m. 5 Jan 1910
Born |
11 Aug 1912 |
Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Died |
8 Oct 1998 |
Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Buried |
Silver Lake Cemetery, Silver Lake, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Spouse |
Elizabeth Ellen Wyatt Lambert | F1742 |
Married |
31 Dec 1932 |
Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Spouse |
Lorene A Malloy Murren Lambert | F1743 |
Married |
28 Oct 1989 |
Silver Lake, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Born |
9 Jul 1914 |
Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Died |
24 Jan 2002 |
Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Buried |
Mount Hope Cemetery, Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Spouse |
Arthur L Hallert | F3706 |
Married |
19 Feb 1939 |
Olathe, Johnson County, Kansas  |
Documents |
 | Marriage- Shipley, Georgia-Lambert, William and Williams, Lela-Patton, Charles Mr. Wm. Lambert and Miss Georgia Shipley were united in marriage Tuesday of this week by Probate Judge Schoch at his office in Topeka.
Mr. Chas. Patton and Miss Lela Williams, both of this city, were married by Judge Schoch Tuesday morning at his office in Topeka.
Both of the contracting couples are well known young people of this town and the Reporter wishes them well.
 | Anniversary- Lambert, William and Georgia Lamberts Honored On 55th Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hallert of Topeka entertained with a family dinner Tuesday evening in honor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lambert of Rossville, on their 55th wedding anniversary.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cormack, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson of Topeka, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lambert, Mrs. Docia Wyatt and Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Lambert and Michelle of Silver Lake.