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4101 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Hattie Hattie Bixby
Mrs. Hattie Bixby, 86, Rossville, died Sunday in a Topeka hospital where she had been a patient since Jan. 27. She had leukemia.
She was born Feb. 18, 1882 at Maple Hill and had lived in the St. Marys and Rossville communities 64 years. She was a member of the Catholic Church.
Survivors include her husband, Charles A. Bixby, at home; four sons, Don Bixby, Rossville, Vernon Bixby, 918 Polk, Ray Bixby, 2700 W. 6th, and Robert Bixby, 744 Kellam; five daughters, Mrs. Edna Mae Taylor, Rossville, Mrs. Grace James, Omaha, Neb., Mrs. Virginia White, Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Rose Jones, Silver Lake, and Mrs. Mabel Patton, 928 N. Michigan; four sisters, Mrs. Nellie Allen, Topeka, Ellen Denton, Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Josephine Smith, Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Mary Devine, Lincoln, Mo.; a brother, LeRoy Denton, Burlingame; 15 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Davidson-Eslinger-Duff Funeral Home. Burial will be in Rossville Cemetery. Mrs. Bixby will lie in state after 6 p.m. Monday at the funeral home where rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Relatives will be at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.
The Community extends sympathy to the Bixby family in the death of their mother Mrs. Hattie Bixby who passed away Sunday after a long illness. She had lived in Rossville about 64 years. She leaves her husband Charles of the home and 4 sons. Don of Rossville, Vernon, Ray and Robert of Topeka. Five daughters, Mrs. Edna Taylor, Meridan, Mrs. Grace James, Omaha, Neb., Mrs. Virginia White, K.C., Mrs. Rose Jones, Silver lake, and Mrs. Mabel Patton, Topeka. Services were held Wednesday at Davidson-Eslinger Duff funeral home. Burial Rossville Cemetery.
4102 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Howard Heart attack fatal for Howard Bixby
Howard V. Bixby, 59, died Wednesday, August 27, at a Topeka hospital minute after he entered because of sudden illness. Death was caused from a heart attack.
Funeral arrangements will be announced by Penwell-Gable Funeral Home in Topeka.
He was born in Rossville and had taught school a number of years. The last few years he had been principal at Pauline Grade School.
4103 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Howard 2 Eulogy To A Useful Life
By Ray T. Ingalls
Seneca, Kansas
Howard V. Bixby, 1899-1958, Dedicated Teacher, Civic Servant, Practical Humanitarian and Administrator in a Changing World.
* * *
Every life that completes its earthly span, merits some record of having lived. There is always some spark of honor. When that life has been one of exceptional devotion to fellow beings, unusual in its contribution to human welfare and progress, it is worthy of more than mere dates and data.
Historians, newspapers and clergy have, in all ages, endeavored to portray the inspiration, philosophy and spark of enthusiasm that made that life so worth while.
Such a life was that of Howard V. Bixby, principal of the Pauline grade school district, at the south edge of Topeka, when death came suddenly Tuesday, August 26, 1958. Howard was just starting his sixth year at Pauline, that includes the Forbes Air Base and the new Capehart housing district. Enrollment the past year had suddenly increased from some three hundred to more than seven hundred. The new school building, while not entirely complete, could still be used. By using the old building and with five class rooms on the Base, his plans were to get classed underway last week. On Monday night he had met with his corps of nearly thirty teacher, and was pleased and proud of the cooperation and willingness to make the very best of crowded class rooms, and facilities that would add to their work. Howard was busy helping arrange the furniture for the class rooms, Tuesday morning, when stricken and his death came, shortly after his arrival at Stormont-Vail hospital.
He was born at Rossville, August 7, 1899, attended the grades and graduated from high school there, and the home town remained one of the bright spots, for infrequent visits, in a busy life. His aged father, Albert L.; one brother, Oscar H., and Doris A., one of seven sisters, lived there. He maintained his Masonic membership, in Hesperian AF&AM, there. As a member of the Rossville Palomino Saddle Club, he was able to bring back some of the joys of boyhood. Other sisters are Martha McCaine, Kansas City; Vernadel Macha, Delia; Ruby Freel, Mary Eggelson, Melba Ziegler, Topeka; and Juanita Stevenson, Sodona, Arizona.
The respect and kindred affection, for a life dedicated to public service, is often reflected in the thoughts and remarks of friends at his burial. Howard had been principal of the Bern school five years, two years at Sabetha, eleven at Wetmore and four years at Netawaka, before going to Shawnee County. An hour before the funeral cortege was expected from Topeka, cars filled the parking space of the Wetmore cemetery. Friends from all walks of life, each with some personal memory of a problem solved or a job well done, with his help, quietly visited of that experience, and their regret of his passing.
Although nearly forty year a teacher, Howard never ceased to be a student; a bachelor’s degree in education at Emporia, was followed by a master’s in education administration at KU. Two summers in post graduate study at Leland Stanford in California and further work at the KU law school.
Howard had found the dignity and ceremony of the Episcopal church to his liking and was a member of the Wetmore church. The Rt. Rev. Leslie S. Olsen, dean of the Topeka Episcopal cathedral, officiated at his funeral service in the Penwell-Gabel Chapel at 1:30 Friday, Soloist C. J. McKee sang the “The King of Love My Shepherd is” and “The Lord’s Prayer,” with Harriet Anderson, organist. Active pall bearers were Glen and Jim Freel, Ron Gabbert, nephews; Bill Moulden, Marvin Wathor and Chester Meers, former student and teachers on his staff. Honorary were Lloyd Perryman, Charles Bye, Dean Lichlyter, Ralph Weed and Rudy Kidd, close friends and fellow Kiwanians. Shawnee County friends filled the chapel at the service, including Colonel Thompson, commander, and others of the personnel at Forbes.
4104 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Howard 3 He found a surprising amount of time and talent for civic work. His service club was the Kiwanis. He was a charter member at Wetmore, had transferred to Topeka and recently helped form the South Side Club at Pauline. He was proud of his eight years perfect attendance, admitted he was late sometimes, but was always there. During his years at Wetmore, he served as secretary of the Nemaha County Fair.
The dream and ambition of every boy that grows up in rural Kansas, is to some day own a farm and have live stock to look after, and Howard grew up in that pattern. He was truly thankful, when his savings enabled him to buy the old Gill farm of 54 acres, a mile south of Wetmore, and start with a few Hereford cattle. Later be bought 16 acres north and across the road, and later 120 acres to the east - but the thrill of his own land and white face cattle never ceased and he was thankful for a dream fulfilled.
It was as a family man, perhaps, that his friends revered him most. His worship of Theda, his wife, was an inspiration to all that knew them. Their first born, Eula Beth, (Mrs. Warren Oxandale of Netawaka) was a real event in their lives, and when their son, Howard R. (Bob of KSC, Manhattan) came along their joy seemed complete. Grand children (born to the Oxandales) came as a rewarding experience. Marcia Jo and Timothy Alan were taken in stride, but when Brian Howard came along, his grandfather Bixby simply wrote: “It’s a boy, with the weight, named Howard,” on the blackboard and told his classes that was the lesson for the day.
Howard was a member of the Scottish Rite and Arab Temple of the Shrine at Topeka, and found time to enjoy their meetings and take part in their activities. It was entirely fitting that Elmer Johnson of the Netawaka Masonic lodge, long time friend and co-worker, should give the ritual at his grave. Always an able orator in the ceremony, Mr. Johnson seemed to add special sincerity and meaning as he placed the white apron and sprig of evergreen on the casket. Rev. LeRoy Davis, pastor of the Wetmore Baptist church gave the prayer and benediction.
This review is more extensive than usual, but is written in the hope that human values and what really constitutes useful and worth while service will gain a larger attention from the reading public. The big city press carries daily columns of celebrities in the athletic and show business world - their scoring, batting averages, extra marital involvement down to the last sordid detail, together with their life time history, minute details and illustrated cheese-cake measurements. Just how much greater was Howard’s service to humanity - proper education and eliminating juvenile delinquency.
Friends will want to carry a memory picture of Howard, with his arm across the shoulder of a boy, who was in pain from some rough playground injury; or in earnest conference with a small girl, to who the problems of life seemed too great. He understood their needs and sincerely wished to help them.
Just a few of many letters of sympathy to Mrs. Bixby and family, and tributes to their friend: “We worked together harmoniously and I admired him personally and respected his judgment.”--Wendell Godwin, Topeka Supt. Of Schools.
“His service to the boys and girls he taught will be his memorial. What greater can anyone have?--Donald A. McConnell, Junction City Supt. Of Schools. A friend of two score years, who started his school career at Goff.
A fellow teacher: “How much I gained from the two years I was allowed to work with him. How often he said: “As long as a youngster really tries, even though his work is poor; I will not fail that child.”--Virleen.
Just a small pupil: “I hated to see Mr. Bixby go like this, because I loved him so much.” --Vance
4105 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Oscar Oscar H. Bixby
ROSSVILLE — Oscar H. Bixby, 87, Rossville, died Monday, April 20, 1992, at a Topeka hospital.
Mr. Bixby was a farmer and stock¬man in the Rossville area. He also had worked at Berry Grain Co. Eleva¬tor and VanVleck Oil Station, both in Rossville, and for Rossville Township many years before he retired in 1971 and for many years was caretaker part time at Rossville Cemetery.
He was born Oct. 11, 1904, at Rossville, the son of Albert L. and Rosa M. Young Bixby.
He served many years on the Cedar Bluff School Board north of Rossville.
He was married to Charlotte A. Hur¬la Nov. 25, 1930, at Delia. She sur-vives.
Other survivors include four daughters, Teresa Miller, Delia, and Gene-vieve Jenssen, Patricia Bixby and Betty Hinterweger, all of Rossville; two sisters, Vernadell Macha, Delia, and Melba Ziegler, Topeka; 12 grand-children; and 21 great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Rossville. Burial will be in Rossville Cemetery. Mr. Bixby will lie in state after 2 p.m. today at Verschelden Chapel in St. Marys where a rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. today.
Memorial contributions may be made to American Heart Association.
4106 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Oscar 2 IN LOVING MEMORY OF
DIED APRIL 20, 1992
4107 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Ray Ray Joseph Bixby
Services will be at 10 a.m.
Wednesday at Davidson Funeral
Home for Ray Joseph Bixby, 64,
Route 6, Topeka. He died late Saturday, Sept. 15, at a local hospital.
Mr. Bixby was a construction foreman at Topeka State Hospital 20
years and later farmed before he retired.
He was born Oct. 27, 1919, at To¬peka, the son of Charles and Hattie Denton Bixby. He lived in the Rossville and Silver Lake communities all his life.
He served with the Army during World War II, first with the 101st Airborne Division and later under
Gen. George Patton in the Third Ar¬my.
Mr. Bixby attended Lakeside
Southern Baptist Church at Silver Lake.
He was married to Maxine Faye
Reamer July 16, 1950, at Topeka.
She survives.
Other survivors include a son,
Raymond E. Bixby, Route 6, Topeka; a daughter, Mrs. Charlene M. Hen¬derson, WaKeeney; a stepson, Mark Lee Reamer, Route 6, Topeka; three brothers, Don Bixby, Rossville, Rob¬ert Bixby, Silver Lake and Vernon Bixby, Gravois Mills, Mo.; five sisters, Mrs. Rose Jones and Mrs. Edna Mae Taylor, both of Silver Lake, Mrs. Virginia O’Donnell, Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Mabel Patton, 928 N. Michigan, and Grace Bixby, 403 Hancock; and four grandchildren.
Burial will be in Prairie Home Cemetery. Mr. Bixby will lie in state after 2 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home where relatives and friends will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. Memorial contributions may be made to Lakeside Southern Baptist Church, Silver Lake, 66539.
4108 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Robert E. EDWARD BIXBY
“Robert Edward Bixby was born November 28, 1887 and died August 7, 1930.
One of the most solemn and impressive services ever held in the Masonic Temple at Winslow, Ariz., was that in charge of Masonic lodge. Rev. Ray Gorsage delivered the sermon. The body lay in state at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNally lifetime [illegible] Mrs. Bixby. The [illegible] was surrounded by a wealth of flowers, a mute testimony of the love and esteem the entire community held for their “Bix.”
Few attain the admiration and affection among acquaintances that he had here. The tragedy was made greater by his leaving a bride of only seven weeks. Eddie was married to Celest Ann Amos on June 19 at Olean, Mo.
Friends feel that the breach made by his passing can never be filled. The pallbearers from other lodges in which he held membership were J. Lebsch and Thomas Kernan. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; H. M. Proctor and George Jackson. Elks A. J. Robillard and A. M. McHenry American Legion.
Eddie was killed Thursday evening, August 7, at 9:15 o’clock in a railroad accident caused by a washout at Tanner Wash near [illegible] Joseph City Ariz. Train No. 8 plunged into the wash.
He was buried Sunday, August 10 at 2:30 p. m..
A quartet composed of Mrs. Dudley Everett, Mrs. W. D. Olds, Miss Dorothy Doughman and Miss Bobbie Brayman, sang “Still [illegible] Still With Thee”. Other beautiful vocal selections included two duet numbers by Mrs. Olds and Mrs. Everett, entitled “Safe In the Arms of Jesus” and “Meet Me There”.
Member of Locomotive Engineers conducted the rites at the grave. Rev. Gorsage pronounced the benediction. The members of the B. of L. E. and Ladies Auxiliary of that order attended the funeral on a body.
Relatives present for the services were Chas. R. Amos. Olean, Mo., the father of Mrs. Bixby; W. H. Bixby, Rossville, Kan., a brother; Mrs. Iran White, Topeka, a niece’ Ezra Amos, a brother of Mrs. Bixby also arrived.
Mr. Bixby was a member of several lodges among them Frank Perkins Post American Legion of Winslow, Ariz.; Elks; Hesperian Lodge No. 111. A. F. & A. M. of Rossville Kansas: the Arizona Consistery No. 1 at Tucson; El Zarihah T. [illegible] the Shrine at Phoenix and [illegible]
He came to Winslow September 13, 1913. He served in the World War from 1917 to August 1919, on the U. S. S. Taylor, and Destroyer No. 74. After his discharge from the navy he returned to Winslow to take up his work again where he has been ever since. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Winslow; three borthers Albert E. Wm. H., and Charles A. Rouse, Rossville, Kansas and many other relatives.
May we in this small way thank all organizations and individuals who have helped us in our recent bereavement the loss of our brother. R.E. Bixby
4109 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Robert M. 1 Robert M. “Tat” Bixby
Robert M. ‘Tat” Bixby, 73, Sil¬ver Lake, died Tuesday, August 10, 1999, at a Topeka nursing home. He had cancer.
He was born October 17, 1925, at Rossville, the son of Charles A. and Hattie Denton Bixby. He and his wife resided in Topeka until moving to Silver Lake in 1970.
He was a graduate of Rossville High School. He served in the Unit¬ed States Army during World War II, where he was awarded the Pur¬ple Heart. He also served in the Korean Conflict.
He was employed by Goodyear Tire, Topeka, for over 33 years un¬til retiring in February of 1984. He was also self-employed as a build¬er/carpenter in the Topeka area.
He was a member of the Silver Lake Baptist Church and a mem¬ber of the Golden Rule Masonic Lodge No. 90, A.F. & A.M. of To¬peka.
He married Carol J. Rankin April 16, 1948, in Topeka. She sur¬vives.
Other survivors include two daughters, Brenda A. Kelly, Tope¬ka, and Cynthia E. Bixby, Leaven¬worth; one son, Dennis Bixby, Tonganoxie; one brother, Donald Bix¬by, Rossville; two sisters, Edna Mae Taylor and Grace Bixby, both of Topeka; three grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.
His service was at 10 a.m. Fri¬day at Davidson Funeral Home, Topeka. Burial was in the Rossville Cemetery with Fort Riley Funeral Detail in charge of a military service.
Memorial contributions may be made to Silver Lake High School Athletic Fund or to Midland Hos¬pice, and sent in care of Davidson Funeral Home, Topeka.
4110 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Robert M. 2 Robert Bixby
SILVER LAKE — Robert M. “Tat" Bixby, 73, Silver Lake, died Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1999, at a Topeka nursing home. He had cancer.
Mr. Bixby worked for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. in Topeka for more than 33 years before he retired in February 1984. He also was a self-employed builder and carpenter in the Topeka area. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II, and was decorated with a Purple Heart. He later also served in the Korean War.
He was born Oct. 17, 1925, in Rossville, the son of Charles A. and Hattie Denton Bixby. He graduated from Rossville High School. He had lived in Topeka before he moved to Silver Lake in 1970.
Mr. Bixby was a member of Silver Lake Baptist Church and Golden Rule Lodge No. 90 AF&AM in Topeka.
He married Carol J. Rankin on April 16, 1948, in Topeka. She survives.
Other survivors include two daughters, Brenda A. Kelly, Topeka, and Cynthia E. Bixby, Leavenworth; a son, Dennis J. Bixby, Tonganoxie; a brother, Donald Bixby, Rossville; two sisters, Edna Mae Taylor and Grace Bixby, both of Topeka; three grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.
Services will be at 10 a.m. Friday at the Davidson Funeral Home in Topeka. Burial with graveside military honors conducted by a Fort Riley Funeral Detail will be at the Rossville Cemetery at Rossville. Mr. Bixby will lie in state from noon to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Silver Lake High School Athletic Fund nr to Midland Hospice Care and sent in care of the funeral home.
4111 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Rosa 1 MRS. ALBERT BIXBY
Mrs. Rosa Mae Bixby, 68, lifelong resident of Rossville, died Tuesday at her home. She had been a member of the Rossville Christian church since she was 12 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Bixby celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last September.
Surviving are the husband, Albert Bixby; two sons, Howard of Wetmore and Oscar of Rossville; seven daughters, Mrs. Ruby Freel, Mary Bixby and Melba Bixby of Topeka; Mrs. Martha Sanderson of Norton; Mrs. Vernadell Macha of Ellis; Mrs. Juanita Stevenson of Portland, Ore., and Doris Bixby of the home; one sister, Mrs. Bertha James of Rossville.
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon from the local Christian church at 2 o’clock.
Burial in Rossville, Cemetery.
4112 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Rosa 2 ROSA MAY BIXBY
Funeral services for Rosa May Bixby were held Friday, January 2, at the Rossville Christian Church, conducted by the Reverend Howard L. Brumme of the Seward Avenue Baptist Church of Topeka. Music was furnished by Miss Edith Higginbotham, Mrs. Lorene Harth and Mrs. O. S. Boyd. Pallbearers were Messrs Sam Cottle, Marvin Davis, Fred McCullough, Junior Dannefer, Earl Prater and Ernest Decker.
Mrs. Bixby was born in Rossville, March 5, 1879, and passed away at her home December 30, 1947, after and illness of ten weeks. She had been blind three years.
She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Young and a member of the Christian Church since the age of twelve years. She was married to Albert L. Bixby September 8, 1897. To them were born ten children. One son, Harold Dee, preceded her in death. Survivors are husband, Albert L. Bixby; two sons, Howard and Oscar; seven daughters, Mrs. Ruby Freel, Juanita Stevenson, Martha Sanderson, Vernadel Macha, Misses Doris, Mary and Melba Bixby; one sister, Mrs. Bertha James, and twelve grandchildren.
Burial was in Rossville Cemetery.
Out-of-town relatives and friends here Friday for the services were Juanita Stevenson, Portland, Ore.; Martha Sanderson, Norton, Kansas; Howard Bixby, Wetmore, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Macha, Delia; Mr. and Mrs. George Wilde, Maple Hill; Frank Lacock, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Freel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Osto Patton, Betty Crouse, Edna Baker, Mabel McClelland, Charles Hudson and Pete Ziegler, all from Topeka.
4113 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Theda 1 THEDA LOUISE BIXBY
Mrs. Theda Louise Bixby, 73, Wetmore, died Thursday, December 6, 1979, at a Topeka hospital where she had been two days.
She was born May 13, 1906, at Bancroft, south of Wetmore, the daughter of Fred A. and Frances Agnes Reed Cordon. She was graduated from Bancroft High School and Emporia State Teachers College and moved from Topeka to Wetmore seven years ago.
Mrs. Bixby taught school at Netawaka, Wetmore, Rossville and Topeka. She taught home economics at Rossville High School for several years.
She was a member of St. David’s Episcopal Church, Topeka; Fort¬nightly Club, United Methodist Women, Ladies Auxiliary to Levick- Barrett Post No. 282 of the American Legion, and Wetmore Study Club, all at Wetmore; and Netawaka Chapter No. 319 of the Order of Eastern Star, Netawaka. She also was church organist at Wetmore United Methodist Church for many years.
She was married to Howard B. Bixby on August 7, 1927, at Soldier. He died in August, 1958.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Eula Beth Oxandale, Wetmore; a son, Robert Bixby, Pittsburg; two brothers, Donald Cordon, Wetmore, and Roland Cordon, Coming; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Services were Monday, December 10, at Wetmore United Methodist Church. Burial was in Wetmore Cemetery. Mercer Funeral Home, Holton, was in charge of arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to Theda Bixby Memorial Fund to be designated by the family, in care of First National Bank, Wetmore 66550.
Theda was a sister-in-law of Doris Bixby, Rossville.
4114 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Theda 2 MRS. THEDA LOUISE BIXBY
Wetmore-- Mrs. Theda Louise Bixby, 73, Wetmore, died Thursday at a Topeka hospital where she had been two days.
She was born May 13, 1906, at Bancroft, south of Wetmore, the daughter of Fred A. and Frances Agnes Reed Cordon. She was graduated from Bancroft High School and Emporia State Teachers College and moved from Topeka to Wetmore seven years ago.
Mrs. Bixby taught school at Netawaka, Wetmore, Rossville and Topeka.
She was a member of St. David’s Episcopal Church, Topeka, Fort¬nightly Club, United Methodist Women, Ladies Auxiliary to Levick-Barrett Post No. 282 of the American Legion and Wetmore Study Club, all at Wetmore, and Netawaka Chapter No. 319 of the Order of Eastern Star, Netawaka. She also was church organist at Wetmore United Methodist Church many years.
She was married to Howard B. Bixby Aug. 7, 1927, at Soldier. He died in August, 1958.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Eula Beth Oxandale, Wetmore; a son, Robert Bixby, Pittsburg; two brothers, Donald Cordon, Wetmore, and Roland Cordon, Corning; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Wetmore United Methodist Church. Burial will be in Wetmore Cemetery. Mrs. Bixby will lie in state until 10 a.m. Monday at Mercer Funeral Home, Holton, and from 11 a.m. until service time at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to Theda Bixby Memorial Fund to be designated by the family, in care of First National Bank, Wetmore 66550.
4115 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, Vernon Vernon H. Bixby
ROSSVILLE — Graveside services were Nov. 13 in Memorial Park Cemetery in Topeka for Vernon H. Bixby, 83, Rossville, who died Nov. 11, 1992, at a Rossville nursing home.
Mr. Bixby had worked for Topeka State Hospital and Winter General Hospital, both in Topeka.
Survivors include four sisters, Virginia O. Dannell, Kansas City, Mo., Mabel Patton and Grace Bixby, both of Topeka, and Edna Mae Taylor, Silver Lake; two brothers, Donal Bixby, Rossville, and Robert Bixby, Silver Lake; and three grandchildren.
4116 |
 | Obituary- Bixby, William William Bixby Dies at age 88
William Henry Bixby, 88, a retired farmer who lived, most of’ his life in Rossville, died last Wednesday in a Topeka nursing home.
He was born June 26, 1875, in Grantville, the son of Charles and Evangeline Bixby.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Emma L. Rouse, of the home in Rossville, and a brother, Charles, of Rossville.
Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at the First Christian Church in Rossville. Interment was in Rossville Cemetery. Rev. Don Sears of Rossville officiated. Pallbearers were Ted Marney, Delbert Olson, Edward Paine, Ed Kovar, Walter Startup and John Bush.
Verschelden Funeral Home, St. Marys, was in charge of the services.
4117 |
 | Obituary- Bixby-Busey, Grace Grace I. Bixby-Busey
Grace I. Bixby-Busey, 82, Topeka, died Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004, at Select Specialty Hospital. She was born Dec. 23, 1921, in Rossville, the daughter of Charles and Hattie Denton Bixby. She grew up in Rossville and moved to Topeka in the 1940s. She married Otis Busey. He preceded her in death on Dec. 26, 1971. She worked at Seymour's, the state of Kansas, and later retired in 1982 from McCrite Care Home as head housekeeper. She was a member of the Citizen Band of Pottawatomie Indians of Oklahoma. Grace loved to play bingo. She is survived by her companion of 23 years, Kenneth Akins; daughter, Grace Degand and her husband, Mike; her son, Alva “Al” Busey and his wife, Cheryl; three granddaughters, Shelly Pfeffer and her husband, Rob, Michelle Degand-Lopez and her husband, Dean, and Terri Wells and her husband, Bobby; three grandsons, Michael Degand III, Patrick Busey and Craig Busey, all of Topeka; 13 great-grandchildren; four stepgrandchildren; her sister, Edna Mae Taylor, Topeka; and her brother, Don Bixby, Rossville. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday at Davidson Funeral Home in Topeka. Interment will be in Rossville Cemetery. She will lie in state from 1 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home, where the family will receive friends from 2 to 4 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association in care of the funeral home.
Published in Topeka Capital-Journal from January 15 to January 16, 2004
4118 |
 | Obituary- Black, Sandra Sandra Mae Black, 73, passed away Sunday, June 11, 2017. Memorial Service: 11:30 a.m. Thursday in Mount Olivet Chapel. Memorials: In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Humane Society in your community. Sandy had a special place in her life for her Scotties, Westie and Daschund. Sandra was born Nov. 18, 1943, and was the daughter of Ralph Leroy Brown and C. Jean Brown. She attended Rossville High School and became a travel agent and later a homemaker. Sandy had a variety of interests and hobbies. She was a member of a quilting club, enjoyed gardening, needlepoint knitting and crocheting. By far her biggest interests were her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They were the stars of her life. She was over and above the most generous person in memory. Survivors: Sandy is survived by her husband of 31 years, Russ Black; her sister, Janice of Amarillo; brothers, Larry and Randy of Topeka, Kan.; her children, David Boyd of Round Rock, and Jeff Boyd of Fort Worth; stepsons, Ian Black of Fort Worth and Skyler Black of Crestview, Fla.; she has numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. |
4119 |
 | Obituary- Blackard, John D. John D. Blackard
ROSSVILLE – John D Blackard, 85, passed away from lung cancer September 16 in Billings, MT at home and surrounded by family.
He was born October 24, 1935 in Clarksville, Arkansas, the son of George and Maggie (Middleton) Blackard. John attended many schools during his childhood due to his dad’s occupation. Although he graduated from Belton High School in Texas, Clarksville High School class of ’53 was always near and dear to his heart, he traveled back for many class reunions and kept in touch with classmates over the years. He received a Bachelors degree from Northeastern Oklahoma State and a Masters in Edcuation from Kansas State University.
John suffered a crippling injury in a hay truck accident at fourteen years of age but a few years later when he received a draft notice from the U.S. Army, he proudly answered the call. His service was brief but honorable.
John began his employment with USD 321 in 1961 in Delia, KS where he was immediately welcomed with open arms and became part of the Delia family. He served as Math and Science teacher, principal, bus driver and basketball, track, and baseball coach over the years. He built special, strong, and long-lasting relationships during his tenure at Rossville, St. Mary’s, and Delia where he retired as principal in 1997. He treasured all those relationships and memories.
He married Wanda N Walker in 1968 in Delia, KS where they started a family and raised 4 children. To supplement his income as a teacher, he sold Kirby Vacuums, Salad Master Cookware, and painted houses. They enjoyed card games, dominoes, and parties with friends. John especially enjoyed fishing local farm ponds with family, friends and former students and cherished many fond memories of those trips.
In 1985 John married Virginia “Gini” Parr Gentry in Rossville, KS. They loved to travel, taking the scenic route around the states playing golf and taking beautiful pictures of their surroundings. They loved one another dearly until he lost her to cancer in 1991.
John was a member of the St. Mary’s Golf Course for many years and later joined Wamego Country Club. His love for golf took him to many places and different courses but usually not without someone in his “noon group.” He traveled to Bella Vista twice a year with these guys for 30+ years and looked forward playing in the Hi-Cal tournament in Vegas every year. He love the game, but it was the friendships and relationships made along the way that made it so special to him.
John was a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas for 59 years, he belonged to Delia Lodge 419 which consolidated with Dover Lodge 138 in 2018. He was also a member of American Legion Post 117 in Billings, MT.
For the past 7 years, John dated Glenna Machin who lives in Wamego. Much time was spent enjoying the company of their friends, seeing the sights of Kansas, going to museums, trying new restaurants, and shopping at unique places together. Plays, musicals, and concerts were favorites of theirs. They shared a special, loving relationship that brought much joy to the last years of his life.
He was preceded in death by his parents, George and Maggie Blackard and older brother, Oral George “Slug” Blackard. He is survived by younger brother Bert Blackard of Independence KS. John’s children, George (Amy) Blackard of Billings, MT, Brandi Blackard of Topeka, KS Jennifer (Warren) Wilson of Topeka, KS, Rob Blackard, JoAnna (Dave) Cowser of Topeka and Jim (Shari) Gentry of Rossville. He had 10 grandchildren; Elizabeth, Emma, Abby, Dane, Megan, Taylor, Elise, Jacob, Derek, Trent and 7 great grandchildren; Allie, Jaylie, Paislee, Elliette, Brooks, Brinley and Elaina.
John was a man of integrity who loved his family, friends, and community well. He was kind and always had a story or joke to tell. His influence on others cannot be measured but he made a difference in this world and will be missed by many.
A Celebration of John’s life will be on Sunday, November 13th at 3pm at Rossville Grade School. Dinner will be served in the cafeteria afterward. We also invite everyone to the Rossville Legion at 6pm to tell stories, share memories and raise a glass in honor of John Blackard and a life well-lived.
Memorial contributions may be made to the John D. Blackard Memorial Scholarship Fund (for a Rossville and St. Marys senior that will be majoring in Education) and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple St., St. Marys, Kansas 66536. To leave online condolences go to
4120 |
 | Obituary- Blackard, Virginia Mrs. Virginia G. Blackard
ROSSVILLE — Mrs. Virginia J. "Gini" Blackard, 61, Rossville, died Thursday, Feb. 7, 1991, at a Topeka hospital.
Mrs. Blackard taught two years in Russell schools and later was a bookkeeper for Rossville Truck and Tractor. She owned Rossville Hard¬ware many years.
She was born Aug. 7, 1929, In Rossville, the daughter of Joe and Esther Pratt Parr, and spent most of her life in Rossville. She attended Kansas State College of Agriculture at Manhattan.
Mrs. Blackard was a member of the United Methodist Church, Jimmie Lil- lard Unit No. 31 of the American Le¬gion Auxiliary and Amaryllis Chapter No. 321 of Order of Eastern Star, all in Rossville.
She helped research the book for the Rossville Centennial in 1971 and served several years on the Rossville Community Library board.
She was married to John Blackard March 20, 1985, in Chickasha, Okla. He survives.
Other survivors include a daughter, JoAnna Gentry, Atlanta, Ga.; a son, Jim Gentry, Rossville; two step-daughters, Brandi Blackard and Jen¬nifer Blackard, both of St. Marys; a stepson, George Blackard, Rossville; and a brother, Rolland "Red'' Parr, Rossville.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys. Burial will be In Rossville Cemetery. Mrs. Blackard will lie in state after 3 p.m. today at the funeral home where relatives and friends will meet from 7 until 8 p.m. today.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Rossville Community Li¬brary.
4121 |
 | Obituary- Blackler, Walter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reser and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reser were notified Tuesday of the death of Walter Blackler of the Elmont community. Mr. Blackler is the uncle of the Mont Reser children. The funeral is today at the Eslinger funeral home in Topeka, with burial in Prairie Home cemetery. |
4122 |
 | Obituary- Blake, Patsy Patsy Marie Blake
BURLINGTON - Patsy Marie Blake, 56, Rossville, died Thursday, March 23,1995, at a Topeka hospital.
Mrs. Blake was a painter.
She was born Dec. 17, 1938, in Burlington, the daughter of E.C. "Bud'' and Hortense Chamberlin Blake.
Survivors include a son, Timothy Farmer, Bronson; four daughters, Tamra O'Brien, Emporia, Trina Por¬ter, Wichita, Tonya Shaughnessy, lo- la, and Susanne Terrell, Newton; a brother, Eugene Blake, Topeka; and seven grandchildren.
Services will be at 11 a.m. today at Jones Funeral Home, Burlington. Burial will be in Graceland Cemetery, Burlington. Contributions may be made to the Patsy Blake Memorial Fund to be designated later and sent in care of the funeral home.
4123 |
 | Obituary- Blakenship, Horace A.F. Buchmeier drove to Alma Wednesday to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Horace Blakenship. |
4124 |
 | Obituary- Blandin Jr, James G. Mrs. Ed Patterson and son Lloyd, Mrs. Walter McCleery, Mrs. Gladys Ihrig and son James Blandin, returned last Thursday from Pawnee, Okla., where they had attended the funeral of Jim Blandin jr. |
4125 |
 | Obituary- Blandin Sr, George George D. Blandin Sr.
George D. Blandin Sr., 73, Topeka, died Friday, June 10, 1988, at a To¬peka hospital.
Mr. Blandin re¬tired in 1979 from Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. here.
He was born Feb. 20, 1915, near Mayetta, the son of Samuel and Nora Chaney Blandin.
Mr. Blandin was a member of Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church and Knights of Columbus Council No. 4254.
He was married to Ruth Marshall 53 years ago. She survives.
Other survivors include a son, George D. Blandin Jr., Topeka; and a brother, Kenneth W. Blandin, Ray¬town, Mo.
Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated' at 10 a.m. Monday in Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church. Burial will be in Mount Cal¬vary Cemetery. Mr. Blandin will lie in state from 2 until 9 p.m. Sunday at Brennan Funeral Home here, where rosaries will be recited by the parish at 7 p.m. and Knights of Co¬lumbus at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Memori¬al contributions may be made to Stormont-Vail Coronary Care Unit, 1500 S.W. 10th, Topeka, 66606.
George D. Blandin Sr., 75, Topeka, died Friday, June 10, 1988, at a Topeka hospital.
Mr. Blandin retired in 1979 from Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. here.
He was born Feb. 20, 1915, near Mayetta, the son of Samuel and Nora Chancy Blandin.
Mr. Blandin was a member of Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church and Knights of Columbus Council No. 4254.
He was married to Ruth Mar¬shall 53 years ago. She survives.
Other survivors include a son, George D. Blandin Jr., Topeka; and a brother, Kenneth W. Blandin, Raytown, Mo.
Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at 10 a.m. Monday in Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church. Burial was in Mount Cal-vary Cemetery. Memorial contri-butions may be made to Stor¬mont-Vail Coronary Care Unit, 1500 S.W. 10th, Topeka, 66606.
4126 |
 | Obituary- Blandin, Gladys Mrs. Gladys M. Blandin
Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday at Parker-Price Mortuary for Mrs. Gladys M. Blandin, 73, 1104 Wabash, who died Wednesday in a Topeka hospi¬tal where she was admitted Jan. 16. She apparently suffered a hemorrhage near the brain.
She was born May 12, 1904, at Ross¬ville and spent most of her life in Tope¬ka. She was a receptionist for A1 Schreiner Contractors.
She was married to James Blandin in 1922. He died in 1935.
Survivors include a son, James Blandin, 1113 Kellam; two brothers, Abe Patterson, Amarillo, Tex., and Floyd Patterson, Mayetta; two grand¬children and two great-grandchildren.
Burial will be in Rossville Cemetery. Mrs. Blandin will lie in state at the mortuary until time of services.
Blandin, Mrs. Gladys M. – age 73, 1104 Wabash, passed away January 25, 1978. Services 1:30 p.m. Friday at Parker-Price Chapel. Interment Rossville Cemetery.
Parker-Price Mortuary 235 W. Independence 234-5850
4127 |
 | Obituary- Blandin, James V. James Vee Blandin
James Vee Blandin, 66, Topeka, died Monday, June 11, 1990, at a Topeka hos¬pital.
Mr. Blandin was an electrician 38 years before he retired in 1986. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II.
He was born Aug. 23, 1923. in Mayetta. the son of James Gilbert and Gladys May Patterson Blandin. He lived in Topeka since 1946.
He was a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Indian tribe, Local No. 226 of the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and Golden Rule Lodge No. 90, AF&AM.
He was married to Nana F. Chandler Aug. 16, 1947, in Topeka. She survives.
Other survivors include two daughters, Toni Dominguez and Terri Ramirez, both of Topeka; and five grandchildren.
Services at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Park- er-Price Mortuary will be followed by ser¬vices conducted by Golden Rule Lodge No. 90, AF&AM. Capitol Post No. 1 of the American Legion will conduct graveside services at Rossville Cemetery.
Mr. Blandin will lie in state after 1 p.m. today at the mortuary where relatives and friends will meet from 7 to 8 p.m. today. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Diabetes Association, 1000 W. 10th. 66604.
4128 |
 | Obituary- Blandin, Nora NORA BLANDIN
Mrs. Nora Blandin, 89, for¬merly of 2929 Minnesota, died late Thursday, November 20, 1986, at a Topeka hospital where she was admitted earlier the same day.
Mrs. Blandin and her husband had farmed west of Mayetta.
She was born May 20, 1897, at Delia, the daughter of William and Lucy Moore Chaney. She lived in Holton several years before she moved to Topeka in 1959.
Mrs. Blandin was a member of St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in Topeka.
Her husband, Samuel Blandin, preceded her in death. A son, LeRoy Blandin, also preceded her in death.
Survivors include two sons, George B. Blandin, Topeka, and Kenneth Blandin, Raytown, Mo.; five grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Mass of Christian burial was at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church. Burial was in Mount Calvary Cemetery. A parish rosary was recited at Tibbitts-Griffin Highland Chapel.
4129 |
 | Obituary- Blanks, Laura Obituary.
Mrs. Laura Blanks was born on the 10th day of June, 1853, in Platt Co., Mo., and died at her home in Rossville, Kas., on the 29th day of October, 1894, at 10:30 A.M., aged 41 years 4 months and 19 days. She was married to J.T. Blanks on the 21st day of March, 1872, at Kansas City, Mo. Five children was the result of their union, four of whom still remain.
Sister Blanks was one of 10 children. Six with herself, a father, mother, husband, and the son before mentioned, have gone to join the host of spirits in the unseen beyond.
At the tender age of 18 she gave her heart to the loving Savior, since which she has to the hour of departure been an earnest advocate of the Gospel. She often spoke of the happiness and joy her relation with Jesus afforded, and regretted being unable to be in attendance upon occasions of rejoicing and communion. She strove in her relations with the world to characterize the life of He who said, "He that liveth and believeth in me shall never die." The disease that laid waste to her form and caused so much suffering was consumption. She expressed her willingness to go if it was the Master's will. She had no fear.
The funeral took place from the church of Christ on Tuesday morning October 30th, at 9 o'clock. Before death she expressed the desire for the writer to officiate, which he did, assisted by Elder Wielcham [unsure of spelling]. He spoke from 1 Cor. XV:26:--"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." After the remains had been looked upon for the last time by the family and friends they were taken to Adrian and laid beside the remains of her husband.
The family have the sympathy of the entire community. May the Lord abundantly bless them, and at last may mother, children and all be united in the home above.
R.E. Hill,
Pastor, church of Christ. |
4130 |
 | Obituary- Blatcher, Edythe Edythe Louise Blatcher
Rossville- Edythe Louise Blatcher, 84, Rossville, died Thursday, March 4, 1999, at a Rossville nursing home.
Mrs. Blatcher was cremated. Inurnment services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Memorial Park Cemetery in Topeka.
Contributions may be made to the Edythe Louise Blatcher Memorial Fund to be designated later and sent in care of Piper-Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys. |
4131 |
 | Obituary- Blaylock, Charles Charles R. Blaylock
ONAGA — Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Tessendorf-Chapel Oaks Funeral Home here for Charles Raymond Blaylock, 100, formerly of Onaga who died Friday, Oct. 28, 1994, at a Rossville nursing home where he had lived five years.
He was born Nov. 15, 1893, in Westmoreland, the son of Joseph arid Lourinda Dooley Blaylock, and spent his early life in Westmoreland. He lived northwest of Emmett before he moved to Onaga in 1937. He was a farmer and later worked for the Pottawatomie County Road Depart¬ment. He operated a road grader.
Mr. Blaylock formerly was a trustee for St. Clere Township.
He was married to Lena Myrtle Page Nov. 2, 1916, in Topeka. She died April 17, 1984.
Survivors include a son, Charles H. Blaylock, Harrisonville, Mo.; a daughter, Blanche DeGraw, Topeka; two stepgrandchlldren and two step- great-grandchildren.
Burial will be in St. Clere Cemetery north of Emmett.
Memorial contributions may be made to the activity fund at Rossville Valley Manor or to the organization of the donor’s choice.
Charles Blaylock
ONAGA — Charles Blaylock, 100, Onaga, died Friday, Oct. 28, 1994, at a Rossville nursing home. Services are pending at the Tessehdorf-Chapel Oaks Funeral Home in Onaga.
4132 |
 | Obituary- Bledsoe, Claude Ray RAY BLEDSOE
Ray Bledsoe, 67, Wamego, died late Wednesday, October 19, 1983, at an Eskridge nursing home where he lived since 1979. He previously was a patient at the Veterans Administration hospital in Topeka for a year.
Mr. Bledsoe was a construction worker and an Army veteran of World War II.
He was born January 29, 1916, at Rossville, the son of Claude and Mary Elizabeth Moyer Bledsoe. He was graduated from Wamego schools and spent all his life in the Wamego area.
Mr. Bledsoe was a member of First Baptist Church at Wamego.
He was married to Mina Lemarr January 29, 1939, at Wamego. She survives.
Other survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Darlene Capps, Mercer Island, Wash., Mrs. Patricia Richards, Gardner, and Mrs. Donna Fechter, Belvue; four sisters, Mrs. Irene Cease, Omaha, Nebr., Mrs. Ada Harrell and Mrs. Addrienne Humbert, both of Harlingen, Tex., and Mrs. Mary Jane Perine, Wamego; nine grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Services were at 10 a.m. Saturday at Stewart Funeral Home, Wamego. Burial was in Wabaunsee Township Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Kansas Heart Association in care of the funeral home.
4133 |
 | Obituary- Blodgett, Della DELLA E. BLODGETT
A long time resident of Burbank, Calif., Della Elizabeth Blodgett, passed away after a long illness on March 14, 2009.
Della was born in Moscow, Kan., on Aug. 9, 1914.
Della was raised in Delia and graduated from Delia High School in 1934. She attended the Delia School reunion each year until two years ago. She will be remembered by many friends.
Della was employed in many fas-cinating jobs from being a “Rosie the Riveter” type to her last regular em-ployment at Cory Coffee in Burbank. After retirement she spent many hours as a volunteer at the Jocelyn Senior Citizens Center. She received a presidential citation acknowledging her dedication to volunteerism in the community.
Della was preceded in death by her husband, Arthur and daughter, Teri. She is survived by her son, Robert Blodgett and his wife, Mary.
Graveside services were held on Thursday, March 19, at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the charity of your choice.
4134 |
 | Obituary- Bloom, D.M. Mr. Von Bloom was called to Seneca, Saturday by the critical ill¬ness of his father, D. M. Bloom, who passed away Saturday evening. Mr. Bloom returned home Monday after funeral services. |
4135 |
 | Obituary- Bloom, Von Von S. Bloom, 68, of Rossville, died Saturday in a Topeka hospital, after suffering a stroke last week. He was born in Pennsylvania April 11, 1886, and came to Kansas as a child. He moved to Rossville 30 years ago as local manager of the Kansas Power and Light Company where he continued until his retirement three years ago.
He is survived by his wife, Mabel, of the home; two sons, Loren Bloom of Holton and Irwin Bloom of Goff Kansas; two step-daughters, Mrs. Marvin Michie of San Francisco and Mrs. Jack Furr of Greensville, S. C.; one sister, Mrs. Bern Gilkerson of Niangua, Mo; five brothers, Marl S. Bloom of Oakley, Otis B. Bloom of Elkhart, Ind., Oral A. Bloom of Onega, Lee L. Bloom of Topeka, and Cecil O. Bloom of Kansas City.
Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday at the Rossville Presbyterian Church with burial in the Rossville Cemetery. Hurley funeral home was in charge of arrangements.
4136 |
 | Obituary- Blumenstock, Arthur Mrs. George Blumenstock and daughter Georgianna and her sons Harold James and family and Dwayne and his wife, all of Springfield, Mo., called on her mother, Mrs. Henry Egert and brother Andy and family for a short visit after attending the funeral of Mr. Blumenstock’s brother Arthur at Topeka last Friday. |
4137 |
 | Obituary- Blush, Cora Cora V. Blush
Dorothy A. Harrison
Services are pending at Parker Mor¬tuary for Mrs. Cora V. Blush, 80, and her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy A. Harri¬son, 59, both of Lansing, who were killed Tuesday in a two-car accident on the Kansas Turnpike west of Lawrence.
Mrs. Blush was born March 17, 1895, in Belvue. She lived on a farm north of Silver Lake 46 years until she moved to Silver Lake.
She moved to Lansing to live with her daughter, Mrs. Harrison, about two months ago.
Mrs. Blush was a lifetime member of the Silver Lake Baptist Church, which she served as treasurer for 30 years. She was a teacher in the church’s Gold¬en Circle Sunday school class. She was a charter member of the Silver Lake Home Demonstration Unit.
She served as vice chairman of the Shawnee County Home Economics Advisory Committee.
She was married Nov. 6, 1912, to V.R. Blush in Silver Lake. He died April 17, 1963.
Survivors include three sons, Van R. Blush, 201 N.W. 39th, and Edgar H. Blush and George H. Blush, both of Silver Lake; eight brothers, Howard L. Bellman, 947 Forest, Carl E. Bellman 2530 Virginia, Robert 0. Bellman, 401 Woodlawn, William T. Bellman, Lyons, Delbert C. Bellman, Pasadena, Calif. Noel E. Bellman, Greenville, S.C., Eugene A. Bellman, Tustin, Calif. and Richard H. Bellman, Long Beach, Ca¬lif., three sisters, Mrs. May Kyser, Holt, Mich., Mrs. Nettie Dilleree, Mil¬lington, Mich., and Mrs. Marie Hen-drix, Elwood; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Burial will be in Silver Lake Cemetery.
Mrs. Harrison was born May 7, 1916, in Silver Lake. She had lived in Lansing since 1971.
She was a registered nurse. She was a graduate of the Stormont-Vail School of Nursing and the University of Kansas. She had a masters degree in nursing from the University of Washington, Seattle.
She was a member of Sigma Theta Tau, national honor society of nursing.
She was married Dec. 18, 1971, to Edgar A. Harrison. He survives. Other survivors include three brothers.
4138 |
 | Obituary- Blush, Van V.R. Blush of Silver Lake dies at age 77
Van Rensslaer Blush, 77, died Wednesday, April 17 at his home in Silver Lake of a heart attack.
Born November 25, 1885 in Menoken, he was a resi¬dent of Menoken and Silver Lake all his life.
Mr. Blush is survived by his widow, Cora, of the home; three sons, Van Rensslaer Jr., 201 Nickell Road; Edgar and George, both of Silver Lake; a dau¬ghter, Dorothy, Wads¬worth; and five grand¬children. Parker Mortuary had charge of the arrange-ments.
4139 |
 | Obituary- Blythe, Margery Margery Blythe Passes Away
Dover—Margery E. Blythe, 86, passed away Sunday, November 3, 2019 at the Alma Manor with family by her side.
She was born April 28, 1933 at Maple Hill a triplet of Thomas R. and Edith V. Moran Logan. Margery graduated from Dover High School in 1951. She attended Clark’s School of Business in Topeka. She had lived in the Dover community nearly all of her life.
Margery worked for Santa Fe Railroad in her younger years. She worked for the Farmers Union COOP in St. Marys and was a farm wife. Margery was a member of the Dover Federated Church. She was very active in the Dover Heritage Days for many years. She had served as a Dover 4H leader and also served on the Maple Hill Township board. Margie was an avid sports fan.
On February 12, 1955 she was united in marriage to William “Gail” Blythe. He preceded her in death on April 20, 2007. She was also preceded in death by her parents, siblings, Martin, Elden Dale, Marion, Charles Duane and Mary.
Survivors include her son, Rodney (Candy) Blythe, Dover; two daughters, Nancy (Kenn) Sommer, Alma and Betty (Darin) Schwant, Dover; her sister, Margaret Phillips, Topeka; 6 grandchildren, Kyle (Carlie) Sommer, Kelsey (Jay) Stamm, Erin (Nick) Melton, Emily Schwant, Kylie (Mike Bruening) Blythe and William Blythe; a great-grandchild, Brogan Stamm and one on the way.
Funeral services will be at 10:00 A.M. Friday, November 8, 2019 at the Dover Federated Church. Interment will be in the Dover Cemetery. Mrs. Blythe will lie in state and the family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 P.M. Thursday, November 7, 2019 at the Dover Federated Church. Memorial Contributions may be made to the Wabaunsee or Shawnee County 4H or the Dover Community Foundation Scholarship fund and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple Street, St. Marys, Kansas 66536. To leave online condolences go to |
4140 |
 | Obituary- Boatwright, Donna Donna Boatwright
Donna Boatwright, 90, recently of Chanute, KS, died on May 20th, 2017.
Born in 1927 near Bennington, KS, Donna and her late husband, Dr. Virgil Boatwright, Superintendent of Schools for St. Marys and Basehor, lived in the St. Marys, Basehor, Wamego and Kansas City areas for almost 60 years. Donna remained in the area for another 30 after Virgil's death.
They had 4 children, 15 grandchildren, and 26 great-grandchildren.
A Celebration of Life for Donna's family and friends is planned from 9 a.m. to noon Sunday, June 4, at the pavilion in City Park in Rossville, Kansas. A life lunch will be served. Casual dress. Children welcome.
4141 |
 | Obituary- Boatwright, Virgil 1 DR. VIRGIL E. BOATWRIGHT
Dr. Virgil E. Boatwright, 58, Route 3, Tonganoxie, died Monday, July 28, 1986, at a Kansas City, Ks. hospital after he suffered a heart attack.
Dr. Boatwright was superintendent of Basehor-Linwood Unified School District the past two years. He previously was superintendent of schools at Russell and Kaw Valley Unified School District 321.
He had taught in high schools in Smith Center, Shawnee Mission district and Washington district in Kansas City. He also was science and mathematics coordinator in the Washington district schools. He was president of Midwest Institute at Eureka.
He was a Navy veteran of World War II.
He was born August 14, 1927, at Valley Center, the son of Norval and Dessie Merrifield Boatwright. He was graduated from Emporia State Teachers College with bachelor, master and specialist degrees and received his doctorate in education administration from the University of Kansas at Lawrence.
Dr. Boatwright was a member and deacon of Whitechurch Christian Church in the Whitechurch community near Kansas City, Ks. He was a 4-H Club leader in Greenwood and Wyandotte counties and a Boy Scout committeeman.
He was a former member of the Lions Club at Delia, St. Marys Chamber of Commerce, and Eureka Chamber of Commerce board of directors. He was a former Kiwanis Club officer and member of the Wyandotte County Extension Council board of directors.
He also was a member of the Kansas Association of School Administrators, United School Administrators of Kansas, Kansas Association of Biology Teachers of which he was president in 1963 and 1967, and the National Science Teachers Association.
Dr. Boatwright was a member of the Kansas Association of Teachers of Science, regional representative of Phi Delta Kappa honorary society in education, member of the audit committee of the Kansas Association of School Administrators, and a member of the American Association for Higher Education Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and Kansas Academy of Science.
He was married to Donna J. McVaugh December 28, 1947, at Riley. She survives.
Other survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Rebecca Gray, Fort Worth, Tex.; three sons, Bruce Boatwright, Albuquerque, N.M., and Theodore Boatwright and Douglas Boatwright, both of Wamego; a sister, Mrs. Marjorie Evans, Hays; two brothers, Gerald Boatwright, Danbury, Conn.; and 10 grandchildren
Services were at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Baptist Church in Basehor. Graveside services were at 3 p.m. Thursday in Riley Cemetery at Riley. Quisenberry Funeral Home in Tonganoxie as in charge of arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to the Dr. Virgil Boatwright Science Scholarship Fund and sent in care of the funeral home, Tonganoxie, Ks. 66086.
4142 |
 | Obituary- Boatwright, Virgil 2 Top official at Basehor-Linwood
dies unexpectedly of heart attack
Virgil Boatwright, Basehor-Linwood superintendent of schools, died suddenly Monday of a heart attack. Quisenberry Funeral Home in Tonganoxie is in charge of the arrangements which are pending.
Mr. Boatwright was born in Valley Center where he completed school through the sixth grade. The family then moved to Sumner County near Anson. He graduated in 1945 from Wellington High School in the Anson area and joined the Navy for a year.
Mr. Boatwright began college at Kansas State University and transferred to Emporia State Teacher’s College when he was a junior. After he received his bachelor’s degree, he taught bacteriology at Emporia for a year while he completed his master’s degree.
He worked as a development engineer with Western Electric for 18 months in Chicago. He returned to Kansas in 1957 as a math and science teacher in the Washington School District in Kansas City, Kan. where he remained until 1967.
During his tenure in the Washington School District, Mr. Boatwright became the head of the science department and district administrator/coordinator of science and math. He received his Ph.D. in education during this time from the University of Kansas.
He became the director of the Midwest Institute of Business Administration, Eureka, Kan. for a brief time.
Mr. Boatwright was the superintendent of Kaw Valley USD 432 for ten years and of the school district at Russell for three years. He became the superintendent of Basehor-Linwood schools in 1983 and was currently active in that post.
He is survived by his wife, Donna, of the home; three sons, and a daughter.
Mr. Boatwright was active in area civic and community affairs. He served as the first secretary of the Basehor Chamber of Commerce and continued to be active on the board.
Memorials in his name to a scholarship fund in his honor are suggested. For more information, call Rev Dumler, 724-1396 in the afternoons.
4143 |
 | Obituary- Boatwright, Virgil 3 DR. VIRGIL E. BOATWRIGHT
Tonganoxie - Dr. Virgil E. Boatwright, 58, Route 3, Tonganoxie, died Monday, July 28, at a Kansas City, Kan., hospital after he suffered a heart attack.
Dr. Boatwright was superintendent of Basehor-Linwood Unified School District the past two years. He previously was superintendent of schools at St. Marys and Russell.
He had taught in high schools in Smith Center, Shawnee Mission district and Washington district in Kansas City. He also was science and mathematics coordinator in the Washington district schools. He was president of Midwest Institute at Eureka.
He was a Navy veteran of World War II.
He was born Aug. 14, 1927, at Valley Center, the son of Norval and Dessie Merrifield Boatwright. He was graduated from Emporia State Teachers College with bachelor, master and specialist degrees and received his doctorate in education administration from the University of Kansas at Lawrence.
Dr. Boatwright was a member and deacon of Whitechurch Christian Church in the Whitechurch community near Kansas City, Kan. He was a 4-H Club leader in Greenwood and Wyandotte counties and a Boy Scout committeeman.
He was a member of the Lions Club at Delia, St. Marys Chamber of Commerce, and Eureka Chamber of Commerce board of directors. He was a former Kiwanis Club officer and member of the Wyandotte County Extension Council board of directors.
He also was a member of the Kansas Association of School Administrators, United School Administrators of Kansas, Kansas Association of Biology Teachers of which he was president in 1963 and 1967, and the National Science Teachers Association.
Dr. Boatwright was a member of the Kansas Association of Teachers of Science, regional representative of Phi Delta Kappa honorary society in education, member of the audit committee of the Kansas Association of School Administrators, and a member of the American Association for Higher Education Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and Kansas Academy of Science.
He was married to Donna J. McVaugh Dec. 28, 1947, at Riley. She survives.
Other survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Rebecca Gray, Fort Worth, Texas; three sons, Bruce Boatwright, Albuquerque, N.M., and Theodore Boatwright and Douglas Boatwright, both of Wamego; a sister, Mrs. Marjorie Evans, Hays; two brothers, Gerald Boatwright, Annandale, Va., and Donald Boatwright, Danbury, Conn.; and 10 grandchildren.
Services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Baptist Church in Basehor. Graveside services will be at 3 p.m. Thursday in Riley Cemetery at Riley. Mr. Boatwright will like in state from 3 until 8 p.m. today at Quisenberry Funeral Home in Tonganoxie. Memorial contributions may be made to the Dr. Virgil Boatwright Science Scholarship Fund and sent in care of the funeral home.
4144 |
 | Obituary- Boeckman, Steven Steven Loren Boeckman, 65, of Wetmore, KS, passed away peacefully December 1, 2017 surrounded by family and friends. He was born October 1, 1952 in Seneca, KS the son of Raymond and Lucille (Deters) Boeckman. He graduated from Wetmore High School in 1970 and attended Kansas State University. He was an active member of the Wetmore Men’s Club, worked as a welder most of his life, and enjoyed raising cattle. He met his wife, Marilyn, on a blind date and they married eight months later. Steve and Marilyn (Lister) Boeckman eloped on April 10, 1975 and married again in the Assumption Catholic Church on August 9th of that same year.
He was preceded in death by parents Raymond and Lucille Boeckman and his brother, Dennis Boeckman.
Steve will forever be remembered by his wife, Marilyn, of the home, his son Matthew (Julie) Boeckman of Goff, KS, and his daughters Leigh Ann (Tony) Schultejans, of Wetmore, KS and Lindsey (Kenton) Dreiling of Rossville, KS, as well as his 8 grandchildren (with one on the way)- Dustin, Dalton, Madison, Weston, Hayden, Whitney, Lillian, and Katelyn. Survivors also include two brothers, Daryl and Kevin Boeckman.
One of the greatest joys in Steve’s life was spoiling his grandchildren. His cabinets were always stocked with Oreos, pop, ice cream, and chocolate milk. Steve also enjoyed camping, hunting, fishing, playing cards, and a good debate around his kitchen table.
A celebration of life service will be held at 1:30 Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at St. James Catholic Church in Wetmore. A rosary will be prayed at 1:15 prior to the service. A reception in the St. James Hall will follow immediately after. The family requests guests to bring photos of Steve to share memories at the reception. The reception will be a time to celebrate his wonderful life in the way he celebrated every day.
Memorial contributions can be made to Wetmore Men’s Club, 639 R Road, Goff, KS 66428. Flowers can be sent directly to St. James Church, Wetmore, Kansas.
4145 |
 | Obituary- Boettcher, Ronald Ronald E. Boettcher
Ronald E. Boettcher, "Paco", 52, of Topeka, passed away on Monday, August 29, 2016. He was born August 19, 1964 in Topeka, the son of Vernon and Connie (Penrod) (Siefer) Boettcher. Ron graduated from Topeka High School. He later served in the United States Air Force. He was an avid reader and loved to play chess.
He is survived by three brothers, David Siefer and wife Jen of Topeka, Chris Siefer of Topeka and Robbie Boettcher of Rossville; a niece, Lexi Siefer; and a nephew, Damon Siefer.
Cremation is planned. The family will receive friends from 6-8 Thursday evening, September 1, 2016 at Davidson Funeral Home. Memorial contributions may be made to Grace Hospice in care of the funeral home. To leave the family a message please visit
4146 |
 | Obituary- Boling, Arvilla ARVILLA MARIE BOLING
Arvilla Marie Boling, 102, of Soldier, KS passed away Sunday, June 28, 2015 at her daughter’s home with family by her side. She was born May 10. 1913 on a farm near Delia, KS, the daughter of John Alfred and Rosa Lulu (Sumner) Patterson.
Arvilla graduated from Emmett High School in 1931. She was a lifelong member of the Delia, Emmett and St. Clere communities. She was a homemaker and farmwife. Arvilla helped her husband, Gilbert, on the family farm and dairy for many years.
She married Gilbert Lemoine Boling on October 6, 1937 in Topeka, KS. He preceded her in death on July 12, 1980. She was also preceded in death by an infant sister, Gladys; an infant brother, Ralph, a toddler brother, Harold and a brother, Orville.
Survivors include 2 sons, Delbert Boling (Rosealee) of Hoyt, KS and Donald Boling (Jean) of Soldier, KS; a daughter, Delores A. “Dori” Harris (Butch) of Soldier, KS; 7 grandchildren Scott Boling, Michelle Lewis (Matt), Donna Ashcraft (Dennis), Ronda Lang (John), Kristen Felbush (Levi), Kayla Schreiber (Garrett) and Kelsey Pagel (Matt); 5 great grandchildren, Amanda, Jess, Trevor, Bailey and Autumn and 1 great-great-granddaughter, Grace.
A Celebration of Life was on Friday, July 3, 2015 at the Mercer Funeral Home in Holton. Burial followed at the St. Clere Cemetery. Memorials may be given to the Holton Community Hospital Hospice c/o Mercer Funeral Home, P.O. Box 270, Holton, KS 66436. To leave a special message for the family, please visit
4147 |
 | Obituary- Bolley, Mark Mark Alan Bolley
Mark Alan Bolley, 56, of Delia, KS passed away July 25, 2008 due to a vehicle accident. He was born July 7, 1952 in Topeka, KS the son of Donald and Betty (Fay) Bolley.
Mark graduated from Topeka West High School in 1970. He attended Washburn University and received his Master Electrical license following. He was a co-founder with Craig Cooper of Current Electric Corp. He enjoyed playing bass guitar in the band Cheap-n-Legal. Mark loved spending time on his farm with his beagles Ruby, Buddy and Maggie watching westerns. He also loved spending time with his grandchildren and doing projects with his children. One of his proudest accomplishments was being a father and grandfather.
He is preceded in death by his father.
Mark is survived by his mother, brother, Mike (Jeanne) and Jim (Cris) Bolley, fiancée Jo Ann Long, son Scott (Bobbi) Bolley, daughter Lea Bolley - Huntington, mother of his children Sue Bolley, grandson Mica Bolley, nieces, Lindsey (Will) Renfro, Erin (Matt) Chinworth and Jamie Bolley.
Memorial Services will be held 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at Penwell-Gabel Mid Town Chapel. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to Helping Hands Humane Society, 2625 NW Rochester Rd., Topeka, KS 66617. To leave a message for the family online, visit
4148 |
 | Obituary- Bolton, Wesley Wesley S. Bolton, a former pioneer resident of Wabaunsee County died in Denver, Friday, January 26th.
He was born in Pennsylvania, May 15, 1858. He came to Kansas with his family in 1865 settling on a farm north of Paxico. He was married to Louise Weisser, Oct. 25, 1885. Mr. Bolton was engaged in the general merchandise and grain business at Paxico for many years and later was manager of the Rossville Co-operative Elevator at Rossville, remaining a resident of Kansas for about sixty two years.
Mr. and Mrs. Bolton moved to Denver in 1927, where they resided until Mrs. Bolton’s death in 1943. For the past five years Mr. Bolton has made his home with his son, Arthur and wife, near Grand Lake, Colorado. , He is survived by two sons, Oscar W. Bolton of 1323 South Humboldt, Denver, Arthur D. Bolton of Granby, Colo., a brother T. B. Bolton, of Frankfort, Kansas and a sister Mrs. Annie Withgott of Woodward, Oklahoma. He is also survived by three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
4149 |
 | Obituary- Bond, Agnes Agnes E Thomas was born November, 27th, 1842 at Centerville, Tyler County, West Vir¬ginia, died at her home near Ross¬ville, April 1st, 1915, age 72 years 4 months and 4 days. She united with the United Brethren church in the year 1857.
She was married to John A. Bond, September 6th, 1860, at Centerville, West Virginia. To this union there was born two children, Lydia J. Emert and Morris Bond.
She with her husband and children came to Kansas in Nov. 1868 and resided here until her death.
The funeral services were held at the home west of Rossville, Saturday, April 3rd at 2 p. m. conducted by Rev. J. K. Miller of Topeka, assisted by Rev. Ward of Rossville. She is survived by her husband, two children and three brothers, Joseph, Peter and John Thomas of West Virginia.
The out of town friends and relatives present were: Mr. and
Mrs. J.E. James, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Bond, Mrs. William Teets, Mrs. Mary Kistler, Friend Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. John¬son, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Oliver all of Topeka, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zemeck of St. Marys and Lew Bond of Dover.
Mrs. John Bond Dead
Mrs. John Bond passed away at noon today after being very sick for some time Mrs. Bond has been in a critical condition for the past week and the end has been not unexpected. We go to press too early today to announce the funeral arrangements.
4150 |
 | Obituary- Bond, Barbara BARBARA F. BOND
Barbara F. Brashear Bond passed away at her home in St. Marys, Kan., Wednesday, December 11, 1946.
She was born at Frederick, Md. January 27, 1866. At the age of 2 years she removed to Kansas with her parents, the late Samuel E. Bra¬shear and Matilda Brashear, who set¬tled at Westmoreland, Kansas, dur¬ing the year 1868.
On January 22, 1884, she was mar¬ried to the late Walter C. Bond and settled on a farm in the west part of Rossville Township, where they lived until the death of Mr. Bond on October 13, 1925.
To this union five children were born, Mrs. John T. Glynn of Salina Kansas; Mrs. Charles Zemek and W. H. Bond, of St. Marys, Kansas; Ver¬non Bond of Monroe, Mich., and Sam A. Bond of Philadelphia, Fa. Seven grandchildren and four great-grand¬children survive her. All of the child¬ren attended the funeral at St. Marys, Kan., December 14, at the Congrega¬tional Church. The Rev. Wm. Ran¬dles conducted the service. Burial was in Rossville Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Messrs. Clarence Yocum, Charles Wallace, Kendell Al¬len, John Pearl, Maurice Coleman and Patrick Murry.