m. 30 Jun 1917
Documents |
 | Marriage- Reed, Gertrude-Miller, Henry The marriage of Miss Gertrude Reed, of Topeka, and Dr. H.B. Miller of Rossville was announced through the Topeka papers last Sunday. The wedding will take place Saturday, June 30. Dr. Miller has leased the residence on south Main street owned by Mrs. Kirby.
[From 21 Jun 1917]
During my absence Dr. Smith of Willard will be in my office each evening except on Sunday between the hours of 6 to 8 p.m. to take care of any of my patients who might be needing something. By calling him at Willard he will answer calls at other times. I have left a list of my accounts with him so that anyone wishing to do so may pay him and he will receipt for me. If any should prefer they can deposit their account to my credit at the Rossville State Bank. I will be back Aug. 14th and will be found at the office or at home in the Kirby property.
Henry B. Miller
[From 28 Jun 1917]
Miller-Reed Wedding
At seven o'clock last night Miss Gertrude Goodrich Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Reed, became the bride, of Dr. Henry Blackburn Miller, of Rossville.
There were eighty guests at the wedding ceremony which was pronounced by Dr. Edmund James Kulp, pastor of the First Methodist church. Elaborate details in the wedding plans were omitted. Miss Reed was attended by Miss Grace Heron of Chicago, as maid of honor, and Dr. Milton Miller escorted the bridegroom. Mrs. Robert Fullerton and Miss Lenora Monroe held pink satin ribbons to form the bridal path.
Harp music was played by Mrs. F.A. Derby as the wedding procession approached the altar of palms and flowers arranged in the living room. Miss Reed wore a white bridal satin gown made with Venise lace run with silver threads. The long train hung from the shoulders. Her veil of Brussels net held about her head with a band of silver fell over her face. She carried lilies of the valley. She wore a string of real pearls.
The maid of honor was in pink Georgette crepe combined with mousseline de soie and carried pink Killarney roses. The ribbon girls wore simple white lingerie frocks.
The house and veranda were decorated with quantities of summer flowers. Punch was served on the veranda by Mrs. George Porter, formerly Miss Edna Gafford.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Reed, of Omaha, Neb. were among the guests. Doctor Reed is a brother of the bride. Mrs. Reed wore a white net evening gown. -Sunday's Capital.
Doctor and Mrs. Miller will spend a month in California and will return to Rossville August 1. They will make their home in the Kirby property on south Main street.
A Correction
A mistake was made last week in Dr. Miller's announcement in the date of his arrival home from his honeymoon. It should have been August 1 instead of Aug. 14.
[From 5 Jul 1917] |