1924 - 1974 (49 years)
Name |
Harold W Ausherman |
Born |
21 Nov 1924 |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
1974 |
Person ID |
I27374 |
Rossville |
Last Modified |
2 Jul 2018 |
Father |
George Carl (Carl) Ausherman, b. 25 Mar 1894, Elmont, Shawnee County, Kansas , d. 1958 (Age 63 years) |
Mother |
Emma A Stovall Ausherman, b. 25 Aug 1894, Kansas , d. Oct 1976, Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas (Age 82 years) |
Documents |
 | Marriage- Stovall, Emma-Ausherman, Carl Stovall-Ausherman
A very pretty home wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. A.R. Stovall at high noon yesterday, when Miss Emma A. Stovall and Mr. Carl Ausherman of Menoken, were united in marriage by the Rev. W.T. Ward, of the M.E. church.
A few minutes before the ceremony Rev. Ward sang, "A Necklace of Love," accompanied by Miss Anna Stovall, sister of the bride.
As Miss Vera Hook, cousin of the bride, played the wedding march from "Lohengrin," the bridal party marched into the parlor which was beautifully decorated in green and white. The bride was attended by her bridesmaid, Miss Anna Stovall, and the groom by Mr. Lawrence Ausherman as best man. Under a beautiful bower of spirea, they took their vows.
The bride wore a dainty dress of white embroidered voile with white slippers, and carried a large bouquet of Lillies of the Valley, and bride's roses. The groom wore the conventional black. The bridesmaid was dressed in white voile and white slippers and carried a bouquet of pink roses.
After congratulations the guests were invited to the home of Mrs. M.L. Whearty, sister of the bride, where a bountiful three course dinner was served. The guests doing justice to the good things set before them. The dining room was beautifully decorated in green and white. The color scheme being carried out in the refreshments.
The bride and groom received in any beautiful and useful presents among them being two twenty dollar gold pieces.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. A.R. Stovall and is a beautiful and accomplished young lady, an earnest church worker, and for two years has been an efficient school teacher.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ausherman, of Menoken, Kans., and is a capable and industrious young man, with a host of friends in his community.
The out of town guests were: Mrs. George Ausherman, of Menoken, mother of the groom, E.C. and Lawrence Ausherman, of Menoken, brothers of the groom; Mrs. Geo. Weight, Mrs. H.F. Hovenden, of Topeka, aunts of the groom; G.W. Hovenden and wife, of Topeka, cousins of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. John Price and son, Gomer, of Emporia; Miss Iva Robertson, and Oran Spurgeon, of Kiro; Miss Anna Hobert, of Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hook of Silver Lake, cousins of the bride, Mrs. M. Bartless of Silver Lake, aunt of the bride; Misses Vera, Nina Audrey and Norma Hook and Masters Benj., Maynard and Howard Hook and Guilford Hook, cousins of the bride; Miss Edith Trostle, Rev. W.T. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. S.N. Brashear, Lester Parr, Mrs. John Weseloh, Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Whearty and family, Mrs. A.R. Stovall, Earl Stovall, Miss Anna Stovall, Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Henderson and children, Ralph, Homer and Doris.
The guests departed at a late hour in the afternoon, wishing the bride and groom a very happy and prosperous life. Mr. and Mrs. Ausherman left after the ceremony for a short trip to Lawrence after which they will make their home on a farm 5 miles north or Kiro. |
Family ID |
F2758 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Documents |
 | Birth- Ausherman, Harold Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ausherman of Elmont announce the birth of a son Friday, November 21. Mrs. Ausherman was formerly Miss Emma Stovall of this city. |