1865 - 1937 (72 years)
Obituary- Howerton, Elizabeth
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Howerton, 69 years old, a former resident of Rossville, who died Tuesday at the home of her son, Arthur Vanauken in Chicago, were held today, (Thursday), at 3 o’clock at the Geo. H. Long chapel in Kansas City, Kan. Mrs. Howerton went to Kansas City, Kansas, with her father, James F. Bell, in 1868 and lived there nearly all her life except for the period of time she lived in Rossville after her marriage to the late John Howerton.
Mrs. Howerton returned to Kansas City, about 10 years ago.
She was a past matron of Mendias chapter No. 1, Order of Eastern Star. She leaves a sister, Mrs. Emma J. Dailey, 700 St. Paul street, Kansas City, Kansas; two brothers, Charles Bell and Fred Bell, both of Wilson, Okla. The Mendias chapter conducted Eastern Star services. Burial was in Memorial Park cemetery.