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3551 |
 | Marriage- White, Ida-McAdams, Samuel McAdams-White
S.C. McAdams and Miss Ida White were married in Kansas City last Friday. The event was a complete surprise to their friends here.
They returned Sunday and for the present will make their home in this city.
Mr. McAdams is a young man of exceptionally fine business attainments and is now bookkeeper for the Citizens bank of Topeka.
Miss White, the bride, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. White, north of town, and a very popular young lady. |
3552 |
 | Marriage- White, Maude-Yoder, John White-Yoder
The announcement was made this week of the marriage of Miss Maude White of Rossville and Mr. Don [sic John] Yoder, of Herrington, Kansas. The marriage took place at Kansas City on Wednesday, September 30. Miss White has been employed there in a hospital while studying for a professional nurses' certificate. Mr. and Mrs. Yoder will make their home at Rich Hill, Mo. |
3553 |
 | Marriage- Whitlock, Louise-Tripp, Henry MISS LOUISE WHITLOCK MARRIES HENRY TRIPP
Henry S. Tripp, son of Mrs. Sarah Johnson of Clay Center, and Miss Louise Whitlock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Whitlock of Mississippi, were married Thursday, September 19, at the First Methodist Church in Millington, Tenn.
Mrs. Tripp is a graduate nurse from the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Tripp is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed at Boeing Airplane Co. in Wichita.
Mr. and Mrs. Tripp will make their home at 519 S. Chautauqua St. in Wichita after October 3.
3554 |
 | Marriage- Whittington, Frances-Lemon, Harold Whittington-Lemon
At a ceremony at 1:00 p.m. Sunday, January 19th, in the Episcopal church of our Savior at North Plett, Neb., Miss Frances J. Whittington and Harold C. Lemon were united in marriage. The ring ceremony was used and the marriage lines were read by the Rev. Francis J. Pryor III Rector of the church. Mrs. Earl Stamp, church organist, played the wedding marches. Lohengrin's march as the processional and Mendelnsohn's [sic] wedding march as the recessional. Mr. and Mrs. Orville E. Scoun of North Platte, sister and brother-in-law of the bride attended the couple. The bride wore a becoming gown of royal blue chiffon velvet, (floor length) with white lace collar and cuffs and white accessories and a beautiful corsage of pink and white sweet peas and pink rose-buds tied with pink, white and silver ribbon. Mrs. Scoun wore a rasp-berry red crepe gown, (floor length) with silver trim, her accessories were also silver color. Her corsage was of orchid, white and pink sweet peas, tied with silver and orchid ribbon.
Mr. and Mrs. Scoun entertained at a 6 o'clock wedding dinner Sunday evening. Centering the table was an elaborate wedding cake, prettily decorated for the occasion, a miniature bride and groom adorned the center of the cake, and tall white lighted tapers, tied with pink maline, adorned each end of the table.
The bride was a very attractive young lady, respected and loved by all who knew her and was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Whittington. She had been a resident of this community since 1929, coming here with her parents, she formerly lived at Independence, Kansas. She attended High School at Rossville, Kansas, graduating with the 1933 class. Miss Whittington had always made her home with her parents until two months ago when she went to North Platte. The groom was also a well known boy of this community, well liked and respected by all who knew him. He is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lemon and resided here until a few months ago, when he went to North Platte, Nebr., securing a position with the Nash Finch Wholesale Groceries at that place. He attended High School in Rossville.
The newly wedded couple will be at home to their friends at 803 West 7th Street, North Platte, Nebr.
[From 23 Jan 1936] |
3555 |
 | Marriage- Wichman, Kendra-Gonzales, John Wichman-Gonzales Vows Exchanged
Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church, Topeka was the setting for the wedding of Kendra Vivian Wichman and John Thomas Gonzales, on November 15, 2003. The Rev. Frank Krische, OSB, officiated.
Parents of the couple are Ken and Sandy Wichman, Rossville, and Gilbert and Sheila Gonzales, Topeka.
Leslie Martin, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Jennifer Perine was maid of honor. Kris Dyche, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. The bride’s personal attendant was Ceresa Shaffer.
Best man was Chad Champney. Groomsmen were Scott Wichman, brother of the bride, and Chris Beninga. Jayden and Kalian Gonzales, children of the groom, were the flower girl and ring bearer. Ushers were Brandon Nordhus, Ryan Rusche, and Adam Rothers, cousins of the bride.
Lector for the Mass was Jim Meyer, cousin of the bride.
Gifts at the Mass were presented by Roger Lierz and Terry Nordhus, godparents of the bride, and Artie and Isabel Gonzales, godparents of the groom.
Music was provided by soloists Bob Broxterman, Lawrence Reynoso, Dirk Colgrove, and Leslie Martin. Pat Brown was the organist, and James Henry, cousin of the bride, was the trumpeter.
Program distributors were Abby Adams and Wyatt Dyche, niece and nephew of the bride.
A reception and dance were held at Heritage Hall, Topeka.
The wedding cake was baked and decorated by Shelly Henry, cousin of the bride. The floral arrangements were by Beverly Henry, cousin of the bride.
Guest book attendant was Shana Perine. Gift attendant was Shelley Wichman, sister-in-law of the bride. Cake attendants were Leddy Rothers, Glenda Jackson, aunts of the bride, and Marci Lierz, cousin of the bride.
The groom is with the Topeka Police Department. The bride, a student at Washburn University, is employed by American Home Life Insurance Company.
The couple is at home in Topeka.
3556 |
 | Marriage- Wichman, Leslie-Adams, Jess [Caption: Leslie Diane Wichman; Jess Thomas Adams]
Leslie Diane Wichman and Jess Thomas Adams were married at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 9, 1993, at Holy Name Catholic Church, Topeka. The Rev. Harry Schneider officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Kenneth and Sandra Wichman, Rossville. The groom is the son of Harry and Pat Adams, Silver Lake.
Attending the bride were Kris Wichman and Kendra Wichman, both of Rossville; Wendy Adams, Silver Lake; Adina Bahl, Manhattan; Monica Lierz, Topeka; and Jenni Heideman, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Attending the groom were Dave Kruger, Silver Lake; Brent Adams, Manhattan; Chad Adams, Topeka; Scott Wichman, Rossville; Toby Melster, Hiawatha; and Jeff Muller, St. Marys. Ushers were Mike Lierz and Mark Lierz, both of Sabetha; Don Brees, St. Marys; and Doug McDaniel, Silver Lake. Candlelighters were Emily Nordhus, Seneca, and Sarah Chapman, Silver Lake. Flower girl was Ashley Rothers, Seneca. Ring bearer was Jonathan Chapman, Silver Lake.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School. She has a business education degree from Emporia State University and is a secretary and receptionist with Kansas State Nurses Association, Topeka. The groom is a graduate of Silver Lake High School. he has an associate's degree from Highland Community College and is attending Washburn University. He is a coach with the Silver Lake School District and is employed with Northern Ice Co., Silver Lake. |
3557 |
 | Marriage- Wilcoxen, Cleona-McGuire, Edward Willcoxen-McGuire Vows February 25
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Willcoxen, of Lewiston, Ill., announce the marriage of their daughter, Cleona, to Mr. Edward L. McGuire, of Kansas City, Mo., formerly of Rossville.
The ceremony took place at 3:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon, February 25, at the First Church of the Nazarene in Kansas City, Mo., with the Rev. A. Milton Smith officiating.
Miss Virginia Willcoxen, of LaSalle, Ill., sister of the bride, was mid of honor, and Mr. Vincent P. Heim, of Topeka, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, acted as best man.
Mrs. McGuire is a graduate of Olivet Nazarene College and formerly taught in the Wright School at Canton, Ill. For the last three years she has been employed by the Kansas City Weather Bureau.
Mr. McGuire is a graduate of the Rossville High School and of Emporia State Teachers College. He taught at Auburn and other Shawnee county schools. He now is a meteorologist at the United States Weather Bureau in Kansas City, Mo.
Following a honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. McGuire will be at home at 7412 El Monte Road in Mission, Kansas.
[from 16 Mar 1950] |
3558 |
 | Marriage- Wild, Rebecca-Sandstrom, Barry REBECCA ANN WILD AND BARRY THOMAS SANDSTROM
Wild-Sandstrom wed
Rebecca Ann Wild and Barry Thomas Sandstrom were united in marriage June 10, 2006 at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in St. Marys. Bishop Tom Olmsted officiated at the 2 p.m. service.
Parents of the newlyweds are Randy and Kim Wild of Maple Hill and Jeff and Jane Sandstrom of Marysville.
The bride’s grandparents are Joe and Donna Tarbutton, Maple Hill, and the late George and Vivian Wild, who lived in Maple Hill.
The groom’s grandparents are Pat and Helen Olmsted, Oketo, and Carl Sandstrom, Topeka, and the late Gladys Sandstrom.
Shannon Wild was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Hillary Brunin, Kelly Donovan, Andrea Becker, Melissa Shreve and Martha Sandstrom.
Bryan Pfeifer was best man. Groomsmen were James Sandstrom, Jay Sandstrom, John Sandstrom, Scott Sandstrom and Randy Wild.
The couple live in Maple Hill.
3559 |
 | Marriage- Wilkerson, Vera-Scritchfield, Grover Married at the home of the groom's brother in this city were Mr. Grover Scritchfield to Miss Vera Wilkerson of Valencia. |
3560 |
 | Marriage- Williams, Michelle-Kippes, Aaron Michelle Williams
Aaron Duane Kippes
Assumption Catholic Church in Topeka was the setting for the wedding of Michelle Davonne Williams and Aaron Duane Kippes on Nov. 5,1999.
The Rev. John Rossiter celebrated the nuptial Mass at 6:30 p.m.
The bride is the daughter of Charlotte Zerbe, Rossville, and Jerry and Cindy Williams, Topeka. The bridegroom is the son of Harvey and Mary Kippes, Topeka.
Miya Godfrey, Topeka, was matron of honor. The bridesmaids were Mary Williams, Rossville, sister of the bride; Amy Eshbaugh, Eudora, sister of the groom; and Lori Bolte, Topeka.
Darrin Godfrey, Topeka, was best man. Groomsmen were Damin Kippes, Meriden, and Bob Kippes, Topeka, brothers of the groom, and Jake Williams, Emporia, brother of the bride.
The flower girls were Jordan Eshbaugh, Eudora, and Morgan Kippes, Meriden. The ushers were Chad Eshbaugh, Eudora, and Greg Wadkins and Chris Wadkins, both of Topeka.
Scriptures were read by Amy Kippes, Meriden. Sandra Carter, Topeka, was organist, and Heather Endsley, Topeka, was soloist.
Holly Higgins and Tricia Higgins, both of Topeka, were the guest book and program attendants.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School. She is an office associate at Kaw Valley Propane Inc. in Topeka.
The groom is a graduate of Seaman High School. He is an electrician and member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union No. 226.
After a honeymoon trip to Sanibel Island, Fla., the newlyweds are at home in Topeka.
3561 |
 | Marriage- Williamson, Leona-Cormack, Walter The marriage of Miss Leona Williamson of Nebraska City, Nebr., and Walter Vernon Cormack of Rossville, son of S.J. Cormack of Palm Beach, Fla., took place Thursday evening. |
3562 |
 | Marriage- Willingham, Brenda-Thompson, Bernard Mrs. Bernard Thompson
(Brenda Willingham)
The marriage of Brenda A. Willingham to Bernard C. Thompson was solemnized at 3 p.m. May 31 in St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Rossville. The Rev. Clarence Krajicek officiated.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Willingham, Rossville, Sand Charles Thompson, Delia, and Estelle Theel, Topeka.
Attending the bride were Kathy Willingham, Rossville, and Doug Crow, San Diego.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson attended Rossville High School. She is employed by Volume Shoe Corp, and he is employed by Douglas Construction.
The couple is at home at 1601 Lower Silver Lake Road.
3563 |
 | Marriage- Willits, Sharon-Beyer, Craig Sharon MaeLynn Willits Craig Louis Beyer
Sharon MaeLynn Willits and Craig Louis Beyer exchanged marriage vows in a 7 p.m. ceremony Oct 12. 1996. at Rossville United Methodist Church.
The Rev Ken Rogers officiated.
Parents of the couple are Delores
L. and Donald E. Willits Sr., Rossville, and Carl L and Helen J Beyer, Topeka.
The bride's attendants were Donna M. Banning, Austin. Texas; Karen
M. Overbey. Junction City; Debbie
D. Willits, Independence Mo., and Chane Beyer and Bryan Hedstrom both of Topeka; Bill Overbey, Junction City; and Eric Moore, Overland Park.
Candles were lighted by Karen S. and Donald E Willits Jr of McPherson. Kelsey M. Overbey, Junction City, was the flower girl.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in business administration and a masters degree in college student personnel and counseling services She is an employment and training representative for Heartland Works in Topeka.
The bridegroom is a graduate of Seaman High School and Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in agriculture. He is employed by Best Buy in Topeka
After a Las Vegas honeymoon, they are at home In Topeka.
3564 |
 | Marriage- Wilson, Nancy-Brock, Timothy Mrs. Timothy Brock
(Nancy Wilson)
Nancy Lynn Wilson and Timothy P. Brock were married at 3 p.m. Saturday in Central Congregational Church. The Rev. M. C. Allen and the Rev. Jay Peters officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Wilson and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Helen G. Brock, Delia, and the late Martin Brock.
Attending the bride were Jill Edwards, Lissa Pitt, Mrs. Jay Hamilton and Mrs. Brad Roberts.
The bridegroom was attended by Dan Brock, Delia; George Griffin and Alan Stueve; arid Ray Hum, Biloxi, Miss.
Mrs. Brock was graduated from Topeka High School and received a degree in physical education from Kansas State University. She is employed by the Auburn-Washburn school district.
Mr. Brock attended Washburn University and is employed by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
The couple will live in Topeka.
3565 |
 | Marriage- Wilson, Robin-Martinek, Dustin [Caption: Robin LaVerne Wilson and Dustin John Martinek]
Robin LaVerne Wilson and Dustin John Martinek were united in marriage in a candlelight ceremony at 6 p.m. Aug. 26, 1995, at First United Methodist Church in Buna, Texas.
The Rev. Rick Eifert officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Larry and Beth Wheeler, Buna, Texas, and Mike Wilson, Jasper, Texas. The bridegroom is the son of Beverly and Dwight Martinek, Canton, Texas.
Jeani Wilson, Clear Lake, Texas, was her sister's maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Kathryn Wilson, Naeoguoehes, Texas, sister of the bride; Shelly Martindale Wagner, San Antonio; Amy Sims Ash, Birmingham, Ala.; and Kelly Isbell, College Station, Texas.
Dwight Martinek stood with his son as best man. The groomsmen were Brian Gore, Houston; Steve Zuege, Longmont, Colo.; Terry Horak, Rossville; and Vern Catron, Delia.
The ushers were Steven Wheeler, Buna, stepbrother of the bride; Craig Cantu, Conroe, Texas; and Ryan Sage, Topeka. Tracy Sage, Topeka, was the candlelighter.
A reception and dance followed at Silsbee Country Club in Silsbee, Texas.
The bride is a graduate of Buna High School and the University of Texas at Austin.
The bridegroom is a graduate of Hayden High School, Topeka, and Neosho County Community College at Chanute. He attended Southwest Texas State University at San Marcos.
The couple honeymooned in New York City and Cape Cod, Mass.
The live in Canton, where they own Wild Willie's II Mountain, a new theme park market development of First Monday Trade Days.
[From Sunday, January 28, 1996] |
3566 |
 | Marriage- Wilt, Arline-Reid, Homer WILT-REID
A very pretty wedding was quietly solemnized at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon when Miss Arline Josephine Wilt, daughter of Mrs. R. L. Wilt of this city, became the bride of Mr. Homer Stanley Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, living east of Rossville.
The marriage took place at the home of the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Emma Ellis, 600 West Eighth avenue, Topeka. The Rev. H. L. Nelson, of the Potwin Presbyterian church, read the marriage service.
The bride wore her traveling suit of dark blue wool poplin and a corsage of pink roses and sweet peas.
After a wedding trip to Chicago land other points in Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Reid will be at home on the Reid farm east of the city.
Mr. Reid and his bride have been reared in this community. Mr. Reid is a graduate of the Rossville high school. Mrs. Reid after attending the local school for a time, completer school work in the Colorado Springs high school.
The heartiest congratulations and best wishes of their many friends in the community are extended them.
3567 |
 | Marriage- Wilt, Clara-Flory, Ebbert WILT-FLORY
Mr. Ebbert Flory and Miss Clara Wilt were quietly married at the home of Rev. James Naismith in Lawrence, Saturday, June 21. There were no attendants.
Mr. and Mrs. Flory left immediately following the ceremony on a short visit in Kansas City and returned to Dover Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Flory went to housekeeping in a new portable bungalow recently completed for them.
The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Wilt, of this city. She was born and reared here, completed her education in the city grade and high schools, and is a talented young woman.
Mr. Flory is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flory of Howard, Kansas, owners of the Howard Citizen, the leading newspaper in that city. Mr. Flory holds a response position with the Lutjohnn Construction Co. and has superintended the constitution of several of the fine new concrete bridges built in this county, including the one north of Rossville, one north of Menoken, another in Topeka and at present is working on one at Dover.
Both young people have the sincere wishes of their many friends in the community for much joy and happiness.
3568 |
 | Marriage- Wilt, Fannie-Silvers, Clarence Wilt-Silvers
One of the prettiest home weddings ever solemnized in Rossville took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilt, Tuesday evening, April 16th, when Miss Fannie Louise became the wife of Clarence H. Silvers, Rev. C.B. Chatfield, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating using the ring service. The bride and groom entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Mary Chatfield and were preceded first by the Misses Doris Jamieson, Mabel Binns, Irene Howard, Ruby Wilt and Clara Wilt, nieces of the bride, as ribbon bearers, with Mrs. Chas. Ross and Miss Marie Hamilton, of Topeka, as attendants. They marched down the ribboned aisle to the west end of the room, standing in front of a beautiful back-ground of ferns and potted plants where the mystic words were spoken that binds them together while life lasts. Miss Arline Wilt, a niece of the bride's, carried the ring in the heart of a white rose; she handed the ring to the groom, who placed it on the finger of his bride, then followed a song by Mrs. Violet McCoy.
The bride wore a dress of white silk, an overdress of embroidered net and the groom wore the conventional black.
Miss Fannie is one of the most lovable girls we ever met, always smiling, a kind greeting for all her friends taking a deep interest in everything that tends to make one better, therefore happier and the groom is a substantial farmer, well liked and a man of well known honor and integrity. What more can one say?
Miss Mabel Binns presided over the punch bowl, in the dining room, to which the guests repaired after congratulations and drank to the health of the newly wedded couple and a luncheon of ice cream and cake was served. It was a little hour when the happy throng wended their ways homeward, wishing them much happiness. They will reside on the groom's farm, south east of town. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Reinhart, Mrs. Emma Ellis, Mr. Emmett Silvers, Mr. Frank Silvers, Mrs. Chas. Ross, Miss Marie Hamilton, Rev. and Mrs. Chatfield and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilt, Mrs. E. Silvers and daughter Anna, Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Hartzell, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Cless, Editor and wife, Mrs. Violet McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Wilt and family, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Jamieson and family, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Wilt, Mrs. Bradford Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Howard and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. I.B. Wilt and family and Mr. and Mrs. F.N. Binns and daughter.
[From The Rossville Reporter, Friday, April 19, 1912] |
3569 |
 | Marriage- Wilt, Jeanette-Thornton, Rick Mrs. Rick Thornton
Jeanette Wilt and Rick Thornton exchanged vows at 4:00 p.m., Saturday, April 29, in the First United Methodist Church of Wichita, Kansas. Jeanette is a nursery school teacher and Rick is a minister, both in Wichita. They are living at 3108 Stafford, Wichita, Ks.
The bride was given away by her father, Earl B. Wilt of
Rossville. The matron of honor was Marilyn Whittle, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Rosie Brown of Rossville and Donna McDaniel of Wichita. The best man was Dale Polleck of Missouri. Groomsmen were Don Wilson of Abilene and Howard Wilt of Arizona.
The processional was led by two candle lighters, followed by bridesmaids, ring bearer, two flower girls and the bride. Colors for the wedding were yellow and blue and the flowers were daisies. Guests were seated by Mark Wilt, John Wilt, Gene Whittle, Jerry Black, Jack Ropp and Harry McDaniel. A reception in the basement of the church followed the wedding.
3570 |
 | Marriage- Wilt, Lynda-Wood, Richard Wilt - Wood
wedding announced
Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Wilt announce the marriage of their daughter, Lynda Ann, to Mr. Richard Eugene Wood on Saturday, June 14, 1958. Vows were exchanged in the Rossville Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m. The Rev. Paul Kapp officiated at the double ring ceremony.
The altar was lighted with white tapers in double candelabra and double pedestals held regal lilies.
The bride wore a ballerina-length gown of white satin chiffon over silk taffeta. Tiny unpressed pleats formed the square neckline for the softly shirred and fitted bodice. The full skirt was gathered at the waist and two panels of the same material fell from the neckline in the back to a few inches below the hem. Her short veil of silk illusion was held by a clip hat. Her corsage was a lavendar orchid.
Miss Jane Rogers of Rossville attended the bride. She wore a pale blue with white eyelet gown and clip hat of white, with a corsage of pink roses.
Best man was Mr. Gerald Fritz of Silver Lake, Kansas.
Mrs. Wood is a 1957 graduate of Rossville High School and was homecoming queen her senior year. She has been a student the past year at the X-ray Technology Department of Providence Hospital, Kansas City.
Mr. Wood, son of Mr. Roy E. Wood and Mrs. Grace Davis, Ottumwa, Iowa, was graduated June 1 from Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Mo., where he received a Bachelor of Science degree.
After a short trip, Mr. and Mrs. Wood will be in Rossville for the summer. Before the fall term begins, they will leave for Omaha, Nebraska, where Mr. Wood has accepted a teaching fellowship with Creighton University where he will do post-graduate work.
3571 |
 | Marriage- Winkler, Linda-Houck, Kenneth Winkler-Houck
Linda Lee Winkler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winkler, Tecumseh, and Kenneth R. Houck, Delia, son of Mrs. Elsie Houck, exchanged marriage vows at 2 p.m. Aug. l7 in the Tecumseh United Methodist Church. The Rev. Wayne Turner officiated.
Mrs. Daniel Hodges was matron of honor and Donald Lacock, Delia, served as best man.
The bride, a graduate of Topeka High School, attended Washburn University and Clark’s School of Business. She was employed by the Shawnee County register of deeds.
Mr. Houck, a graduate of Delia High School, is a farmer.
They will be at home on Route 1, Delia.
3572 |
 | Marriage- Winsor, Cleo-Pearl, John Winsor-Pearl
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Sullivan of St. Marys announce the marriage of the latter’s sister, Miss Cleo Ellen Winsor, to Mr. John Kenneth Pearl, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pearl of Rossville.
The nuptial Mass was read by Rev. A.J. Adams S.J. June 2, at 9 o’clock in the Immaculate Conception church. The altar was decorated with baskets of peonies.
Mrs. Joseph Ronsee, organist accompanied Mr. Leo Ronsee who sang “On This Day Oh Beautiful Mother,” “God Gave Me You,” and “Panis Angelicus.”
The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Sullivan, was lovely in a gown of ice-blue satin, designed with a lace yoke, fitted bodice and long sleeves which came to a point over the hand. The gathered skirt was scalloped in the waist and ended in a long train. Her finger-tipped veil was held in place by a halo bonnet.
Her only jewelry was a gold cross and chain, gift of the groom. She carried an orchid centered on a white prayer book with matching ribbon.
Miss Bonnie Muller, bridesmaid, wore a dress of yellow marquisette, trimmed in matching taffeta. Her headdress was a yellow taffeta braid. Miss Muller carried a colonial bouquet of pink carnations.
[missing the rest]
Miss Cleo Ellen Winsor and Mr. John Kenneth Pearl will be married at 9:00 o’clock Saturday morning, June 2nd, at the Immaculate Conception church, St. Marys.
They invite their friends to attend the wedding and the reception which will be held from 2 to 5 that afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan, 814 Mission St.
3573 |
 | Marriage- Wolf, Laurel-Gibson, Philip Wolf-Gibson
The marriage of Miss Laurel Irene Wolf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Wolf, to Mr. Philip Dean Gibson, E.T. 2, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Gibson of Silver Lake, was solemnized Sunday, June 17, at 4 o’clock in the Second Presbyterian church. The double-ring ceremony was read by the Rev. Donald K. Parnell, of Hill City, assisted by the Rev. J.E. Bartholomew.
Miss Shirley Rogers, pianist, accompanied Mrs. Donald Parell, who sang. Miss Grace Alice Gibson and Miss Alberta Gibson, sisters of the bridegroom were the taper lighters. They wore matching pink taffeta gowns and wrist corsages of daisies and delphiniums.
The bride was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of imported marquisette over satin made with a sheer yoke outlined with a Chantilly lace ruffle, fitted bodice and long sleeves. The full gathered skirt was made with ruffles of lace starting on both sides of the front panel and cascading to the hemline and along the wide train. Her finger-tip length veil of imported bridal illusion was held in place by a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a colonial bouquet of white roses centered with an orchid.
Miss Mary Ann Logsdon of Holton, maid of honor, wore a light green satin gown styled with fitted bodice and sheer yoke trimmed with Chantilly lace. Her veil of matching green net and she carried a colonial bouquet of pink and white carnations with pink streamers.
Pvt. Erwin R. Gibson, of Fort Riley served his brother as best man. T/Sgt. William T. Gibson of Spokane, Wash., another brother, and Mr. Lloyd W. Wolf, brother of the bride, were ushers.
A reception was held immediately following the ceremony at the home of the bride’s parents. Mrs. Donald James, Miss Lois Lawrence, Mrs. J.F. Sanders, Mrs. Charles Cregut and Mrs. Lester Kendall assisted.
The parents of both bride and groom are former Rossville residents.
3574 |
 | Marriage- Wolff, Hazel-Andrews, Frank Miss Hazel Wolff of Topeka and Mr. Frank Andrews of this city were married February 25 at Los Angeles, California. |
3575 |
 | Marriage- Wood, Ethel-Rezac, Fred Woods-Rezac
Miss Ethel Wood, and Mr. Fred Rezac, two popular young people of this community were quietly married Tuesday by the Probate Judge in Topeka.
A wedding reception was held for the young couple at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Reser south of Kingsville, Tuesday evening. The immediate relatives were the guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Rezac will make their home on the S.F. Joy farm north of Rossville.
Mrs. Rezac is the daughter of Mr. Mell Wood living northwest of the city and a splendid young lady. Mr. Rezac is a thrifty young farmer, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rezac from the same neighborhood as the bride. |
3576 |
 | Marriage- Wood, Ruhammah-Young, Joseph The Rossville band made a West-of-the-city trip last Friday night to sound a few notes of cheerful congratulation in the ears of the bride and groom--Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young. We hear that each bandsman converted about three cigars into smoke, by way of celebrating the marriage of one who for the third time had been made a joyful bridegroom.
[From the Rossville Times, Friday, April 25, 1890] |
3577 |
 | Marriage- Woodward, Alberta-Cless, Clyde A wedding of much interest to Rossville people this week was that of Miss Alberta Woodward of Hutchinson and Mr. Clyde Cless, solemnized Wednesday morning at [ ] o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodward. |
3578 |
 | Marriage- Work, Jennie-Neece, Louis Mr. J.S. Work has announced the marriage of his daughter, Jennie Junietta, to Mr. Louis Neece of Wetmore, Kansas.
The wedding took place Thursday noon at the home of the bride on Topeka boulevard. The ring ceremony was read by the bride's brother-in-law, the Rev. Herbert P. Basquin, of Admire, Kan. Only immediate relatives were present.
Following the ceremony a luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Neece will be at home in Wetmore after April 15. --State Journal
Mrs. Neece is known to many Rossville people through her visits to Rev. and Mrs. Basquin when the former was pastor of the Rossville M.E. church. |
3579 |
 | Marriage- Wright, Dorothy-Young, Leonard WRIGHT—YOUNG
Announcement is made of the marriage of Dorothy Mae Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lambert, to Leonard Edward Young, of Rossville, which took place Sunday afternoon in Topeka at the First Presbyterian Church, before the altar in the prayer room.
The bride was lovely in a powder blue suit with white accessories and carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lambert and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lambert. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride near Valencia for the wedding party.
The grow is a prosperous farmer and they will be at home on their farm near Valencia
3580 |
 | Marriage- Wyckoff, Elva-Davis, Marion Marion Davis and his new bride have gone to housekeeping on the Kassebaum place northeast of Rossville. Mrs. Davis' maiden name was Alva [Elva] Wyckoff, of LaMont, Okla., and Marion's long visits in Oklahoma the past two years are now made clear. The marriage occurred on February 28, and they came to Rossville March 4th. |
3581 |
 | Marriage- Yocum, Clara-Farley, Clarence Yocum-Farley
Clarence Farley and Clara May Yocum were united in marriage last Saturday evening, May 25, at the Presbyterian Manse, Delia, Kansas. Rev. H.W. Apel performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Farley is the daughter of Mrs. Ada Yocum of this city and completed her eighth grade school work with this year's class.
Mr. Farley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Till Farley, living southeast of Rossville.
The young people will live on a farm southeast of town. Friends extend best wishes and congratulations. |
3582 |
 | Marriage- Yocum, Fern-DeGraff, Lowell Yocum-DeGraff
Miss Fern E. Yocum and Lowell B. DeGraff were united in marriage Wednesday, March 8th, at 9 p.m. at the M.E. parsonage in St. Marys, by Rev. J.H. Beadle. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farley.
Mrs. DeGraff is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Ada Barney of this city and Mr. DeGraff is the eldest son of Mrs. Josephine DeGraff, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. DeGraff will make their home on Orange street in Mrs. J.L. Heslet's property. |
3583 |
 | Marriage- Young, Delores-Hesse, William Young-Hesse
Mr. and Mrs. George Young announce the marriage of their daughter Delores May to Mr. Billie Hesse, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hesse, Saturday, March 31.
The wedding took place at 9:30 p.m. in the Congregational church parlor with Howard J. Kelly of Topeka, minister of the Church of Christ, officiating, using the impressive double ring ceremony. The couple took their vows before a large basket of snapdragons and tubular roses with white tapers in seven-branch candelabra on each side.
Preceding the ceremony Miss Phyllis Godby of St. Marys, sweetly sang, “I Love You Truly” and “Because.” Mrs. Irene Campbell playing wedding music. The Bridal chorus from Lohengrin announced the approach of the bridal party. A few bars of Mendelsshon’s wedding march were played following the ceremony, after which the couple was showered with hearty congratulations, of the assembled company.
The bride who was given in marriage by her father was lovely in an ivory satin gown with aisle wide train and a bridal veil caught up with satin crown and seeded pearls and carried an arm bouquet of carnations centered with pink roses.
Mr. Roland Parr a close friend of the groom, acted as best man.
The ushers were Robert Young, brother of the bride and Burns Hesse, brother of the groom.
Miss Janet Young, sister of the bride, had charged of the guest book.
Mrs. Young, mother of the bride was attired in a navy crepe dress with blue accessories and a corsage of a gardenia and carnations.
Mrs. Hesse, mother of the groom chose a black crepe dress with black and white accessories and wore a corsage of carnations centered by a gardenia.
Immediately following the wedding a reception was held in the church parlor. Mrs. Phyllis Keller cut the cake assisted by Miss Thelma Smith and Miss Doris Forney poured and was assisted by Miss Edith Cerny.
Mrs. Hesse a graduate of RHS has been employed at the Topeka National Bank for some time.
Billy also a graduate of RHS has been a very successful farmer before and since his graduation. He was called into army service and is at present stationed at Ft. Sill, Okla.
After a few days leave and a brief honeymoon, Billy left Tuesday to return to Ft. Sill. Mrs. Hesse accompanied him as far as Wichita, and Mr. and Mrs. William Hesse met her and they returned to Rossville.
The Reporter joins their many friends in wishing them much happiness and prosperity.
3584 |
 | Marriage- Young, Kay-Dayton, Daniel Kay Young
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Young, Liberal, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kay, to Dan Dayton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dayton, Rossville.
Miss Young, a graduate of Liberal High School, is a senior in accounting at Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia.
She is employed by R.L. Bennett, Emporia.
Mr. Dayton was graduated from Rossville High School and is a senior in business management at KSTC. He is employed as a clerk by Didde Glasser, Inc., Emporia.
A May wedding is planned
Kay Young, Liberal, carried two roses attached to her bridal bouquet when she walked down the aisle May 31 for her marriage to Daniel Dayton, Rossville. She gave one rose to her mother as she passed. The other rose she gave to Mr. Dayton’s mother after the vows were read.
The Rev. W.H. Dellinger officiated the 2 p.m. ceremony in the chapel of the United Methodist Church at Liberal.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young, Liberal, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dayton, Rossville, are parents of the couple.
The bride wore a floor-length, A-line gown of organza over taffeta. The Empire bodice featured a scalloped sabrina neckline and bridal point sleeves. A wide lace panel extended from the waist to the hem and trimmed the chapel-length Watteau train. A floral headpiece held her veil. The cascade bouquet was of stephanotis centered with an orchid.
[missing a portion of the announcement]
3585 |
 | Marriage- Yruegas, Yvonne-Burgett, Mark Yvonne Yruegas
Mark Burgett
Yvonne Marie Yruegas and Mark Edward Burgett were united in marriage at 3:30 p.m. June 20 at Margarite B. Parker Chapel on the campus of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Monsignor Raymond Garcia officiated.
Parents of the bride are Felix and Margie Yruegas, San Antonio. The groom’s parents are Marvin and June Burgett, Topeka.
Attending the bride were Joyce Yruegas and Belinda Padilla, San Antonio; Lucy Miller, Irving, Texas; and Caron Mettler, Dallas, Texas. Attending the groom were Brent Booker, Dallas; Scott Burgett, Albu-querque, N.M.; Craig Burgett, Inde-pendence, Mo.; and Mark Ricks, McLean, Va.
A reception took place at the Black Swan Inn.
The bride is a graduate of Madison High School and Trinity University with a degree in elementary and special education. She is a first grade teacher in Richardson, Texas. The groom is a graduate of Seaman High School and Kansas State University, with a degree in mechanical engineering. He is employed as a quality assurance engineer at Texas Instruments, Dallas.
Following a honeymoon cruise in the Caribbean, the couple reside in Dallas.
3586 |
 | Marriage- Zeller, Donna-Gillgannon, Shawn Zeller-Gilgannon
Donna Rachel Zeller and Shawn Kevin Gillgannon exchanged marriage vows at 4 p.m. Saturday in the Topeka Bible Church with the Rev. Hank Nelson officiating.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. U.R. Zeller, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gillgannon, Topeka.
Attending the bride were Janice Berroth, St. Marys; Suzanne Miller and Tammy Zeller, Topeka; and Jacque Berroth, Maple Hill. Attending the bridegroom were Ed Werth, Lawrence; Tim Kanicki, John Kanicki and Shannon Gillgannon.
Mrs. Gillgannon is a graduate of Rossville High School and is secretary at Midwest Service Bureau, Topeka. Mr. Gillgannon is a graduate of Hayden High School and is a student at Washburn University. He is employed by Vincent Roofing.
Mrs. Shawn GIllgannon
(Donna Zeller)
3587 |
 | Marriage- Zeller, Rebecca-Barkley, Paul Zeller-Barkley
Rebecca Zeller became the bride of Paul Barkley during a ceremony read by the Rev. Carl Wilbur at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 23 in Topeka Bible Church. Michalle Zeller and Sheryl Hadden lighted the tapers.
Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. U.R. Zeller, Rossville, and Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Barkley, Tecumseh.
The bride’s bouffant lace gown had a sabrina neckline and bridal point sleeves. The bodice and front of the skirt were trimmed with sequins and pearls. The built-in cathedral train was formed of scalloped lace tiers. A pearl crown held her veil, and she carried a cascade of white pompons centered with large white chrysanthemums.
Attending the bride were Connie Zeller and Alice Zeller, Rossville; Sandy Reed, Memphis, Tenn.; and Mrs. Roger Zeller. Donna Zeller and Shauna Hadden were flower girls, and Todd Zeller and Mike Hadden carried the rings.
David Barkley, Tecumseh, was best man. Serving as groomsmen and ushers were Kyle Hadden, Tecumseh; Vincent Zeller, Rossville; Larry Zeller and Roger Zeller.
A reception in the church followed the ceremony.
Mrs. Barkley is a junior at Stormont-Vail School of Nursing and Mr. Barkley is teaching at Bishop Elementary School. They are living at 816 Washburn, Apt. 17.
Mrs. Paul Barkley
(Rebecca Zeller)
3588 |
 | Marriage- Zickefoose, Jane-Davis, Allen Zickefoose-Davis Vows Exchanged
Jane Ann Zickefoose became the bride of Allen W. Davis at 3 p.m. Saturday, September 23, in Countryside Methodist Church during a ceremony read by the Rev. Sam Nickols. Roberta McFarland, Highland, Ind., and Kay Billingsley lighted the tapers.
Parents of the bride are Dr. and Mrs. S. F. Zickefoose, Rossville, and Mr. Davis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Shelton W. Davis, Hammond, Ind.
An ivory princess style gown of English net and Alencon lace was worn by the bride. The floor-length gown had long sleeves, portrait neckline and an aisle-wide Watteau train. A band of pearls and Alencon lace held her veil, and she carried a cascade of white roses.
Carla Rasch, Wichita, was maid of honor and Mrs. Matt Buchmann, Kansas City, Kan., was brides matron.
Best man was Roger Mason, Chicago, Hl. Lt. Douglas Worthington was groomsman. Ushers were brothers of the couple, Sam Zickefoose, Lawrence, and Richard Davis, Hammond, Ind., and Alvin Green.
A reception at the church followed the ceremony.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and Kansas State University. She is a member of Chi Omega social sorority.
Mr. Davis, a graduate of Capitol Page High School, Washington, D. C., received a BA degree from Valparaiso University and his master’s degree in social work from Florida State University. He is employed as a psychiatric social worker by North Central Kansas Guidance Center, Manhattan.
Following a wedding trip to Colorado and the Black Hills, the couple will be at home after October 8 at 2441 Anderson Ave., Manhattan.
3589 |
 | Marriage- Zickefoose, Vivian-Kovar, George ZICKEFOOSE-KOVAR
Miss Vivian Zickefoose and Mr. George Kovar were united in marriage last Thursday, February 21, by the Riley county probate judge at Manhattan.
Both young people, are well and, favorably known by the people of the communities of Rossville and Delia. Mr. Kovar is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kovar, of route 13. He is a graduate of the Delia high school. Last year he attended K. S. A. C.
Mrs. Kovar is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Zickefoose. She received her schooling in the Delia high school graduating with last year’s class. She is at present teaching the Twin Rose school north of Rossville. So soon as Mrs. Kovar’s school closes in the spring they will make their home on a farm near Emmett owned by Mr. Kovar.
3590 |
 | Marriage- Zielinski, Katherine-Wood, Douglas Katherine Zielinski
Douglas Wood
The wedding of Katherine Ann Zielinski and Douglas Richard Wood took place at 4 p.m. April 29 in First Baptist Church. The Rev. Randy J. Gauger officiated.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zielinski, Burlingame, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wood, Rossville.
Attending the bride were Tammy Zielinski, Kim Kenworthy and Brenda Reed; and Karla Meiries, Wichita. Attending the bridegroom were Brad Wood, Tom Jacobson, Greg Hudson and Bryant Stadler, Rossville.
The bride graduated from Burlingame High School and Capital City Barber College. She is a hairstylist at Hairosphere. The bridegroom is a graduate of Rossville High School and Emporia State University with a degree in business. He is employed by Keating and Associates, Manhattan.
3591 |
 | Marriage- Zlatnik, Carolyn-Johnston, Jeffrey Zlatnik-Johnston
Carolyn Ann Zlatnik and Jeffrey Neil Johnston were married at 2 p.m. December 31 at the Delia Presbyterian church with the Reverend Dwight D. Seneker officiating.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. J. Laverne Zlatnik, Delia. The groom is the son of Donna Johnston, Topeka, and Floyd W. Johnston, Jr. of Tecumseh.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an off-white gown created for her by her mother. The dress was fashioned of bridal satin over-layer with bridal illusion. It featured a V-shaped standing neckline and high fitted bodice which flowed down to a chapel length train with a ruffled edge. Re-embroidered lace appliqués trimmed the dress. The headpiece of her fingertip length veil was also covered with re-embroidered lace. The brides bouquet was a cascade of white orchids and evergreen.
Miss Maria Lindenmeyer, Wichita, was the maid of honor. Also attending the bride were Barbara Broyles, Delia, and Darlene Martin, Tescott. Julie and Sheila Zlatnik, nieces of the bride, were flower girls.
Mitch Miller, Topeka, served as best man. Jerry Crispin and Jack Herman, also of Topeka, were groomsmen.
The candles were lighted by Sara O'Shea, Dodge City, and Theresa Sullivan, Shawnee Mission. Guests were seated by Alan Zlatnik, Delia, and Greg Johnston, Topeka, brothers of the bride and groom. Mark Zlatnik, Delia, also a brother of the bride, was at the guest book.
Mrs. Marguerite Williams, Delia, played the wedding music and accompanied her son, Carl, who sang "Evergreen" and "One Hand, One Heart."
Hostesses at the reception were the bride's aunts, Mrs. Rosella Holland, Overland Park; Mrs. Evelyne Parkerson, Decatur, Georgia; Mrs. Mary Alice Huntsman, Halstead; Mrs. JoAnn Zlatnik, Topeka; and Mrs. Judith Macha, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Misses Brenda and Laura Huntsman, cousins of the bride, also helped with the reception. Mrs. JoAnn Zlatnik designed the decorations and centerpieces for the wedding and reception.
Misses Gina Williams, Topeka; and Laura Broyles, Delia, were in charge of the gift table.
Mrs. Johnston is a graduate of Rossville High School and is presently a senior at Washburn University majoring in physical education. Mr. Johnston is a graduate of Shawnee Heights High School and is employed by Dodge City, USA Inc.
After a short trip to Florida, the couple is at home in Topeka.
[From 1977] |
3592 |
 | Marriage- Zlatnik, Judith-Macha, Garry MRS. GARRY MACHA
Judith Lynne Zlatnik became the bride of Garry Lee Macha, June 18, in a 2:00 p.m. ceremony in the Delia Presbyterian Church, Delia, Kansas. The Reverend Dwight, Seneker officiated.
Mrs. Macha is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zlatnik, Delia, and Mr. Macha is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Macha, also of Delia.
The bride wore a gown of light ivory silk organza and beaded re-embroidered Alencon lace. The fitted high-rise bodice covered in motifs of lace featured a sheer yoke, a lace trimmed Victorian neckline, and sheer fitted sleeves having motif of lace extending to the pointed wrist. The skirt was fashioned with an A-line silhouette. The full detachable chapel length train adorned in appliques of lace flowed from the waist. Her veil of silk illusion was held in place by a headpiece of silk organza. She carried a bouquet of white daisies and ivy.
Mrs. Jan Perney, Bloomington, Ind., was matron of honor. Attendents were Carolyn Zlatnik, Delia, and Lynn O’Toole, Decatur, Ga., nieces of the bride.
Best man was Robert Macha, Delia. Groomsmen were Elmer Zerr, Topeka, and Robert Gudgen, Pittsburg, Dan Macha, Delia, and Douglas Hoglund, Overland Park, ushered.
Candles were lighted by Lois Mininger, New Milford, Pa. Mrs. Tim Edwards, Topeka, sang and was accompanied by Mrs. Marguerite Williams, Delia.
A reception in Delia Grade School followed the ceremony.
The bride is a graduate of Delia High School and Washburn University. Mr. Macha is a graduate of Delia High School and Kansas State University. He is presently serving in the United States Radio Station, New Orleans.
3593 |
 | Marriage- Zlatnik, Julie-Spring, Gary Julie Zlatnik Gary Spring
Julie Ann Zlatnik and Gary Lee Spring were united in marriage at 7 p.m. June 6 at Rossville Christian Church. The Rev. Robert Sieh officiated.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster, Delia, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zlatnik, Wichita. The groom is the son of the late Maxine L. Strathman, Centralia.
Attending the bride were Sheila Zlatnik, Melissa Zlatnik and Jennifer Foster, Delia; Jodi Clark, San Diego, Calif.; and Kim Harris and Enedina Diehl, Topeka. Attending the groom were Mike Burlison, Topeka; Luke Foster and Scott Zlatnik, Delia; and Jeff Spring, Centralia. Flower girl and ring bearer were Veronica Anderson, Silver Lake, and Joe Zlatnik, Rossville. Other attendants were Brock Hartshorn, Travis Diehl, Jake Diehl, Ed Broxterman and Ryan Diehl.
The bride is a graduate of Rossville High School and Topeka Technical College with a certificate in medical assisting. She is employed with J.C. Penney. The groom is a graduate of Washburn Rural High School and attended Kaw Area Vocational Technical School. He is employed with Frito-Lay.
3594 |
 | Obituary- Aarhus, Mary
Mrs. Mary C. Aarhus
Services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Penwell-Gabel Funeral Home for Mrs. Mary C. Aarhus, 70, Overbrook. She died Saturday, April 16, 1988, at a Topeka hospital.
Mrs. Aarhus was a registered nurse and worked at Christ Hospital, St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Topeka State Hospital and Kansas Neurological Institute. She also did private duty nursing.
She served in the Army with the Army nurse corps during World War II.
She was born June 3, 1917, at Delia, the daughter of James C. and Catherine L. Diahammer Cunningham. She was graduated from Delia High School in 1935 and attended Emporia State Teacher’s College. She was graduated from St. Anthony’s Hospital School of Nursing at Sabetha in 1939. She lived in Topeka from 1944 to 1965. She lived in Overbrook since 1968.
Mrs. Aarhus was a member of the Catholic church.
She married Chester Singer Dec. 8, 1941, at Las Cruces, N.M. He died April 13, 1962. She married Lyle Aarhus in August 1965. He preceded her in death.
Survivors include a daughter, Louise Ecord, Topeka; two brothers, Ray Cunningham and Jim Cunningham, both of Topeka; two sisters, Lenora Cunningham, Overbrook, and Catherine Farrell, Summerville, Mass.; and two grandchildren.
Burial will be in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Relatives and friends will meet from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Diabetes Association, 1000 W. 10th, 66604, or to Helping Hands Humane Society, 2625 Rochester Road, 66617. |
3595 |
 | Obituary- Abbot, Infant Mrs. C.E. Cless received word this week of the death of the 9-months old baby girl of her brother, Charles Abbot, of Gage, Okla. Death was caused by pneumonia. |
3596 |
 | Obituary- Abbott, Archibald Archie Abbott Died Monday
Mrs. C.E. Cless left late Sunday night for Gage, Okla., called by a message stating her father, Archie Abbott was sinking rapidly. Other relatives hastened to the sick man's bedside.
Mr. Abbott who had passed his 87th year, passed away early Monday afternoon. The funeral was held Wednesday. Mrs. Cless is expected to return home the latter part of the week.
[from 12 Apr 1928]
Mrs. C.E. Cless returned [sic] home Friday evening from Gage, Okla., where she was called last week by the death of her father, Archie Abbott.
[from 19 Apr 1928] |
3597 |
 | Obituary- Abbott, Elizabeth Our people were grieved to learn of the death, Friday last, of Mrs. Archie Abbott, residing one mile east of Rossville. Mrs. Abbott was universally respected. Her death falls heavily upon her husband, thus felt with six little children, one a new born babe, and the sympathy of an entire community is extended toward the stricken family.
[From the Kansas Valley Times January 23, 1880] |
3598 |
 | Obituary- Adair, Muriel Mrs. Muriel Adair
VALLEY FALLS — Services will be at l0:30 a.m. Monday at Nellis-Hagge Funeral Home here for Mrs. Muriel Adair, 81. St. Louis. Mo., formerly of Valley Falls. She died Thursday, Oct. 1. 1987, at her home.
Mrs. Adair was a former nurses' aide in the Stark Hospital Children s Ward at San Diego. Calif.
She was born July 6. 1906. in the Swabville community northwest of Valley Falls, the daughter of William Isaac and Nancy Cather¬ine Lyons Ferrell. She grew up in the Swab¬ville community and attended Swabville school. She also attended Valley Falls High School. She had lived in Topeka and Norton before she moved to San Diego in 1955. She moved to St. Louis about a year ago.
Mrs. Adair was a member of Calvary Southern Baptist Church in San Diego and Helena Chapter No. 210 of the Order of Eastern Star at Topeka
She was married to Orhum R. Adair July 26, 1925, at Oskaloosa. He died in 1955. She also was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Daisey Mae Adair, in 1926 and two sons. Orhum Lee Adair in July 1980 and Lorman D. Adair in April 1981.
Survivors include a son, Myerle Willis Adair, Chesterfield, Mo.; three sisters, Mrs. Ceola Cain and Mrs. Gladys Deckard, both of Valley Falls, and Mrs. Almira Swisher, Delia; eight grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren.
Burial will be in Valley Falls Cemetery. Mrs. Adair will lie in state after noon tomorrow at the funeral home where the family will receive friends from 7 until 8 p.m. tomorrow. Memorial contributions may be made to Christian Family Services in St. Louis and left at the funeral home.
3599 |
 | Obituary- Adame, Norma 1 Norma Sue Cable Adame went to her heavenly home on Saturday, June 6, 2020 in Rossville, KS.
Graveside Services will at 10:00 A.M., Tuesday June 9, 2020 at KCA Cemetery in Cache, OK. Burial is under the direction of Comanche Nation Funeral Home with George Wermy Officiating.
Norma was born June 28, 1954 in Lawton, OK to Gloria Wermy Cable and Vernon Cable Sr. Norma graduated from Cache High School in 1973 and attended Haskell University. She was a proud grandmother to her grandchildren as she helped raise all of them. In her free time she enjoyed going to the casino, gardening, dancing to oldies and spending time with her family. Especially the annual Prairie Band Potawatomie Powwow in Mayetta, KS. With her inlaws.
She met the love of her life, Richard Adame, in 1997. They were married on August 16, 2013 in Lawton, before moving to Mayetta, KS. They spent a wonderful 23 years together raising grandchildren and living life.
She is survived by her husband, Richard A. Adame of the home, mother in law, Lavera “Babe” Belle of Mayetta, KS, daughters, Tanisha and husband Kenny Burgess of Cache, and Lorna Cable of Lawton, Sisters, Charlene and husband Patterson Tahdooahnippah, Verna and husband Ronald Burgess, and Billie and husband Kenneth Kreger all of Cache, and Glenda and husband Joseph Goseyun of Indiahoma, Brothers, Vernon Cable Jr. and wife Carol of Pilot Point, TX, John and Terry Cable of Cache. Sister In Laws, Anita and husband Vincent Torrez of Kansas City, KS, Mary and husband Kevin Wood, Hope and husband Rod Catron, Carol and Dave Herring, Joan Pahmahmie, and Kate Adame all of Mayetta, KS. A Brother in Law, Mark and wife Lisa Adame of Topeka, KS. Uncle, George and Gerri Wermy and an Aunt, Peggy Tahchahwwickah of Cache. Five grandchildren, Kesha Cable of Lawton, OK. Kaelan, Rebecca, Tatum “Tater Bug” and Cruz of Cache. Two great grandchildren, Gloria and Taleah of Lawton. A host of nieces, nephews, Cousins, and other relatives and friends she leaves behind that all loved her so much. We will all miss her dearly.
She was preceded in death by her best friend, Alberta “Ally” an Infant Son, a granddaughter, Penelope “Wanuse” Cable, a brother, Tony, a brother in law, Hank Pahmahmie, |
3600 |
 | Obituary- Adame, Norma 2 her parents, and grandparents.
In lieu of flowers, the family is asking that donations be made to the Alzheimer’s Association on her behalf.
Pallbearers — Geordan Wermy, Thompson L. Wesaw, Lance Owens, William Owens, James Kreger, Daniel Kreger, Harvey Bigman, Shadrick Large Jr., Christopher and Craig Cable.
Honorary Pallbearers — Benjamin Steelman, Glen Adame, Brandon Adame, Andrew Pahmahmie, Damon Wahquahbosshuk, Roman Wahquahbosshkuk, and Fred Catron. |