1887 - 1924 (37 years)
Obituary- Berkey, Margaret
The people of Rossville were shocked when the news came here of the death of Mrs. Guy Berkey last Monday afternoon at her home in Russell, Kansas. Complications ac¬companying child birth caused her death.
The little child was buried with the mother. The body was brought to Rossville yesterday morning taken the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cottle, where it lay in state until the funeral this afternoon at 1:30 o’clock.
The funeral service was held in the Christian church conducted by the Rev. Mr. G. C. Albin, pastor of the Rossville Methodist church.
Interment was made in Rossville cemetery.
Margaret Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cottle, was born at West Liberty, Ky., Dec. 5, 1887, and departed this life Dec. 29, 1924, at the age of 37 years and 24 days. She was married to Guy Berkey of Rossville, Kans., May 17, 1911 and to this union was born eight children, two of whom died in infancy, the re¬maining six namely, Lucy, Robert, Homer, Winifred, Arthur and Helen with the husband survive. She also leaves her father and mother, sisters, and brothers, nieces, nephews and a host of friends to mourn the loss of a noble woman. At the age of 16 she joined the Baptist church, after¬wards becoming a member of the Christian church at this place, of which she remained a loyal member until her death. A dutiful daughter, a loving wife, a devoted mother, a kind and loving Christian friend and neighbor, she will be greatly missed.