Obituary- Kerwin, Robert
The many friends of Robert Kerwin will be grief stricken to learn that so staunch and true friend has departed this life into that which knows no sorrow or pain, Oct. 25, 1914. His death was the termination of several months of patient suffering caused from laryngitis, although the best of medical skill in Topeka and St. Margaret's hospital of Kansas City was of no avail to him. He was well prepared to meet his God.
Mr. Kerwin was born in County Killkenny, Ireland, Dec. 22, 1859. While a youth came to America and resided in Colorado a few years, then moved to Kansas and was married to Miss Katie Murry of Cross Creek, Jackson county, and resided there until his death.
Besides his wife, Mrs. Katie Kerwin, he leaves three sons, Walter Leo, Robert Emmett and Cletus Wilford and one daughter, Margaret Close; also two brothers, John Kerwin, County Killkenny, Ireland, and Mike Kerwin, Burlington, Wash., and one sister, Mrs. Morris Calloghlin of County Killkenny, Ireland, all of whom mourn the loss of their beloved husband, father and brother.
Funeral services and Solemn Requiem mass was held at Sacred Heart church, Delia, Kansas, Oct. 27, conducted by Rev. Fathers O'Sullivan, Broddely and Fitzgerald. The remains were interred in Holy Cross cemetery.
Those who attended the funeral from out of town were: Miss Anna Murry, Kansas City; Mrs. Mike McCabe, Onaga; Mrs. Pat Tobin, Kansas City; Jas. Murry, Jr., Hutchinson; August Erbacher, Victoria Erbacher, Mrs. Lew Blalock, all of St. Marys.
The pall bearers were Noel Cowan, Geo. Ehrhart, Jo[ ] Charles, Steve Hanrahan, [ ] Flanagan, Gottlieb [ ]ouer.
Robert Kirwin [sic] died Sunday morning Oct. 25, after an illness of long standing. He leaves a wife three sons and daughter to [missing rest]
File name | Obituary- Kerwin, Robert.jpg |
File Size | 1.3m |
Dimensions | 1584 x 2515 |
Linked to | Robert Kerwin |