirley Lierz, Wetmore, was bridesmaid. They wore green velveteen dresses made like the maid’s of honor. All the attendants carried bouquets of red and white peppermint carnations.
Connie Keller, Delia, was flower girl, and Eddie Joe Besta, Topeka, was ring bearer.
Best man was the bridegroom’s brother, Dwight Martinek, Rossville. Groomsmen were Tony Leiker, Lawrence; Ray Rafferty, Rossville; and Wayne Rasch, Wichita. Ushers were Frank Ruff, Manhattan, and Brian Palmer and John Garber, Lawrence.
FOLLOWING the ceremony a reception was held in the Delia High School auditorium. Those assisting were: Mrs. Raub Zeller, Mission; Mrs. John Boyd Jr., Carolyn Farley and Jane Parr, Rossville; Janice Parr, Washington, D.C.; Sally Nadeau, Emporia; Mary Brethour and Jane Zickefoose, Manhattan; and Bonnie Keller, Delia.
The bride, a graduate of Rossville High School and Stewart’s Beauty Academy, was employed in the Lady Be Lovely Salon in Rossville.
Mr. Martinek, also a graduate of Rossville High School, is a senior at the University of Kansas where he is majoring in physical education.
The couple will live in the Stauffer Apartments on the KU campus.