Genealogy for the Rossville, Kansas area, compiled by the Rossville Community Library.
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Obituary- Howell, Leland

Leland Allison Howell, jr., 4-year old son of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Howell, Route 11, Silver Lake, died at the home of his parents, Saturday night from scarlet fever. Besides his parents, he is survived by a brother, Robert Ernest Howell, 11. Private burial services were held in Mount Hope cemetery, Topeka, Monday afternoon, December 17, at 2:30 conducted by Rev. Edwin N. Judd of the Silver Lake M. E. church.

Little Lee Howell was a “sonny boy” of a happy family:—
A baby, still, to his mother;
“Big Boy” to his father;
Companion and playmate to his
A lovable lad of four and a half, with a smiling face to the rest of us, who were his occasional intimates. But to himself he was a grown-up man and a full citizen of his own little world, in which everything was real. His own yard was a vast estate, his home, a castle. His many little possessions—-his trains, trucks, cars, and many, many other articles—were of real value to him and treasures indeed. In this little world he passed his lifetime. In it he moved, learning many important truths, gathering experience, working out problems, adding to his store of knowledge from replies to countless questions. And in these happy surroundings, he laughed and played and worked. The days passed as months, months as seasons, seasons as years, and years as decades, Time, to us all, is but a fleeting thing that leads on and on. And who can say that little Lee did not live a full life in that childhood’s perfect world in which everything is real and true and sincere. His Fairyland dreams unshattered, his friendships unbroken, his Peace secure.

And thus we shall wish to remember him—as a little man of Childhood Land, and we shall wish to impress upon our memory an image of his bright, happy face, that blended so perfectly with the rays of sunshine that fell upon the trees and the flowers and the other living things of Nature—that Nature whose mysteries we cannot fathom or understand.

File nameObituary- Howell, Leland.jpg
File Size1.01m
Dimensions1539 x 2464
Linked toLeland Allison Howell, Jr.

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