m. 19 Sep 1987
Documents |
 | Marriage- Abbott, Shellie-Parnell, Randall Mrs. Randall Parnell (Shellie Abbott)
The wedding of Shellie Renae Abbott and Randall Scott Parnell took place at 2 p.m. Saturday in Immaculate Conception Church, St. Marys. The Rev. John Erickson officiated.
Parents of the bride are Herb and Louella Lambert, Silver Lake. The bridegroom is the son of Charles and Gladys Parnell, Rossville.
Attending the bride were Kim Abbott, Topeka; Sherri Davis and Holly Graves, Rossville; and Pam Lundin, Delia. Attending the bridegroom were James Wehrli and James Preble, Topeka; Todd Yount, Rossville; and Steve Vandevelde, St. Marys.
Mrs. Parnell graduated from Rossville High School and is employed by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas. Mr. Parnell graduated from Rossville High School and attended Emporia State University. He is employed by Customwood, St. Marys.