m. 14 Jun 1980
Documents |
 | Marriage- Sommers, Donna-Funk, James Sommers-Funk
Donna Sommers and James Funk exchanged marriage vows June 14 in the United Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Milberger. The Rev. Robert Kreier officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Henrietta Sommers, Victoria, and the late Donald and Irene Sommers, formerly of Delia. Mr. Funk is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Funk, LaCrosse.
Attending the couple were Cheryl Frederick, Tecumseh, and Dennis Funk, Galatia.
Mrs. Funk is a graduate of Rossville High School and Mr. Funk was graduated from LaCrosse High School. Both are graduates of Fort Hays State University. She is employed by the Northwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging, Inc., Hays, and he operates the South 40 Recreation Center in Galatia and farms.
They are living in Galatia.