1862 - 1940 (78 years)
Obituary- Marney, Barbara
Barbara A. Marney was born In Douglas county, Ill., Jan. 20, 1862 and died March 13, 1940 at the age of 78 years, 1 month and 22 days Mrs. Marney was one of the oldest settlers in this community. She had been a resident in and around Rossville for the past 74 years.
She was married to William B. Marney, March 23, 1881, at Rossville. Mr. Marney passed away Aug. 11, 1926.
To this union nine children were born, three of whom had preceded her in death. She leaves to mourn her loss six children, Joe and Ben, Rossville; Ivan of Willard; William of Topeka; Mrs. Myrtle Lillard of Rossville and Mrs. Jennie Austin of Chillicothe, Mo.; Four brothers and two sisters. Twenty grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
Funeral service for Mrs. Mar¬ney were held Saturday after¬noon from the Christian church con¬ducted by Mr. Robert Thompson and Mr. Wilber Torrence. Music was furnished by Miss Georgetta Davis Miss Doris Coleman of Topeka; Laverne Helstab of Alma and Marshall Giffie of Waterville with Miss Velma Lambotte at the piano.
The pall bearers were Messrs. Lon Berry, Johnnie Lillard, Ted Fields, Alfred Hause, Joe Navarre and Joe Parr.
Burial was in Rossville cemetery. “We shall hear her steps no more, But some day we hope to meet her On the Golden shore.”
Mrs. Ann Marney passed away Wednesday night at the home of her son Joe Marney following a long ill¬ness.
She was brought home from the hospital about two weeks ago and for about ten days seemed to be im¬proving and was able to be up and around the house and had visited among her children while convalesc¬ing. A change for the worse came last Thursday and she gradually grew worse until death came.
Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at the Christian Church.