1841 - 1913 (72 years)
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Obituary- Oldfield, Samuel 2
Resolutions of Condolence
Whereas, the Reaper of Time has visited our midst again and gathered into the harvest our esteemed neighbor, Mr. Samuel Oldfield, and
Whereas, our Camp has lost a loyal and faithful member, the family a true and devoted husband and father and the community a good citizen, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the hall of Evergreen Camp No. 1511, M.W.A. be draped in mourning for 30 days and the Counsel of said Camp visit the home of the late neighbor Samuel Oldfield and extend the sympathy of this Camp, in their loss, and be it further
Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Camp and a copy be presented to the family and that a copy be given to the Rossville Reporter for publication.
F.N. Binns,
E.J. Howard
C.E. Gresser
[From 15 Jan 1914]
The A.O.U.W. made quick settlement in paying the insurance on the policy of the late Samuel Oldfield. Just two weeks to a day after his death a check for $2,000 was handed to the beneficiary of his policy. Mr. Oldfield had been a member in good standing since 1887.
(First published in Rossville Reporter Jan. 29, '14)
State of Kansas} SS,
Shawnee County }
In the matter of the estate of Samuel Oldfield, late of Shawnee county, Kansas.
Notice of Appointment
Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of Jan., A.D., 1914, the undersigned were, by the Probate Court of Shawnee county, Kansas, duly appointed executors of the estate of Samuel Oldfield, late of Shawnee county, deceased. All parties interested in said estate will take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
Emily Oldfield
Fannie Cottle
I.B. Alter
[29 Jan 1914]
By terms of the will of the late Samuel Oldfield made public this week, each one of his children received a valuable farm and each grandchild received $500 to beheld in trust until they become of age. The remainder of the estate is given to his widow to be equally divided between the children at her death Mrs. Oldfield, Mrs. Fanny Cottle and I.B. Alter are named as executors.
[29 Jan 1914]
File name | Obituary- Oldfield, Samuel 2.jpg |
File Size | 1.38m |
Dimensions | 1607 x 2476 |
Linked to | Samuel Oldfield |
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