m. 26 Feb 1977
Documents |
 | Marriage- Matyak, Shirley-Jenssen, David [Caption: Mrs. David Jenssen (Shirley Matyak)]
Shirley M. Matyak and David W. Jenssen exchanged marriage vows at 2 p.m. Feb. 26 in the First Baptist Church with the Rev. Dr. Paul Eppinger officiating.
Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Matyak and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Jenssen, Rossville.
The bride was attended by Robyn Brooks and Denise Brinkmeyer; and Donna Jenssen, Rossville.
Attending the bridegroom were Marlin Case, Eskridge; Ed Jenssen and Darryl Jenssen, Rossville; and Ed Thomas.
Mrs. Jenssen was graduated from Topeka West High School and is employed by Washburn University. Mr. Jenssen is a graduate of Rossville High School and is employed by Topeka Metal Specialities.
The couple is at home at 2333 Edgewater Ter.
[From 1977] |
 | Bridal Shower- Matyak, Shirley Bridal Shower Honors Shirley Matyak
Miss Shirley Matyak, bride-elect of Mr. David Jenssen, was honored with a bridal shower on Sunday, February 6. The couple will be married Saturday, February 26, at the First Baptist Church in Topeka.
Hostesses for the shower were Mrs. Lydia Anderson and Mrs. Genevieve Matyak of Delia at the Anderson home in Topeka. Guests attending were Charlotte Bixby, Genevieve Jenssen and Donna Jenssen, Rossville; Dorothy Matyak, Roxie Dreasher, Marcia Matyak, Kathy Matyak, Dorothy Barnes, Josephine Landis, Fern Jenssen, Topeka; and Monica Matyak, Delia.
Miss Shirley Matyak, Topeka, was honored with a miscellaneous bridal shower on Wednesday, February 9, at the home of Miss Robyn Brooks and Mrs. Robert Brooks in Topeka. Those attending were Genevieve Jenssen and Donna Jenssen, Rossville; Dorothy Matyak, Denise Brinkmeyer, Lori Putnam and Lori Lewis, Topeka.