m. 17 Sep 1924
Documents |
 | Bridal Shower- Reid, Homer and Arline A miscellaneous shower was given last night at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reid. The guests arrived early before Mr. and Mrs. Reid had returned from town and waited quietly in the darkened; dining room giving them a real surprise. A very merry evening social hour was passed playing games. Refreshments of fruit salad, cider and wafers were served. The gilft [sic] included many useful articles. Those present were: Misses Sara McCollough, Winifred McCollough Ocea Rogers, Ruth Rogers, Ruth Van Orsdol, Clara Hopkins, Mildred Binney, Ernestine Towles, Helen Randall. Thelma James, Mildred James, Margaret McAdams, Gladys Hopkins, Anna Zemborski. Messrs. Ralph Page, Abe Patterson, Floyd Cless. Mrs. Gladys Hook, Mrs. Doris Adams, Mrs. W. H. Kerr, Mrs. Ivalue Jamieson, Mrs. Gladys Reaser, Mrs. Vina McCoid, of Silver Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reid, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid. |
 | Marriage- Wilt, Arline-Reid, Homer WILT-REID
A very pretty wedding was quietly solemnized at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon when Miss Arline Josephine Wilt, daughter of Mrs. R. L. Wilt of this city, became the bride of Mr. Homer Stanley Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, living east of Rossville.
The marriage took place at the home of the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Emma Ellis, 600 West Eighth avenue, Topeka. The Rev. H. L. Nelson, of the Potwin Presbyterian church, read the marriage service.
The bride wore her traveling suit of dark blue wool poplin and a corsage of pink roses and sweet peas.
After a wedding trip to Chicago land other points in Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Reid will be at home on the Reid farm east of the city.
Mr. Reid and his bride have been reared in this community. Mr. Reid is a graduate of the Rossville high school. Mrs. Reid after attending the local school for a time, completer school work in the Colorado Springs high school.
The heartiest congratulations and best wishes of their many friends in the community are extended them.