1865 - 1947 (81 years)
Obituary- Cottle, Mary
Mrs. Mary Cottle, 79, was fatally burned at her home northeast of Ross¬ville, Sunday noon, when her clothing was ignited as she was lighting a kerosene stove.
Mrs. Cottle lived alone in a small house. Her son, Sam Cottle, has home on the same farm about a few hundred feet away. He was at her home shortly before she began preparing dinner. Later, he thought he heard her scream, and ran to her home to learn what was wrong.
He found his mother dead in the yard, her clothing burned off her body. There was evidence inside the house that she had gone to the wash basin in an unsuccessful attempt to extin-guish her burning clothing before she ran outside and fell. The home did not ignite,
[years before moving to Rossville in ]
She was born in Stony Point, Eng¬land, August 7, 1867.
She came to America at the age of eight and lived in Illinois for five years before moving to Rossville in 1881. She was married to the late Robert L. Cottle, September 16, 1891. He preceded her in death on Septem¬ber 5, 1943. She had been a resident of this community for 66 years and was a member of the Methodist church.
She had spent her entire married life excepting about nine months on the farm where she met her death.
She is survived by one son, Sam Cottle, one granddaughter, Donice Jean Cottle of Topeka; one sister, Fanny Cottle of Rossville; two brothers, John Oldfield of Rossville and Thomas Oldfield of Silver Lake, many nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Metho¬dist church, conducted by the pastor Rev. Earl A. Harbour.
Music was furnished by Mrs. Lorene Parr and Mrs. Ruth Hesse accom¬panied by Mrs. Irene Campbell.
Pallbearers were Norman White, Marion Davis, Oscar Bixby, Dennie Davis, James Rezac and Ernest Decker.
Burial in Rossville City cemetery.
Card of Thanks – We wish to express our sincere thanks to all relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy to us in the loss of our beloved mother; also for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cottle and Donice Cottle.
File name | Obituary- Cottle, Mary.jpg |
File Size | 1.3m |
Dimensions | 1573 x 2470 |
Linked to | Mary Oldfield Cottle |