1913 - 1959 (45 years)
Obituary- MacPherson, Clark
Clark H. McPherson
Services for Clark H. McPherson, 45, of Colorado Springs, Colo., formerly of Rossville and Topeka, were held Monday in Colorado Springs. He died there Friday in a hospital.
He was born July 14, 1913, in Rossville. Mr. McPherson was a graduate of the Washburn Law school in the class of 1936. He was president of the Law school in his senior year, a member of the Sagamore honorary group and of Kappa Sigma social fraternity. He married Miss Janice Nickelson of Topeka. He was a veteran of World War II. He was an attorney for the state and for the Standard Oil Col, and practiced law in Garden City before moving to Colorado about three years ago.
Besides his wife, survivors include a son, Douglas McPherson of the home; his father, Clarence M. McPherson of 1433 Indian Trail, Topeka; and a sister, Mrs. Phyllis Spencer of San Angelo, Texas.