m. 22 Apr 1951
Documents |
 | Marriage- Spears, Ruth-Tripp, Henry Spears-Tripp
Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Spears of Rossville, Kansas announce the marriage of their daughter, Ruth Elaine too Mr. Henry Sanford Tripp, son of Mrs. Sarah Johnson of Clay Center, Kans.
The wedding took place Sunday, April 22, at 2 o'clock in the Rossville Methodist church. The Rev. Don L. Jones performed the double ring ceremony before an altar decorated with baskets of pink gladioli and yellow snapdragons, palms and four candelabra decorated with olive leaves yellow clematis and holding lighted white tapers. The pews were marked with white satin bows decorated with initiated red hearts.
Mrs. Joe Campbell, violinist, accompanied by Mrs. Don Berkey at the piano played four Nuptial selections before the ceremony. Mrs. Don Berkey sang, "Intrigue Me Not to Leave Thee," and "My Hero," preceding the ceremony and "Wedding Prayer" at the close the ceremony. She was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Joe Campbell who also played the traditional wedding marches.
The bride given in marriage by her father was lovely in a dress of white nylon net and chantilly lace. The dress was fashioned with lace bodice long pointed lace sleeves, net yoke and net ballerina-length skirt with points of lace extending deep into the skirt. The finger-tip-length veil of bridal illusion trimmed with chantilly lace was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls. She carried an orchid with white satin streamers on a white Bible.
Mrs. Junior Dick was matron of honor wearing a pink dotted organdy dress with full ballerina-length skirt. She wore a veil of pink net and pink mitts. She carried a colonial bouquet of white gladioli and yellow clematis.
Mr. Junior Dick was the groom's best man. The ushers were Mr. Earl Tripp brother of the groom and Mr. Donald Queen, brother-in-law of the bride.
Mrs. Spears chose for her daughter's wedding a navy blue lace dress with white and yellow accessories. Mrs. Johnson wore a grey dress with white and black accessories. They both wore corsages of white gardenias and yellow clematis.
A reception for all present was held in the church parlor following the ceremony. The four tiered wedding cake was cut by Mrs. Earl Tripp assisted by Mrs. Wallace Vilven. Mrs. Wilford Vilven, aunt of the bride, poured the punch. Mrs. Charles Keller was in charge of the guest book and Miss Shirley Jean Lambert was in charge of the gift table. Other friends assisting were Mrs. James Wade, Mrs. Howard French, Mrs. Ralph Page and Mrs. Roy Gentry.
For traveling, the bride chose a navy blue gaberdine three piece suit with mauve pink accessories. She wore a pink orchid.
After a weeks wedding trip over the northern route to California the couple will make their home near San Diego, Calif., where Mr. Tripp will be stationed with the U.S. Navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Tripp are both graduates of Rossville High School. Mrs. Tripp attended Kansas State college, Manhattan three semesters. Mr. Tripp has been with the U.S. Navy the past three and one half years. He is Aeronautics Technician second class with Fighter Squadron 111. He was attached to the Aircraft Carrier the Philippine Sea which has been in Korean waters the past nine months.
Those from out of town attending the wedding were: Mrs. L.F. Hare, Mrs. Sara Johnson, Mrs. Myra Johnson, Mrs. Mildred Glaze, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hare, Richard and Larry and Mrs. Florence Hare all of Clay Center, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jones and son, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Hill and son of Belleville, Mr. Arthur Vilven, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Vilven, Mrs. Wilford Vilven, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Vilven and son, Miss Rachel Timmons, Mrs. George Omar, Mrs. Bruce Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. Robt. Hartig all of Wamego; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fleming and Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCormick of Louisville, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wilson of St. George, Mrs. Steve McCoy and Barbara Jean Spears of Denison, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spears and sons of Cushing, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Queen, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Martin, Mrs. Donald McCorkill, Mrs. Ida Pitman, Mrs. Wm. F. Ableatt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tucker, Mrs. Elmer Crosk and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Hale all of Topeka, Miss Virginia Polson, Razel, Kansas; Miss Louise Starr, Paola, Ks.; Mrs. Charles Harkness III of California, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Page, Manhattan; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thurman of Kansas City, Mo.
26 Apr 1951
[Note at bottom in 1957 Henry re-married Louise Whitlock; Ruth re-married to Bill Larson] |