Genealogy for the Rossville, Kansas area, compiled by the Rossville Community Library.
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Obituary- MacPherson, Minnie 2

Hall of Purity Camp, No. 1761,
Rossville, Kansas, Aug. 6, 1924
At a regular meeting of the Camp held this day, the following resolu¬tions were offered by the Committee on Resolutions and unanimously adopted by the Camp.
Whereas, it has pleased the Su¬preme Ruler of the universe to re¬move from amongst us on the 19th day of July, 1924, our beloved neighbor, Minnie McPherson, a char¬ter member of this Camp,
Resolved, that in the decease of Neighbor Minnie S. McPherson, this Camp has lost a beloved member and the family a loving mother, and will ever be remembered by her Neigh¬bors. And be it further
Resolved, that a copy of these res¬olutions be spread upon the records of our Camp and our Charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days in memory of our de¬ceased Neighbor; a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the fam-ily, a copy be sent to the Reporter with the request that the same be published therein.

File nameObituary- MacPherson, Minnie 2.jpg
File Size917.12k
Dimensions2493 x 1601
Linked toMinnie Sarah Miller MacPherson (McPherson)

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