1857 - 1924 (66 years)
Obituary- Kirkpatrick, Lida
Mrs. George Kirkpatrick Passed
Away After Short Illness
Mrs. Lida Kirkpatrick, widow of the late George Kirkpatrick, died early Tuesday morning after a brief illness at the C. E. VanVleck home. Mrs. Kirkpatrick’s condition became serious last Thursday.
The deceased lady had made her home with Mr. and Mrs. VanVleck since 1920, the year following the death of Mr. Kirkpatrick, which occurred January 29, 1919, at their home in Portland, Ore.
Lida Sears was born in Zanesville, Ohio, September 2, 1857. At an early age she was united in marriage to Joseph Tasso and they resided in Covington, Kentucky. Later they came to Topeka to live, and it was while residents there Mr. Tasso died. On November 17, 1887, she was united in marriage to G. W. Kirkpatrick in Indianapolis, Ind.
In the short time she had been in Rossville she had endeared herself to many people because of her sunny disposition.
At the time of her decease she was 66 years, 5 months and 3 days old.
Short and simple funeral services were held at the VanVleck home at the request of the deceased. The service was conducted by Rev. G. C. Albin, of the Rossville Methodist church and the body was interred in the Rossville cemetery.