m. 4 Aug 1926
Born |
4 Apr 1903 |
Delia, Jackson County, Kansas  |
Died |
5 Oct 2001 |
Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Buried |
Rossville Cemetery, Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Married |
4 Aug 1926 |
Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Father |
Paul Peter Kovar, Jr. | F693 Group Sheet |
Mother |
Frances Kovarik Kovar | F693 Group Sheet |
Born |
5 Aug 1927 |
Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Died |
17 Jun 1990 |
Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Buried |
Rossville Cemetery, Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Spouse |
Stanley Amos Davis | F1558 |
Married |
31 Jan 1947 |
Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
 | Anniversary- Kovar, Emial and Carrie 1 Emial Kovars to Celebrate Golden Anniversary
Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Emial Kovar are invited to join them in celebration of their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, August 1, between 1:30 and 4 p.m. The reception will be held at the American Legion Hall in Rossville. The couple requests no gifts.
Hosts for the reception are the Kovar's daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis, Route 8, Topeka; their granddaughters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Martinek, Delia, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sage, Topeka. The Kovars have one great-grandchild, Dustin Martinek, Delia.
The honored couple was married by the Rev. Joseph Leksa on August 4,1926 at 4 p.m. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cerny, the bride's parents. After a wedding dinner was served at the home, the couple was honored at a wedding dance held at the Moravan Hall.
Mrs. Carrie Kovar is the former Carrie Cerny. The couple farmed north of Rossville before moving to town in February of 1947. They have resided at their present address, 637 South Main in Rossville, since June, 1948.
 | Anniversary- Kovar, Emial and Carrie 2 Emial and Carrie Kovar Celebrated 50th Anniversary in Rossville
On Sunday, August 1, friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Emial Kovar, Rossville, gathered at the American Legion Hall to honor the couple on their 50th wedding anniversary. Guests were greeted at the door by the Kovars’ nieces, Mrs. Edith McClain, Rossville, and Mrs. Marcia Terrill, Topeka. Mr. and Mrs. Kovar’s daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis, Route 8, Topeka, stood with them as they received their guests at the reception. Nieces of the honored couple, Patricia Tomson, Rossville, and Joyce Thompson, LaVetta Seitz and Betty Seitz, all of Topeka, assisted with the serving of refreshments - punch, a three-tiered cake, nuts and mints. The Kovars’ granddaughters, Mrs. Beverly Martinek, Delia, and Mrs. Carolyn Sage, Topeka, attended the gift table.
Many relatives of the Kovars traveled a great distance to be with them on this special occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kovar came from Wenatchee, Wash. Edd Kovar is Mr. Kovar’s brother and was the best man at their wedding, August 4, 1926. Other family members from out of this immediate area were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kovar, Atchison; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kovar, Overland Park; Mr. and Mrs. George Kovar, Merriam; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kovar, Shawnee Mission; and Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCollough, Overland Park. Mrs. Helen Helms, Wichita, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kovar. Mrs. Helms stood in proxy at the reception for her sister, Mrs. Alice Cemy Seitz, who was the couple’s maid of honor 50 years ago. Mrs. Helms is Carrie’s youngest sister.
Also traveling a great distance to see the
Kovars were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tichy, cousins of Carrie arid Emial, from Wilbur, Nebr. The couple received a surprise phone call from Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hebrew, relatives who live in Delta, Colo.
Many relatives, friends and families made the Kovar’s Golden Wedding Anniversary a joyous one with their many cards, gifts and good wishes.
 | Anniversary- Kovar, Emial and Carrie 3 Basket Supper To Honor Kovars
Carrie and Emial Kovar, Rossville, will be celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary with a basket supper on Sunday, August 9, at 6 p.m. at the Rossville Presbyterian Church. A program will follow the meal.
All relatives and friends are cordially invited to attend the celebration and extend their best wishes to the couple. |
 | Anniversary- Kovar, Emial and Carrie 4 Happy 59th Anniversary
to Emil [sic Emial] and Carrie Kovar
on August 4, 1985.
Our love to you both always:
Daughter and husband, Dorothy and Stanley; grandchildren and great-grandchildren --Carolyn, Tom, Ryan and Tracy; Beverly, Dwight and Dustin. |