Latitude: 38.9916726, Longitude: -94.6335684
MarriedMatches 1 to 5 of 5
Family |
Married |
Family ID |
1 |
Macha / Freeman Macha | 9 Aug 1975 | Prairie Village, Johnson County, Kansas | F1152 |
2 |
Parr / Turvey Parr | 4 Apr 1959 | Prairie Village, Johnson County, Kansas | F1829 |
3 |
Simecka / Bowman Simecka | 5 Aug 1970 | Prairie Village, Johnson County, Kansas | F7794 |
4 |
Terrill / Bednar Terrill | 7 Apr 1973 | Prairie Village, Johnson County, Kansas | F3223 |
5 |
Wilmoth / Parr Wilmoth | 6 Feb 1982 | Prairie Village, Johnson County, Kansas | F1417 |