m. 28 Oct 1972
Documents |
 | Marriage- Ramsey, Brenda-Pearl, John Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Pearl
Wedding Vows Unite Couple
Miss Brenda Sue Ramsey and John William Pearl were united in marriage Saturday, October 28, at, 3:00 at the St. John’s Catholic Church. Bartlesville, Okla. The Rev. Lee O’Neil officiated. Rose Adelle Carroll and Jim Schumann provided the music.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ramsey, Bartlesville, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearl, also of Bartlesville are parents of the groom.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street length dress of chiffon over satin. The chiffon sleeves were trimmed with lace cuffs as was the neckline of the dress.
Miss Delores Ramsey served as bridesmaid and wore a pastel blue dress.
Louis Pearl served as best man and the ushers were Dana Thomas and Stewart Ramsey.
Following the ceremony a reception was held in the Parish Hall.
The bride, a graduate of Sooner High School, graduated with a degree in psychology from Northern Oklahoma College in Tonkawa.
Mr. Pearl, also a graduate of Sooner High School, is in the army and stationed at Fort Sill, Okla.
John is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pearl and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sullivan, both of St. Marys.
Out-of-town guests attending were Mrs. John L. Pearl, Mrs. William J. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lynde and Chris, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry ,Pearl and girls, Mrs. Marge Guerich and Ann, Mrs. Rita Simecka and family, all of St. Marys; Debbie Albright, Hoyt; Miss Rose Pearl, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lynde and Mona, Rossville: and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Gardner, Austin, Tex.
The couple are residing at 1701 Lawton St., Lawton, Okla.