m. 30 Aug 1975
Documents |
 | Marriage- Webb, Rita-Briggs, Richard Mrs. Richard Briggs
(Rita M. Webb)
Rita M. Webb and Richard Briggs were married at 7:30 p.m. Aug 30 in the First Assembly of God Church. The Rev. Clare G. Rose officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. James Corpening, Berryton, and Frank Webb; Lawrence. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Briggs.
Attending the couple were JoAnn McCullough, Berryton. and Dennis Smith.
Mrs. Briggs was graduated from Perry-Lecompton High School and attended the Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School. She is employed by the State of Kansas.
Mr. Briggs is a graduate of Topeka High School and the Kaw Area Vocational-Technical School. He is employed by the Fairlawn Conoco Service Station.
The couple is at home at 3125 Randolph. Apt. 207.