m. 3 May 1944
Born |
9 Jul 1945 |
Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio  |
Died |
27 Jan 2023 |
Buried |
6 Feb 2023 |
Czech-Moravian Cemetery, Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Spouse |
Sheila Rae Green Salsbery Kratina | F3004 |
Married |
30 Sep 1978 |
Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Born |
24 Jan 1964 |
Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Died |
1 Dec 1993 |
Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Buried |
4 Dec 1993 |
Prairie Home Cemetery, Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas  |
Documents |
 | Marriage- Hotzel, Wilma-Kratina, Ernest Hotzel-Kratina
The marriage of Miss Wilma June Hotzel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hotzel, Topeka, to Mr. Ernest L. Kratina, took place May 3, in the Assumption Church at Topeka with Msgr. Eugene Vallely officiating. A breakfast in the Green Room at the Hotel Jayhawk followed. Private Kratina is the son of Frank Kratina, of Chicago, formerly of the Rossville community. He was with the Boeing Aircraft Corporation in Wichita for three years. Mrs. Kratina is a graduate of the Capitol Catholic High School. She plans to join her husband later. |
 | Anniversary- Kratina, Ernest and Wilma Ernest and Wilma Kratina
Ernest and Wilma Kratina celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a surprise reception and dance on May 1 at the Arab Shrine Temple in Topeka.
The event was hosted by their children and their spouses, Ernest and Sheila Kratina, Rossville; Larry and Carol Harris, Topeka; Gary and Linda Ross, St. Louis; Douglas and Sharon Brehm, Topeka; and Cynthia Kratina, Topeka. The Kratinas also were parents of another son, the late Bradley Kratina.
Ernest Kratina and Wilma Hotzel were married May 3, 1944, in Topeka.