m. 1 Feb 1958
Born |
Died |
Buried |
Married |
1 Feb 1958 |
Dover, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Father |
Mother |
Documents |
 | Marriage- Moran, Eva-Riley, Charles
Moran - Riley wedding is solemnized in Dover
The marriage of Eva Moran, dau-ghter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Moran, Topeka, and Charles E. Riley was solemnized Saturday afternoon, February 1, at the Federated Church in Dover.
The Rev. Mr. Williams read the vows. Mrs. George Lambotte was organist and Phil Kissling sang. Candles were lighted by Jerry Wright and Mike Weaver, Maple Hill.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a ballerina gown of Chantilly lace and tulle. The fitted bodice of lace had an illusion yoke and Queen Anne collar. The tulle skirt had a deep peplum of lace. She wore a single strand of pearls, a gift of the groom. Her veil was of white tulle. Red roses and white carnations on a white Bible formed the bridal bouquet.
Matron of honor was Mrs. Murrell Wright, sister of the bride. She wore an aqua brocadwore an aqua brocaded silk and rayon ballerina-length gown and carried pink carnations.
Ellen Moran was flower girl. Her dress was of a pink print with pink organdy overskirt. A pink carnation half wreath was in her hair. Willie Pletcher, Rossville, was ring bearer.
Austin Riley was best man. Francis Moran, brother of the bride, and James Heath, Manhattan, were ushers.
A reception following the ceremony was given at the church. Assisting friends were: Mrs. Kyle Moran, Mrs. Ben Grindol, Mrs. Gayle Blythe, Dover, Mrs. Francis Moran, Mrs. Kenneth Moran, Mrs. Wayne Weaver, and Mrs. William Pletcher, Rossville.
The bride, a graduate of Dover High School, attended Clark’s Business School and is employed in the Santa Fe offices.
The groom, also a graduate of Dover High School, was graduated from Kansas State College January 25, 1958.