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8201 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Henry H. 2 Dr. Miller was always identified with any movement for the betterment of the community. He took great interest in the schools of the city and had served on the school board a total of nearly thirty years. He purchased the first automobile owned by a citizen in Rossville township.
He was an enthusiastic Mason, a member of the M. W. A. and A. O. F. W. lodges-of the latter organization he is the last member of the charter members. At one time Dr. Miller was president of the “Annuity Union” a Kansas organization, which was looted by its previous officers when it was known as the “Modern Tonties” and it was due primarily to Dr. Miller’s great energy and untiring work that the organization was able to continue for several years before it was finally disbanded. The plan under which this lodge was working has since been adopted by other organizations.
In Masonry Dr. Miller was a Knights Templar and had taken the thirty-second degree of Masonry.
8202 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Henry H. 3 The funeral was held at the home yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock, a short service being conducted by Rev. Crawford of the Presbyterian church, assisted by Dr. Alderson and Rev. H. I. Nelson, of Topeka. The Knights Templar lodge of Topeka conducted the Masonic ceremonies at the home and Hesperian Lodge, No. 111 of Rossville had charge of the ceremonies at the cemetery. Never has a funeral been more largely attended in Rossville. Masonic brethren from Silver Lake, Topeka, St. Marys, Emmett and Delia and old friends from the territory for miles north and south of Rossville joining with Rossville in paying a last tribute to his memory.
Dr. Miller is survived by his widow, Mrs. Gertrude Miller, Dr. H. B. Miller, of Rossville, Mrs. J.S. Majors, of Topeka and Earl Miller of Elmont. The deepest sympathy of the community is extended them in their great bereavement.
8203 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Henry H. 4 Obituary
Henry H. Miller
Henry H. Miller was born on May 4th, 1850 in Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Later the family moved to Alliance, Ohio, where he attended school. After finishing the common school course he attended Mount Union college, where he took collegiate studies. Following his college work he taught school for a few terms. He then went to the University of Pennsylvania for medical education, graduating there in 1872. In June of that year he came to Kansas and made his first professional visit on the 25th of June. With the exception of one year his entire professional career was spent in Rossville. He married Ella Wyatt in 1876. In 1894 his wife died leaving him and three children to mourn her loss. In September 1897 he married Gertrude E. Partello, who survives him.
He was deeply interested in and took an active part in everything that was for the betterment of Rossville and the community. He served as mayor and councilman at various times. He took an active part as member and officer in lodge affairs, having been a member of most of the fraternal lodges organized here. At the time of his death he was a member of the A.O.U.W. the local Masonic lodge, was honorary life member of Silver Lake lodge of Masons, The Chapter, Commandery, and Consistory of Topeka. He was Master of the Masonic lodge 13 years. He always took an active interest in our schools having been clerk of the district for 19 years, in which capacity he was serving at the time of his death. He was very proud of the Rossville High school for which he devoted much time and work. He was interested in church work having been a member of the Presbyterian church for a great many years and was an elder in the church at the time of his death. In fact there was no field of human endeavor which was for good that he was not interested in. He is survived by his wife, Gertrude E. Miller; three children, Mrs. Jesse Majors of Topeka, Earl D. Miller of Menoken, Henry B. Miller of Rossville; two brothers, W.W. Miller of Topeka, M.S. Miller of Coffeyville; one sister, Mrs. Anna Millard of Alliance, Ohio. Besides his immediate family he leaves a host of friends who will miss him almost as a father and who through his long illness extended to him so many kindnesses that were a constant source of joy and happiness to him in his hours of affliction.
Resolutions of Confidence
Whereas, The Supreme Ruler of the Universe has reminded us of the uncertainty of life, the certainty of death, and the necessity of always being prepared to meet our Supreme Head Council, by calling our esteemed neighbor, Dr. Henry H. Miller from labor and suffering on earth to that heaven of peace, rest and refreshment prepared for those who put their trust in Him, therefore be it.
Resolved, That in the death of neighbor, Henry H. Miller our Camp has lost a true, faithful and worthy neighbor, the community and church an exempliary [sic] and honest citizen and member, and the family a loving devoted noble and true father and husband.
Resolved, That in this sad hour of their bereavement and desolation, we extend to his loving wife and children our sincere affection and condolence.
Resolved, That in memory of our departed neighbor, there resolutions be engrossed upon the record of our Camp, a full page being dedicated to his memory, and a copy furnished the family of our deceased neighbor and a copy furnished to the Rossville Reporter for publication.
Fraternally submitted,
R.L. Wilt
Henry G. Bond
C.E. Gresser
Evergreen Camp No. 1511 Modern Woodmen of America. Rossville, Kansas, May 8th, 1916.
C.E. Gresser, Clerk.
F.E. Strimple, V.C.
8204 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Henry H. and Miller, Ralph Miller Brothers Drowned In Cross Creek
The people of this community were terribly shocked and saddened Monday afternoon when it was learned two of the little sons of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller had drowned in Cross Creek northwest of town north of the buildings on the Joe Heslet farm.
The victims were Ralph Miller, age six, and Henry H. Miller, age eight. No one saw the double tragedy except little Raymond Tarbutton age five, who had accompanied the Miller children to the creek.
According to Raymond, the boys had waded across the creek in the shallow water and then waded down the creek, which flows north at this point, and they stepped into a hole and disappeared from sight. Raymond called for them to come out but when no answer was made he realized they were drowning and started for home across the Heslet field.
The Tarbutton Family lives in Bond house one door west of the Frank Zickefoose family. MRs. J.C. Randall, another neighbor was the first to hear the little fellow calling out the report, and fearing she misunderstood, she called the boy's sister to hear the story repeated. Mrs. Ralp Zarker, auditor for the Standard Oil Co., who was at the Tarbutton home, immediately wentto the she creek and hunted up and down the banks of the creek to see if the boys had hidden in order to scare their companion. Satisfying himself they were not hiding, he began search in the water.
Additional helpers soon came from town including Dr. H.B. Miller, uncle of the missing boys. Archie Cless, Louis Clark, Vern Miller, Chester Hooper and Lote Hook joined RMR. Zarker and a systematic search started. Mr. Cless being the tallest was able to search the deeper water without losing his footing and soon located both bodies. Louis Clark dived to the bottom brought one to the survace and Mr. Zarker recovered the other body. They were located about fifteen feet apart.
The bodies had been in the water over an hour so there w no hope of reviving them. The Miller family had moved to Rossville only last week from Maple Hill and is occupying the Harder house west of the creek.
The funeral was held today at 2:30 p.m. at the home, the service conducted by Rev. H.L. Nelson of Topeka. Beside the parents the surviving members of the family are Earl W., age 11 and Ella, Age 10, Clyde, age 4 and Richard, age 2. Little Ralph was born near Menoken and Henry was born at Auburn.
8205 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Herman HERMAN LOUIS MILLER
Herman Louis Miller, 77, of St. Marys, Kansas, died unexpectedly March 26 in St. Marys. He was born August 19, 1880, in St. George, Kansas. He was the son of Sidney Miller and Ella Gray Miller.
He was united in marriage to Mary Reid. She preceded him in death January 19, 1941.
Mr. Miller spent most of his life farming in the Maple Hill community. In 1946 he moved to Rossville where he has made his home until two years ago when he moved to St. Marys to live with his daughter, Mrs. Mary Bolin.
He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Bolin, and Mrs. Isabella Jones of Lee Summit, Mo.; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Fred Clark. Maple Hill, and Mrs. Oscar Hammarlund, Topeka.
Funeral services were at 2:30 Friday afternoon at the St. Marys Methodist church with Rev. Paul Kapp officiating. Burial was in Maple Hill Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Mart Whearty, Louis Cowan, Edward Rafferty, of Rossville; and Omer Letts, Oscar Fauerbach, and Glen Creighton of Maple Hill. Verschelden Funeral Home of St. Marys was in charge.
8206 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Hiram
Hiram B. Miller Dead
Topeka, Oct. 23. -- H.B. Miller of Osage City died here this morning at 8:30 o'clock at the home of his son, Clyde Miller, of heart disease. He had been in ill health for about a month. He was 64 years old. Besides his son, three brothers, W.W. Miller of Topeka, Henry Miller of Rossville and M.A. Miller of Coffeyville, and one sister, Mrs. Alice Millard of Alliance, O., survive. His wife died in 1890.
The funeral will be held Friday. A brief service will be had at the home of his son and the body will then be taken to Osage City on a special train. Services will be held at the Presbyterian church and burial will be at Osage City.
H.B. Miller was one of the most widely known men in Kansas. He was born in Cuyahoga county, O., in 1848. His early days were spent on a farm. He served three years in an Ohio regiment in the Civil war, enlisting at 16.
A half century ago Mr. Miller came to Kansas and located at Osage city, which he had ever since made his home. He engaged first in mercantile business. He founded the Osage County bank. Later he became interested in stock raising and became one of the greatest cattlemen in the state. His ranch at Osage City comprised about 15,000 acres.
In 1896 Mr. Miller was elected to the state senate from Osage county and served two terms. Several times he was urged to run for governor but refused.
Mr. Miller was recognized as one of the really big men in the state. He was immensely liked and took an active part in public affairs and was a tireless worker.
8207 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Hubert Miller
Hubert R. Miller, 73, Oroville, Wash., died Tuesday, Jan. 20, 1987, at home.
Hubert was born Sept, 8, 1912, in Robe. Wash He was the oldest child of H.R. “Dick” Miller and Marie Bauer Miller. While he was young the family returned to Delia, Kan. There he grew to manhood and graduated from Delia High School. After his graduation, he worked with his father at the Delia Grain Elevator.
During the 1930s the family moved to the state of Washington. He was a partner in the Bridle bails Shingle Mill at Startup, Wash. After his retirement, he and his wife, Trudi, moved to Oroville, Wash.
He leaves his wife, Trudi, of the home in Oroville: his sisters, Bernice Cleary, Everett, Wash., Maxine Frickner, Monroe, Elaine Scott, Startup, Wash.; uncle, Sheriden Miller, Soap Lake, Wash.: and numerous nieces and nephews; also some cousins in Jackson and Shawnee County, Kan.
Services were held Monday, Jan. 26, 1987, at Purdy and Kerr Funeral Home in Monroe.
8208 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Irene F. 1 Irene F. Miller
Irene Frances Miller, 77, died Monday, April 7, 1997, at the Stormont-Vail Regional Health Center in Topeka. Cause of death was pulmonary fibrosis.
She was born February 1, 1920, at Vermillion, the daughter of Earl Richard and Hoy Rose Smith Bullock.
She had lived in Westmoreland, Silver Lake, and Rossville before moving to Topeka. She attended Wheaton High School and Clark’s Business College. Mrs. Miller was one of Ned Fleming’s original 17 employees when he started the Reming Company. She was employed by Reming’s for 33 years before retiring in 1985. She was a member of the Silver Lake United Methodist Church and the West Union Community Club.
Irene was married to John Henry Smith in August 1937. He died in April 1964. She was married to Billie J. Queen in August 1965. He died in March 1986. She married John Clinton Miller on February 1, 1992, at the Silver
Lake United Methodist Church. He survives.
She was also preceded in death by a grandson, Robert J. “Bobby” Mohler, Jr. on January 4, 1971.
In addition to her husband, she is survived by a son, Raymond Earl Smith, Brea, Calif.; four daughters, Elaine M. Mohler, Silver Lake, Marilyn Irene Laird and Janice M. Kies, both of Topeka; and Joan H. Davis-McKinney, Lawrence and Half Moon Bay, Calif.; two stepsons, Donald D. Miller, Topeka, and Albert Lee Miller, Eudora; two stepdaughters, Ellen Kay Coyle and Ruth E. Dukart, both of Aurora, Colo.; a brother, Earl Richard Bullock, Dallas, Tex.; two sisters, Alta Mae Simon, Grand Prairie, Tex., and Feme Dekat, St. George; 17 grandchildren; 21 step-grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and eight step great-grandchildren.
The family received friends from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Parker Price Mortuary, Topeka.
Her service was at 2 p.m.
Memorial contributions are suggested to Silver Lake United Thursday at the mortuary; interment was in Silver Lake Cemetery. Methodist Church, P.O. Box 188, Silver Lake 66539.
8209 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Irene F. 2 Irene Frances Miller
Irene Frances Miller, 77, Topeka, died Monday, April 7, 1997, at a Topeka hospital.
Mrs. Miller was one of Ned Fleming's original 17 employees when Fleming Co. was started. She worked for the company for 33 years before she retired in 1985.
She was born Feb. 1, 1920, in Vermillion, the daughter of Earl Silas and Floy Rose Smith Bullock. She attended Wheaton High School and Clark’s Business College.
Mrs. Miller was a member of the Silver Lake United Methodist Church and the West Union Community Club.
She married John Henry Smith in August 1937. He died in April 1964. She married Billie J. Queen in August 1965. He died in March 1986. She married John Clinton Miller on Feb. 1, 1992, in Silver Lake. He survives.
Other survivors include a son, Raymond Earl Smith, Brea, Calif.; four daughters, Elaine M. Mohler, Silver Lake, Marilyn Irene Laird and Janice M. Kies, both of Topeka, and Joan H. Davis-McKinney, Lawrence, and Half Moon Bay, Calif.; two stepsons, Donald D. Miller, Topeka, and Albert Lee Miller, Eudora; two stepdaughters, Ellen Kay Coyle and Ruth E. Dukart, both of Aurora, Colo.; a brother, Earl Richard Bullock, Dallas; two sisters, Alta Mae Simon, Grand Prairie, Texas, and Feme Dekat, St. George; 17 grandchildren; 21 stepgrandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and eight stepgreat-grandchildren.
Mrs. Miller also was preceded in death by a grandson, Robert J. Mohler Jr., Jan. 4, 1971.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Parker-Price Mortuary in Topeka. Burial will be at Silver Lake Cemetery. Mrs. Miller will lie in state after 1 p.m. today at the mortuary where relatives and friends will meet from 7 to 8 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to the Silver Lake United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 188, Silver Lake, 66539.
8210 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Irene J. Irene J. Miller
Irene Josephine Miller, 92, Topeka, died Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2001, at a Topeka care center.
She was born Aug. 18, 1908 in Havensville, the daughter of George Otto and Anna Jessie Hanna Blank Brockish, and had resided in the Dover area most of her life.
Irene worked for the Daylor family in Wamego before her marriage to Ralph Newton Miller Dec. 24, 1934, in Wamego. He died Nov. 2, 1996. Irene and Ralph farmed in the Shawnee County area all their 62 years of married life. Mrs. Miller was a 4-H leader in the West Union 4-H Club, and a member of the West Union Extension Homemakers Unit from the 1950s until it dispersed in the late 1970s. She was a member of the Dover Grange, a member of the West Union Ladies Aid (later known as the Happy Hour Club), from the time of her marriage until 2000, and also served on the West Union School Board.
Surviving her are four sons, Quincy Miller, Osage City; Earl W. Miller, Perry; LeRoy Miller, rural Topeka, and Raymond Miller, Topeka; a sister, Marie Doll, Wamego, 13 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren; one great-great-granddaughter; and several nieces and nephews.
Her service was at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Dover Federated Church in Dover. Burial was in the Dover Cemetery. Visitation was Friday evening at the Davidson Funeral Home in Topeka.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Dover Federated Church, or to Heart of America Hospice, and sent in care of the Davidson Funeral Home, 1035 North Kansas, Topeka, 66608.
8211 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Ivaleu Delia—Ivaleu A. Miller a lifelong member of the Delia community passed away Friday, October 25, 2019 with her loving family by her side. Until recently, she remained in her own home with the loving assistance and care provided by her granddaughter Ashlee.
Ivaleu was the first child of Emery and Bertha Eakin. She grew up in rural Delia along with her sister Eudora and brother, Edward. She became skilled at farm life on her parent’s farm and later as a partner in her husband, Donald’s farming business.
Ivaleu attended grade school in rural Delia and graduated from Delia High School. She attended Emporia College where she obtained her teaching certificate. She taught school for two years at High Prairie Grade School and Stony Point Grade School. Later in life she worked part-time at the Delia Post Office.
Family and farm were the way of life for Ivaleu, but she had also given of herself to her church and community; serving as an elder of the Delia Presbyterian Church, being a 4-H leader, serving on the election board, and as a member of the United Presbyterian Women.
Ivaleu had a passion for cooking, a gift from her was sure to include one of her baked goods or candies. She enjoyed scrapbooking, embroidering, bird watching and especially enjoyed e-mailing her friends.
On June 5, 1946 she was united in marriage to Donald W. “Don” Miller at Holton. He preceded her in death on October 3, 2005. Ivaleu was also preceded in death by her parents and her brother, Edward Eakin.
Those left to cherish her memory include her 7 children, Beverly (William) Tucker, Kansas City, KS, Gary Miller, Beattie, Victor Miller, Topeka, Nancy (Larry) Boten, Kansas City, MO, Sandra (Stephen) Eisenbarth, Silver Lake, Rodney (Lisa) Miller, Holton and Elizabeth (Brian Gower) Victor, Lawrence; her sister, Eudora McQueen, Delia; 17 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren along with nieces, nephews and cousins.
Funeral services will be at 11:00 A.M. Saturday, November 9, 2019 at the Delia Presbyterian Church. Interment will be in the Delia Cemetery. Ivaleu will lie in state and the family will receive friends Friday, November 8th from 6:00 until 8:00 P.M. at Piper Funeral Home in St. Marys. Memorial contributions may be made to the Delia Presbyterian Church and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple Street, St. Marys, Kansas 66536. |
8212 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Jacob J. W. MILLER
Jacob W. Miller passed away at Glasgow, Mont., Saturday, August 28, at 4 p. m., very quietly in unconsciousness, in which state he had been for only 24 hours, suffering almost no pain.
He was living with his son Charles Miller at the time of his death whence he came the last of February. He missed the old familiar walks and friends and was never happy away from Rossville, but was cared for lovingly in his last days.
Jacob W. Miller was born in York township, York county, Pa., July 14, 1841. His mother was a sister of the late Daniel Wilt. He was baptized in the German Reformed church. He learned the plasterers trade with the Wilt brothers, John and Daniel. He entered the Civil war as a volunteer and joined the 15th Penna. Cavalry of Harrisburg and was made a corporal Aug. 15, 1865. He was honorably discharged at the close of the war.
December 25, 1866, he was married to Elizabeth Jane Gray at Germantown, Pa., and their four children were born at Blaine, Pa., where the family lived until coming to Kansas.
His shoulders were crippled with rheumatism when he was mustered out and his trade was not easy to follow, so he was apprenticed to John Seiger and learned cabinet making and undertaking business, which he followed until the manufactured goods forced the handworker out and it was then he came to Kansas.
With a very brief period of a part of two years his family have thought of Rossville as home for these 47 years.
Always interested in the church to the point of sacrifice, a loyal and faithful citizen, proud to vote, and a careful father, his children revere his memory and all his friends regarded him highly for his common virtues simply lived.
Funeral services in Rossville were held in the M. E. church Thursday, September 2, conducted by Rev. G. G. Albin of Topeka, and the body interred in the family lot in Rossville cemetery.
8213 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Jerald 1 JERALD LEROY MILLER (JERRY)
Jerald LeRoy Miller (Jerry) passed away unexpectedly November 16, 2013. He was born in Wamego on July 25, 1947, to LeRoy and Roberta Hutchinson Miller. He attended Wamego High School, graduating in 1965. Following graduation, he served in the US Air Force in Texas before returning to Wamego to assist his father in the operation of Miller Feedlot, Inc. Jerry married Peggy Brunkow Miller on February 17, 1983. They lived on the family farm east of Wamego.
Peggy survives of the home. He is also survived by two sons living in Wamego, Mark Miller (Morgan) and Marshal Miller (Jami). Jerry was step-father to Amy Reves (John), Wamego, Penny Cooper (Darren), Rossville and Daniel Moore (Katie), Kansas City, MO. Other survivors include his mother, Roberta Hutchinson Miller, Valley Vista, Wamego and sisters; Judith Scammon, Prairie Village, KS, and Janet Crocker (Jack), Manhattan, KS. Also surviving are two grandsons, one granddaughter, and seven step-grandchildren. His father, LeRoy, preceded him in death in 2010.
Jerry was currently serving as a Director of the Kaw Valley State Bank and had been a director of both the Kansas
Livestock Association and the Kaw Valley Irrigation Association. He had extensive farming operations in both Pottawatomie and Wabaunsee Counties and was a good steward of the land. He will also be remembered as a loyal and generous friend to many - giving simply because there was a need, often anonymously and without expecting any recognition. He will be missed by family and friends because of his generosity of spirit and unfailing sense of humor.
Services will be private with burial in the Louisville Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be made to the Wamego Community Foundation/WAVM Donation or American Juvenile Diabetes Association and may be left in care of the Stewart Funeral Home of Wamego, KS, PO Box 48,66547. Online condolences may also be left at
8214 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Jerald 2 Jerald (Jerry) LeRoy Miller
WAMEGO- Jerald LeRoy Miller (Jerry) passed away unexpectedly November 16, 2013. He was born in Wamego on July 25, 1947, to LeRoy and Roberta Hutchinson Miller. Jerry married Peggy Brunkow Miller on February 17, 1983. She survives of the home.
He is also survived by two sons living in Wamego, Mark Miller (Morgan) and Marshal Miller (Jami). Jerry was step-father to Amy Reves (John), Wamego, Penny Cooper (Darren), Rossville and Daniel Moore (Katie), Kansas City, MO. Other survivors include his mother, Roberta Hutchinson Miller, Wamego; sisters: Judith Scammon, Prairie Village, KS, and Janet Crocker (Jack), Manhattan, KS; two grandsons, one granddaughter, and seven step-grandchildren. His father, LeRoy, preceded him in death.
Services will be private. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be made to the Wamego Community Foundation/WAVM Donation or American Juvenile Diabetes Association and may be left in care of Stewart Funeral Home, Wamego, KS, PO Box 48, 66547. Online condolences may also be left at
8215 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Jere Jere F. Miller
St. Marys— Jere F. Miller, 82, passed away Sunday, April 26, 2015 at the Community Hospital in St. Marys.
He was born October 12, 1932 at Topeka, the son of Frank A. “Fritz” and Germaine Ronnau Miller. Jere grew up in St. Marys and graduated from St. Marys High School in 1950. He served in the US Army.
Jere worked alongside his parents at the Miller Department Store in St. Marys for many years before his retirement. He was a member of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in St. Marys and Knights of Columbus Council No. 657. Jere was a member of Jimmie Lillard Post No. 31 of the American Legion in Rossville. He was an avid sports fan and enjoyed traveling.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
Among survivors are cousins, John P. Ronnau, Judy DeVader, Mary Lee Fields, Charles Ronnau, Robert Ronnau and Marilyn Alberg.
Mass of Christian Burial will was celebrated on Friday, May 1, 2015 at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in St. Marys. Interment was in Mt. Calvary Cemetery, St. Marys. Memorial contributions may be made to the St. Marys Manor Bus Fund and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple St., St. Marys, Kansas 66536. Online condolences may be sent to www.piper- funeralhome. com.
8216 |
 | Obituary- Miller, John C. 1 John C. Miller
John C. Miller, 99, of Topeka, passed away Sept. 3, 2012. John was born Sept. 12, 1912, in the West Union community, son of Albert and Josephine (Wilson) Miller. He attended West Union grade school and graduated from Rossville High School. John farmed in Shawnee and Wabaunsee County all his life until his health declined in 2008.
He was united in marriage to Violet Margaret McRoberts on Feb. 19, 1938, and to this union, four children were born. John is survived by his four children and their spouses, Donald D. and Betty Miller, Ellen K. and Norman Coyle, Ruth Dukart, and Albert L. and Carolyn Miller; 21 grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren; a sister, Ruby Hatch; and loving companion, Helen Conway. He was preceded in death by three wives, a brother, two great-grandsons, and two great-granddaughters.
Services were held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 8, at Dover Federated Church, Dover. Interment followed at Dover Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be directed to Dover Federated Church, RO. Box 232, Dover, KS 66420, or Wabaunsee County Historical Society, RO. Box 387, Alma, KS 66401.
8217 |
 | Obituary- Miller, John C. 2 John C. Miller
John C. Miller, 99, of Topeka, passed away Monday, September 3, 2012. John was born September 12, 1912, in the West Union community, son of Albert and Josephine (Wilson) Miller. He attended West Union grade school and graduated from Rossville High School. John farmed in Shawnee & Wabaunsee County for all his life, until his health declined in 2008. He was united in marriage to Violet Margaret McRoberts on February 19, 1938, and to this union, four children were born. John is survived by his four children, Donald D. (Betty) Miller, Ellen K. (Norman) Coyle, Ruth Dukart, and Albert L. (Carolyn) Miller, 21 grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren, a sister, Ruby Hatch, and loving companion, Helen Conway. He was preceded in death by three wives, a brother, two great-grandsons, and two great-granddaughters. Services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, September 8, 2012, at Dover Federated Church, Dover. Interment will follow at Dover Cemetery, Dover. John will lie in state after 2:00 p.m. Friday, September 7, 2012, at Penwell-Gabel Mid-Town Chapel, Topeka, where the family will greet friends from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Memorial contributions may be directed to Dover Federated Church, PO Box 232, Dover, KS 66420, or Wabaunsee County Historical Society, PO Box 387, Alma, KS 66401. To leave the family a special message online, visit
8218 |
 | Obituary- Miller, John F. John Frederick Miller
John Frederick Miller was born on a farm near Valencia, Kansas, March 21, 1895, and passed away at Greeley, Colo.; May 4, 1933, aged 38 years, 1 month and 14 days.
After the death of his father in 1910, he lived with his brother, George, for a time. He enlisted in the World War October 29, 1917, serving most of the time in the Hawaiian Islands, receiving his discharge on the 20th of October 1919.
He was united in marriage to Blanche Elizabeth Smith August 4, 1922. To this union two children were born, Russell, who died in infancy, and Billy, age 9. Besides his widow and son he leaves to mourn his going three sisters, and four brothers: Mrs. Arthur Rogers, Mrs. Ralph Grant, and Frank Miller, of Willard; Bert and Earl Miller of Valencia; Mrs. May Morehead, of Eskridge; George N. Miller, of Greeley, Colo.; also one half brother and three half-sisters, Ray Miller of Ohio; Mrs. Geraldine Smith, Kansas City; Mrs. Ray Franks, and Lena Miller of Seattle, Wash.; nine nieces and ten nephews; a host of relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held at the Federated Church at Dover, Saturday afternoon, May 6, in charge of Rev. Horton, of Rossville. There was a large attendance of former neighbors and friends. The pall bearers were Joe Parr, Tom Scott, Cary Crow, Ralph Moyer, Charles Holtrick, Earl Jackson.
Music consisted of two duets by Mrs. Mary Winters and Ray Firestone, and a solo by Tom Scott, all accompanied by Mrs. Mona Winters at the piano.
Interment was made in the Dover cemetery. A legion rifle squad from Rossville, including Joe Navarre, S. B. Stumbaugh, Ernest Tschantz, Tom Dean, Ernest Swearingen, and Clyde Strimple, fired a salute at the grave, and Marvin Davis sounded taps.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Vorhies were down from Delia, last Friday to attend the funeral of her cousin, John Miller held at the Dover Federated church.
CARD OF THANKS – We desire to express our deep gratitude to all those who shared so sympathetically and helpfully in the burden of the long illness and death of our husband and father; especially to the Legion boys for their timely assistance; also for floral offerings and the comfort of music.
Mrs. Blanche Miller and Billy.
8219 |
 | Obituary- Miller, John H. John Hagen Miller was born at Martinsburg, Iowa, July 3, 1866. He departed this life at his home near Delia October 29, 1934.
In his early years he came to Kansas with his parents, settling near Rossville. As a young man he made his home near Delia, and has lived near there ever since.
He was united in marriage to Jennie Jackson, October 31, 1889. Two sons were born to this home, Roy and Claude, both now living in Delia community. Five grandchildren survive him, also one sister, Mrs. C. W. Vorhies, who now becomes the last survivor of a family of seven brothers and sisters.
For many years he was a member of the United Brethren church south of Delia. He never moved his membership, but was a regular attendant of the Presbyterian church in Delia, until his health would no longer permit.
Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church in Delia, Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 31, at 2 with Rev. Wright M. Horton of Rossville bringing the sermon. Music was furnished by a quartet consisting of Mrs. Joe Zlatnik, Mrs. Fred Fuller, Milan and Glenous Hejtmanek, with Mrs. A. E. Moore as accompanist. Pallbearers were Joe Lane, George Ehrhart, G. W. Bryan, E. I. Zirkle, L. T. Houck and E. C. Whitley. Interment was made in the Rossville cemetery.
CARD OF THANKS —We truly thank the friends whose sympathy and helpfulness has made the loss of our father and brother more bearable. The flowers and music also helped to bear a message of comfort. Mr. Roy Miller Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Vorhies
Mrs. C. R. Kimerer, Mrs. Herbert Syring and Maxine drove to Delia, Wednesday afternoon to attend the funeral of John Miller.
8220 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Judith 1 Judith C. Miller
ROSSVILLE — Judith Catherine Miller, 52, Rossville, died Sunday, Jan. 16, 1994, at her home.
Mrs. Miller was assistant librarian at Silver Lake Library.
She was born Jan. 22, 1941 in Topeka, the daughter of Harry E and Katherine Lee Ayers. She had lived in North Topeka for most of her life.
Her husband, Ray Miller, survives of the home.
Other survivors include a daughter, Rhonda Boeckman, Goff: four sons, Rick Miller, Malta, Mont., Ronnie Miller, Twin Falls, Idaho; Rodney Miller, Topeka; and Russell Miller, Carbondale; a brother, John Ayers, Winchester; and two sisters, Peggy Silvers and Millie Ayers, both of Topeka.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Davidson Funeral Home. Burial will be in Rochester Cemetery. Mrs. Miller will lie in state after 11 a.m. at the funeral home.
8221 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Laura In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Laura Miller, who passed away two years ago, November 9th, 1925.
The looms of life weave fast and sure
With threads of joys and sorrows
The longing of the yesterdays.
With fond hopes of tomorrows,
The golden thread in the cloth of life
That none can touch or sever,
Is the lasting love of mother's heart,
That holds all else together.
Sadly missed by her daughter,
Mrs. L.E. Goyette
and Family |
8222 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Laura 2 Laura Miller
This community was greatly saddened Monday morning of this week when word was passed about that Mrs. Harry L. Miller has been called into eternity. She passed away at 2:00 o’clock Monday morning after a seven day illness with pneumonia. Two nurses had been by her bedside and the best that medical skill could do was done to aid her in her battle with the disease.
Laura Alice Rose was born in Holton, Kansas, April 8, 1862. As a girl of 12 years of age she united in church fellowship with the Methodist Episcopal church. She grew to womanhood in her home town. In September 1884, she was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Charles M. Eddy. To this union one daughter, Edith, was born. In the year 1888 sorrow was her portion in the loss of her husband by death. For six years she bravely faced her duty in providing for herself and daughter. On the 15th day on February 1894, she was married to H. L. Miller at Holton, Kansas, and a few weeks later they came to Rossville and for over thirty-one years have made this city their home.
Mrs. Miller has been actively engaged in the various religious, social and community enterprises. She was a charter member of the Ladies Literary and Music Circle, member of the Order of Eastern Star, Security Benefit Association, trustee and communion steward of the Methodist church. She also shared in the business of her husband, tithing her income as a good steward of the Kingdom.
Her home was graced with the advent of another daughter, Clare, who grew to womanhood in this community.
At the time her earthly life closed November 9, she was 63 years, 7 months and six days old. She was loved, esteemed and highly regarded by her family, neighbors and a wide circle of friends and business acquaintances.
She was loyal to every great interest of her life and had entered the Menninger Bible Study classes in Topeka. She was a faithful worker in the church, doing her best until her health became such as to cause her to seek release from so many activities. The community loses a true Christian character, the church a faithful member and her family a devoted wife and mother.
She leaves to mourn her departure, her husband, the two daughters, Edith O’Shaughnessey, of Topeka and Clare Goyette, of Omaha; two brothers, J. W. Rose, Hasty, Colorado and W. B. Rose of ElDorado, Kansas.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at the home at 1:00 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. G. C. Albin, of the Methodist church. Music was furnished by Messrs. N. S. Clothier, of St. Marys, A. A. Cless, Mrs. Peter Navarre and Miss Edith Higginbotham. Miss Velma Lambotte was pianist. The pallbearers were: Messrs. W. V. Hook, E. G. Griswold, C. E. VanVleck, C. E. Gresser, Morris Bond and C. E. Cless.
The body was taken to Topeka for interment in Topeka cemetery.
8223 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Laura R. Laura Rose Stiles Miller
HENDERSON, NV – Laura Rose Stiles Miller, 80, of Henderson, Nevada, formerly of Rossville, Kansas passed away July 31, 2022 at Las Vegas. She was born to Howard N. Stiles and Gertrude Fox Stiles on April 13, 1942 at Dover, Kansas. Most of her early years were spent in Rossville.
Most of her adult years were in Nevada and Arizona. Until her death she had been employed many years by the Las Vegas School District, operating computers.
She was preceded in death by her parents, siblings.
Monte Lee Stiles and Howard Dale Stiles and Marie Owens. She is survived by her sister, Jean Schneider (Patrick) and sister-in-law Toni Stiles, all of Rossville; son David V. Hixon of Maricopa, Arizona; and granddaughter, Ashley Hixon of Chandler, Arizona.
Laura was cremated on September 12, 2022, at Paradise Valley Crematory, Las Vegas, NV.
Celebration of Life will be 10:30 a.m., October 8, 2022 at the Rossville American Legion. Inurnment will be private. Memorials may be given to Rossville American Legion, Rossville, Kansas 66533.
8224 |
 | Obituary- Miller, LeRoy 1 LeRoy G. Miller
LeRoy George Miller, 61, Topeka, died Friday, November 22, 2002, as the result of a farming accident southeast of Willard.
He was born May 10, 1941, on the family farm in West Union Community, Shawnee County, the son of Ralph N. and Irene Josephine Brackish Miller.
He lived on the family farm most of his years. Mr. Miller attended West Union Community school, Rossville Grade School, and graduated from Rossville High School with the class of 1961. He farmed all of his life. He also worked for the Rezac Livestock Commission in St. Marys. He was a member and past board member of the Shawnee County Farm Bureau. Mr. Miller had served on the Dover Township Board and had been a volunteer for the Dover Township Fire Department.
On June 25, 1967, he married Patricia Ann Kemler in Baldwin City. She survives. He was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Kathy Rachelle Miller, on September 24, 1979.
Also surviving him are a son, Kelly W. Miller, Auburn; two daughters, Kim Michelle Link, Williamsburg, and Katy Rachelle Miller, Topeka; three brothers, Quincy M. Miller. Osage City, Earl W. Miller, Perry, and Raymond E. Miller, Topeka. LeRoy and Pat are expecting their first great-grandchild in May 2003.
His service will be at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday (this afternoon) at the Parker-Price Mortuary, 245 NW Independence, Topeka 66608. Burial will be in the Dover Cemetery, Dover. The family received friends Monday evening at the mortuary.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Capper Foundation, 3500 SW 10th Street, Topeka 66604; or to Dover Federated Church, 13442 SW 15th, Topeka 66610.
8225 |
 | Obituary- Miller, LeRoy 2 LeRoy Miller
LeRoy George Miller, 61, Topeka, died Friday, Nov. 22, 2002, in a farming accident southeast of Willard.
Mr. Miller farmed his entire life and raised livestock for the Rezac Livestock Commission at St. Marys. He served on the Dover Township and was a volunteer with the Dover Township Fire Department.
He was born May 10, 1941, on a farm in the West Union Community of Shawnee County to Ralph N. and Irene Josephine Brackish Miller.
He graduated from Rossville High School in 1961.
Mr. Miller was a former board member of the Shawnee County Farm Bureau.
He married Patricia Ann Kemler on June 25, 1967, in Baldwin City. She survives.
Other survivors include a son, Kelly W. Miller, Auburn; two daughters, Kim Michelle Link, Williamsburg, and Katy Rachelle Miller, Topeka; and three brothers, Quincy M. Miller, Osage City, Earl W. Miller, Perry, and Raymond E. Miller, Topeka.
Mr. Miller was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Kathy Rachelle Miller, Sept. 24, 1979.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Parker-Price Mortuary. Burial will be at the Dover Cemetery. Mr. Miller will lie in state after 2 p.m. Monday at the mortuary where visitation will be from 7 to 8 p.m.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Capper Foundation, 3500 S.W. 10th St., Topeka, 66604; or to the Dover Federated Church,
13442 S.W. 15th St., Topeka, 66610.
8226 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Lizzie MRS LIZZIE BELLE MILLER
Mrs. Lizzie Belle Miller, 75 of Maple Hill, Kansas, died Saturday morning at her home after a long illness. She was born February 12, 1883, near Holton, Kansas.
She was united in marriage to Edward S. Miller, December 26, 1900. Funeral services were at 2:00 P. M. Monday at the Maple Hill Congregational Church, Maple Hill, Kansas, Rev. Dean Williams officiating. Burial was in the Maple Hill Cemetery.
She lay in state at the Verschelden Funeral Chapel, St. Marys, Kansas from 1:00 P. M. Sunday until 1:00 P.M. Monday when she lay in state at the church until time of the services. The casket was not opened after the services.
Mrs. Miller is survived by her husband. Edward S. Miller, of the home, one daughter, Mrs. Reed Romig; one granddaughter, Mrs. John Oliver; two great grandchildren: John J. and Anita J. Oliver, all of Maple Hill; three brothers: William Leeper of Great Bend, Kansas, Charles Leeper, Great Falls, Montana, and George Leeper of California; two sisters: Mrs.
Fred Mason of Rossville, and Miss Ada Leeper of Banning, California; and several nieces and nephews.
8227 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Lloyd LLOYD LELAND MILLER
Lloyd Leland Miller, 80 died Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2008, at his rural Delia home.
He was born July 29, 1928, at Delia the son of Claude and Pauline Rezac Miller.
Mr. Miller grew up in the Delia community where he lived all of his life. He graduated from Delia High School in 1946. He served in the Kansas Army National Guard and was called to active duty during the Korean Conflict.
Mr. Miller had been employed at Goodyear Tire and Rubber in Topeka, the missile base site near Delia and later was a rural mail carrier at Delia and Emmett. He was a farmer and stockman all of his life.
He was a member of the Delia Presbyterian Church where he had served as an elder, Sunday school teacher and Sunday school superintendent. He was a member of Jimmie Lillard Post No. 31 of the American Legion at Rossville. He had been a 4-H Leader and a project leader for the Delia 4-H Club and was very active with his grandkids in 4-H.
He was preceded in death by two brothers, DeVere and Donald Miller.
On Oct. 21, 1950, he was united in marriage to Teresa Bixby in Topeka. She survives. Other survivors include a son, Timothy of the home, three daughters, Teresa Myers, Callaway, Neb., Dora (Robert) Reynolds of Delia, and Debe (Rusty) Greene, Topeka; a sister, Eileen Reedy, Topeka; nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Monday, Dec. 29, 2008, at the Delia Presbyterian Church.
Interment with military honors was held in the Delia Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Jackson County Fair Foundation and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple St., St. Marys, KS 66536.
8228 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Lottie Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hause and baby, and his sister, Mrs. E.C. Brooks of Willard, drove to Westmoreland last Friday to attend the funeral service of Alfred and Mrs. Brooks's aunt, Mrs. Lottie Miller who was nearing her 90th anniversary. She passed away Tuesday, of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Powell in Manhattan. |
8229 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Lottie 2 From |
8230 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Mary Mary Martha Miller
Mary Martha Miller, 93, of Topeka entered into eternal peace with Jesus July 17, 2015 at Autumn Home Plus in Topeka, Ks. She was born August 10, 1921 near Rossville, Ks, the daughter of Roy W. and Emma Ruth Trostle Searcy.
She grew up on farms near Rossville, Wamego, Stull, Paxico, and Meriden, graduating from Meriden High School. After graduation, she moved to Topeka. She did housekeeping, secretarial work, and was employed by Duckwalls and then Sears for 31 years retiring in 1980 as Head Cashier. She volunteered at Stormont-Vail for many years. She was an active member of the Kansas Avenue United Methodist Church since 1949, and the Sears and Goodyear retiree groups. She enjoyed farming, animals, helping others, sharing their bountiful garden produce, spending time with family, and praising the Lord."
She married Alvin L. Miller November 9, 1940 in North Topeka. He died June 12, 2003. She is survived by a son, Larry A. Miller (Carolyn), of Topeka; two granddaughters, Kristi R. Miller of Roeland Park, Ks, and Melanie K. Miller of Topeka; one sister, Pearl Wood (Hebron, Ky); three brothers, Edward, Carl and Ray Searcy, all of Topeka; and many nieces and nephews.
One brother, Glenn Searcy, and five sisters, Thelma Stoneberger, Lucille Hosier, Dorothy Wright, Golda Plumly, and Eileen Creveling, preceded her in death.
A funeral service will be 10:00 am Thursday, July 23, 2015, at Davidson Funeral Home, Topeka. Interment will follow at Rochester Cemetery.
She will lie in state from 1:00-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday at Davidson Funeral Home, where the family will receive friends from 7-8:30 p.m.
Memorials may be made to Kansas Avenue United Methodist Church in care of Davidson Funeral Home. To leave the family a message, or view her obituary please visit
8231 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Moses Mr. Moses Miller, a brother-in-law of Mr. Wm. Hook, is very ill with typhoid fever, and his recovery is in serious doubt.
[From the Kansas Valley Times, Friday, September 24, 1880] |
8232 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Pauline 1 Mrs .Pauline R. Miller
DELIA — Mrs. Pauline Rezac Miller, 88, Delia, died Wednesday, March 19, at her home.
She taught two and one-half years in the Victor School District No. 101 in Shawnee County. The building is now on the Kansas Historical Soci¬ety grounds west of Topeka.
She was born March 3, 1898, at Rossville, the daughter of James and Victoria Macha Rezac, and spent her life in the Rossville and Delia com- munities.
Mrs. Miller was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Women, and Delia Community Quitt¬ers, all at Delia, and the Victor School District No. 101 Alumni Asso¬ciation.
She was married to Claude M. Miller Dec. 6, 1919, at Rossville. He died June 18, 1968.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Eileen Reedy, Topeka; three sons, Donald W. Miller and Lloyd L. Mill-er, both of Delia, and DeVere C. Miller, Willard; a sister, Mrs. Elsie Lynde, Topeka; three brothers, Rich-ard Rezac, Santa Rosa, Calif., and Ernest W. Rezac, and James Rezac, both of Rossville; 16 grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Satur¬day at the Delia , Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Delia Cem¬etery. Relatives and friends will meet from 7 until 8 p.m. Friday at Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys. Memorial contributions may be made to the Delia Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Pauline Rezac Miller, 88, Delia, died Wednesday, March 19, 1986, at her home.
She taught two and one-half years in the Victor School District No. 101 in Shawnee County. The building is now on the Ward-Meade grounds west of Topeka.
She was born March 3, 1898, at Rossville, the daughter of James and Victoria Macha Rezac, and spent her life in the Rossville and Delia communities.
Mrs. Miller was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Women, and Delia Community Quilters, all at Delia, and the Victor School District No. 101 Alumni Association.
She was married to Claude M. Miller December 6, 1919, at Rossville. He died June 18, 1968.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Eileen Reedy, Topeka; three sons, Donald W. Miller and Lloyd L. Miller, both of Delia, and DeVere C. Miller, Willard; a sister, Mrs. Elsie Lynde, Topeka; three brothers, Richard Rezac, Santa Rosa, Calif., Ernest W. Rezac and James Rezac, both Of Rossville; 16 grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren.
Services were at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Delia Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Delia Cemetery. Relatives and friends met from 7 until 8 p.m. Friday at Verschelden Funeral Home in St. Marys.
Memorial contributions may be. made to the Delia Presbyterian Church.
8233 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Phyllis 1 Phyllis Miller
ROSSVILLE — Phyllis Fawn Sorden Miller, 76, Rossville, died Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2000, at her home.
She was born May 19, 1923, in Campion, Colo., the daughter of Walter Alfred and Lily Fawn Deer Sorden. She was raised in the Oakland community in Topeka, and she attended Topeka High School.
Mrs. Miller was a member of Rossville Presbyterian Church.
She married Clyde H. Miller on May 17, 1940, in Topeka. He survives.
Other survivors include four daughters,
Peggy Wilkinson, Burlington, Donna Dewhurst, Niskayuna, N.Y., Linda Wehner, Rossville, and Kate McNorton, Topeka; a son, Bradley C. Miller, Rossville; a sister, Flora, Stwalley, Topeka; 13 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 2:30 p.m. Friday at the Rossville Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in the Rossville Cemetery. Mrs. Miller will lie in state after 2 p.m. today at Piper Funeral Home in Rossville, where visitation will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Rossville Senior Center and sent in care of the funeral home.
8234 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Phyllis 2 Phyllis Miller
Phyllis Fawn Sorden Miller, 76, Rossville, died Tuesday, January 11, 2000, at her home.
She was born May 19, 1923, in Campion, CO, the daughter of Walter Alfred and Lily Fawn Deer Sorden.
She was raised in the Oakland community of Topeka, and attended school at State Street, Holiday Junior High, and Topeka High School. She was a member of the Rossville Presbyterian Church and the Rossville Literary and Music Circle. She was an active member of the Rossville Senior Citizens and enjoyed doing volunteer work.
She worked at Del Monte Cannery and was a welder at the shipyards in Vancouver, WA, during World War II.
She married Clyde H. Miller May 17, 1940, in Topeka. He survives.
Other survivors include four daughters, Peggy Wilkinson, Burlington, Donna Dewhurst, Niskayuna, NY, Linda Wehner, Rossville, and Kate McNorton, Topeka; one son, Bradley C. Miller, Rossville; one sister, Flora Stwalley, Topeka; 13 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Her service was at 2:30 Friday afternoon at the Rossville Presbyterian Church. Burial was in the Rossville Cemetery. A family visitation was held Thursday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Piper Funeral Chapel in Rossville.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Rossville Senior Center and sent in care of the funeral chapel.
8235 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Phyllis K. Phyllis "Kate" Miller
Topeka - Phyllis "Kate" Miller, 61, of Topeka, passed away on January 5, 2022 surrounded by her children.
She was born on November 12, 1960 to Clyde and Phyllis (Sorden) Miller in Topeka, KS.
Kate graduated from Washburn University in 1995 with a degree in business. She worked for the United States Postal Service for 24 years. Kate went above and beyond in her role as a mother to her children, and without hesitation would extend that "momness" to the friends and significant others of her children. She loved being a grandmother more than anything, often spoiling her grandchildren & telling stories about them whenever she got the chance.
Kate is survived by her life partner, James Hagedorn; children, Katie (Phillip) Martin, Morgan (Leonard Cobin Jr.) McNorton, Thomas McNorton, and Haley (Andrew) Golding; grandchildren, Grace Bartley, Jacob Bartley, Camden Martin, and expecting Baby Martin in August 2022.
She was preceded in death by both of her parents; her sister, Peggy Wilkinson, and her son-in-law Kyle Bartley.
Memorial services will be held on Thursday, January 20, 2022, 3:00 pm at the Parker-Price Cremations, Funerals & Receptions.
Memorial contributions may be made to Kate Miller Fund to be used for her grandchildren's future.
To leave a special message for the family online, please visit |
8236 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Raymond Raymond E. Miller
ROSSVILLE, KS - Raymond E. Miller, 67, of Rossville, passed away Saturday, March 17, 2007.
He was born April 11, 1939 in St. Louis, Missouri, the son of Raymond L. and Margie (White) Miller. He was raised by his grandmother, Myrtle White. He served in the United States Air Force. He was employed by Western Electric and later started Ray’s Electronics in Rossville. He worked with the cable television company to bring cable TV to Rossville and surrounding communities.
He married Judith C. Ayers in 1959. She preceded him in death on January 21, 1994. He was also preceded in death by his parents, step-father, Johnny Deuser, and a sister, Judith Lawson. Survivors include five children, Rick Miller of Lewistown, Montana, Ron Miller of Twin Falls, Idaho, Rhonda Boeckman of Sabetha, Kansas; Rod Miller of Freemont, California, and Russ Miller of Rossville, Kansas; and 18 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be 10 a.m., Thursday, March 22, 2007 at the Davidson Funeral Home in Topeka. Mr. Miller will lie in state from Noon to 9 p.m., Wednesday at the funeral home where the family will receive friends from 7-8 p.m. Interment will be at Rochester Cemetery, Topeka.
8237 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Robert L. Robert Lee Miller
Robert Lee Miller, 68, of Topeka passed away Monday, January 27, 2014, after battling a long illness.
A visitation will be Wednesday, from 6 - 8 p.m. at Kevin Brennan Family Funeral Home, 2801 SW Urish Road, Topeka KS. A funeral service will be Thursday at 10:00 a.m. at the funeral home with burial to follow at 2:00 p.m. in the Delia Cemetery, Delia KS.
Memorial contributions may be made to Second Wind (a lung transplant fund) or to Helping Hands Humane Society.
A complete obituary and a place for online condolences may be found at |
8238 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Robert L. In Loving Memory of
Robert L. "Bob” Miller 1930-2016
Services & Gatherings
Mount Hope Cemetery and Mausoleum Chapel
4700 SW 17th Street, Topeka, KS
Robert Leland Miller
Robert Leland Miller, 86, Topeka, died Wednesday, July 13, 2016. He was born January 20,1930, in Rossville, the son of Earl Ward and Dorotha Pearl (Rose) Miller.
Bob was educated in the Topeka Public School system. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict. He began attending Washburn University night school at thirty-six years of age and nine years later he earned a BBA in business administration. He worked at the S.S. Kresge Dollar store as assistant manager and then worked thirty-six years for Stevenson Co., Inc., the last thirty-four years before retiring he served as Secretary-Treasurer. Bob was a member of Countryside United Methodist Church. He formerly was a member of and a past chairman of the Board of Trustees of Euclid Methodist Church, a past member of the board of directors of the Midwest Roofing Contractors’ Association, a past-president of the Topeka Materialmen’s Association, a member of Capital Post # 1 of the American Legion, a member of Shawnee Country Club for more than 34 years and a former member of both the Topeka Chamber of Commerce and the Kansas State Chamber of Commerce. He was a member of Golden Rule Lodge # 90, AF & AM; Topeka Scottish Rite Bodies; and Arab Shriners where he was a member of the Legion of Honor and Golfers Unit.
Surviving are three children: Steven L. Miller (Janet) of Big Horn, WY, Carolyn Henderson (Jaime) of Topeka, and John R. Miller (GiGi) of Topeka; siblings: Richard E. Miller (Nancy) of Topeka, Alice Kay Laufenberg (Dick) of Bellevue, NE and Ralph E. Miller (Pam) of Topeka; grandchildren: Kristi Henderson (Christian Williams) of Lawrence, Kerri Futrell (Ryan) of Mission, Joshua Miller of Topeka, Jeremiah Miller of Mayetta, Jessie Miller of Denver, Hope Winget of Charlotte, NC, and Katie Henderson of Topeka; son-in-law: Russell Winget of Charlotte, NC; and his love of sixteen years: Debby Hunt of Topeka.
He was preceded in death by his parents; a daughter: Connie J. Miller-Winget on February 13, 2012; and sisters: Ann Miles and Delores Pagel.
Private graveside services will be in Mount Hope Cemetery, 4700 SW Seventeenth, Topeka.
Memorial contributions maybe made to the American Cancer Society, 1315 SW Arrowhead Road, Topeka, KS 66604.
To share a memory of Bob or to leave a special message of condolence, please click the “Share Memories” button above.
8239 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Robert L. 2 Robert Miller
February 4, 1945 - January 27, 2014
Robert Miller, 88, of Topeka, passed away Monday, January 27, 2014, after battling a long illness, Robert was born on February 4; 1945, in Wamego KS, the son of Harold and Martha (Smith) Miller. He grew up and went to public schools in Wamego graduating from Wamego High School. He met Linda Leonard and they were married in 1982 in Wamego and spent over thirty-two wonderful years together. Robert worked as a plumber for his entire working career. He first worked for Modern Plumbing in Wamego and then for KPL- Westar. His other interests included hunting and fishing, working on the farm, and playing with his grandchildren and other neighborhood children. He was a member of St, Luke’s Episcopal Church and the NRA, Robert is survived by his wife, Linda; his mother, Martha Miller, Wamego KS; his children, Jeff (Jane) Milter, Topeka KS, Kim O’Hara, Wichita KS, Chris Miller, Ft. Lauderdale FL, Ginger Bohn, Topeka KS, Roxanne Hulse, Exeter NE; his sister, Beverly Beach, Arlington TX; 10 grandchildren and one great-grandchild, He is preceded in death by his father; a brother, Gary; and a grandchild, Quinlynn. A visitation for Robert will be Wednesday from 6 - 8 at Kevin Brennan Family Funeral Home, 2801 SW Urish Road, Topeka Ks. A funeral service will be Thursday at 10:00 a.m. at the funeral home. Burial will follow at 2:00 p.m. at the Delia cemetery in Delia, Ks. Memorial Contributions are suggested to Second Wind Lung Transplant Assoc, Inc. 2998 Jesmond Dene Heights Road, Escondido, Ca 92026 or Helping Hands Humane Society, 2625 NW Rochester Rd, Topeka Ks 66617.
8240 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Robert N. Robert Norman Miller
Tacoma, Wash. - Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Buckley-King Mortuary here for Robert Norman Miller, 65, Tacoma, Wash., formerly of Delia. He died Tuesday, Sept. 25, at a Tacoma hospital.
Mr. Miller was a laborer in a cement factory at Tacoma.
He was born Sept. 26, 1919, at Delia, the son of William Paul and Florence M. Stewart Miller. He lived in Tacoma since 1975.
Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Lillian Marzine Finch, Topeka, and Mrs. Rita L. Wessel, Tempe, Ariz.
Burial will be in Haven of Rest Memorial Park, Gig Harbor, Wash. |
8241 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Robert P. Robert Peter Miller Sr.
Robert Peter Miller Sr., age 81, of Topeka, passed away Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at the Rossville Healthcare Center. Robert was born November 21, 1932, in Topeka, Kansas, the son of Peter and Alice (Barrett) Miller. Robert proudly served in the United States Army. Robert retired from General Printing and Paper in 1991 after 30 plus years of employment.
He married Joyce (Wray) Miller and they had 4 children; Susan (Bob) Wells, Ellen (Jim) Bryndle, Robert P. (Renee) Miller Jr., and Amy (Tim) Grier. Robert was preceded in death by Joyce in 1990 and Ellen in 2009. Robert then married Helen (Spears) Miller in 1992; she had three children. He will be dearly missed by all of his family including his grandchildren and nieces and nephews.
Robert and Helen enjoyed spending time at their homes in Arizona and Topeka.
Funeral services will be Wednesday, July 30 at 11:00 a.m. at Davidson Funeral Home. Interment will be at Topeka Cemetery following services. Visitation will be one hour before the services from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Memorial contributions may be made to the Kansas Children's Service League and sent in care of the Davidson Funeral Home. Online condolences may be made at
8242 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Rosalie 1 ROSALIE C. MILLER
Rosalie Christine Miller, 70, 2075 S.W. Fillmore, died Thursday, August 1, 1985, at a Topeka hospital.
She was born September 9, 1914, in Delia, the daughter of Christian Martin and Marcelena Masopust Miller.
Miss Miller was a member of Assumption Catholic Church and Friendly Neighbor Club in Topeka.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Virginia Parks, Topeka, and Mrs. Margie Dayton, Champaign, Ill.; a son, Joe Buchholz Jr., Olathe; a sister, Mrs. Katherine Depenbrink, Arizona; three brothers, Donald Miller and Charles Miller, both of Albuquerque, N.M., and Melford Miller, Canyon Lake, Tex.; eight grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren.
Services were at 11 a.m. Monday at Penwell-Gabel Funeral Home. Burial was in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Ring-A-Day at 5309 N.W. Indian Creek Road, Topeka, 66617, or 1315 Buchanan, Topeka, 66604.
8243 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Rosalie 2 Rosalie C. Miller
Rosalie Christine Miller, 70, 2075 S.W. Fillmore, died Thursday, Aug. 1, at a Topeka hospital.
She was born Sept. 9, 1914, in Delia, the daughter of Christian Martin and Marcelena Masopust Miller.
Miss Miller was a member of Assumption Catholic Church and Friendly Neighbor Club in Topeka.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Virginia Parks, Topeka, and Mrs. Margie Dayton, Champaign, Ill.; a son, Joe Buchholz Jr., Olathe; a sister, Mrs. Katherine Depenbrink, Arizona; three brothers, Donald Miller and Charles Miller, both of Albuquerque, N.M., and Melford Miller, Canyon Lake, Texas; eight grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Penwell-Gabel Funeral Home. Burial will be in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Ring-A-Day at 5309 N.W. Indian Creek Road, Topeka, 66617, or 1315 Buchanan, Topeka, 66604.
8244 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Roy Roy Miller
HOLTON — Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Mercer Funeral Home here for Roy C. Miller, 82, Holton, who died early Friday in an Onaga hospital where he had been a patient about four weeks.
He was born Oct. 12, 1890, at Delia and spent most of his life in the Delia community. He lived in the Holton community the past 10 years.
He was a mail carrier in the Delia community 37 years before he retired in 1960. He was a member of Evangel United Methodist Church at Holton.
He was married to Ada McKeever Nov. 24, 1937. She survives.
Other survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Maxine Trimble, Point Lookout, Mo., and Sharon Miller, Fort Sill, Okla.
Burial will be in Holton Cemetery.
8245 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Sharon 1 Sharon Lee Miller
HOLTON — Military graveside ser-vices will be conducted by the funeral support team from Fort Leavenworth at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Holton Cemetery for Sharon Lee Miller, 52, Hollister, Mo., formerly of Holton, who died Saturday, April 10, 1993, at her home.
Miss Miller served 27 1/2 years in the Army Special Services Corps as a dietician. She was discharged in October 1989 at the rank of lieutenant colonel. Her foreign duty tours included Japan, Germany and Panama.
After she was discharged she lived in Columbus, Ga., until she moved to Hollister to live with a sister and brother-in-law, Maxine and Herbert Trimble.
She was born Aug. 14, 1940, in Holton, the daughter of Roy and Ada McKeever Miller. She attended Delia public schools and was graduated from Kansas State University in Manhattan.
Miss Miller was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Delia, American Dietetic Association and Retired Army Officers Association.
Survivors include a sister, Maxine Trimble, at home.
Earlier services will be at 7 p.m. today at Whelchel Funeral Chapel in Branson, Mo. Visitation will follow services in Branson.
Memorial contributions may be made to Ozark Mountain Hospice, 118 N. 3rd, Branson, Mo., 65616.
8246 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Sharon 2 Miller
Funeral services for Sharon Lee Miller, 52, Hollister, Mo., will be ; held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday evening, April 13 at the Whelchel Funeral Chapel in Branson, Mo. Officiating will be Dr. Wayne Adcock, Chaplain of the College of the Ozarks.
Sharon Miller died Saturday, April 10, 1993 at her sister's home.
She was born 1940 in Holton, the daughter of Roy and Ada McKeever Miller. She attended public schools in Delia and graduated from Kansas State University in Manhattan.
After graduation she joined the Special Services Corp of the United States Army as a dietitian. She served in the U.S. Army for 27-1/2 years, and was discharged in October of 1989 with the rank of Lt. Col. Her tours of foreign duty included Japan, Germany, and Panama. After leaving the Army she made her home in Columbus, Ga., until she moved to Hollister to live with her sister.
She was a member of the Delia Presbyterian Church, the American Dietetic Association and the Retired Army officers association.
Survivors include her sister, Maxine Trimble, Hollister, Mo.; an aunt, Mrs. Dorothy Davis, Goff; and several cousins.
Graveside military services will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 14 at the Holton Cemetery, Holton. Memorials may be made to Ozark Mountain Hospice, 118 N. 3rd, Branson, Mo. 65616. Presenting the service will be the Funeral Support Team from Fort Leavenworth. Whelchel Funeral Chapel, Branson, Mo., is in charge of arrangements.
8247 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Teresa C. Miller
Theresa [sic- Teresa] C. Miller, 90, Rossville, passed away Saturday June 11, 2022, at The University of Kansas St. Francis Campus in Topeka.
Teresa was born March 21, 1932, at Rossville, the daughter of Oscar H. and Charlotte Hurla Bixby. She graduated from Rossville High School with the class of 1950.
Teresa was a homemaker and caregiver to her son Timothy. She was a member of the Delia Presbyterian Church and the women’s group at the church. She had been a 4-H leader many years and was a member of the EHU.
On Oct. 21, 1950, Teresa was united in marriage to Lloyd L. Miller in Topeka. He preceded her death on Dec. 24, 2008. She was also preceded in death by her son, Timothy, on Feb. 3, 2018; a grandson, Bruce Reynolds, on July 22, 2020; a great-grandson, Monte Bleakley, in 2015; and a sister, Betty Cummings, on Jan. 13, 2019.
Survivors include three daughters, Terrie Malcolm, Callaway, Neb., Dora (Robert) Reynolds, Delia, and Debe Green, Hiwasse, Ark.; two sisters, Genevieve Jennsen and Patricia Bixby, both of Rossville; nine grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren.
Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 18 at Piper Funeral Home in St. Marys. The family will receive friends from 10 a.m. until the service. Interment will be held in Delia Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Terry John Cancer Research Center, sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple St., St. Marys, KS 66536. To leave online condolences, go to
8248 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Timothy Timothy Miller
February 3, 2018
Rossville—Timothy Lloyd Miller, 56, passed away Saturday, February 3, 2018 at his home in Rossville.
He was born January 5, 1962 at Topeka, Kansas the son of Lloyd and Teresa Bixby Miller. Tim attended The Capper Foundation School and Delia Schools. He was a member of the Delia Presbyterian Church.
Tim was preceded in death by his father, Lloyd Miller on December 24, 2008, and a great-nephew, Monte Bleakley.
Survivors include his mother, Teresa Miller of the home; three sisters, Terri Myers Malcom, Callaway, NE., Dora (Robert) Reynolds, Delia, and Debe (Rusty) Greene, Topeka/Hiwasse, AR; aunts, Ivaleu Miller, Delia, Patricia Bixby, and Genevieve Jenssen both of Rossville and Betty Cummings, St. Marys; 9 nieces and nephews and many great-nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be at 10:00 A.M. Thursday, February 8, 2018 at Piper Funeral Home in St. Marys. Interment will be in the Delia Cemetery. Tim will lie in state after 2:00 and the family will receive friends from 6:00 until 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the Johnson Cancer Research Center at KSU. and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple St., St. Marys, KS. 66536.
8249 |
 | Obituary- Miller, Valentine From |
8250 |
 | Obituary- Milligan, Jack JACK MILLIGAN
Jack Milligan, aged 74, died Saturday forenoon at the Henry McGuire home. Mr. Milligan had spent the past 30 or 35 years, off and on, living along the Kaw River between Cross Creek and the vicinity of Maple Hill trapping and fishing.
At the time of his death he had been living in a tent near the mouth of Cross Creek or Dr. Miller’s land. Early last week he fell and badly bruised his face and evidently in so weakened condition his foot landed in his wood stove and was badly burned. Exposure brought on pneumonia.
Some local men chopping wood nearby finally induced him to come to town and he was brought to the McGuire home last Thursday.
Mr. Milligan was close mouthed about his living relatives, if any, and about his personal affairs. He had been a roamer all his life, working at times in the South, in the mountain states and on the west coast
The body was taken in charge by the county authorities and he was buried at Topeka Tuesday of this week.