m. 11 Jun 1994
Documents |
 | Marriage- Mitchell, Jennifer-Foster, Andrew Jennifer Kay Mitchell Andrew Scott Foster
Jennifer Kay Mitchell and Andrew Scott Foster were united in marriage on June 11, 1994, at First Presbyterian Church in Independence. The Rev. Fred Jordan officiated at the 4 p.m. ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Tim and Janice Mitchell, Independence. The bridegroom is the son of Dave and Virginia Foster, Rossville.
The bride’s attendants were maid of honor Carrie Mitchell, Independence, and Ann Foster, Silver Lake.
The bridegroom’s attendants were best man Adam Foster, Rossville, and Alan Foster, Silver Lake.
Ushers were Jacy Booth, Emporia; Robert Dresch, Topeka; Eric Brown, Delphos; and Darrin Petrowsky, Wichita.
The bride is a graduate of Inde-pendence High School and Kansas State University, with a degree in industrial engineering. She is employed by Beech Aircraft, Salina.
Mr. Foster graduated from Rossville High School and Kansas State University, taking a degree in agronomy. He is a self-employed farmer.