m. 16 Jan 1937
Documents |
 | Marriage- Moore, Ruth-Shideler, Vernon MOORE—SHIDELER
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, or Delia announce the marriage of their daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Vernon G. Shideler, son of the late W. G. Shideler, which was quietly solemnized Sunday morning at 9 o’clock in the parlor of the United Presbyterian church with the Rev. Robert H. French officiating.
The bride was pretty in a black, chiffon dress worn with black accessories and a corsage of white gardenias. The only attendants were Miss Winnogene Martin and Mr. Gale Keller.
The ceremony was followed by a luncheon at the home of the bride’s parents. Covers were laid at luncheon for the members of the bridal party and Mrs. Shideler’s classmates of 1935.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Shideler, Miss Martin, Mr. Keller, Miss Lorwayne Zirkle, Miss Mary Alice Constant, Mr. Harry McNieve. Mr. Edward Macha and Mr. Clayton Hejtmanek.
Mr. Shideler is an employee of the Fleming-Wilson Mercantile Co., of Wichita, and with his bride will be at home at 1603 Fairview avenue.