1890 - 1963 (72 years)
Obituary- David, Gladys
Mrs. J.C. David Dies at Home
Mrs. Gladys Fay Zinn David, 72, Silver Lake, died at her home Tuesday night after a long illness.
She was born September 3, 1890, in Shawnee County and lived in this area most of her life.
Mrs. David was a mem¬ber of the Silver Lake Methodist Church, the Eas¬tern Star and Home Dem¬onstration Unit.
She is survived by her widower, J.C. David; a daughter, Mrs. J.R. McCracken, Topeka; four sons, John of Topeka, Floyd of Santa Maria, Calif.; Clayton of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Maynard of Okla¬homa City; a sister, Mrs. Hale Fair of Topeka and eight grandchildren.