1958 -
Name |
Erick Kim Messley |
Born |
19 Dec 1958 |
Gender |
Male |
Person ID |
I13158 |
Rossville |
Last Modified |
10 Apr 2017 |
Father |
Lowell D Messley |
Mother |
Nancy Marie Kovar Messley Lightfield, b. 7 Aug 1934 |
Married |
20 Aug 1954 |
Wenatchee, Chelan County, Washington |
Documents |
 | Marriage- Kovar, Nancy-Messley, Lowell An evening candle light ceremony was performed in the Wenatchee, Washington, Central Christian Church August 20th when Nancy Marie Kovar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kovar of Wenatchee, and Lowell D. Messley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Messley of Buhl, Idaho, exchanged vows. Rev. David W. Nutting officiated at the double ring ceremony.
The sanctuary of the church was decorated with tall baskets of blue and white gladioli flanking a white trellis interwoven with greenery. The candleabras held long blue tapers. The bride’s aisle was marked with satin bows.
Mr. Richard Osborn of Lebanan, Oregon, sang “Oh Promise Me”, “The Wedding Prayer”, and “Until”.
The bride entered the church upon the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage. She was lovely in an embroidered nylon tulle over taffeta gown, designed and made by her mother. The draped bodice section formed a cowl in the back. The waist was pointed .in the front, and had long sleeves. The bouffant skirt was floor length. Her finger tip veil was caught to a heart-shaped halo edged in tulle an d seed pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of stephanotis with a removable pink elf rose bud corsage.
Miss Kovar chose Miss Rae Aberin of Genesee, Idaho, as her maid of honor, and Miss Virginia Knuth as bridesmaid. Miss Mary Myers and Miss Barbara Dotson lighted the candles and also served as bridesmaids. All attendants wore floor length gowns of taffeta, fashioned after the bride’s gown. Miss Aherin’s gown was copen blue, Miss Knuth’s gown, party blue, and Miss Myers’ and Miss Dotson’s in baby blue. They all carried arm bouquets of blue and white gladioli tied with ice blue satin ribbon. All attendants wore matching mitts and headdresses.
Mr. Messley chose his brother, Mr. Leman Messley of Eugene, Oregon, as his best man. Ushers were Duane Kovar, brother of the bride, Mr. Josef Palat of Wallawa, Oregon, and Mr. John Piper of Wenatchee. The men wore white dinner jackets.
For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs. Kovar chose a gown of pink lace over taffeta, with which she wore navy accessories.
The groom’s mother wore a dusty Pink gown with brown accessories. Both mothers wore rose bud corsages.
The guest book was in charge of Miss Pat Hall while Mrs. George Buchanan and Miss Arlene Edwards arranged the gift table.
The reception was held in the social room of the church. The white' tiered wedding cake, topped by miniature bride and groom was flanked on either side by flowered candlesticks of blue and white pom poms with pink elf roses, holding baby blue tapers. The punch bowl was festooned with blue daisies and pink rose buds.
The cake was cut by Mrs. John Dow, grandmother of the bride, and Mrs. R. L. Knuth. Mrs. Leonard Edwards and Mrs. Russell Edwards, aunts of the bride, presided at the punch bowl.
For her wedding trip to Canada, the bride wore a pink linen sheath dress with black accessories.
The new Mrs. Messley is a graduate of Wenatchee High School and is a student at Northwest Christian College at Eugene, Oregon. Mr. Messley graduated from Buhl, Idaho, High School and is also attending Northwest Christian College. They will both continue their studies this fall.
Among the out of town guests for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kovar of Merriam, Kansas.
Family ID |
F1211 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Documents |
 | Birth- Messley, Erick Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Messley of Eugene, Oregon, are the parents of a son, Erick Kim, born December 19. The baby has a sister Michella. Mrs. Messley, the former Nancy Kovar, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edd J. Kovar, former residents of Rossville. |