Genealogy for the Rossville, Kansas area, compiled by the Rossville Community Library.
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Fred Henry Davis

Male - 2021


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Obituary- Davis, Fred H. 1

Fred H. Davis, of Harrisonville, MO died on September 26, 2021 at St. Luke’s Hospital in Lee’s Summit, MO. While born in Topeka, he spent most of his growing up years on a farm north of Rossville, Kansas. Being a farm-boy, he learned the value of hard work. He developed a love for singing while driving a tractor, he said, because tractors in those days did not have radios. Later he sang solos at Christian gatherings and was a song leader in more than one church.
He came to personal faith in Christ through Topeka Youth For Christ while still in high school. After graduating from Rossville Rural High School in 1962, he attended Kansas State University where he graduated with a degree in Chemistry and Secondary Education. He was active in Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) at K-State and was chapter president his senior year. He also attended numerous IVCF camps at Bear Trap Ranch in Colorado Springs; Urbana Missionary Conferences in Champagne, IL, etc.

Fred had a contagious sense of humor and a laugh where his face would turn red and his shoulders shake. He was like an old pair of shoes that wore extremely well.

He was also mechanically inclined and loved to tinker and fix things, especially cars. Once he rebuilt the carburetor on his car, and when he put the lid over the carburetor air filter, unbeknown to him, a fly got trapped inside the carburetor and the head of the fly got sucked into one of the fuel inlets which hindered the flow of gas and made the car run rough. After trying unsuccessfully numerous times to solve the problem Fred finally took it to a professional mechanic who discovered what happened. He never did live that down.

Fred later attended Midwestern Baptists Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO and became music director and educational director at several Baptist churches. During this time he met Ruth Krauss and they were married in August of 1969. In August they celebrated their 52th anniversary. She survives in Harrisonville, MO.

Fred was way ahead of the curve when it came to computers. He started his own computer type-setting business where he would do business cards, fliers, brochures and about anything printed for individuals or businesses.

He and Ruth enjoyed traveling to visit family in Kansas and Texas, as well as attending Christian concerts at Silver Dollar City and in Kansas City. Their "best ever" trip was to Israel a few years ago.

File nameObituary- Davis, Fred H. 1.png
File Size162.83k
Dimensions800 x 638
Linked toFred Henry Davis

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