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3451 |
 | Marriage- Stiles, Laura-Boddy, Charles Laura Rose Stiles and Charles D. Boddy III were united in marriage Tuesday evening, September 12, in the Rossville Methodist Church. Rev. Don Jones read the vows in the presence of members of the immediate family and a few friends.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stiles of Rossville and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boddy II of Kansas City, Mo.
The bride wore a street dress of gray wool. She chose black accessories and wore a corsage of white carnations and red roses. Miss Sharon Davis attended her friend as maid of honor. Her dress was of red wool plaid and she wore a corsage of white carnations with red rose buds.
Larry Boddy, brother of the groom, was best man.
Following the ceremony, the couple took a short trip to Arizona. They are at home in the Halcia Cerny residence in Rossville.
Mr. Boddy has been employed in construction work since his four year service with the U.S. Navy. The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and attended Clark's Business School in Topeka.
A reception for the couple was held Sunday, September 24, in the Rossville Community Center. Patty VandeVelde had charge of the guest book. Those at the gift table were Zora Wade, Janice Harth, Diane Swenson, Marie Stiles and Jean Stiles. Others assisting at the refreshment table were Mrs. Dave Stiles, Mrs. James Conley, Mrs. Clyde Rogers, Mrs. Jerry Fritz, Mrs. W.H. Swenson, Mrs. Francis Davis, Mrs. Harley Heiland, and Mrs. Marlin Harth. |
3452 |
 | Marriage- Stites, Glenda-Kalcik, Russell Stites-Kalcik
The marriage of Glenda D. Stites to Russell R. Kalcik was solemnized at 2 p.m. Oct. 21 in the United Methodist Church, Silver Lake. The Rev. William Hurtig officiated.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Stites, Silver Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kalcik, Mayetta.
Attending the bride were Becky Kelsey and Diana Klein, both of Silver Lake; The bridegroom’s attendants were Darrel Stithem, Hoyt, and Steve Eisenbarth, Silver Lake.
Mrs. Kalcik is a graduate of Emporia State University. She holds an associate of science degree in secretarial training and is employed by American United Life Insurance Co.
Mr. Kalcik was graduated from Royal Valley High School and is employed by DeKalb Hybrid Wheat in the Foundation Department.
The couple is at home in the Raintree Apartments.
3453 |
 | Marriage- Stitt, Cindy-Martinek, Mark Stitt-Martinek
Cindy Jo Stitt and Mark A. Martinek were married at 11 am. Sept. 20 in Holy Name Catholic Church with the Rev. Frank Schepers officiating.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stitt and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martinek.
Attending the bride were Paula Dinwiddie, Brenda Broxterman and Pam Dinwiddie, Topeka, and Debbie Burns, Silver Lake. The bridegroom's attendants were Darrell Martinek, Dave Zerngast, John Matalone and John Tork.
Mrs. Martinek is employed by First National Bank of Topeka and Mr. Martinek is self-employed in a vinyl siding business.
They will live at 1112 Lincoln.
Mrs. Mark Martinek
(Cindy Stitt)
3454 |
 | Marriage- Stockman, Florentine-Emert, Clarence Stockman-Emert
Mr. Clarence L. Emert and Miss Florentine Stockman were united in marriage by Rev. Father Ryan yesterday morning Nov. 14, at 8:15 in the Immaculate Conception church, at St. Marys.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Stockman who reside in the west end of Shawnee county. Mrs. Emert was gowned in a plum color velvet suit, hat to match, with field mouse brown gloves and shoes and wore a corsage bouquet of brides roses and valley lilies.
The bride was attended by Miss Zita Sipes of St. Marys and she wore a toupe gray broadcloth with large corsage bouquet of pink rose buds.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Emert, and is well known throughout Rossville township where he has grown to manhood. The groom was attended by Mr. Henry Stockman a brother of the bride.
A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride and the happy couple left on the west bound train.
The guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Mulligan, Kansas City, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Emert, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Stockman, Mr. Wm Sipes, Miss Zita Sipes, Miss Lola Sipes, all of St. Marys, Mrs. Edward Ferguson, of Salina, Mr. Henry Stockman, Mr. Francis Stockman, Rev. Father Ryan, Mr. John Bond, Francis Verschelden, Misses Stella, and Bernadette Verschelden and Nell Brady of St. Marys.
[From 15 Nov 1917] |
3455 |
 | Marriage- Stovall, Emma-Ausherman, Carl Stovall-Ausherman
A very pretty home wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. A.R. Stovall at high noon yesterday, when Miss Emma A. Stovall and Mr. Carl Ausherman of Menoken, were united in marriage by the Rev. W.T. Ward, of the M.E. church.
A few minutes before the ceremony Rev. Ward sang, "A Necklace of Love," accompanied by Miss Anna Stovall, sister of the bride.
As Miss Vera Hook, cousin of the bride, played the wedding march from "Lohengrin," the bridal party marched into the parlor which was beautifully decorated in green and white. The bride was attended by her bridesmaid, Miss Anna Stovall, and the groom by Mr. Lawrence Ausherman as best man. Under a beautiful bower of spirea, they took their vows.
The bride wore a dainty dress of white embroidered voile with white slippers, and carried a large bouquet of Lillies of the Valley, and bride's roses. The groom wore the conventional black. The bridesmaid was dressed in white voile and white slippers and carried a bouquet of pink roses.
After congratulations the guests were invited to the home of Mrs. M.L. Whearty, sister of the bride, where a bountiful three course dinner was served. The guests doing justice to the good things set before them. The dining room was beautifully decorated in green and white. The color scheme being carried out in the refreshments.
The bride and groom received in any beautiful and useful presents among them being two twenty dollar gold pieces.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. A.R. Stovall and is a beautiful and accomplished young lady, an earnest church worker, and for two years has been an efficient school teacher.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ausherman, of Menoken, Kans., and is a capable and industrious young man, with a host of friends in his community.
The out of town guests were: Mrs. George Ausherman, of Menoken, mother of the groom, E.C. and Lawrence Ausherman, of Menoken, brothers of the groom; Mrs. Geo. Weight, Mrs. H.F. Hovenden, of Topeka, aunts of the groom; G.W. Hovenden and wife, of Topeka, cousins of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. John Price and son, Gomer, of Emporia; Miss Iva Robertson, and Oran Spurgeon, of Kiro; Miss Anna Hobert, of Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hook of Silver Lake, cousins of the bride, Mrs. M. Bartless of Silver Lake, aunt of the bride; Misses Vera, Nina Audrey and Norma Hook and Masters Benj., Maynard and Howard Hook and Guilford Hook, cousins of the bride; Miss Edith Trostle, Rev. W.T. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. S.N. Brashear, Lester Parr, Mrs. John Weseloh, Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Whearty and family, Mrs. A.R. Stovall, Earl Stovall, Miss Anna Stovall, Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Henderson and children, Ralph, Homer and Doris.
The guests departed at a late hour in the afternoon, wishing the bride and groom a very happy and prosperous life. Mr. and Mrs. Ausherman left after the ceremony for a short trip to Lawrence after which they will make their home on a farm 5 miles north or Kiro. |
3456 |
 | Marriage- Stovall, Rachel-Bush, Isador The following weddings were reported this week:....Mr. Isador Bush and Miss Rachel Stovall. |
3457 |
 | Marriage- Strimple, Carolyn-Brown, Sheldon STRIMPLE - BROWN MARRIAGE
Mr. and Mrs. Orville E. Strimple announce the marriage of their daughter, Carolyn June, to Lt. Sheldon Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Minor Brown, Williamsburg.
The marriage took place Tuesday, August 31, at 8 p. m. at the Seaman Community Church. Palms, two baskets of pastel mums, white and pink daisies and white and pink asters were used on the altar. White satin bows marked the pews for the candlelight service.
Flower girl, Mary Lynn Brown, Wichita, niece of the groom, wore a light blue floor-length dress and a garland of flowers in her hair. Candle- lighters, Janice Strimple, sister of the bride, and Charlann Brotherton, wore yellow organdy dresses fashioned like the bridesmaids’. They wore wrist corsages of white carnations and carried white candles with yellow bows and white daisies.
Ringbearer was Daryl Thornwall, Warrenton, Va.
The bride wore a white eyelet em-broidered organdy dress styled with three flounces. She wore a crown of matching organdy with an illusion finger-tip-length veil. She wore long mitts of the embroidered organdy and pearls, a gift of the groom. She carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid.
Matron of honor, Mrs. J. C. Thorn wall, Warrenton, Va., sister of the bride, wore a light blue organdy dress fashioned like the bride’s and carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations tied with blue ribbon.
Bridesmaids, Miss Eileen Kauffman, Topeka; Miss Patricia Gardner, Emporia; Miss Kay Sprouse, Topeka, wore dresses of pink organdy fashioned with full skirts, scalloped boat necklines with tiny puff sleeves just off the shoulder. They wore picture hats with the same scalloped edging and carried colonial bouquets of white carnations with matching ribbon.
Mr. James Spillman was best man. Ushers were: Marlin and Marvin Brown, Williamsburg, twin brothers of the groom, and groomsmen were Mr. Robert Brown, brother of the groom, Mr. Clifford Stansbury, Williamsburg, and Mr. Wendell Timken, Topeka.
The bride’s mother wore a rose and black cotton chambray dress with matching hat, black patent accessories and white gloves. Mrs. Brown wore a pink crepe dress with white accessories. Both had corsages of white and pink carnations.
The reception was held at the church. The bride’s table was covered with white linen cloth, and was centered with the four-tiered wedding cake, circled with white daisies and fern.
Assisting friends were Miss Nancy Carroll, who cut the cake; Miss Daytha Witham, in charge of gifts; Miss Lois Stratton, guest book; Miss Georg- ianna Allen, punch bowl; Mrs. Merle Krug, Miss Shirley Tousley and Mrs. Eugene Raab who assisted with the serving.
The bridegroom will be stationed with the Air Force at Columbus, Miss., and the couple took a honeymoon trip in Texas and New Mexico. For traveling the bride wore a navy blue linen two-piece dress with a light blue velvet hat and gloves and other accessories in navy. Her corsage was a white orchid from her bouquet.
The bride is a graduate of Seaman High School and attended Washburn University where she was affiliated with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Lt. Brown is a graduate of Williamsburg High School and Washburn University. He is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon at Washburn.
Mr. Harry Billings of Topeka and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Strimple of Rossville are grandparents of the bride. The bride’s mother and father both attended Rossville Schools and graduated from Rossville High School.
3458 |
 | Marriage- Strimple, Jessie-Attebury, Tom Attebury-Strimple
Mr. Tom Attebury and Miss Jessie Strimple, both young people of this vicinity were married by the Probate Judge at Topeka last Friday. Mr. Attebury is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Attebury, and has grown to manhood here. Mrs. Attebury is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strimple and is one of the popular young ladies of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Attebury will occupy a farm two miles south of Rossville owned by the groom. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Attebury much happiness. |
3459 |
 | Marriage- Strimple, Viola-McClain, Vencille Strimple-McClain
The Chicaskia Baptist Church at Harper, Kansas, was the scene of a lovely mid-summer wedding, Sunday Aug. 4, at 12 o'clock, when Miss Viola Strimple of Rossville, Kansas, became the bride of Mr. Vencille McClain, also of Rossville. The Rev. V.H. Bailey officiated at the single ring ceremony at the close of the morning service.
The altar was beautifully decorated with ferns and flowers. Miss Dorothy Hall, pianist, accompanied Mrs. Clayton Weaver and Mr. Harold Litsey who sang "I Love You Truly." She also played the traditional wedding march.
The bride was attractively costumed in Navy blue sheer ensemble with white accessories.
A delightful two-course luncheon was served in the parsonage following the ceremony in the church, by Mrs. V.H. Bailey and daughters, Deane and Victoria. A three-tiered bride's cake topped by a miniature bride and groom decorated the center of the table.
Mr. McClain is the nephew of Mrs. Bailey.
The young couple departed on a wedding trip to Colorado following the luncheon, after which they will be at home with their friends near Topeka, Kansas, where Mr. McClain is employed as teacher for the coming year.
The guests present at the luncheon were Rev. and Mrs. V.H. Bailey, Deane, Victoria and Eugene, Mr. Neal Hudson, Mr. Walter Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Hermes Weibii of Lehigh, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Bailey and daughters Beverly and Deana Mae of Lehigh, Kansas.
[8 Aug 1940] |
3460 |
 | Marriage- Stumbaugh, Anna-Collier, L.G. Stumbaugh-Collier
Miss Anna Stumbaugh and Dr. L.G. Collier were wedded last Friday. The ceremony was performed at the First Methodist church in Topeka, the Rev. G.C. Albin, pastor of the Rossville Methodist church officiating.
Following the ceremony Dr. and Mrs. Collier left on a wedding trip to Kansas City and other points.
Mrs. Collier is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Stumbaugh living west of the city. She was born and reared in this community. Dr. Collier is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Collier, coming to Rossville about a year ago to practise his profession as dentist. The business fraternity of the city, with whom Dr. Collier is very popular, are pleased to extend congratulations.
[From 24 Jul 1924] |
3461 |
 | Marriage- Sullivan, Janice-Heil, Michael Sullivan-Heil
Janice Mary Sullivan and Michael L. Heil were married at 1 p.m. June 2 in St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Rossville. The Rev. John C. Murphy officiated.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. George E. Sullivan, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Heil, Olathe.
Attending the bride were Vicki Pellegrino, Tonganoxie, and Colleen Sullivan, St. Marys. The bridegroom's attendants were Craig Yost, Ponca City, Okla., and Mark Brink, Olathe.
Mrs. Heil is a graduate of Rossville High School and Emporia State University. She is employed by USD 232, DeSoto. Mr. Heil was graduated from Olathe High School and Emporia State University and is employed by USD 233, Olathe.
They are at home at 4419 Parkway, Olathe.
[Photo Caption: Mrs. Michael Heil (Janice Sullivan)]
[From 24 Jun 1979] |
3462 |
 | Marriage- Summers, Winifred-Eldridge, Gene SUMMERS-ELDRIDGE
Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Searcy living southeast of Willard, have announced the marriage of her daughter, Winifred Joan Summers, to Mr. Gene Eldridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn B. Eldridge of Willard.
The wedding took place in the First Congregational Church parlor in Topeka at 8 o’clock February 25 before immediate relatives. The Rev. Mr. Jones performed the ceremony.
The bride wore a gown of slipper satin with a long train, and finger-tip veil. Her jewelry was a double strand of pearls, a gift of the groom. Her bouquet was of red roses.
Miss June Eldridge, sister of the groom, was maid of honor. She wore a dress of yellow crepe. Her bouquet was of yellow roses and jonquils.
Mr. Eldridge had as his best man Mr. Raymond Loveland.
Mrs. Eldridge is a junior in Rossville High School, and Mr. Eldridge is employed at the Goodyear Rubber plant.
They are at home at 425 Clay in Topeka.
3463 |
 | Marriage- Sumner, Anita-Olson, Jacob Sumner-Olson Vows Exchanged in September Ceremony
The marriage of Anita Sumner to Jacob Olson was solemnized on Friday evening, September 21, 1979, at seven o’clock in the Almaden Valley Christian Church, San Jose, Calif. The Reverend Mike Maxson officiated.
Matron of honor was Gloria Howell; best man was Adrian Howell, both of San Jose, Calif. A reception for the couple was given in the Howell home after the ceremony.
Mrs. Olson, a graduate of Rossville High School, attended Manhattan Christian College; Mr. Olson attended San Jose Bible College. They are both employed as security guards at Quadrex Corporation, San Jose.
Parents of the couple are Naomi R. Sumner, Rossville, and the late Everett L. Sumner; and Margie and Darryl Olson, Phoenix, Ariz.
3464 |
 | Marriage- Sumner, Karen-Leeper, Tom Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leeper
Sumner-Leeper Vows Exchanged
Miss Karen Sumner and Mr. Tom Leeper exchanged marriage vows at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, May 3, 1975 in the Rossville Christian Church with the Reverend Robert Sieh officiating. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sumner and Mrs. Ruth Kitt.
Janice Myers and Mick Leeper attended
the couple.
Mrs. Leeper is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by the First National Bank in Topeka. Mr. Leeper is also a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by the Kansas Turnpike Association.
3465 |
 | Marriage- Sumner, Leslie-Paine, Terry Sumner-Paine
Vows Exchanged
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sumner, Rossville, Ks., announce the marriage of their daughter, Leslie, to Terry Lee Paine. Terry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Paine of Rossville.
The marriage took place on August 27th in the Rossville City Park with the Rev. Bob Sieh officiating.
Attending the bride was Miss Marcia Moore. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Edward Paine.
Both Leslie and Terry are graduates of Rossville High School. Terry is employed by Pokorney Construction Company.
3466 |
 | Marriage- Sumner, Lisa-Lacock, Kerry Lisa Katherine Sumner Kerry Stephan Lacock
Lisa Katherine Sumner and Kerry Stephan Lacock were married at 2 p.m. Aug. 7, 1993, at Immaculate Conception Church, Valley Falls. The Revs. Alice Monschke and John Erickson officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Vernon and Janet Sumner, Rossville. The groom is the son of Thomas and Lois Lacock, Rossville.
Attending the bride were Becky Bush, Rossville; Jenny Gutsch, Lincolnville; and Kelli Darting, Emmett. Attending the groom were Mark Dudney, Rossville; Tim Woodcock, Washington; and Marty Hall, Rossville. Flower girl and ring bearer were Jenae Skelton, Larned, and Trent Fiedler, Delia. Ushers were Adam Sumner, Chad Gentry, Michael Schneider and Blake Smith, all of Rossville. Candlelighters were Tanya and Trisha Fiedler, Delia, and Hannah Sumner, St. Marys. Guest book attendant was Staci Shirley, Memphis, Tenn.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and is majoring in elementary education at McPherson College. The groom is a graduate of Rossville High School and is studying chemistry and secondary education at McPherson College.
3467 |
 | Marriage- Sumner, Nancy-Fiedler, Bernard Mrs. Bernard Fiedler Jr.
(Nancy Sumner)
Nancy Lyne Sumner became the bride of Bernard Martin Fiedler Jr. at 7 p.m. Jan. 29 in Living Word Church, Manhattan. The Rev. Lester Bieber officiated.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sumner, Delia, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fiedler, St. Marys.
Attending the bride were Connie Jeanneret, Onaga; Lisa Sumner, Delia; and Heather Sumner and Shannah Sumner, St. Marys. The bridegroom’s attendants were Mark Waymire, St. Marys, and Adam Sumner, Delia.
Mrs. Fiedler attended Rossville High School and was graduated from Flint Hills Area Vocational-Technical School, where she studied dental assistantship. She is employed by Dr. Michael C. Reynolds and Dr. Richelle J. Roy, Topeka. Mr. Fiedler attended St. Marys High School and is employed by Richards Locker, St. Marys.
The couple is at home in St. Marys.
3468 |
 | Marriage- Sumner, Phyllis-Boston, Larry Sumner-Boston Marriage in Texas
The marriage of Miss Phyllis Jane Sumner and Larry Burton Boston was solemnized Wednesday evening, November 27, in the First Christian Church chapel at Hereford, Texas, with the Rev. Gilbert Davis officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin (Ted) W. Sumner and is a senior in Hereford High School.
The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Boston of Summerfield, Texas. He is a graduate of Hereford High School and is a student at West Texas State College at Canyon, Texas. |
3469 |
 | Marriage- Sutherland, Maxine-Strimple, Clyde Sutherland-Strimple
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sutherland Sr. of Topeka, announce the marriage of their daughter, Maxine Sutherland to Mr. Clyde Strimple, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Strimple of Rossville, which took place Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Methodist church.
Preceding the ceremony Mrs. Thelma Martin of Topeka, played a prelude of piano music during which Miss Joyce Navarre lighted the tapers in the candlebra which stood on either side of the altar of autumn flowers. Miss Navarre sang, "Because" by D'Hardelot, accompanied by Mrs. Martin who played "Always" and the bridal march.
Rev. Don Jones pastor, read the double ring ceremony, and at the close "The Lord's Prayer," was sung by Miss Navarre, Mrs. Martin accompanying.
The bride was lovely in a three-piece suit with matching accessories and were a corsage of gardenias and Talisman roses.
The brides attendants were Mrs. Leanna Carter sister of the groom and Miss Donna Sutherland sister of the bride. Their corsages were pink carnations.
The groom was attended by Claude Sutherland and Allan Cartar.
Mrs. Sutherland, mother of the bride wore a dress of black and white with matching accessories and a corsage of red roses and the grooms mother, Mrs. Strimple wore a navy blue dress and matching accessories and a corsage of red roses.
Following the ceremony a reception for the wedding party and immediate relatives was held at the home of the brides aunt, Mrs. Mildred Berry.
A buffet supper was served and the dining room was attractively decorated with large baskets of autumn flowers. The guests were seated at quartet tables and Mrs. Berry was assisted by Mrs. Irene Ketter and Mrs. Esther Navarre.
The three-tiered wedding cake was cut by the bride and groom and served by Mrs. Martin. The cake centered the prettily appointed table and cathedral candles in crystal holders were placed at each end of the table.
Mrs. Leanna Carter had charge of the guest book.
The bride and groom left immediately for Kansas City on a short wedding trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Strimple are both graduates of Rossville High school.
Mrs. Strimple is now employed by the Bell Telephone Company in Topeka and Mr. Strimple is a junior at Washburn college and will complete his college work.
They will be at home in Topeka at 1408 North Central.
The Reporter joins their many friends in extending congratulations.
The wedding and reception guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sutherland of Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Strimple, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strimple, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Attebury, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carter of Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sutherland of Junction City; Rev. and Mrs. Don Jones, Mrs. Thelma Martin, Miss Joyce Navarre, Mr. Walter Binney, Leo Berry, Bob Berry, Shirley and Billy Dean Atkinson of Pratt, Kansas Mrs. Irene Ketter, Mrs. Esther Navarre and Mrs. Berry.
[From 30 Nov 1950] |
3470 |
 | Marriage- Swenson, JoAnn-Londerholm, James Jo Ann Swenson weds in Columbus Georgia
Miss JoAnn Swenson became tile bride of James W. Londerholm on September 27 in a ceremony at the St. Luke’s Methodist Church at Columbus, Georgia. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Swenson of Rossville and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Londerholm of Mission, Kansas.
The Rev. Frank S. Roberts performed the double ring rites. Multiple candelabra holding cathedral tapers and white gladiolas with white and blue snowball mums formed an arrangement on each side of a gold cross decorating the white and gold altar at the front of the white and gold sanctuary.
For her wedding the bride chose a floor length gown of hand clipped chantilly lace. The fitted bodice of lace was fashioned with a scalloped sabrina neckline embroidered with seed pearls and white irrideseent sequins, and sleeves extending to calla points at the wrists. The bouffant floor length skirt featured tailored bows of white velvet down the back from the waist to the hem, and around the scalloped hemline. Her two tiered veil of silk illusion fell from a crown tiera of chantilly lace, sequins and seed pearls.
She carried a cascade bouquet of baby orchids and white carnations decorated with seed pearls with a lavender throated white orchid mounted on a white Bible. Her only accessories were drop-pearl earrings.
Attending the couple was Douglas Kramlich from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
After the ceremony, a reception was given by friends for the couple in their new apartment. The table, covered with white, held the tierel pink and white wedding cake which was topped with three pink and white sugar bells. White candles and an arrangement of white gladiolas and carnations completed the decoration.
The couple will reside at Columbus, Georgia, until Mr. Londerholm graduates from Radio Electronics School at Ft. Benning, Ga. They will then move to Lawrence, Kansas, where Mrs. Londerholm will complete her music education degree. She is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi national social sorority, Wesley Methodist Foundation, and Kappa Phi Methodist Woman’s Sorority.
Mr. Londerholm, who recently was named All American in track, received his B. S. degree in Journalism from Kansas University. He was affiliated with Phi Kappa Psi national social fraternity and Alpha Delta Sigma professional advertising fraternity.
An open house will be held for the couple at the bride’s home in Rossville when they return in January.
3471 |
 | Marriage- Swenson, Joyce-Harper, Stephen Wedding vows were exchanged by Miss Joyce Marie Swenson, Chicago, and Lieut. Stephen Kent Harper of Moline, Ill., at two o’clock p.m., Saturday, June 27, in the Memorial Chapel, Glenview Naval Air Station, Glenview, Illinois.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Walden H. Swenson, Lanark, Ill., former Rossville residents, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Harper of Oregon, Illinois.
Baskets of yellow and white daisy palms, and yellow and white mums graced the chapel. Officiating at the double-ring ceremony was Chaplain James. Mrs. Dorris Hammel of Glenview was organist.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor- length white saki wedding gown featuring a portrait neckline and short puffed sleeves, both edged in Venice lace and pale yellow ribbon. The banded and bowed empire waist fell into an A-line skirt, with an attached chapel- length train. Her elbow-length veil of silk illusion was caught to an empire head crown of saki and braid. She carried a colonial bouquet of white daisies and white roses, with cascading greenery.
The bride’s sisters, Mrs. JoAnn Londerholm of Barrington, Ill., and Mrs. Diane Vaught of Detroit, Mich., were matron of honor and bridesmaid. Their gowns were of yellow linen, embroidered with green flowers, featuring a round neckline and short, puffy sleeves. Green ribbon accented the empire waistlines. They wore large green bows in their hair and short white gloves. They carried colonial bouquets of various shades of yellow mums, tied with white ribbons.
Miss Sherri Jo Londerholm.
Barrington, Ill., niece of the, bride, was flower girl. Her dress matched those of the attendants.
Scott Kersten, Rockford, Ill., nephew of the bridegroom, carried the rings.
Mr. Dennis Harper of Oregon, Ill., attended his brother as best man. Mr. James Lewison, Rockford, Ill., was groomsman.
Seating the guests were Mr. H. A. (Dutch) TenEyck, Des Plaines, Ill.; Mr. Paul (Nick) Halverson, Ghana, Ill.; Mr. Gary Lace, Madison, Wisconsin.
The mother of the bride wore a dress and coat of green faille. Mrs. Harper chose a dress and coat of pale blue knit. Each wore a corsage of yellow cymbidium orchids.
A reception was held immediately following the ceremony, at the Circle Five Ranch, Barrington. Daisies and mums of yellow and white decorated the tables. Assisting were Miss Sandra DeClue, and Mrs. Nina Mote, both of Chicago, at the gift table. Miss Mary Owens of Park Ridge, Ill., and Miss Gretchen Stadler, Chicago, served the cake and punch. Mrs. Linda Lewison, Rockford, was at the guest book.
The bride received her B.S. in education from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. Formerly, a speech therapist for the Chicago Metropolitan Easter Seal Society, Mrs. Harper will teach speech therapy in the school at Beeville, Texas.
Joyce attended her entire 12 grades at Rossville, and attend¬ed one year at Kansas State University.
Lieutenant Harper received a B.S. in business management, also at Northern Illinois University, and is presently flight instructor in the Naval Advanced Training Command, Chase Field, Beeville, Texas.
3472 |
 | Marriage- Tabbert, Mildred-Reser, Lawrence TABBERT - RESER VOWS SAID NOVEMBER 26
Mrs. Charles Tabbert, Perry, announces the marriage of her daughter, Mildred Marie, to Lawrence D. Reser, Rossville, on Saturday, November 26.
The marriage service was read by Rev. Irvin A, Unruh. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hannum, Wichita.
The bride and her attendant wore blue suits and navy blue and white accessories. Mrs. Reser’s corsage was of pink roses and Mrs. Hannum’ s was of pink carnations and roses.
Mrs. Reser is employed in the United States Attorney’ s office in Topeka and Mr. Reser is engaged in farming near Rossville where they will make their home.
3473 |
 | Marriage- Taber, Golda-Reser, Everett TABBERT - RESER VOWS SAID NOVEMBER 26
Mrs. Charles Tabbert, Perry, announces the marriage of her daughter, Mildred Marie, to Lawrence D. Reser, Rossville, on Saturday, November 26.
The marriage service was read by Rev. Irvin A, Unruh. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hannum, Wichita.
The bride and her attendant wore blue suits and navy blue and white accessories. Mrs. Reser’s corsage was of pink roses and Mrs. Hannum’ s was of pink carnations and roses.
Mrs. Reser is employed in the United States Attorney’ s office in Topeka and Mr. Reser is engaged in farming near Rossville where they will make their home.
3474 |
 | Marriage- Taber, Ida-Lemon, Troy LEMON-TABER
Mr. Troy Lemon and Miss Ida Taber were married at Manhattan yesterday morning, and left immediately on a wedding tour through western Kansas, and will visit in Denver Colo., and Cheyenne, Wyoming, before returning home.
The wedding came as a surprise to the parents of the young people and their friends. Mrs. Lemon is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Taber, of the Willard neighborhood. Mr. Lemon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lemon, living northwest of Rossville, lie is steady and a reliable young man who was born and reared in this community. After the return of Mr. and Mrs. Lemon about August 1, they will make their home with his parents for the present.
3475 |
 | Marriage- Taphorn, Hildegard-Pearl, Jerry
Taphorn-Pearl nuptials April 12
On April 12 at 8:30 in the morning, St. Gregory’s Catholic Church in Marysville was the scene of the wedding of Miss Hildegard Taphorn of Topeka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taphorn of Marysville, and Mr. Jerry Pearl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pearl of Rossville.
The Reverend John J. Quigley of Perry officiated. at the double-ring ceremony and sang the Nuptial High Mass that followed.
The altar was decorated with baskets of white gladioli and pink snapdragons and fern.
Preceding the ceremony, Mr. John Dale of Topeka, organist, accompanied Miss Patricia McCarthy of Topeka, who sang “Ave Maria” and “On This Day, Oh Beautiful Mother.” After the Mass, Miss McCarthy sang, “Mother, At Thy Feet I’m Kneeling” as the bride presented a bouquet to the Blessed Virgin.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a frost-white gown of imported rose point lace and gossamer tulle over bridal satin styled with a basque bodice, scalloped sabrina neckline and short sleeves complemented with matching mitts. The voluminous skirt featured alternating tiers of the lace and pleated tulle on either side reaching to the floor, with a lace panel down the back extending into a chapel sweep.
She wore a pearl necklace, a gift of the bridegroom. Her fingertip length veil was made up of a crown with pearl sequins. Her bouquet featured two dozen Happiness red roses.
The maid of honor, Miss Ann Taphorn, Topeka, sister of the bride, wore a ballerina-length gown in a soft pink nylon sheer and lace over taffeta designed with fitted bodice, sabrina neckline, short sleeves and slightly dropped waistline. The full skirt was fashioned with front and back princess panels and large bows with streamers extending to the hemline in the back. She wore a matching crown with a veil, and white gloves.
The bridesmaids, Miss Taphorn and Mrs. Thelma Haefner, sisters of the bride, and Miss Virginia Pearl, sister of the bridegroom, all of Topeka, wore dresses and headpieces identical to that of the maid of honor.
The maid of honor carried a colonial bouquet of dark pink carnations and the bridesmaids, colonial bouquets of light and dark pink carnations.
Susan Pearl, niece of the bridegroom, wore a dress styled identical to the bridesmaids’ except that it was floor length. She wore a lace headpiece and carried a basket of pink carnations.
Jimmy Taphorn, brother of the bride, was ring bearer.
Mr. Jim Pearl of St. Marys, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Groomsmen were Mr. Eddie Taphorn, brother of the bride, of Marysville, Mr. Ed Haefner of Topeka, brother-in-law of the bride, and Mr. Roderick Prior of St. Marys, friend of the bridegroom.
Ushers were Mr. Francis Taphorn of Marysville, brother of the bride, and Mr. Leo Stockman of Maple Hill, friend of the bridegroom.
The mother of the bride wore a light blue lace dress with navy and white accessories. The bridegroom’s mother wore a navy blue lace dress with rose and navy accessories. Both wore corsages of pink roses.
Breakfast for the wedding party was held at the Chuck Wagon in Marysville. A dinner for 65 guests at noon, and a reception from 2 4 p.m. were held at the home of the bride’s parents. Those assisting at the dinner were: Mary Burgardt, Topeka; Margaret DeLeye, Topeka; Mary Gausepohl, Kansas City, Mo; and Margaret Kloeker, Marysville.
Those assisting at the reception were Mrs. Edward Guerich, St. Louis, Mo., who cut the cake; Shirley Ryan, Gem, Kansas, who poured coffee and Lucille Kammerdiener, Kansas City, Mo., who was in charge of the guest book. Eileen Pearl and Marygene Coleman of St. Marys were in charge of the gifts.
Guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pearl and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pearl, Patricia, Michael, Doyle and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. John Pearl, Mr. and Airs. Frank Pearl, Mr. Leo Doyle, Air. and Airs. Maurice Coleman and Marygene, Mrs. Joseph Farrell, Mrs. Nick Leonhardt, Mr. and Airs. Richard Seitz and Alary, Roderick Prior, Raymond Rait, Norman Marstall, Billy Seitz, Richard Huttey, Alargaret DeLeye, Charles DeLeye, from St. Alarys; The Rev. John J. Quigely, Perry; Airs. Edward Guerich, St. Louis, Mo; Mrs. Patrick Dockry, Mary Ann, Michael and Dennis of Milwaukee, Miss Rose Pearl, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent Pearl and John, Cactus, Texas; Leo Stockman, Maple Hill; Misses Reta and Agnes Decker, Mrs. Haefner, Topeka; Miss Shirley Ryan, Gem, Kansas.
After a honeymoon trip to the Ozarks, Air. and Mrs. Pearl are at home in St. Marys, where Mr. Pearl is engaged in farming.
3476 |
 | Marriage- Tarbutton, Vanessa-Paine, Jonny 1 Maple Hill Church is Site of Tarbutton-Paine Wedding |
3477 |
 | Marriage- Tarbutton, Vanessa-Paine, Jonny 2 Miss Vanessa Tarbutton and Mr. Jonny Paine were united in marriage Saturday, September 23, 1978, in a 7 p.m. candlelight ceremony at the Community Congregational Church in Maple Hill. The Reverend Loren Schroeder heard the exchange of vows. The altar was decorated with white silk roses and greenery and accented with white satin bows.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Tarbutton, Maple Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Paine, Rossville.
The bride wore a gown of white organza designed with a high neckline of Cluny lace and full bishop sleeves. A cameo inset with seed pearls and Cluny lace adorned the bodice. The floor length skirt, which extended to a chapel train, featured a double flounce at the hemline, each edged with Cluny lace. A Juliet cap held the silk illusion chapel length veil which was edged in Cluny lace. She carried a nosegay bouquet of white silk roses.
Kim Tarbutton was maid of honor for her sister. Kathy Brinkman, Wichita, was bridesmatron, and Carol Brunin, Topeka, was a bridesmaid. Each carried a long-stemmed silk rose the color of their gowns.
Tiffany Beseau was flower girl; Troy Vanlandingham was the ring bearer.
The groom’s best man was Bob Kerwin, Maple Hill, Mike Manbeck, Rossville, and Daniel Owens, Fontana, were groomsmen. Ushers were Joe Dee Tarbutton, brother of the bride, and Mark Paine, brother of the groom. The men wore white silk rosebud boutonnieres.
Candles were lighted by Jana Branstetter and Lana Beseau, cousins of the bride.
Rachel Imthurn, organist, accompanied Diane Prior as she sang, “In the Name of Love,” and “To Know That I Love You.”
Following the ceremony, a reception Was held in the church hall. Mrs. Vivian Wild, Mrs. Pam Martin, Mrs. Connie Byer and Mrs. Joan Myers assisted at the reception table. The beautiful fountain wedding cake was baked and decorated by Irene Walters.
Mrs. Leslie Paine and Anita Oliver attended the gift table. Tracy Paine, sister of the groom, was in charge of the guest book. Others helping with the reception were Mrs. Flora Belle Oliver, Mrs. Lucille Clark, Mrs. LaVina Schulte and Mrs. Dorene Gramley.
Tina Beseau passed out bird seed bags to the guests and Mary Vanlandingham passed out scrolls.
A dance followed the reception at the Bohemian Hall near Rossville. Ed Paine, brother of the groom, and friends formed the band which played for the dance.
Vanessa is a graduate of St. Marys High School and Brown Mackie College, Salina. She is employed by the Department of Corrections in Topeka. Jonny is a graduate of Rossville High School. He is employed by Brackett, Inc., Topeka.
The couple is living at Route 1, Maple Hill.
3478 |
 | Marriage- Tarter, Mrs. Gene-Divine, Harvey TARTER—DIVINE
Harvey Divine, 49, and Mrs. Gene Tarter, 51, were married Tuesday morning at 12:25 by the Rev. John Golden at his home at 715 West 17th street in Topeka. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robason were the attendants.
The marriage took Harve’s friends by surprise as he and his bride were acquainted less than two weeks. She is a widow whose home formerly was at Scammon, Kansas, but she came here from Kansas City, to work in Mr. Divine’s Highway 40 Eatery. They will continue to work together at the little eating house. Friends of Mr. Divine are offering congratulations and best wishes.
3479 |
 | Marriage- Taylor, Sandra-Jones, David Taylor - Jones Married
A quiet candlelight wedding united Miss Sandra Lee Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor of Topeka, in marriage to David M. Jones, son of Rev. and Mrs. Don Jones of Rossville, in the Rossville Methodist Church on Tuesday evening, November 26.
The service was performed by the father of the groom in the presence of the immediate families of the couple, and Dr. Edwin Marks of Topeka and Marcus Rapp of Cohoxon, New York.
Miss Shirley Taylor attended her sister, and Michael Gresser was best man.
The bride wore a softly belted shift of white mohair and wore a corsage of red sweetheart roses. Her attendant’s dress was of blue; wool and her flowers were pink sweetheart roses.
Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the groom’s parents. Miss Nellie Countryman assisted. On Sunday afternoon December 1, the WSGS of the Methodist Church; honored the young couple with a reception at the church.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones are 1963 graduates of Rossville High School. Mr. Jones is a student at Baker University. They are at home at 1161 Garfield, Topeka.
3480 |
 | Marriage- Teske, Charla-Freel, Russell Teske-Freel vows exchanged in California on Apr. 3
Charla Rae Teske became the bride of Mr. Russell Galen Freel in a wedding solemnized Saturday, Apr. 3, at 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Chapel on Mare Island, Vallejo, California.
Navy Chaplain Robert H. Heath officiated at the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. Luke Foster, Vallejo, was organist.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Teske, Delia, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Freel, Sunrise Beach, Missouri.
The bride, given in marriage by Glen R. Gillaspie, Lodi, Calif., a friend of the family, chose an A-line silhoutte gown of white organza over bridal taffeta. Venise lace daises encircled the empire bodice of chantilace, styled with a scalloped bateau neckline and full bishop sleeves. The skirt, softly gathered in the back, featured an aisle-wide train of scalloped lace over organza, which extended from a large bow to chapel length. Her two-tier bouffant veil was held by a pearl accented chantilace headpiece. She carried a bouquet of white orchids and stephanotis.
Beth Fields, San Francisco, Calif., served as maid of honor. The bridegroom was attended by Ronald Mealey of Napa, California.
Ushers were John White and Clayton White of San Francisco.
A reception was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mealey, Napa, following the ceremony, after which the young couple took a short wedding trip to Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
On returning to Kansas on their honeymoon, a reception was held in their honor in Delia on April. 18. Serving were Elanor Freel and Maylene Edwards. Pat Teske and Julee Freel were at the gift table, and Margaret Fuhr was in charge of the guest book.
Mrs. Freel was graduated from Rossville High School and was previously employed by the State Workmen's Compensation Department, Topeka. Her husband is serving in the U.S. Navy, aboard the USS Orleck.
Mr. and Mrs. Freel left for California on Apr. 24 and are now at home at 3778 Van Dyke, Apt. 8, San Diego, California 92105.
[From 1971]
Wedding Reception
Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Freel are cordially invited to a reception being held in their honor on Sunday, April 18 at 2 p.m. in the Delia grade school auditorium.
Mr. and Mrs. Freel were married on April 3 in San Francisco, California.
Mrs. Freel is the former Charla Rae Teske, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Teske of Delia.
[From 18 Apr 1971] |
3481 |
 | Marriage- Tholl, Betty-Marney, Kenneth Tholl-Marney Vows Read In Rossville Church Rite
The marriage of Betty Jean Tholl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Tholl and Kenneth Joe Marnev, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Marney, all of Rossville, took place August 16 at 9 a.m. in St. Stanislaus Catholic church, Rossville.
The Rev. A. H. Schultz performed the double-ring marriage ceremony. Nuptial music was by Judy Moylan, organist and Mary Jeannette McNeive, soloist.
Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a floor-length gown of Chantilly lace. The fitted bodice was fashioned with a Sabrina neckline and long, tapering sleeves. The bodice featured a bias fold of taffeta in empire effect and the full lace skirt was highlighted with a bias fold of petal white chiffon taffeta above the hemline. Her two-tiered veil of pure silk illusion was held with a coronet of seed pearls and she carried a semi-cascade of red roses with white satin showers. Her only jewelry was the bridegroom’s gift, a pair of pearl earrings.
Mrs. Jerry Moylan, sister of the bride, matron of honor, wore a ballerina- length gown of petal pink Chantilly lace with scoop neckline and bracelet-length sleeves. The waistline had a wide satin in-sert in cummerbund effect in front with matching satin bow in the back. She wore a corsage of deep pink asters and coronet of the same flowers.
Mr. Moylan served as
best man. Ushers were Richard Rafferty and Wayne Dick.
* * *
A reception in the Rossville Community Center followed the ceremony. The table, covered, with a white lace cloth, was centered with a four-tiered wedding cake decorated with smilax and fresh flowers. Assisting were, Mrs. Kenneth Cowan, Mrs. Laverne Spears, Mrs. Max Buckley, Leona Magnus, Jean Nedeau, Linda Rezac, Jane Rogers and Mrs. Richard Wood.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Marney were graduated from Rossville High. School. She has been employed by Blue Cross-Blue Shield in Topeka. They will make their home in Parsons at 1309 Washington, after a trip to the West coast. He will attend Parsons Junior College this fall.
3482 |
 | Marriage- Tholl, Mary-Moylan, Jerry Tholl-Moylan Vows Exchanged
Before a setting of white pompons and coral gladioli, Miss Mary Liddle Tholl and Mr. Jerry Joseph Moylan were united in marriage Saturday, April 12, at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Rossville. The Rev. Michael J. Gillgannon, cousin of the groom, performed the double ring ceremony. Tommy and Mike Gillgannon, cousins of the groom were acolytes. Miss Tholl is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Tholl, Rossville, and Mr. Moylan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Moylan, Emmett.
Miss Judie Moylan, sister of the groom, was organist and accompanied Miss Mary Janet McNeive who sang.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown of imported chantilly lace and nylon tulle. The slender bodice of lace was fashioned with a sabrina neckline and long tapering sleeves. The very full skirt was designed with alternating tiers of lace and finely pleated tulle to form the front panel. The back panel of lace was edged with a wide ruffle of pleated tulle which formed the aisle-wide train. Her two-tiered veil of pure silk illusion was held by a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of lilies of the valley and stephanotis centered with a white orchid. Her only jewelry was a pair of pearl earrings, a gift of the bridegroom.
Miss Betty Tholl, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a balerina-length gown of matching lace and faille in emerald green. Her fitted bodice of lace was fashioned with a scoop neckline in front and a deep V in the back and tiny cap sleeves. The lowered torso accented the very full skirt of faille. Her headpiece was white and she also wore white gloves. She carried a cascade bouquet of white pompons and coral gladilous petals.
The bridesmaids were Misses Marilyn Moylan, Mary Eileen Moylan, sisters of the groom, and Miss Jeanette Nadeau. They wore identical gowns in coral lace and faille. Their headpieces and gloves were the same as that of the maid of honor. They also carried cascade bouquets of white pompons and coral gladiolus petals.
Flower girl was Kay Vande Woestyne, cousin of the bride. She wore a dress styled the same as the maid of honor in white lace over emerald green faille. She also wore a white headpiece and white gloves.
Steven Prochaska was ring bearer.
Mr. Pat Moylan served his brother as best man. Groomsmen were Mr. John Martin, Mr. Jim Rezac, and Mr. John Clark.
Ushers were Mr. Ted McNeive and Mr. Richard Rafferty.
A reception immediately following the ceremony was held at the Rossville Community Center. The table was laid with a white linen cloth and centered with white pompons, coral gladioli, and three burning tapers. Mrs. Kenneth Cowan, aunt of the bride, cut the four-tiered cake. Mrs. LaVerne Spears poured the punch, with Mrs. Ronald McClone and Miss Joan Weber assisting.
Miss Barbara Gentry was in charge of the guest book. Mrs. Leland Kimball and Miss Carol Jean Morford had charge of the gift table.
The bride chose for traveling a gray tweed suit, with black and white accessories, and a white orchid corsage. After a trip through the South the couple will make their home in St. Marys.
Mrs. Moylan is a 1955 graduate of Rossville High School, and is employed by Blue Cross-Blue Shield in Topeka.
Mr. Moylan is a 1956 graduate of Emmett High School, and presently is engaged in farming at Emmett.
[From 17 Apr 1958] |
3483 |
 | Marriage- Thomas, Katherine-Fairbanks, Earl Thomas-Fairbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Cash Thomas announce the marriage of their daughter Katherine to Mr. Earl Fairbanks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fairbanks of Wamego. The marriage took place at Topeka, Thursday, September 6th.
The bride and groom were attended by her sister, Miss Fern Thomas and Mrs. Faye Whitney, his sister, of Manhattan.
Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks will make their home near Louisville on his farm. |
3484 |
 | Marriage- Thomas, Theodosea-Anderson, Clarence A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist Parsonage last Sunday night in Wamego. The contracting parties were Clarence M. Anderson of Silver Lake and Miss Theodosea A. Thomas of Wamego. |
3485 |
 | Marriage- Thompson, Darlene-Berry, Leo THOMPSON - BERRY
Miss Darlene Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Thompson of Haniland, Kansas, became the bride of Leo Dale Berry, son of Mrs. Mildred Berry and the late Mr. Leo Berry, August 28 in St. Joseph’s Church, Greensburg, Kansas. Father John Zenner officiated at the double ring ceremony.
Mrs. Norma Kendall, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and Mr. Robert Berry, Dental Technician, San Diego, California, served his brother as best man.
The couple will be at home in Rossville, Kansas.
3486 |
 | Marriage- Thompson, Lori-Jones, Wesley Lori Jean Thompson, Delia, and Wesley Lyn Jones, Elmont, were married Saturday, November 4, 1978, in the Elmont United Methodist Church. The Reverend Frank Coder officiated at the 8 p.m. ceremony.
The bride’s parents are Mr. Ed Thompson, Delia, and Mrs. Bill Theel, Topeka. Parents of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jones, Elmont.
Music was provided by Mr. Roger Jones who sang and played guitar, and Mrs. Virginia Pence at the piano.
The bride was dressed in a white gown and carried a bouquet of yellow roses.
Denise Crow was maid of honor. Flower girls were Deana Martin and
Paula Gehrke, both of Topeka.
Best man was Dean My rick, Topeka. Scottie Miller served as ring bearer. Ushers were Bernard Thompson, Delia, brother of the bride, and Bill Gehrke, Topeka.
Brenda Willingham, Rossville, Sue Myrick, Viola Gehrke, Roberta Miller and Mrs. Ray Jackson served at the reception and were in charge of the gift table.
Mrs. Jones is attending Rossville High School and is employed at the Rossville Valley Manor. Mr. Jones was graduated from Seaman High School and is employed by May-Ransom-Scheetz.
The couple is at home in Rossville.
3487 |
 | Marriage- Thompson, Neysa-Porter, Kenneth Neysa V. Thompson, daughter of Mrs. Eleanor Thompson of Delia, and PFC Kenneth R. Porter, son of Mrs. Margaret Porter of St. Marys, were married January 4 in Lawton, Oklahoma.
PFC Porter is in the Army and stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. |
3488 |
 | Marriage- Thompson, Stella-Herrington, Harold THOMPSON—HERRINGTON
The marriage of Miss Stella Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Thompson of Delia, to Mr. Harold Herrington, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Herrington of Silver Lake, took place at the home of the bride’s parents on the evening of Wednesday, March 4, at 8 o’clock, with the Rev. Dennison, pastor of the Methodist church at Silver Lake, officiating
They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Byron Herrington, brother and sister-in-law of the groom.
The Misses Christina, Emma and Ina Thompson, sisters of the bride, sang as a trio, “I Love You Truly.”
The bride wore a dress of navy blue crepe and carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses and Maiden hair fern.
Mrs. Herrington has been employed for the past few years as telephone operator at Silver Lake. Mr. Herrington has been farming in the vicinity of Silver Lake.
They will make their home on a farm east of Topeka.
3489 |
 | Marriage- Timmons, Pauline-Conley, Joseph Timmons-Conley marriage in Manhattan
Pauline Marie Timmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll R. Timmons of Rossville, became the bride of Joseph Mercer Conley, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Conley, Delia, in a ceremony performed Wednesday, March 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the Manhattan Bible College Chapel, Manhattan.
The Rev. Ben Duerfeldt read the marriage vows.
The bride wore a beige linen suit with beige and white accessories and carried a white Bible with red roses.
Elizabeth Getty, the bride’s attendant, wore a blue-gray suit with black accessories. She had a corsage of yellow roses.
Burns Hesse, Rossville, was best man.
A reception will be held Sunday, March 23, in the Community Center in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Conley. All friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 p. m.
After a wedding trip, the couple will be at home in Delia.
The bride is a 1957 graduate of Rossville High School. She has been employed by Stauffer Publications.
Mr. Conley is a graduate of Rossville High School and is now engaged in farming near Delia.
3490 |
 | Marriage- Tolin, Vivian-Parr, Duane The marriage of Miss Vivian Tolin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tolin of Hoyt, to Mr. Duane Parr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parr, was solemnized December 20. |
3491 |
 | Marriage- Tollefson, Rae-Parker, Robert Tollefson-Parker
Miss Rae Tollefson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Tollefson of Horton, and Mr. Robert Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Parker of Rossville, were married Tuesday, June 15, at the home of the bride in Horton.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker are making their home with his parents in Rossville until June 6 when Mr. Parker leaves for Texas and service in the Air Corps as a Second Lt. Mrs. Parker will join him later. |
3492 |
 | Marriage- Tomlinson, Emma-Bolton, Arthur The marriage of Miss Emma Tomlinson of Topeka, and Arthur C. Bolton of Salina will take place some time in July. Miss Tomlinson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Tomlinson of Potwin. She completed the course in home economics at the State Agricultural college this year. She was a member of two sororities and also took credits in art and drawing. Mr. Bolton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Bolton of Rossville, formerly of Topeka. He attended the Topeka high school and later was assistant physical director of the Topeka Y.M.C.A. He now has charge of the physical training department of the Salina Y.M.C.A. - Alma Enterprise
[From 2 Jul 1914]
A pretty wedding on mid-summer took place Saturday evening at five o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Tomlinson, on Woodlawn avenue, Topeka, when their daughter, Emma Atwood, and Mr. Arthur Dixon Bolton, were quietly married. The guests who attended the ceremony were the relatives and a few close friends, including several college friends from out of the city.
The Rev. H.L. Nelson of the Potwin Presbyterian church performed the ceremony. After the ceremony a supper was served.
Miss Tomlinson and Mr. Bolton were graduated from the Topeka high school. Their romance began when they were students of the sophomore class. Mr. Bolton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Bolton, formerly lived in Topeka, but now reside at Rossville. Mr. Bolton for several years was the assistant director of the Central Y.M.C.A. in Topeka. Later he was elected as physical director at the Y.M.C.A. in Salina, at which place he and his bride will make their home.
[From 16 Jul 1914]
Mr. and Mrs. Bolton left Saturday evening for Lake Geneva, Wis., where Mr. Bolton will attend the summer course in training at the Y.M.C.A. school which is in session. They will return in two weeks to Salina to make their home. |
3493 |
 | Marriage- Tomson, Christia-Spielman, Michael Christi Renee Tomson Michael Keith Spielman
Christi Renee Tomson and Michael Keith Spielman were united in marriage Sept. 24, 1994, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Delia. The Rev. John Erickson officiated at the 3 p.m. ceremony.
Parents of the couple are Lloyd and Patricia Tomson, Rossville, and Norval and Linda Spielman, Manhattan.
Jill Tomson, Rossville, was her sister’s maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Vicki Bilderback, Scott City, and Kerri Spielman, Manhattan, sister of the bridegroom.
John Wright, Phoenix, was best man. Groomsmen were Ben Asbury, Phoenix, and Rod Smith, Topeka.
Jewelie Ullery, Scranton, was soloist, and Dean Faulk, Topeka, was organist.
The bridegroom’s dog, Lady, also was present.
The bride is employed as a paralegal by Kansas Legal Services in Kansas City, Kan.
The bridegroom is manager of the Foot Locker store in Overland Park.
3494 |
 | Marriage- Tomson, Jill-Carver, Mark Jill Anne Tomson Marc Alan Carver
Jill Anne Tomson and Marc Alan
Carver were united in marriage at 3 p.m. April 13, 1996, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Delia.
The Rev. John Erickson officiated. Parents of the couple are Lloyd and Patricia Tomson, Rossville, and
Steve and Maxine Carver, Topeka.
Christi Spielman, Kansas City, Kan., was her sister’s matron of honor. The bridesmaids were Holly Wehner and Lisa Horak. both of Rossville, and Lynette Renfro., Silver Lake.
David Carver, Winfield, was his brother’s best man. The groomsmen were Pat Feldman, Kansas City, Kan.; Justin Ungenheuer, Yates Center; and Travis Hunsecker, Lawrence.
The ushers were Craig Tomson, Wichita, brother of the bride, and Mike Spielman, Kansas City. Kan., brother-in-law of the bride. The guest book attendants were Angie Carlson, St. Marys, and Stacy Bests. Topeka.
Music was provided by soloist Jewelie Ullery, Scranton, and keyboardist Dean Faulk, Topeka.
A reception, dinner and dance followed at the Rossville American Legion Hall. The reception attendants were Amy Brey, Topeka, and Angie Carlson and Stacy Besta.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and Washburn University with an associate degree in office administration. She is employed by Berlin-Wheeler Inc, in Topeka.
The bridegroom is a graduate of Rossville High School, Cloud County Community College and the University of Kansas with a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy. He is employed by Dillon Food Stores in Junction City.
They honeymooned at Big Cedar Lodge and San Francisco. They are at home in Rossville.
3495 |
 | Marriage- Tomson, Linda-Stiles, Howard Mrs. Howard D. Stiles
(Linda Kathren Tomson)
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dale Stiles are at home in Rossville.
Before their marriage Nov. 29 in Sacred Heart Church in Delia, Mrs. Stiles was Linda Kathren Tomson. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Tomson, Delia, and Mr. Stiles is the son of Mrs. Howard N. Stiles, Rossville, and the late Mr. Stiles.
The Rev. George Seuferling celebrated the nuptial mass, and servers were John Floersch and Mike Kerwin.
The bride's white velvet gown had an Empire bodice, bishop sleeves and an A-line skirt. Denise lace trimmed the stand-up neckline and encircled the waistline. The court train was chapel length. There veil was held by a face framing headpiece of lace daisies centered with an organza bow. She carried a bouquet of red roses.
Alice Zeller, Rossville, was maid of honor and Debra Mitchell, Rossville, was bridesmaid. The bride's sister, Carol Tomson, Delia, was junior bridesmaid. Donna Zeller, Rossville, was flower girl, and Craig John Thomson, Rossville, carried the rings.
Cody Joe Mitchell, Rossville, served as best man and groomsmen were Dennis Sumner, Delia, and Carl Farley, Rossville. Guests were seated by the bride's brothers, Gary Tomson and Lloyd Tomson, both of Rossville.
Mrs. Stiles is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by Munns Medical Supply Co., Inc., Mr. Stiles was graduated from Rossville High School and North Central Kansas Area Vocational and Technical School, Beloit. He is employed by Henry Corp.
[From 7 Dec 1969] |
3496 |
 | Marriage- Townsend, Gertrude-Parr, Carl The announcement of the marriage of Carl Parr to Miss Gertrude Townsend at San Francisco March 17 was made public this week. |
3497 |
 | Marriage- Trapp, Anna-Berkey, Guy Mr. Guy Berkey, of Russell, Kan., and Mrs. Anna Trapp, of Topeka, were married at Topeka Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Berkey will make their home at Russell, Kansas, where Mr. Berkey is a signal maintainer for the Union Pacific. |
3498 |
 | Marriage- Traverse, Pearl-McGuire, James McGuire-Traverse
James McGuire and Miss Pearl Traverse slipped off to Alma, Friday, February 10th and were married by the Probate Judge.
The groom, who is nearing 70 years of age, is a widower of several years standing and has made this community his home for more than 50 years. The bride is 20 years of age and the daughter of Mrs. Matt Traverse.
Jimmie's old friends are pleased to extend congratulations and a hearty wish that he may live to be a hundred and enjoy good health and much happiness. |
3499 |
 | Marriage- Trimble, Tracy-Nitsch, John Trimble-Nitsch
Tracy Ann Trimble became the bride of John Eric Nitsch in a 5 p.m. ceremony March 25, 1995, at the United Methodist Church in Rossville. The Rev. Ken Rogers officiated at the 5 p.m. ceremony.
Parents of the couple are Donald and Connie Trimble, Rossville, and John and JoAnn Nitsch, Delia.
The bride’s attendants were Dani Trimble, Topeka, and Candy Brecheisen, Rhonda Trimble, Holly Wehner and Toni Wendling, all of Rossville.
The bridegroom’s attendants were Steve Lundin and Kelly Cowan, Delia; Jim Adkins, Topeka; Jeff Wehner, Rossville; and Corey Graves, Manhattan.
Chelsea Trimble, Delia, daughter of the bride, was the miniature bride. The ushers were Tony Trimble, Rossville, and Joe Caraway and Darrel Eastman of Delia. Candle- lighters were Ashley Caraway, Delia, and Heather Coon, McFarland. Kelsey Caraway, Delia, was the flower girl. Cody Trimble, Rossville, was the ringbearer. Jessi Caraway and Cheryl Caraway of Delia were at the guest book.
Ann McCullough, Rossville, was the pianist, and Brenda Dudney and Bridget Reamer of Topeka were the vocalists.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and Kaw Area Technical School with a certificate as a licensed practical nurse. She is an LPN with the Cotton-O’Neil Clinic in Topeka.
Mr. Nitsch is a graduate of Rossville High School. He is employed by Nitsch Refuse, Delia.
The couple live in Delia.
3500 |
 | Marriage- Tripp, Ann-Miller, Jonathan Ann Elizabeth Tripp
Jonathan Albert Miller Tripp-Miller
First United Methodist Church in Topeka was the setting for the wedding of Ann Elizabeth Tripp and Jonathan Albert Miller on Aug. 26, 1995.
Dr. Ronald E. Holland officiated at the 4 p.m. service.
The couple’s parents are Robert H. and Carol Tripp, Rossville, and David and Tondra Ann Miller, Topeka.
Jenny Arndt, Topeka, was the maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Jennifer Marlatt, Winston-Salem, N.C.; Sharon Willits and Lori Tripp, both of Topeka; and Stephanie Weigel, Bellevue, Neb.
Christopher Miller, Topeka, was best man. The groomsmen were Dennis Reaser and David Hartner, both of Topeka; Jef Hall, Liberal; and Eric Weigel, Bellevue.
Sarah Tripp, Topeka, was the flower girl, and Andrew Tripp, Topeka, was ring bearer. The ushers were Robert Tripp, Alan Tripp and Stephen McKee, all of Topeka.
Candles were lighted by Todd and Marne Fischer of Topeka. Robyn Dudney, Silver Lake, was the bride’s personal attendant.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and Washburn University with a bachelor’s degree in business and marketing.
The bridegroom is a graduate of Seaman High School and Washburn University with a bachelor’s degree in communications.
Both are employed as merchandisers at Payless ShoeSource headquarters in Topeka.
After a wedding trip to San Diego, they live in Topeka.