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Obituary- Bixby, Howard 2
Eulogy To A Useful Life
By Ray T. Ingalls
Seneca, Kansas
Howard V. Bixby, 1899-1958, Dedicated Teacher, Civic Servant, Practical Humanitarian and Administrator in a Changing World.
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Every life that completes its earthly span, merits some record of having lived. There is always some spark of honor. When that life has been one of exceptional devotion to fellow beings, unusual in its contribution to human welfare and progress, it is worthy of more than mere dates and data.
Historians, newspapers and clergy have, in all ages, endeavored to portray the inspiration, philosophy and spark of enthusiasm that made that life so worth while.
Such a life was that of Howard V. Bixby, principal of the Pauline grade school district, at the south edge of Topeka, when death came suddenly Tuesday, August 26, 1958. Howard was just starting his sixth year at Pauline, that includes the Forbes Air Base and the new Capehart housing district. Enrollment the past year had suddenly increased from some three hundred to more than seven hundred. The new school building, while not entirely complete, could still be used. By using the old building and with five class rooms on the Base, his plans were to get classed underway last week. On Monday night he had met with his corps of nearly thirty teacher, and was pleased and proud of the cooperation and willingness to make the very best of crowded class rooms, and facilities that would add to their work. Howard was busy helping arrange the furniture for the class rooms, Tuesday morning, when stricken and his death came, shortly after his arrival at Stormont-Vail hospital.
He was born at Rossville, August 7, 1899, attended the grades and graduated from high school there, and the home town remained one of the bright spots, for infrequent visits, in a busy life. His aged father, Albert L.; one brother, Oscar H., and Doris A., one of seven sisters, lived there. He maintained his Masonic membership, in Hesperian AF&AM, there. As a member of the Rossville Palomino Saddle Club, he was able to bring back some of the joys of boyhood. Other sisters are Martha McCaine, Kansas City; Vernadel Macha, Delia; Ruby Freel, Mary Eggelson, Melba Ziegler, Topeka; and Juanita Stevenson, Sodona, Arizona.
The respect and kindred affection, for a life dedicated to public service, is often reflected in the thoughts and remarks of friends at his burial. Howard had been principal of the Bern school five years, two years at Sabetha, eleven at Wetmore and four years at Netawaka, before going to Shawnee County. An hour before the funeral cortege was expected from Topeka, cars filled the parking space of the Wetmore cemetery. Friends from all walks of life, each with some personal memory of a problem solved or a job well done, with his help, quietly visited of that experience, and their regret of his passing.
Although nearly forty year a teacher, Howard never ceased to be a student; a bachelor’s degree in education at Emporia, was followed by a master’s in education administration at KU. Two summers in post graduate study at Leland Stanford in California and further work at the KU law school.
Howard had found the dignity and ceremony of the Episcopal church to his liking and was a member of the Wetmore church. The Rt. Rev. Leslie S. Olsen, dean of the Topeka Episcopal cathedral, officiated at his funeral service in the Penwell-Gabel Chapel at 1:30 Friday, Soloist C. J. McKee sang the “The King of Love My Shepherd is” and “The Lord’s Prayer,” with Harriet Anderson, organist. Active pall bearers were Glen and Jim Freel, Ron Gabbert, nephews; Bill Moulden, Marvin Wathor and Chester Meers, former student and teachers on his staff. Honorary were Lloyd Perryman, Charles Bye, Dean Lichlyter, Ralph Weed and Rudy Kidd, close friends and fellow Kiwanians. Shawnee County friends filled the chapel at the service, including Colonel Thompson, commander, and others of the personnel at Forbes.
File name | Obituary- Bixby, Howard 2.jpeg |
File Size | 770.84k |
Dimensions | 1479 x 1836 |
Linked to | Howard V Bixby |
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