Genealogy for the Rossville, Kansas area, compiled by the Rossville Community Library.
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Obituary- Bailey, Max 2

Services for Max A. Bailey who died of a heart attack at his home near Delia, were held at Sacred Heart Catholic church in Delia on May 31, with burial in Walnut Hill Cemetery.
He was born July 8, 1923, the only child of Earl and Ida Germann Bailey. He lived on the family farm west of Bur-lington until the farm was taken for the John Redmond reservoir. The family moved to a farm near Delia in December 1962.
He was well known through¬out Kansas for his work with the Kansas State Grange and Na-Churs Plant Food Com¬pany.
He is survived by his wife Pearl, four sons, a daughter, four daughters-in-law, one son-in-law and two grand-daughters.
Casketbearers were Albert Birkbeck, Burlington; Neil Hupe, Perry; Edward Bausch, Hoyt; Raymond Kalcik, Hoyt; Ernest Rezac, jr., Silver Lake; Ira Williams, Stanley Little and Gerald M. Albright, all of Delia.
Honorary bearers were Grange friends: James W Ingwersen, Leroy; Lewis Cline Neodesha; Nathan Hole Chanute; Eldon Farris, Win Chester; Edward Moody Olathe; Marlin Steffey, Ozaw kie; Wayne Stewart, Gardner and Verno Shorthill, Topeka.
Max A. Bailey
DELIA—Services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Max A. Bailey, 55, rural Delia, who died Monday at his home.
An autopsy was scheduled by his physi¬cian.
He was born July 8, 1923, at Hartford, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bailey. He lived at Burlington until 1963, when he moved to Delia.
Mr. Bailey was a farmer-stockman and regional supervisor for Na-Churs ; Plant Food.
He was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church at Delia, Grove Har-vest Grange and Knights of Columbus at Hartford. He was past Master of the Kansas State Grange.
He was married, July 13, 1946, at Emporia, to Pearl Brecht, who sur¬vives.
Other survivors include four sons, John T. Bailey, 1038 Medford, Steven A. Bailey, Enid, Okla., Kenneth F. Bai¬ley, Mayetta, and James M. Bailey, Hoyt; a daughter, Mrs. Carol Ronnebaum, Rossville; and two grandchil-dren.
Rosary will be said at 8 p.m. Wednes¬day at the church. Parker-Price Mortu¬ary at Topeka is in charge of arrangements.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Kansas State Grange or to the Kansas Heart Fund in care of the Dennison State Bank, Holton.

File nameObituary- Bailey, Max 2.jpg
File Size402.2k
Dimensions766 x 1217
Linked toMax A Bailey

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