m. 16 Apr 1937
Documents |
 | Marriage- Landon, Lola-White, Don Kansas Boy and San Francisco Girl Marry
Mr. and Mrs. A.E. White of this city, announce the marriage of their son, Don Charles, to Miss Lola Landon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Landon, of San Francisco, Calif., and a distant relative of ex-Gov. Alf Landon.
The wedding took place at a Methodist church, April 16th, with a few intimate friends, attending the ceremony.
Miss Elfrieda Retzsloff, as bridesmaid, and Mr. Cecil Knowles as best man. The bride wore a gown of pink taffeta and a corsage of gardenias. When she was a child her parents moved from Western Kansas to Orland, Calif., where she graduated from high school and later moved to San Francisco. She graduated from a Beauty Academy there and is now operating a beauty shop.
Don is a well-known Rossville boy and his many friends congratulate him and wish them much happiness and prosperity. |