1937 - 1979 (42 years)
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Obituary- Green, Vivian 3
June Green Killed In Head-On Collision
June Green, 42, Route 8, Topeka, was killed in a head-on collision late Sunday night in Pottawatomie County. According to the dispatcher at the Highway Patrol office in Topeka, three vehicles were involved in the accident about 10:45 p.m. Sunday, October 28, 1979. The dispatcher said Monday morning that the accident was still being investigated to determine which vehicle had crossed the center line to cause the collision which occurred just east of the bridge over the Vermillion River on U.S. 24 Highway, ap-proximately four miles east of Wamego.
A 1975 Dodge driven by Rick Pederson, 18, Route 2, Horton, was totaled. Pederson was taken to the Wamego City Hospital and later transferred to Stormont-Vail Regional
Medical Center in Topeka where his condition Monday was listed in critical condition with head injuries.
Vivian J. (June) Green, 42, Route 8, Topeka, was the driver of a 1973 Mercury which was totaled in the accident. Mrs. Green was pronounced dead at the scene. Her body was taken to Stewart Funeral Home in Wamego, and later taken to Penwell-Gabel Funeral Home in Topeka.
A passenger in her car, James Flanagan, 20, Emmett, was injured. He was taken to the Wamego City Hospital and later transferred to Stormont-Vail Regional Medical Center in Topeka where his condition Monday morning was described as fair.
The third vehicle, a 1974 Ford pickup driven by Sharon Davis, 36, rural Rossville, sustained approximately $700 damage according to a preliminary report at the scene. There was no report of injuries to Ms. Davis.
Allegedly, the Dodge, headed west on U.S. 24, and the Mercury, headed east on U.S. 24, collided. The pickup which was following the Mercury tried to avoid the collision and slid between the two vehicles, striking the Dodge. At approximately 11 p.m., the
Rossville Fire Department was called by the Pottawatomie County Sheriffs Department requesting the “Jaws of Life” tool be dispatched to the scene to assist in removing victims trapped in the vehicles. Three firemen from Rossville went to the scene to assist in the operation.
Mrs. Green’s obituary is printed on page 2 of this issue.
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