m. 14 Jul 2001
Documents |
 | Marriage- Miller, Kim-Link, Jeffery Jeff and Kim Link
Miller-Link Vows Exchanged in July
Kim Miller and Jeffery Link exchanged marriage vows Saturday, July 14, 2001, at the Crestview United Methodist Church in Topeka at 6:00 p.m.
The evening ceremony was officiated by the Rev. Ronald L. Schultz.
The bride is the daughter of LeRoy and Pat Miller, Topeka. Her grandparents are Irene Miller, Topeka, Elinor Hensley, Carthage, MO, and Sam and Rosalie Kemler, Basehor.
The groom is the son of Dave and Sandy Link, Williamsburg. His grandprents are Lela Kress, Emporia, and Valentine and Mildred Link, Iola.
Lori Hogan was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Robin Rockey, Jennie Hiatt and Amy Rodehorst. Jennie and Robin also lit the clusters of pillar candles that stood off each side of the altar. A basket of beautiful wildflowers decorated the altar as a remembrance.for family members who have passed away or could not attend.
Rob Busse was best man. Groomsmen were Troy Ifland, Jeff Piersol, and Kelly Miller. The groomsmen also served as ushers.
Cassie Kemler was the flower girl. Ring bearer was Drake Whalen. Both are cousins of the bride. Katy Miller, sister of the bride, and Alyssa Miller, sister-in-law of the bride, attended the guest book and gift table.
David Oakleaf played the guitar and sang “More Than Everything" during the lighting of the Unity Candle.
A reception, dinner buffet, and dance followed the ceremony at the Kansas Museum of History. The party continued at Remington’s.
After a honeymoon trip up the northern coast of Lake Superior, the newlyweds reside in Williamsburg. Jeff is an assistant supervisor for Asplundb Tree Expert Co. and Kim is a certified aide for West Franklin USD #287.