1902 - 1987 (84 years)
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Obituary- DeBacker, Mary 1
Mrs. Mary L. DeBacker
Mrs. Mary L. DeBacker, 84, Tope¬ka, was found dead early Thursday, March 19, in her car parked beside the Philip Billard Veterans of For¬eign Wars Post No. 1650 headquar¬ters at 3110 Huntoon.
Dr. Laurance W. Price, Shawnee County deputy district coroner, said Mrs. DeBacker died early Thursday of natural causes. She had apparent¬ly left a Bingo game at the hall, got in her car and started the motor before she was stricken, he said.
Police said Mrs. DeBacker was found seated in her car about 3 a.m. The engine was running.
Mrs. DeBacker was a secretary for Stephenson and Webb Insurance Co., many years before she retired.
She was born Aug. 8, 1902, in De¬lia, a daughter of Patrick and Hanora Guinee Halloran.
Mrs. DeBacker was a member of the Catholic Church of the Assump¬tion, past regent and member of the Daughters of Isabella Little Flower Circle No. 503, and member of the Legion of Mary, St. Francis Circle. She was a member of the Santa Fe Old Timers and was active in the Democratic Party. She was a former member of Assumption Aid, Altar Society and St. Vincent’s Guild.
She was married to Fritz DeBack¬er on June 26, 1926, at the Catholic Church of the Assumption. He died March 19, 1986.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Catherine Simecka, Topeka.
Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 1 p.m. Monday at the Catholic Church of the Assumption. Burial will be in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Mrs. DeBacker will lie in state from 2 until 9 p.m. Sunday at Brennan Funeral Home, where rosa¬ries will be recited by the Legion of Mary at 6 p.m., Daughters of Isabella at 6:30 p.m. and a parish prayer service at 7 p.m. Sunday. Memorial contributions may be made to the Catholic Church of the Assumption, 204 W. 8th, Topeka 66603.
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