m. 16 Feb 1944
Documents |
 | Marriage- Searcy, Golda-Plumly, Walter 1 Searcy-Plumly Vows
The marriage of Miss Gold Mae Searcy, daughter of Mr. Roy W. Searcy, Silver Lake to Pfc. Walter Dean Plumly, son of Mrs. Rae Plumly, of Barnesville, O., took place at eight o'clock Wednesday night at the chapel at Winter General Hospital.
Chaplain Harry Allen Price read the double-ring service before a banking of Woodwardia fern and bouquets of spring flowers.
The bride wore an afternoon dress of powder blue with a black pillbox hat and a bouquet of Tailsman roses. Her attendant, her sister, Miss Dorothy Searcy, of Lawrence, wore a gold-colored crepe [dress] with matching accessories and a bouquet of gardenias. Pfc. Ed Iorio was best man.
A reception at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Holstrom, followed the service.
The couple will live at 1274 Western following their honeymoon. The bride is employed by the Fidelity Saving State bank and Private Plumly is with the medical detachment stationed at Winter General Hospital.
[From 24 Feb 1944] |