m. 2 Apr 1948
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 | Anniversary- Martin, Gerald and Doris Gerald and Doris Martin of Meriden will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary as guests of honor at a reception from 7 to 9 p.m. and a dance from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday, all at the VFW Hall in Meriden.
Hosts will be their children, Larry and Jeannie Martin, Valley Falls, and Keith and Becky Martin, Topeka, and their three grandchildren. The couple have three great-grandchildren.
Gerald T. Martin and Doris R. Brown were married April 2, 1948, in Oskaloosa.
Mr. Martin is retired from Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. after 34 years of service.
Mrs. Martin is a homemaker.
They request no gifts.