1878 - 1956 (78 years)
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Obituary- Higginbotham, Edith 1
Miss E. Higginbotham passed away Monday
Services for Miss Edith I. Higginbotham, 78, of Rossville were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Rossville Methodist church with burial in Rossville Cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. Don Jones and was attended by a large number of sorrowing friends. Soloist was Mrs. Don Berkey accompanied at the piano by Mrs. William Hill. Pallbearers were William Hesse, Leroy Parr, Joe Parr, Roy Wilt, Herb Trimble and John Fauerbach. Hurley Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Miss Edith, as she was fondly spoken of by those who knew her, was born in Rossville July 5, 1878 and spent her life here. Her death was the result of a heart attack which she suffered a few weeks ago. She passed away at her home Monday evening.
Miss Higginbotham was a piano teacher and had been giving lessons until the time of her illness. She had been very active in church work in this community during her long residence here and was a faithful member of the Amaryllis chapter of the OES, serving as secretary of the organization for a number of years. As evidence of her loyalty to the Easter Star Lodge, Miss Higginbotham held a record of 17 years of perfect attendance.
Miss Edith was the last of the Higginbotham line which settled in Rossville in the early days. Her father, Cyrus W. Higginbotham, was one of the founders of Rossville and had one of the first mercantile businesses here. It was at the suggestion of Mrs. Higginbotham, who with Col. George W. Veale and A.C. Sherman, laid out the present town site, that the town be named "Rossville" in honor of the Indian agent. W.W. Ross.
Miss Edith Higginbotham
Services for Miss Edith I. Higginbotham, 78, of Rossville will be held at 2 pm Wednesday in the Methodist church in Rossville with burial in Rossville cemetery.
She died Monday in her home.
Miss Higginbotham was born in Rossville and spent her life there. She was the last of the Higginbotham line which settled in Rossville in the early days. She was a piano teacher and was a member of the Methodist church and of the Amaryllis chapter of the OES.
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