1880 - 1922 (42 years)
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Obituary- McConnell, John R. 1
John McConnell Victim In Another Tragic Death
John McConnell, aged 42 years, died at 5 o'clock Tuesday evening in a Topeka hospital, from injuries received at 10:30 Monday evening at the Rossville cattle yards.
The accident occurred while McConnell was assisting F.P. McCollough, manager of the Mulvane ranch, and [ ] Olson, a fellow employee, in loading hogs and cattle for shipment to Kansas City. Others present were Floyd Cless, Leon James, "Bill" James and C.M McPherson.
After filling a car the gate at the bottom of the loading chute was closed. An unruly steer ran back into the chute and McConnell climbed in to drive it back to the car. When more cattle entered the chute McConnell sough safety by climbing on the chute gate and was nearly at the top when a steer attempting to jump the gate struck him knocking him into the chute. It is not known whether his fatal injuries were received from this steer or after he fell into the chute. Mr. McCollough, at great risk to himself drove the cattle back to the car.
McConnell received internal injuries and his spine was injured so severely his sense of feeling was paralyzed, although he was able to talk after being removed from the chute. Dr. Miller was summoned at once and the injured man was taken to a Topeka hospital where he was operated on Tuesday in an attempt to save his life. There was slight chance, and he passed away Tuesday evening.
Mr. McConnell had been an employee on the Mulvane ranch, off and on, for the past twenty years. He has been the victim of numerous accidents during his stay, the most severe being one about two years ago when he cut his hand while sawing wood with a power saw which resulted in the loss of a thumb after months disability when blood poisoning set in. One the evening of his death while driving the cattle in from the ranch, the cattle became unruly and while off his horse helping straighten them out, fellow workers report McConnell made the remark jokingly the cattle would yet be the cause of his death. The remark was made after he was compelled to mount his horse to prevent being rushed.
He was a member in good standing in the Woodman and Security Benefit lodges.
Mr. McConnell is survived by his wife and three young children, three brothers, James, of St. Mary, Robert, who lives in Arizona, and George, of Rossville. The latter is the father of the child burned to death here three weeks ago; one sister, Mrs. Jane Swartz of Harrisburg, Pa.
Pending the arrival of the latter, who is not due to arrive until Friday night, because of a delay in receiving a telegram, the funeral will not be held until Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the Presbyterian church.
The body was brought from Topeka today and taken to the home on the Mulvane ranch west of Rossville.
File name | Obituary- McConnell, John R. 1.jpg |
File Size | 1.65m |
Dimensions | 1590 x 2515 |
Linked to | John R McConnell |
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