Genealogy for the Rossville, Kansas area, compiled by the Rossville Community Library.
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Clyde Monroe Hook

Male 1883 - 1913  (29 years)



Obituary- Hook, Clyde

Monroe Hook Passes Away

It is with sincere regret and sorrow we chronicle the passing away of Clyde Monroe Hook, whose death occurred on Saturday, May 3rd, at Albuquerque, New Mexico after a period of failing health of several months duration.

"Chub" as he was familiarly known far and wide among his old school mates and acquaintances, was a product of this vicinity having been born and reared north of Rossville, and a young man whom all were glad to number among their friends. He was of a quiet and unassuming disposition, thrifty and hard working and was rapidly building for himself and family a competence when death cut short his early career.

For the past five years he had been employed at the Post Exchange at Fort Riley, where they had learned to respect him as a brother and as a mark of their esteem the exchange was closed for a day in honor of his memory, a proceeding as rare as it was unusual. Mr. Moody, the foreman was sent to be a pallbearer and brought many beautiful floral offerings from "Chubs" former co-workers.

Clyde Monroe Hook was born on the old homestead near Rossville on the 8th of November 1883. [may be missing part here]

Mexico, on May 3rd, 1913, aged 29 years, 5 months, and 24 days.

He united with the Olive Branch, United Brethren church at the age of 12, of which he continued to be a member until his death.

He was married to Edna Inez Emert, December 18, 1909. To this union there was born one child, Ethelyn Gertrude.

The young wife and baby girl are left to mourn his loss with many other relatives and friends.

[may be missing some here]

[Mon]roe came back to Rossville and was preparing to farm during this summer in the hope of regaining his health, but as he grew steadily worse it was decided to send him to New Mexico in hopes that the climate of that state might prove beneficial. He was joined by his wife and baby just three days before the end came and the remains were immediately sent home to Rossville.

The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday, conducted by the Rev. H.L. Nelson, of Topeka assisted by Rev. G.A. Chatfield, and interment was made in the Rossville cemetery, under the auspices of the A.O.U.W., lodge of which he had been a life long member.

He is survived by his wife and one child and his father, W.V. Hook, and two brothers and three sisters: Fred Hook, of Kansas City; Lowell Hook, of Rossville, Mrs. Frank Conlin, of Junction City; Goldie Hook, of Rossville and Mrs. Sam Martin, of Topeka.

Out of town relatives who were here to attend the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Kreipe and Fred Miller, of Tecumseh; Mr. and Mrs. Cy Bonrassa of Topeka; Mr. Keats, of Ohio; Miss Rose Conlan, of St. Marys and Miss Ruth York, of Meriden, Kans.

The Reporter extends to the bereaved relatives the sympathy of the entire community in their great loss.

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